littleangeinmyhead · 7 hours
sorry dan’s content is just more cringe than phil’s. his humor is just so suck in that mid 2010s era (which, to be fair, is really when he hit his stride) and he hasn’t really progressed since then. as much as phil says he was “lost” in the hiatus years and making “mediocre content”, i continued watching bc his genuine personality always came through. it’s hard to explain but phil is more adaptable while still being genuine. phil never turned his nose up at tiktok meaning he is more in tune with gen z humor and references. even when phil has millennial moments, they just come across as endearing. im also surprised by the fact that phil says he’s struggled with confidence bc he has always seemed so self assured on camera, but maybe that just comes with age and the fact that he’s kinda perfected the tone of amazingphil and casual content. i think that’s why i prefer dan in joint content bc his guard is down and he’s just enjoying himself. when he’s alone he’s just trying too hard and overly concerned with how he’s coming across. love him, but i wish he’d take himself less seriously.
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littleangeinmyhead · 13 days
do you want context for the photo of D&P standing face to face touching hands?
it's part of the show ending song choreography
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littleangeinmyhead · 14 days
cr: 百变花央
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littleangeinmyhead · 16 days
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based on that one non canon picture of teen mystery twins
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littleangeinmyhead · 16 days
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Buncha Johanna sketches because she is simply The Best.
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littleangeinmyhead · 18 days
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height advantage
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littleangeinmyhead · 18 days
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growing up together
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littleangeinmyhead · 18 days
I think clearly the new Hilda content announcement is a result of Luke Pearson seeing how well the book of bill is doing and deciding he can jump in. Evidently we’re getting a book that’s gonna explore Victoria’s Van Gale descent into madness and/or the darker side of witch society and/or make woodbell canon. Trust me guys. You can trust me on this.
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littleangeinmyhead · 18 days
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“homework should be done as late as possible on a sunday night in a state of desperation tinged with regret”
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littleangeinmyhead · 20 days
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I lowkey forgot I never shared this drawing. It was like one of the first ones I did after rewatching s3 cuz I had no idea how to draw kids. Anyways they deserve the biggest nap known to man pt 2 where they are teenagers.
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littleangeinmyhead · 21 days
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she! lady! her!
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littleangeinmyhead · 22 days
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littleangeinmyhead · 30 days
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littleangeinmyhead · 1 month
"Calculate your carbon footprint and use your yard to undo the damage you do ^_^" the term carbon footprint was invented by fossil fuel companies to shift the blame of climate change and environmental destruction from them onto people just trying to survive, stop falling for their propaganda
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littleangeinmyhead · 1 month
if you want me to consume a new media you MUST catch me at the exact moment when the stars are aligned and the air pressure is equal to the current degree of the sun’s peak against the horizon and all the cosmic energies are perfectly unified (aka my old interest is fading out) or i will nod and say “im adding that to my list!” Knowing theres no chance i will check it out
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littleangeinmyhead · 1 month
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Suspiria | Web Campaign Take your place in the ritual. Enter through Patricia’s diary, which has been laid out in meticulous detail for your willing eyes. Swipe through the pages to encounter interactive rituals, grainy footage from the film, and praise from an ominous presence… who’s watching your every move. To encourage repeat visits, the subsequent pages and mysteries of the diary were released daily. Each release was announced with a cryptic tweet and rewarded with one (or multiple) shareables for every letter in ‘Suspiria’. Content was awarded to those who tracked down the trigger letters and successfully tapped, swiped, zoomed, and traced their way through the ritual. Collecting all eight pieces revealed a secret (and haunting) surprise. Suspiria’s social channels took inspiration from the film’s mysterious and feminist tone, filled with sass, special characters, german phrases, and imagery doused in 70s flair. Mobile Website
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littleangeinmyhead · 1 month
Have you seen the original Suspiria (1977)? If not will you?
I saw Suspiria a while ago so I don't remember it very well, but what did you think about the very-missable-kinda-not-that-plot-relevant RAF/antifa subplot?
It's not irrelevant or missable, I think people are just not used to putting things together that aren't explicitly spelled out. The Markos Academy essentially functions as a micronation in the film with Helena Markos and her faction as a fascist regime. Much like actual fascist regimes, her power relies on a mythical and ahistorical version of the past, namely her false veneration as Mother Suspiriorum. They derive their power from the body politic, hence why the dance performance/ritual designed to give power to Markos is called Völk (also a very politically charged word with strong connotations connecting it to Nazism and fascist mysticism through its use in propaganda and the Völkisch movement). The two characters who see through the academy before anyone else (not counting Susie/Suspiriorum) are both politically leftist: Patricia, who is either a member of the RAF or sympathetic to them, and Olga, who is from the Soviet Union, for which they are both imprisoned and tortured, much in the same way historical opponents of Nazism and the RAF during the film's time period. Sara only becomes suspicious of the academy after encounter Dr. Klemperer, who witnessed the Nazi regime and draws parallels between what he saw then and what he's witnessing at the academy (which is also why metaphorically he's chosen as the witness to the witches' sabbath at the film's climax - he is witness to atrocity twice over). It's not even a statement about fascism I particularly agree with, since the film portrays it as a purely mystical phenomenon that is enacted upon a hypnotized body politic for the exercise of apolitical "power" (rather than as the final defense of capitalism against a revolutionary working class), but it's definitely there and I don't agree at all with reviews saying the political stuff didn't make any sense lol.
I haven't seen the original but from what I understand the remake was radically different enough to essentially be its own movie. I plan to watch the original at some point though.
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