“Soon you’ll get better”
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Starter with @visenyatargaryen-ii
Jocie knew Visenya hadn’t had the easiest days lately. She had been awfully sick and bedridden. It pained her to see her best friend in that state, but there was little she could do about her condition. After all, she was no master.
Even so, there was something she could do. It was nothing big, but she had her mind set on it. And she swore to herself that nothing was going to stop her from making Visenya feel better.
And so, she started to plan a small picnic just for the two of them, with Lucas’ help, obviously. He helped her set the blanket in the garden, carrying the basket with all of Visenya’s favorite sweets and the books they would read, and watching Lyla so she wouldn’t run off.
The only thing that was left to do was getting Visenya out of her room. It wasn’t an easy task, Jocie knew. The maesters didn’t let Visenya outside while she was on recovery. They always said going outside would jeopardize her health. Jocie, however, thought otherwise. She always saw Visenya’s face lighting up with joy every time they were together in the gardens. She was sure that spending a little while in the gardens and getting some fresh air would be beneficial for her health.
Once she was in front of Visenya’s room, she nocked on the door and waited for someone to answer it. The nerves were getting the best of her, so she fidgeted with her fingers while she waited. Once she heard someone saying “come in” from the inside, she opened the door and waited inside.
Visenya was sitting on her bed and smiled brightly once she saw Jocie standing in the door. There were a few maids in the room and Maester Gerardys was also there. He offered Jocie a gentle smile and she smiled back.
“Good morning, Lady Jocelyn”, Maester Gerardys said, his tone firm, yet holding a familiar kindness.
“Good morning, Maester”, Jocie replied and then turned to Visenya. “Good morning, Visenya”.
She walked over to her friend and sat on the edge of the bed, right next to her.
“Are you feeling better?”, she asked her.
0 notes
“Puppy playdate”
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Starter with @payapreciouspenny
Jocie was patiently waiting for Penny in the courtyard of the Red Keep. She was curious as to why the youngest Greyjoy wanted to meet her there and asked her to bring Lyla along. She hadn’t had much time or opportunities to interact with her before. It was neither’s fault, though. They had run into each other a few times in the halls of the Red Keep, but those little encounters were always casual. Nothing big. Just some “hellos” and “good mornings”.
That was, of course, until this one.
In truth, Jocie was always curious about Penny. Not in a jealous way, of course, she was perfectly fine with Visenya being friends with her, as well. Her curiosity came from a place of genuine interest. She wanted to get to know her better, but her awkwardness always stroke when she tried to start a conversation.
But not today. Today was the day in which she finally would talk to Penny Greyjoy, other than their usual “hellos” and “good mornings”.
Suddenly, Lyla started to bark at the distance and she turned around. Jocie, then, saw Penny coming in her direction with not one, nor two, but three dogs. One seemed like an old hunting hound, the other seemed like a Jack Russell terrier, and the last one seemed like a rare breed from Essos.
She waved her hand at Penny and she waved back. Then, she carried Lyla in her arms, so she wouldn’t run off. Once the youngest Greyjoy was in front of her, she gave her a shy “hello” and smiled, hoping that it wasn’t too awkward.
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Six moons subsequent to the coronation of Westeros’ first Ruling-Queen, ravens have once more been sent to summon every caliber and shade of the kingdom’s noble families back to Court at The Red Keep...
...This time to celebrate the wedding of Queen Rhaenyra’s heir, Crown Prince Jacaerys, and his cousin, step-sister, and betrothed of nearly twenty years, Princess Baela. They have flown out, however, to meet a Realm steeped in far more tension, ambition, and gossip than most could have dreamed half a year ago.
The soon-to-be-newlyweds are, of course, a source of much of the whispers and more, many speculating the only reason such a pairing has only lasted so long because of the new Queen’s desperation to restore favorability towards her family’s Valyrian looks in her son’s progeny after her own poor luck in the matter, the Prince held only by his duty to a union made when he had hardly learned to walk, and the new Princess wholly satisfied with such an otherwise suspect arrangement because of her own intent to rule not with but through her blushing groom. Another couple amongst the Targaryen Royals, Prince Aemond and Princess Rhaena have set gossip of their own aflutter, with a courtship lasting all these past six moons and no proposal seeming to dawn on the horizon, spectators have proposed the second son may have been more infatuated with the chase than its subject, while others murmur the proclaimed Pearl is only using him as a shield until someone better comes along…or comes of age.
All the while halfway-reliable reports that Prince Aegon the Younger has been spotted on many an evening gallivanting through the streets of Fleabottom, his younger brother Prince Viserys has grown fond of playing kissing games with his own, male companions, and their sister Princess Visenya has been all but neglected during her Queen-Mother's latest pregnancy, causing the girl in turn to act out with uncharacteristic misbehavior and grow sour towards the nearing arrival of her new siblings. More worrying still, in the five moons since his betrothal to Lady Alannys Greyjoy, Prince Joffrey has spent more and more of his time with the Ironborn. Some say this is his way of rejecting the Faith of the Seven, leaving the Gods for the Drowned God, becoming more barbaric because of their influence on him, and leaving behind the kind and courtly boy he was in trade for the temperament of a Greyjoy.
Queen Rhaenyra herself has, unsurprisingly, sparked even more whispers throughout her court and across the kingdom than all her children combined. After the very first weeks of her reign were marred by an attempted poisoning, a speculated miscarriage, a shock pregnancy announcement, and even more shocking political appointments, her Grace could not be faulted for attempting to draw the public eye anywhere else, but she has not. While her supporters and detractors alike found the new installation of stained glass in the high windows of the Red Keep's Throne Room honoring The Seven unveiled during her coronation to be impressive, it was not hard to notice the wrought iron seven pointed star which had hung above The Iron Throne for nigh on two decades had been replaced by the Targaryen sigils that had not hung there since Septon Barth became Hand to King Jaehaerys.
Meanwhile the new Queen's closest ladies have caused gossip of their won to fly between loose lips and the cracks in the Red Keep's walls; Lady Roslin Vance believed to be conspiring with the head housekeeper and whispered witch of her brother, Lord Larys', stronghold at Harrenhall to kill him via magical means after a long string of failed assassination attempts in vengeance for her assertions he was behind the deaths of their father and older brother. The interim hand of the Queen and her lead Lady-in-Waiting, Lady Calla Celtigar has further drawn rumors that she has soured since Queen Rhaenyra's coronation at odds with Her Grace over her pregnancy, others speculating she dislikes the public attention she receives as Hand, and the boldest claim that she was scorned in illicit advances by one of the Lords of the Small Council. These murmurings accompanied by whispers that the Lady Celtigar has been taking keen note of powerful Lords of the Realm, especially those who seek high positions on Queen Rhaenyra's council, and her judgment as thorough as it is fierce.
As the Dowager-Queen Alicent has all but entirely absented herself from Court in favor of spending her days on Dragonstone and tending to the affairs of her children and grandchildren, speculation has grown that the new Queen's disregard towards The Faith showcased in everything from her change of heraldry, to the appointment of Dalton Greyjoy to her small council, and now the invitation of a Dornish Envoy to attend the wedding and restart diplomatic negotiations between the two kingdoms has driven Queen Alicent to flee her own home of the past three decades over the hostility. Although, those less charitable in their views on the Dowager claim she has done so not from Rhaenyra's hostility, but out of self preservation, as to spare herself the prying eyes of the continuing investigations into who was behind the attempt on her stepdaughter's life the night of King Viserys' funeral. All the while, the head of the aforementioned party from Sunspear, Ruling-Princess Aliandra, is believed to have arrived looking for a Westerosi groom of her own, perhaps even from the long time rival-Kingdom's royal family itself.
Speaking of Dragonstone, the elder Prince Aegon has been causing his own, characteristic share of speculation; most pressingly that he has been harboring several aggrieved parties in familial disputes between fathers and their daughters and wives, slowly building up his own harem for Seven only know what ends, without a care in the world as to what Lords he angers in the process. Meanwhile, since Queen Rhaenyra ascended the throne, Princess Helaena has been involving herself in the ruling of Dragonstone more often than noticed before causing claims this is because Helaena feels she is robbed from her right to be Queen, and she is making up for this by ruling Dragonstone. Or, worse yet, she is readying herself for the duties of being The Queen. Princess Rhaenya too has been acting most unusually spending long hours on the island's sept and eliciting rumors that she has already lost her tongue as punishment after a secret admire made her with child, though the Princess herself did finally come to threaten any more slander against her would be met with dragon fire. Her twin, Prince Daeron, on the other hand, who has spent the past half year serving as the commander of the City Watch for his older sister's new reign, has casually confirmed but not yet to which one it has seems that the Prince Daeron has gotten over his fear of the sea and been traveling on many days to Storm’s End to see his future wife, whoo he's been heard calling his "shining light". Even one of the youngest amongst the family, Princess Jaehaera is whispered to be dabbling in Valyrian blood magic, seeking to use ancient and forbidden practices to enhance her connection with dragons, some claiming even to resurrect a dragon long believed to be dead whilst conducts strange rituals in the dead of night, and using her own blood in these experiments.
Across the bay on Driftmark, the most unexpected news was announced by Princess Rhaenys, that the five and fifty year old is pregnant once more, causing speculation of dangerous treatments from Asshai, a plot to produce a new heir for Driftmark over Prince Lucerys, and turmoil within the Princess' and Lord Corlys marriage. The Sea Snake himself has recently been making frequent appearances at court without his wife, which while catalyzing rumors of turmoil in and of itself, has now become fuel to a raging fire of gossip and conspiracy over whether he has set off on a voyage to Qarth against his own will on orders of the Queen, or in a purposeful attempt to absent himself from his wife's potentially perilous labors. Meanwhile—the so-called "White Worm"—Lady Mysaria, has purportedly welcomed home her own bastard daughter with Prince Daemon, once believed to have died in her cradle, Zhaerina, after many years spent away from the Crownlands. And in the midst of it all, whispers are growing that a girl from Spicetown has claimed the wild dragon called "Sheepstealer" on the isle's shores, perhaps a royal bastard claiming a perceived-denied inheritance, perhaps something even more dangerous.
Throughout the Kingdom the most widely remarked upon matter has quickly become the negotiations to maintain peace between The Iron Islands and The Reach. While most of the conditions are expectedly concerned with safe passage and trade agreements, wards, though some have claimed hostages, have been exchanged on both sides in the form of Lord Dalton Greyjoy's youngest daughter by one of his "salt-wives" Alla Florent, the legitimized bastard Penny Greyjoy, and the Castellan of High Garden and late-Lord Lorence's eldest cousin Jon Tyrell's son, Henley. The Lady-Regent Clarice Tyrell, for her part, has seemed significantly more pleased with this arrangement than either Ser Jon or Lord Dalton, leading many to believe the once gentle and fair image of the Lady Regent of the Reach has soured through using these children as her pawns. Not least of all because by taking away her greatest detractor’s heir, the highborn and common folk alike speak on the evilness of her ways in which she ensures that Jon Tyrell is brought to heel. A seemingly never-ending source of gossip as of late, however, the Lady-Regent has also drawn many judging eyes for the long visits she's taken with Lady Sabitha Frey over the past half year, and while both women's supporters claim it is simply Lady Clarice supporting her newfound friend through a twin pregnancy, the boldest amongst their opponents claim Lady Sabitha's pregnancy is a sham all together to hide that she has truly fallen in love with The Golden Rose.
The little Lady Penny has even sparked gossip of her own, reports highly divided in claims that she brought an entire boat of wild animals she claimed to be "pets" in accompaniment to her wardship at High Garden, rebuked by glowing praise she is stunningly poised for a girl her age, much less one of Iron Islander origin, and has won the hearts of all those who reside in and visit her new home with her compassion and sweet wit. Lord Dalton, in turn, has been spending a remarkable amount of time on the island of Dragonstone with Prince Aegon after the pair first grew close around Queen Rhaenyra's coronation, sparking many a rumor that all of his salt-wives are, in fact, simply a facade to true his true amorous feelings; rumors not assisted by the fact Princess Helaena has begun to grow most wroth at the Lord Greyjoy's presence. Further, The Lady of House Hightower and wife to it's elderly head, Lord Ormund, Lady Sam, has purportedly been evading her own embarrassment that—while one of the harshest voices at the table in the peace dealings between The Reach and The Iron Islands—her eldest sister, Lady Sansara Serry, has grown near-mad with love for Lord Dalton, going so far as to beg to run away with him in secret before she and her husband left court after the Coronation.
There has been no shortage of rumors concerning the young ladies of Court either. Lady Cerelle Lannister was claimed to have been buying poisons a few moons ago, and only a fortnight before the ravens were sent was accused by the Red Keep's chief ratcatcher of kidnapping many of the castle's cats for hereto unknown purposes. Meanwhile, Lady Maris Baratheon was recently speculated to have wed in secret to a rich man and possibly taken the spot as the heir of Storm’s End though Princess Rhaenya has finally spoken and defended her close friend on this rumor, alongside Lady Maris reaffirming she will not be the heir. More recently, however, she was caught seen holding hands, with the Lady Elaena Snow while the two were extremely close, embroidering beneath the Red Keep's heart tree while Princess Rhaenya was away from her ladies' side and purported to have been out with the yet to be identified man she's whispered to be hoping to marry soon.
The third Baratheon sister and Lady in Waiting to Princess Rhaena, Lady Ellyn, has been noted to be away from court interactions for an advance of a moon's time, a rarity for the Baratheon daughter, who was most seen at court. Reportedly, Lady Ellyn had a public spat with her elder sister Cassandra that caused her lord father to withdraw her from public outings and causing her not to have spoken to her family and friends except her elder sister, Maris, the Princesess Rhaenya and Rhaena, alongside her Lord Father. The two Baratheon sisters have reportedly been in each other's company for an abnormally advanced time, even for sisters. Though, the most scandalous whispers have been elicited from two of Princess Baela's Ladies in Waiting, Lady Alannys Greyjoy and Lady Teora Grafton. With their recent betrothals to Prince Joffrey and Ser Petyr Mooton respectively, the notably sharp witted, cunning, and some claim wild young women have given many cause to believe they intend to secure their unions with an heir or two as quickly as possible, and then—one way or another—dispose of their grooms to live in comfortable widowhood where no may question their notoriously strong wills.
The young Knights and Lords of Court may still outdo them, however, Lord Cregan Stark's continued frequenting of Court combined with his distaste for it's politics showing no signs of fading has caused must speculation he has continued to be drawn back to the so-called nest of vipers by a woman who has earned his heart's affection. Amongst the Manderly sails, sailors speak on the position and strength of the Greyjoy fleet among the ships of Westeros. They question the Queen for Lord Dalton Greyjoy's position as Master of Ships and the favor offered to his children. Torrhen Manderly shares their words and often speaks of concern over the strengthening of House Greyjoy. Torrhen himself, however, has been a recluse at court, more often found at the docks of King's Landing. He only comes to the castle for his lady sister and accompanies his liege lord, Cregan Stark, but most believe Torrhen himself wishes to be away from the 'nest of vipers' known as King's Landing. He is in turn, not the only young heir who has turned their ire towards the Lord of the Iron Islands, Joss Westerling earning the court's attention for over a moon in his show of uncharacteristic bravery in defending his House and home from the Lord's seeming carelessness for other's hard earned gains.
Amongst the prominent Rivermen in King's Landing, Oscar Tully caused quite a scare amongst the Court disappearing for a fortnight with no trace and drawing speculation of kidnapping or even an accidental death before returning unharmed, gossip only sparking further when it was discovered his older brother and heir to Riverrun, Kermit Tully, was mostly unconcerned with his disappearance, and only moderately pleased when Oscar returned. One of Crown Prince Jacaerys' closest friends Ser Willam Vance has drawn speculation he is carrying on a secret affair with a highborn lady already married to a powerful lord. Several witnesses claimed they have spotted the two meeting in secluded corners of court gatherings, exchanging stolen glances and secret notes also that Willam has secretly been considering renouncing his position as heir to House Vance, wishing to free himself from the responsibilities and pressures of nobility, to flee with his forbidden love. All the while the heir to the Iron Islands himself, Toron Greyjoy, has spent the past half year under the command of Ser Steffon Darklyn, learning the ways of the sword of mainland Westeros as a way to inconspicuously remain at King’s Landing. However, voices have begun to grow in the claim that he is preparing to assassinate Daemon Targaryen if the need to meet the mainland’s biggest military asset with force draws near should the Iron Islands go to war with the Crown...
...And so begins Arc II of A Song of Golden Fire and Black Blood.
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(Lady of House Connington, Robyn Betteridge, she/her) - @little-griffin-jocie-connington
Welcome Lady Jocelyn "Jocie" of House Connington! We’re delighted to see that she has arrived safely on her journey to King’s Landing. Around the court, the eleven-year-old has been praised as Easy-going, Smart and Friendly, but some have whispered she is also Reckless, Stubborn and Impatient. Upon her arrival, it is clear that she is excited about the coronation of Westeros’ first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, her true allegiance will always be to Visenya and Jaehaera, and her family.
Favi. 19. She/Her. GMT -4. Triggers: Animal death/cruelty
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“Whoever let this dog in here?”
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Character challenge for the @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood roleplay
Jocie couldn’t believe her mother had said no to having Lyla. But, well, it wasn’t really a surprise. Her mother rarely said yes to anything her children wanted to do or have. She denied Luc to go to a hunting party with his friends due to her overprotectiveness. Of course she would deny her having something as harmless as a puppy.
So, there she was, crying in her room with Lyla nuzzling beside her. She knew better than to throw a tantrum in front of everyone, but she couldn’t help but feel sad. It wasn’t fair. It really wasn’t. Jaehaera had a dragon, and so did Visenya. And a lot of girls her age had pets such as cats and dogs. Why couldn’t she?
She was deep inside her mind when she heard a knock at her door. She hurried to wipe away her tears and hide Lyla behind the bed before saying “come in”, fearing that it was her mother.
She couldn’t be more wrong. It was Lucas, her brother. He looked worried, as if he knew what just happened between her and her mother.
“What is it?”, Jocie asked him. “Is something the matter?”.
“You don’t look good, little sister…”, he said. “Do you want to…? Wait, is there something under your bed?”.
He, then, pointed at Lyla, who was coming out of her hiding spot and started to nuzzle at the skirt of Jocie’s lavender dress. The puppy appeared to be too attached to her newly found owner to let go of her, even for merely a couple of seconds. Suddenly, the puppy climbed up to Jocie’s lap, making herself comfortable there.
Lucas let out an amused chuckle at the sight of his little sister with the dog.
“So… this is the ‘wild beast’ Mother was so concerned about?”, he asked, his tone slightly mocking. “A really terrifying animal indeed”.
“Don’t laugh, you moron!”, Jocie exclaimed. “Lyla is a harmless puppy!”.
“Lyla? So, it has a name?”. Lucas, then, scratched the back of his head. “Wherever did you get her?”.
Jocie sighed. “She started following me when I was at the courtyard earlier this morning with Jaehaera and Visenya…”, she explained. “And I… I didn’t have the heart to leave her… Just look at her, Luc, she’s so tiny!”.
Lucas took Lyla in his arms and examined her. The small puppy nuzzled the air to take in Lucas’ smell. She seemed happy to meet him, which was visible by the wagging of her little tail and her excited little barks.
“You’re right, Jocie”, her brother said. “She’s too small to be left alone in the world”. His face, then, seemed to lighten up, like every time he had an idea. “You know… I could talk to Mother and make her see your point of view”.
Jocie blinked in a mixture of disbelief, relief and excitement. She knew her brother would be on her side, he always was. But it still made her feel happy every time he did. Lucas was the only person who understood how she felt most times with her mother breathing down her neck. Metaphorically, of course.
Without a second thought, she hugged her older brother, careful not to hurt Lyla, and whispered a quiet “thank you”. She was thankful for having a brother like Lucas. And she wouldn’t change him for anything in the world.
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Greetings and a very happy weekend to everyone in our lovely, incredible, spectacular court! There have been some changes in the line up of our court so here are all our latest updates 💜
Due to player choice, inactivity, or other unforseen circumstances please wish farewell and unfollow: @wardenofeast @ladyregallioness @cassandrabaratheons @thegoldenlionc
The following roles and faceclaims are now open:
Lady Paramount Jeyne Arryn Lady Johanna Westerling-Lannister Lady Cassandra Baratheon (Eldest daughter of Lord Borros and Lady Elenda) Lady Cerissa Lannister (Third daughter of Lord Jason and Lady Johanna)
Ecem Sena Bayir Phoebe Fox Bruna Marquenzie Maria Valverde
New members have joined our court! Please give them a warm welcome and follow:
@johxnnxshusbxnd @payapreciouspenny @effie-bracken @theprincessofd0rne @little-griffin-jocie-connington
The following roles and faceclaims are now taken:
Lord Jason Lannister Lady Penny Greyjoy (Youngest daughter of Lord Dalton Greyjoy) Lady Emphyria "Effie" Bracken (Youngest daughter of Lord Humphrey Bracken) Ruling-Princess Aliandra Martell Lady Jocelyn Connington (Daughter of Lady Daisy Connington (neé Wylde) and the Late Ser Robin Connington)
Max Brown Brooke Carter Lily James Anya Chalotra Robyn Betterbridge *Nettles' faceclaim was changed from Sennia Nanua to Abbie Hern
Full blog roll under the cut! ~ With Love, Mod Ivory 💜💜
@black-queen-rising - Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen @rogueprincedaemontarg - King-Consort Daemon Targaryen @aegontheyoungprince - Prince Aegon III Targaryen @princeviserystargaryen00 - Prince Viserys II Targaryen @visenyatargaryen-ii - Princess Visenya Targaryen
@alicenthightowerrp - Dowager-Queen Alicent Hightower @goldaegontargaryen - Prince Aegon Targaryen of Dragonstone @helaenasdreamfyres - Princess Helaena Targaryen of Dragonstone @shrxkxs - Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen of Dragonstone @jaeheratargaryen - Princess Jaehaera Targaryen of Dragonstone
@moondancer-rp - Princess Baela Targaryen @rhaenaspearls - Princess Rhaena Targaryen @notatargaryenbastard - Crown-Prince Jacaerys Velaryon @princeluce - Prince Lucerys Velaryon (On-Hiatus) @princejoffreyvelaryon - Prince Joffrey Velaryon
@aemond-one-eyed - Prince Aemond Targaryen @thefallenprincesss - Princess Rhaenya Targaryen @thedaringprince - Prince Daeron Targaryen
@rideroftheredqueen - Princess Rhaenys Targaryen-Velaryon @lordhusband - Lord Corlys Velaryon @calla-celtigar - Lady Calla Celtigar @sersteffondarklyn - Lord-Commander Steffon Darklyn @femme-piquante- Nettles
@bloodybenjicot - Ser Benjicot Blackwood @oscartullyofriverrun - Ser Oscar Tully @roslinstrong - Lady Roslin Frey @sabithafrey-rp - Lady Sabitha Frey @alyofraventree - Lady Alysanne "Aly" Blackwood (On-Hiatus)
@goldenclarice - Lady-Regent Clarice Tyrell @stunningladysam - Lady Samantha "Sam" Hightower @sweetleilarowan - Lady Leila Rowan
@daltongreyjoy-rp - Lord Dalton Greyjoy @theredripper - Toron Greyjoy @sirenalannysgreyjoy - Alannys Greyjoy @rodrickgreyjoy-rp - Rodrick Greyjoy @payapreciouspenny - Penny Greyjoy
@johxnnxshusbxnd - Lord Jason Lannister @cerellelannister2 - Lady Cerelle Lannister @tysharalannister - Lady Tyshara Lannister @celiamarbrand - Lady Celia Marbrand @josswesterling - Joss Westerling
@thecleverestorm - Lady Maris Baratheon @lady-ellyn-of-the-storm - Lady Ellyn Baratheon @theladydaisy - Lady Daisy Connington @little-griffin-jocie-connington - Lady Jocelyn Connington @jonswann - Ser Jon Swann (On-Hiatus)
@sercorwyn - Ser Corwyn Corbray
@creganstarkrp - Lord Cregan Stark @torrhen-manderly - Torrhen Manderly @manderlypearl - Lady Erena Manderly (On-Hiatus)
@theprincessofd0rne - Ruling Princess Aliandra Martell
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(Daisy Connington, Jessica Clark, she/her) @theladydaisy
Welcome, Daisy Connington! We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court the thirty-two year old has been praised as cheerful, witty, and intelligent, but some have whispered they are also vain, meddlesome, and blunt. Upon their arrival it is clear that they are excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to the Crown and House Connington.
(dean, 21, she/her and they/them, CDT, triggers: animal cruelty/death and insect infestation)
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Coming soon on A Song of Golden Fire and Black Blood
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Half a year after the coronation of Westeros' first Ruling-Queen...
Court has been called back to session in King's Landing to celebrate the wedding of Crown Prince Jacaerys and his future Queen, Princess Baela. To celebrate the occasion Queen Rhaenyra and Princess Baela have put enormous efforts over the past six moons to revive Good Queen Alysanne's "Women's Court" proceedings, and host the first of a new era where they are as frequent as they are highly regarded, lending the Crown's often overwhelmed ear to women of every strata and station so the voices of those that ground and uphold their kingdom may be given their proper due. Meanwhile, Lords from across Westeros and all the Seven Kingdoms, have found the revival to be their greatest evidence yet that Rhaenyra has far overstepped the position she ultimately holds by their good grace: To favor a sister over a brother because the King's word is law, and Lords must remain firm in their right to name their own heirs, is one thing, for that woman to ascend without seeming to spare any mind towards the precedent they have overlooked and privileges they have granted her is another entirely. Whispered judgements and quiet dissatisfaction are growing into the rumblings of a war headed by Lords who were once Kings in their own right and backed by the Faith many have begun to believe their Dragon Kings, and Queen, have forgotten holds this Realm together in ways even the beasts they're bonded to who bring them close and closer to divinity never will. As the days dwindle to her first child's marriage, and the final assertion of the last two decades she's spent continuously cementing Jacaerys oft-speculated, but never outright contestable, claim Rhaenyra is eight moons pregnant with twins, faced with her first true challenge as a ruler, and to maintain the hard-earned peace of two acclaimed Kings, will have to put not only the future of her reign but her faith in those she once considered her greatest threat and rely on the council and support of her Prince Half-Brothers and The Dowager Queen to ensure The Realm does not spiral into a civil war fueled by grudges and led by forces much greater and more powerful than any conflict that may once have been capable of dividing The Realm into Black and Green. House Targaryen must reforge old ties and relearn what it means to be not just one House but one family, it is no longer a matter of success, or stability, but of their very survival.
Arc II of A Song of GF & BB begins on September 14th.
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"I promise that you'll never find another like me-he-he!".
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Lady of House Connington, Jocelyn Connington, Robyn Betteridge, she/her
Favi. 19. She/Her. GMT -4. Triggers: Animal death/cruelty
Jocelyn is often referred to as “Jocie” by her close friends and family
Her relationship with her mother is a little strained due to Lady Daisy’s overprotectiveness towards her children, but Jocie knows her mother loves her either way.
She’s very close with Princess Jaehaera and Princess Visenya, even considering each other best friends.
She also has a close relationship with her older brother, Lucas, who she affectionately calls Luc and is the person who better understands her.
Some of her favorite activities include reading, playing with Jaehaera and Visenya, and playing with her pet dog Lyla.
Jocie is said to be very impatient, especially when she was younger. She has a hard time waiting for things to come, but the wait is always rewarded at the end of the day.
Some say that her mother’s overprotectiveness has caused her to develop a reckless strake, but that is yet to be determined.
Part of the @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood roleplay
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