mariexmalley · 8 years
Faking it :: Marie & Xander
There were a lot of things that Xander was good at the best thing though was keeping tabs on the Rose family. He needed to know everything. How to hit them the hardest where it would hurt the most. He knew about the wedding he knew about Nate’s little find me trip. He also knew about the little blonde that was becoming very important to him and Xander had to take advantage of it. So after learning of the special girls in the Rose boys’s life Xander knew he had to have a little meeting with both of them. Coming across her though was easy and without wasting time he grabbed her arm slamming her into the wall hovering over her. “Hello there.”
Marie couldn’t say she expected anything to happen that day, nothing exciting at least. While she had recognized the fact she had feelings for Nate she still couldn’t find herself doing anything about it. Even if all she wanted to do was kiss him and never stop. Letting out a little bit of a scream as she was slammed against the wall her eyes found the hard almost crazy eyes of another man and for a moment all she could do was look up at him terrified not knowing what he would do to her.
Seeing her fear was something that put a smile on his face and that was the truly messed up thing. With a bruising grip on her waist and wrist it wasn’t like she could even get away if she wanted to. “Marie O’Malley.” He whispered looking her over and down a shiver going down Marie’s spine at his voice. “I hear you and little Nate have been getting closer and closer and closer.” He murmured leaning closer so his breath was ghosting over her ear.
Attempting to push him back with her free hand Marie cursed in her head knowing he was stronger than her but also knowing who this was. If she didn’t do something she would be the next one in the infirmary bed much like Nate had been laid up before their trip. “Let me go.” She murmured her voice shaking to show her lack of strength and Xander could tell and soon he was just laughing at her.
“Let me go.” He mimicked with a laugh. “Do you know who I am?? I don’t just let people go.” Not without some type of wound whether it would be mental or physical and he was sure he could do both to her.
Cursing in her head Marie ran over every option. What could she do what could she say and like that something clicked. She was in trouble because of her relationship with Nate. That was the only thing. She was going to put herself in more danger but she had to at least try something. “Of course I know who you, Xander Raven right? You’re trying to destroy the Rose boys.” She started cutting herself off so she didn’t screw up her plan. Even with her heart pounding she had to play this safe. She needed to be the bad guy and she could do that.
“You do know who I am. That’s always reassuring to hear. I like making a name for myself.” He spoke off handed as if it was such a simple thing. Smirking at her he pulled out a blade trailing it down her cheek though he didn’t draw blood.
“Well yeah when you’re making someone your target you make sure you know everything. The enemy of my enemy is my friend as the saying goes.” She stated simply though inside she was very to cry and panic and curl up into a ball. The fear still present in her eyes even if her voice wasn’t crack.
Quirking an eyebrow in curiosity Xander pulled the blade away looking at the blonde up and down again. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And how is it that your boyfriend is your enemy.”
Taking a deep breath Marie gestured forward at the fact he was still hovering over her. “How about a little trust and letting me go first.” She stated taking a chance but there was no way she could fool him if he was close enough to see her eyes and her breathing and probably her heart beating out of her chest.
Shrugging Xander pushed himself off her with a curious glance still. What didn’t he know? What did this girl have over him? “Just don’t think you can fool me or run. I will track you down.” He stated still standing and just looking her over.
Taking a deep breath and getting as much distance as she could Marie bent down onto her knees just trying to catch her breath. “I’m not running but I do like my space” She stated trying to keep up the act as she stood back up. “Colin screwed me over, choosing the worse possible girl over me and let’s just say I don’t take kindly for being passed over for someone like her. So I figure why not mess with the family.” She stated with a smirk though it was only half convincing she shaken up about the man infront of her. “Nate seemed like the perfect target, heartbroken from his ex and so I stepped in.” She continued knowing to stop soon though.
“Is that so? And what do you plan to do now that you have him?” Xander questioned taking a step closer leaning down as if to take away any personal space that Marie had gotten away from her. It was just too much fun to make someone uncomfortable around him and he wasn’t going to let any of them have it easy. He wasn’t an easy man to fool and if she tried well he would have her head.
“Take his heart and stomp on it. Make Colin and Nate fight because he’s dating me and Colin is a sore bastard that doesn’t do well with thinking his brother one uped him.” She made up quickly worrying he was going to see through her lie as she tried to stand up taller though she could feel the panic settle in her chest. He was as controlling as Aldric and she was fighting back. That never ended well for her but right now she couldn’t think like that. She wasn’t just protecting herself but Nate and Colin as well.
“I never saw the appeal of emotional distress. It’s so…. Boring.” It took too long but at the moment he could see value in it. Enough to leave the girl alone….for now. The moment she betrayed him much like some of the people here did then he would have his revenge. Make her bloody and bruised and then Nate would honestly be hurt whether that was her intention or not. “But make sure you break his heart in little pieces and you’ll be safe from me. That I can at least promise you.” Tapping her cheek so at least it stung Xander smirked. “Don’t let me down blondie. You don’t want to see what would happen when I get mad.” He stated before turning around to walk away. He could play with this at least a little bit and have his fun with it.
Basically collapsing to the ground as Xander walked away from her Marie took as large breaths as she could. She was completely out of it but she had to find Nate and tell him what she did. She had to let him know what was going on and she had to do it before she passed out.
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kellen-emerald · 8 years
Look who's loose again. You won't be able to lock me up so easily again so watch your back. -Xander
“ I won’t have to. Don’t get comfortable... ”
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dxmimonde-archive · 8 years
I wouldn't wear white if I was you, I hear blood stains - Xander
...oh fuck.
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nathaniel-rose · 8 years
I hear a little Rose has moved on. I can't wait to meet her. - Xander
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“What makes you think you’re in control?”
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“I’ve got a hell of a lot of ambition to go with my tenacity and refusal to take no as an answer. Plus four older brothers. Your move.”
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rephaelatherose · 9 years
“Quit looking at me with that stupid expression. You’re pissing me off.”
“I wasn’t looking at you but my thorns, you have quite the temper, don’t you?”
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noragrxmhilde · 9 years
“My bed, my rules. My brother has a crush and guess what, mother will kill the poor girl. I have been laughing for the past twenty minutes.”
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bowtojohanna-blog · 9 years
"So someone had their darling daughter? Are you going to have a christening? I do hope I'll be invited."
“I think you got cross off the guest list after what you did too Colin. Sorry. Though I believe I myself won’t be at the top of the list either.”
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elizabethbeast-old · 9 years
|| Xander & Ellie
Ellie couldn’t really begin to piece together the last week or so. Hints of memories were beginning to make their ghostly appearances, but they didn’t mean anything to her. They weren’t even whole memories, they were just feelings of emptiness. Like something was missing, she just didn’t know what. While she was in the library, looking for clues that might lead her to answers, she remembered something. It wasn’t exactly something from her past, but it might have been able to help her figure out what had happened to her memories. She left the library, walking down the hall briskly before running into someone. She stumbled, reaching out to grab onto the stranger so she wouldn’t fall. “Excuse me... I’m sorry.”
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nathaniel-rose · 9 years
"Does your girlfriend enjoy having her memories back? Your welcome."
“Excuse me? That was you? Why?”
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mark-vonschweetz · 9 years
❝Look, I’m gonna be straight with you, kid. I’ve been talking to King Candy.❞
“And? I don’t know what that means to me. Should I be afraid?”
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tomaniipulate · 9 years
"Discipline. That's what fathers believe in."
"We must have had very different kinds of fathers, then, because mine believed in revenge."
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noragrxmhilde · 9 years
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noragrxmhilde · 9 years
➵ (Xander)
I would hurt you or use you. | you unsettle me. | I dislike you or you annoy me. | I would like to get to know you better. | I pity you. | you confuse me. | I feel indifferent towards you. | I would be friends with you. | I would fight by your side. | I would hug you or hold your hand. | I would kiss you. | I would sleep with you. | I would lie for you. | I would protect you. | I would fall in love with you. (what is love baby don’t hurt me) | I would kill for you (maybe) | I respect you. | you are my family. | I don’t know you.
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noragrxmhilde · 9 years
"Mind helping me with a potion?"
“As long as you don’t expect it to taste good. Why?”
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