little-gold-lamb · 9 years
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2x13 // 2x15
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
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2.14 // 3.03
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
Saw Stephen Fry live last week, and he told us this story: Just after the first Harry Potter book had been released, he was offered the role of narrating it for audiobooks. He hadn’t read it, and was simply told it was a children’s book, so figured it would be an easy afternoons work. When he met JK Rowling, she mentioned that she was writing a sequel. Stephen replied very condescendingly “good for you”.
A few years down the line, the books are selling well, and he is doing the recording for the Prisoner of Azkaban, when he runs into the phrase “Harry pocketed it”. Stephen could not say this line. It always came out as “Harry pocketeded it”, unless he said it ridiculously slowly. They tried time and time again to get it right, but to no avail. Eventually, he called up JK and asked if he could say “Harry put it in his pocket” instead. She thought for a moment, then said “no”, and hung up.
The phrase “Harry pocketed it” appeared in the next four books.
Petty Revenge: Your daily dose of the best petty revenge stories. | cr
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
reblog if you think your pet is pure and too good for this world
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
I still remember the way my stomach flipped when I first saw her. I tried so hard to keep it cool, but goddamnit she was beautiful.
light-another-one (via light-another-one)
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
That's called synesthesia
I sometimes feel music in colors, if that even makes sense??
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
I’m not the type of girl anybody wants to be with. My body takes up too much space and I laugh too loudly for too long and I shout when other people are quiet and when I’m drunk I type in caps and I always wanted to be mysterious and beautiful and untouchable like other girls but if you ask I will give you everything and I fucking despise that
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
I need straight women to realize that they are 100% just as straight as straight men are, and that their opinions on homosexuality–including what it means to be a lesbian–are just as meaningless and inappropriate as straight men’s opinions are.
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
Sometimes I remind myself that I almost skipped the party, that I almost went to a different college, that the whim of a minute could have changed everything and everyone. Our lives, so settled, so specific, are built on happenstance.
Anna Quindlen, Every Last One    (via pnko)
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
do u ever spend an entire day being really happy and then when night time rolls around you remember that you’re actually sad and kind of dead inside so you’re just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ well that was fun while it lasted
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
If you get to sleep beside the person you love every night you are one lucky fuck
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little-gold-lamb · 9 years
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get to know me meme: {11} favorite movies; ↳ 4/11 ~ imagine me & you (2005) “No, really, that you could meet someone, or just… across a room, and with that one glance you could look in their eyes and see their soul. Do you believe that could happen?”
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