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“Hello there, girl. I have not seen you around this part of the palace before.”
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“You scared me! I-I arrived a few weeks ago and I’ve been keeping mostly to myself... Ho-How did you sneak up on me like that?”
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|| Open
“Hello? Is someone there?”
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“That’s what I’ve meant to speak to you about! It’s about the man that’s been courting Elizabeth. I have reason to believe that he has been a villain and is out to extort her the entire time that they have dating. A man named Xavier told me everything.” She replied back, her heart sinking at the very thought that this could be true. It was just as frightening that she could’ve been fooled by Xavier as well. “Stubborn girl... She wanted to stay home as long she could. William too. I hope they both come soon. They have to be bored with no one to pull their pranks on.” There was always all of their parents to pull pranks on but something told her they would get bored of that eventually. “Please Thomas don’t keep going with this!” Caroline blushed more, covering her face in embarrassment from her brother. She was glad he wouldn’t be in her business to much but it was still very embarrassing to talk about.
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|| Thomas & Caroline
“I am glad they were capable of helping. I hoped they would do just that. Have you had the chance to meet anyone here? The only reason to be nervous here is because of the villains. Just watch out. It seems that people have been getting hurt more often.” He informed her, not to scare her, but to help her. He just wanted her to be ready. “We could ride horses as we did when we were young. It is like we are a big happy family again, Lydia needs to come here. I am so excited to see you again.” Thomas liked feeling at home, and having his sister around made that capable. She made things so much more comfortable. “If you have boys in my room is not my business. That is if you do ever meet someone worthy of that.” He looked down at her with a cheesy grin, thinking her reaction was very Caroline like. Since arriving here, he realized he could be a bit more blunt with his words.
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“I’ve gotten us into this mess. Of course I do.” Caroline stated sadly back to him, glancing down at her toes rather than at him. She knew if anyone could fix what had happened it would be Benjamin. “If you think that’s best. Would you be checked out as well? If we’re staying on the safe side I don’t want you to be excluded.”
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|| Caroline & Benjamin
“It’s alright. You have no reason to be sorry.” Benjamin stated softly to calm her down recognizing the fear on her face finding no reason to be harsh to her. “Then we’ll deal with it then. How about we go to the infirmary and have you checked out to be on the safe side?”
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Caroline took a deep breath, pushing down her fears so that she could try to appear more ladylike. Gain back her composure in front of him. “I’m so sorry Benjamin I hadn’t known anything bad would happen I just thought that it was a prank of sorts. Forgive me...” She sighed, looking up at him as his hands were on her shoulders. “There could be anything that wanted from us. What if it took all of secrets and dreams and noted them?”
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|| Caroline & Benjamin
“I don’t know Caroline, take a deep breath alright. We’re fine right now.” Benjamin stated placing his hands on her shoulders. “There’s nothing strange about us anyway so I’m not sure what data they would have collected.”
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Caroline watched the Xander’s features as he asked to walk her to her room for any hints of any wrong doing before simply nodding slowly, a little crooked smile on her lips. “Sure. I’d appreciate that very much.” She said, bringing her hand back to her side. “You’re very kind to want to help a lady find her way. Are you sure you don’t mind?” She asked him as she noticed a little smirk change to a smile. It was a bit offsetting to her.
First Steps in the Palace || Caroline & Xander
Xander nodded smiling at the girl taking a breath none the less. “Could I walk you to your room?” He stated simply letting her hand drop. “As a gentleman I really shouldn’t just leave you out here to find your way.” Xander stated with a small smirk but letting it change into a smile. 
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“Thank you miss--...Helena. I surely think I’m just as worthy.” Caroline said, a bright smile on her lips. She did think a little less of herself since she wasn’t royalty like Ellie, Jane or Lydia. It was always as if it was a sign that she was less of a lady because she had no title. “I believe that without any doubt. Perhaps I should speak with Adam sometime. Just to get a feel for his personality, you know?” Maybe she’d understand a bit more about why Adam and Helena appeared to be a little off in terms of their relationship. “I hope he does realize that and that things do get better for the both of you... I’d love to! Please lead the way!”
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|| Caroline and Helena
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Caroline giggled at his words, shaking her head at the very thought that he would need them like he said he did. “I think you need to give yourself more credit. You’re stronger than you think you are, Edward.” She couldn’t help but believe that he was. He was one the kindest people she’d ever known and everyday he seemed to remind her of that fact. “Yes. I feel so welcomed here... It’s very odd being a guest for once!” She giggled, bringing a hand up to brush some strands of her hair behind her ear. “No worries about me.” Caroline felt the need to note so he hopefully wouldn’t. Even if she was keeping a little more to herself than normal, she hadn’t wanted him to worry for her sake. She just needed to get adjusted to the new atmosphere after all. “Good! I was hoping you’d say that. You deserve so many wonderful friends. If you need any advice, come speak with me. I’ll help in any way you need me to.”
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Edward had been smiling from ear to ear. It was great to have been back with his old friend. “I would be very lost without you and Thomas, as you guys probably figured by now.” He couldn’t help but chuckle. He sat up a little straighter out of habit. Edward always tried to be the most of a  gentlemen he could be around her. She deserved the most up right respect and kindness out of everyone he knew. “So everyone has been treating you well? Yes?” Edward was always the slightest of protective over her. Only because he had believed she should get the best of the best treatment even if she wasn’t of a royal title. “I plan on trying to make new friend or two. Hopefully. You know I’m not the best with my words and I’m one to lay low.”Meeting new people had always been scary. It meant he could make enemies and he didn’t know if it would be worst the risk.
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“Ouch!” Caroline yelped, looking wide-eyed down at the contraption as it suddenly vanished. “Benjamin, where did it go? It said something about data! What’s happened?!”
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11.) An alarm starts sounding and the device informs our characters that it will self destruct in 60 seconds
“Thomas! I turned my back for a moment!” Caroline panicked, hearing that the bomb would explode in mere seconds. “What do we do!?”
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“I know but I-- of course. I just feel so horribly to know.” Caroline whispered, folding her hands so they sat in her lap as they spoke. What was strange was that Caroline truly remembered more of his story and less of how exactly he died. She always believed in the way the people lived rather than died. “I know he must’ve been! What an amazing man to read of... Oh no Belle isn’t truly a saint she’s well, my Queen. I work for her in her castle as a servant. But she’s a beautiful role model to me!” She had hated to admit that she was a servant, but she knew that Helena wouldn’t judge for being one. At least she hoped she wouldn’t. She was still the same lady that she’d met, so maybe it wouldn’t be an issue. “I do wonder why... I-It’s a bit strange to up and dislike your mother.” Caroline said quietly, keeping her composure. She might’ve had an idea as to why but she didn’t think it was very wise to bring it up. She’d keep it to herself if she could.
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|| Caroline and Helena
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Emma Watson
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“That’s brilliant. I was hoping to hear they would. We missed you too. Well, I can’t speak for Thomas, but I’ve missed you. You’ll be fine. We’ll watch over each other after all!” She smiled, folding her hands and placing them in her lap as they spoke. Edward was always such a positive influence and she often looked to him if she needed a friend to give her a laugh or a smile. He never was one that saw he as just an assistant to household but as a lady too. She returned the hug, nesting her head into his shoulder and closing her eyes for a moment. “So far, the people I’ve met are amazingly sweet. I can’t wait for you to meet them.”
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Caroline was always what Edward wish he could be. She was kind to everyone, always willing to give helpful hand, and never seemed nervous around anyone. He gave her a warm smile, glad she was as happy to see him as he was to see her.  “Everyone at home sends their warmest wishes. I had to bug my father for days before he agreed to send me. He truly believed I would not be able to handle it. Truth is, I just missed you and Thomas too much.” At home he would always go to the one of the two when his dad gave him a hard time. Without them he had no outlet. He wrapped his arms around the girl giving her a tight hug. He couldn’t remember the last time he smiled as much as he was. “Are the people here nice?”
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“We have to able to trust each other, don’t we?” She nodded to him as she ran her fingers through her hair. She had to be smart about who she spoke to, but she had no right to judge off hand, so she hadn’t. If she didn’t want to be judged, she couldn’t be a hypocrite. As she prepared to speak, she suddenly stopped, watching him leave a kiss on the back of her hand before she coughed, smiling as if it was such a big thing to her. “Pleasure to meet you as well.”
First Steps in the Palace || Caroline & Xander
“Good, Good you’re very right.” Then again there was no doubt this girl was who she said she was. Innocent and naive and foolish. Xander was a manipulator and he would do whatever he needed to. “You’re very right. We got so concerned with the dangers. I’m Xander. Pleasure to meet you Caroline.” He stated lifting her hand to kiss the back of it.
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A little smile stayed with Caroline, but since Helena had knew the great knight’s fate, her heart had sunken a bit. “I hadn’t known that you knew quite yet-- Sorry ...about his passing.” She was sure to mention, noticing that the girl was a little overwhelmed with emotion. It was unclear to her as to why, but it wasn’t proper to ask her for such information. If she had wanted to tell her, she would’ve. “I would love for you to teach me. Perhaps you could tutor me in the arts of strategy! I always loved schooling anywho. A very large portion of us do! It’s all because of a wonderful woman named Belle. She’s a saint.” Belle was very much like a role model to Caroline. She always thought so much of her and wouldn’t mind growing up to be just as kind and generous as she was. “Should I ask why or is that too personal to ask?” She asked, grinning. “Please do! I’ve read so much about all these new technologies I can’t wait to find out more.”
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|| Caroline and Helena
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“I received them shortly before I left! They really had helped my fears about coming here... As much as I really was excited to see you all again, I was just as nervous. It’s scary to come to new places.” She honestly explained, a little timid about confessing that she was scared in the first place. She’d always felt it was her job to appear stronger, much more like a lady in control. “No worries, I’m sure I’ll be able to find it. You should make sure you tell me about those plans! I would love to join you!” She missed riding horses with her brother and even if she was a bit out of practice she’d love to join him again. A subtle blush fell over her cheeks at the mention of boys in her room. “Thomas! There will be no boys in my room!” Or at least none that he would know about. She was responsible and he hadn’t needed to know when she had someone special in there. If that would even happen.
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|| Thomas & Caroline
Thomas kept his arms tightly around his sister, enjoying having her in his arms. He had missed her as much as he missed Jane. Both girls were very important to him and he cared, he cared a lot. “I have been writing home very often. Some of my letters went to Jane, others to mother. Did you receive the few I sent you? I am not sure if they have yet to arrive, I did not send them long ago.” He had written them about his adventures here, learning about televisions and blenders. “They do! I am extremely excited to ride horses again. It will be a lot of fun. Ellie and I need to make plans. I am sure they have an art room, but I am unaware of where it is located. I could ask around and see.” He could see if Benjamin knew, they needed to catch up anyways. “Right next door, that is fantastic. I will make sure to check on you, see if you have nay boys in there.” He teased, a smile on his lips. She was old enough for boys, as long as he knew them or had met them.
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"No need to apologize. I promise, you won't ever make an enemy with me. There are plenty of seats around. As long as there's a seat close enough that we can catch up I'll be a happy girl." She told him, hoping to calm his worries. She'd known he had always been a little nervous, so she really had wanted to help. "You're sweet! I miss everyone at home so dearly... Hmm, nothing of note! If I think of something important I'll surely let you know.” She shook her head quickly to his question, “Of course not! I love your hugs!”
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Edward went stiff for a moment out of fear of upsetting his old friend. Hear her laugh he could feel his muscles releases. “I’m very sorry. I must be more careful. I hardly want to make any enemies on my first day.” He told bouncing his knee. The thought of being troublesome to someone had been close to the top of long list of fears. “I glad to see the Potts again! Home was just not the same without you two. Anything I should be aware of? I hope I haven’t missed too much. You won’t mind if I give you a hug, would you mademoiselle? It just been so long.”
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