little-creepy-bird · 8 years
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Source: 1 2 If you want more facts, follow Ultrafacts
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
dragon age modern au where theyre all actually just playing a tabletop rpg
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
no shade but i dont see nearly enough latinx positivity on here so heres to dark skinned latinxs 
spanish speaking and non spanish speaking latinxs
latinxs who know their culture and are proud of every bit of it or those who feel like they have to hide it to be accepted
latinxs who arent accepted by America or their home country because theyre not enough of either
latinxs who know their worth or who are still looking for it
latinxs who are blamed for every fucking problem in this country and who endure
latinxs who deal with heavy sexualization from stupid white people who want to be us every halloween and cinco de mayo
latinxs who spend hours working their asses of for even a glimpse or gratefulness
you are seen and goddammit you are loved
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
After hearing how vehemently others put down and devalue YA, I think it’s important to remember that the antagonists of almost every YA novel are adults who stifle young people from being exactly who they are, who think they know what’s best for them, and who don’t take the time to listen to or try to understand them and their viewpoint.
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
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The cast of Hidden Figures gave a touching tribute to the historical women responsible for launching American astronauts into space.
Gifs: Oscars on ABC
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
Can I just fast forward to the night I’m sitting on the kitchen floor with my beautiful fiancé eating take out and talking about planning our wedding
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
The real winner of tonight was Auli'i Cravalho who got smacked in the face with a flag in the middle of her Oscars performance and didn’t even flinch.
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
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Cole is important okay
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
Please, let him be soft.  I know you made him       with gunmetal bones      and wolf’s teeth. I know you made him to be      a warrior      a soldier      a hero. But even gunmetal can warp and even wolf’s teeth can dull and I do not want to see him break the way old and worn and overused things do. I do not want to see him go up in flames      the way all heroes end up martyrs. I know that you will tell me  that the world needs him. The world needs his heart      and his faith      and his courage      and his strength      and his bones and his teeth and his blood and his voice and his– The world needs anything he will give them. Damn the world,      and damn you too. Damn anyone that ever asked anything of him,      damn anyone that ever took anything from him,            damn anyone that ever prayed to his name. You know that he will give them everything      until there is nothing left of him          but the imprint of dust               where his feet once trod. You know that he will bear the world like Atlas     until his shoulders collapse          and his knees buckle               and he is crushed by all he used to carry.  Dear God,  you have already made an Atlas. You have already made an Achilles and an Icarus and a Hercules.  You have already made a sacrificial lamb of your Son. You have already made so many heroes, and you can make another again.  You can have your pick of heroes.  So please, I beg you– he is all that I have,  and you have so many heroes and the world has so many more.  Let him be soft,  and let him be mine.
Please, let him be happy ( j.p. )
(via justakansasboy)
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
AU where Dumbledore’s Army uses the Chamber of Secrets instead of the Room of Requirement
Ultimate security as Harry is the only one capable of opening it. 
Myrtle proudly spending her time acting as a guard/lookout. 
Later, Harry diligently teaching Ron, Hermione, and a few choice others, like Neville, how to mimic parseltongue so that they can open it too. 
Muggleborns experiencing vicious satisfaction that they’re using this chamber as a place of education and defense, reclaiming the very space Slytherin built to rid the school of their presence. 
Hermione methodically dismantling the basilisk’s corpse, covertly selling the priceless ingredients to potion masters, using the funds to continue their work - buying books and battle robes and new wands for those who can’t afford it. 
(Hermione saving a portion of those ingredients for her own research, straightening in triumph when she learns what basilisk venom does to horcruxes, knowing she has vials of it hidden up in her room). 
Harry reverently adding the Chamber of Secrets to the Marauder’s Map, proudly continuing his family’s work and reveling in the difference they’re making. 
These students - these kids - choosing to train in a dark, horrifying place that was never meant for them. Learning spells amongst shadows, growing stronger in inches of murky water, the smell of a decomposing corpse in their noses, memories of all that had happened here haunting them. They know this is what war is really like and it helps to push them forward.  
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
so many gifs of ostriches doing their mating dance for humans but did u know
they actually did a study on this
and ostriches repeatedly found humans more attractive than other ostriches
ostrich farmers have trouble setting up their ostriches with each other because they’re just not interested, they want their farmers instead
it’s incredible
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
people who say offensive shit cause they think it’s funny or edgy are honestly so embarrassing
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
when you’re not american and you log onto tumblr dot com after the election results
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
To the 5% of people in Arizona who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 11 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
To the 3% of people in Florida who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 29 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
To the 5.5% of people in Michigan who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 16 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
To the 5% of people in New Hampshire who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 4 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
To the 3.3% of people in Pennsylvania who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 20 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
To the 5.7% of people in Wisconsin who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 10 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
Total, that is 90 electoral votes. As I type this, Hillary needs 61 to win.
Please just let that sink in for a second. 
Hillary would’ve been elected right now, at this very moment, if instead of you protesting your vote, had just voted for her. She would  EASILY be President. 
You KNEW 3rd party candidates didn’t stand a chance. You were told. But instead, you had to vote for them anyways, and guess what?
You screwed us over. Congratulations.
I hope that feeding your “both candidates are bad” superiority complex is worth a Trump presidency. 
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little-creepy-bird · 8 years
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