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i live in a tragedy
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list7278 · 5 months ago
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these idiots need to get married immediately.
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list7278 · 8 months ago
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I can now die in peace
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list7278 · 9 months ago
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list7278 · 9 months ago
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 115
Thanks for waiting! This month on TBHK, super cool things happen! Just trust us!! 💨💨💕
(Read it on our MangaDex!)
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Keep reading
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list7278 · 9 months ago
why is the tbhk/jshk fandom incapable of having media literacy
the ship discourse is INSANE
no relationship in TBHK/JSHK is completely healthy by proxy this media is fucked up that’s the entire point
and not even just that but every relationship has its flaws and in media those flaws will obviously be exaggerated
I think the worst I’ve seen is the AoiAoi / Aoikane discourse and it’s like. my brother in Christ you ship Aoinene which is arguably WORSE 😭
like not to be that person but both Aoi and Nene hide ridiculously serious and important things from each other for two girls that call each other best friends erm
👆🤓 but Bella!!!! Akane is worse because he’s a “stalker”
THIS IS A PIECE OF FICTION you guys would pass away if u watched miraculous ladybug
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list7278 · 9 months ago
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。Anemoia 。
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list7278 · 11 months ago
oh no
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list7278 · 1 year ago
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list7278 · 1 year ago
I need to take this out of my chest because is constantly brought up with Aoikane and it bothers me because it's not what actually happened
Akane didn't choke Aoi in chapter 69
We've seen strangulation and suffocation before in tbhk.
In chapter 20 we see Kou get strangled by Mitsuba
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Notice how he tries to get free from Mitsuba scarf that wrapped around his neck and once he's dropped his hand stays near his throat
and after that he coughs and even gets a bruise
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In chapter 61 we see Akane and Nene being suffocated by Hakubo's hands
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Notice how she's struggling to breathe at first and, unlike Akane, she doesn't faint because she was able to freed her mouth
Once she's dropped her hand goes to her mouth and she coughs, Akane and her even get bruises
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This is how suffocation is portrayed in tbhk
Now, In chapter 69 once Akane holds her face and she struggles, but this is not because he's cutting her airway in any way, this is only because she wants to get away
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Once he says he hates her she stops struggling, she doesn't cough, she doesn't struggle for breath, she's able to speak without issue, her face doesn't even bruise
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and look at Akane's fingers, they are not near her throat they are holding her cheeks
He's not strangling her, him holding her face was a forceful way of making her face her feelings, and not hide away.
Thanks to @mari-lair for talking about this with me :D
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list7278 · 1 year ago
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list7278 · 1 year ago
Haha akane
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This guy is going to be the end of me
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list7278 · 1 year ago
If ja wangnan doesn’t appear in the webtoon anytime soon I think im gonna combust
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But yay season 2 of the anime is coming out next year
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list7278 · 2 years ago
The way Teru gently holds animal paws make me so soft
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list7278 · 2 years ago
New official art from AidaIro's Twitter♡
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you can click for better quality♡
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list7278 · 2 years ago
fsdughoyuajgbhoagrijwepipdskjfghijo;adlskxbchilak,mns dbfuhioalktmgvfdiuhsaklrfusichoatlkqegsadbhxopizlkzƒ©å˙∂†®å´ß†˙∂ß®´åß∂©∫≈Ωç ≈∫∂ߘ†˙´µ®∆∑¨¥ß∂´®¬¨˚≤∆˙µ©˜†©®ågndjhslfiajkthqeroilfdbhxjknvbhkjssrilskjqeoioiorepdv
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list7278 · 2 years ago
I like the choice to have Akane choke Aoi in chapter 69, I feel like people don’t get the point, or simply turn a blind eye to the context of why Akane did that.
It oddly parallels Mitsukou in chapter 35.
Why did Kou grab Mitsuba’s face instead of the shoulder or anywhere else? Because Mitsuba turned his back on him, and Kou can’t handle Mitsuba dissapearing again. He is forcing Mitsuba to face him, he screams when he said “Remember it!!” because being remembered is very important to Kou.
Kou needs to make sure Mitsuba is listening to him, he can’t accept being forgotten.
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Kou is going through a lot after failing Mitsuba’s ghost, so this desperation, this need to be heard, is only natural when he finds the supernatural Mitsuba.
Now let’s focus on Akane and Aoi, and remember that just like hell of mirrors, chapter 69 does not exist in a void: There is context.
Akane’s is a very bold and proud person, when he feels like what he wants to say is important and needs to be heard, he has always made sure the person he is talking to is looking at him in the eye. He does not care if he has to be rough to get their attention, or if he comes across as violent.
Is a part of his character since his very intro arc, all the way back to chap 25, with the clock keepers.
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And Aoi is no exception.
On their day-to-day, Aoi pays attention to him, and her behavior makes her feel ‘happy’, which is what Akane wants most. He believes she knows he loves him, and that she genuinely enjoys life even with her flaws and fake smiles. The second he loses faith Aoi is happy and knows he loves her, he takes a more ‘aggressive’ approach.
It is very important to him that Aoi feel loved, and that she understands how much he loves her, so after she attacks him with her centipede, he isn’t gentle with her, he makes sure she is immobilized and looking at him in the eye when he confesses again. Makes sure she faces him, and that she is paying attention.
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He have also been stabbed, which, understandably, put him in a bad mood. Just look at his face, he is in a shit ton of pain.  
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Since he can tell Aoi will not go back to the human world anyway, understanding by her behavior that she will go to No.6, he chose the selfish option and decides to doom her with him, something he recognises is selfish, and apologizes for.
Despite clearly being in pain, his original goal to bring Aoi back wasn’t shaken: He want her by his side, but he want her alive and well, not in this hole they fell into.
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He has been apologetic since he first saw her.
It’s been failure after failure ever since he let No.6 kidnap her.  
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He treated her with the same lovesick behavior as usual even after he blacked out from the pain of being stabbed.
He clearly isn’t recentful that she stabbed him and planed to leave him to die, in fact, the self-destructive bastard acts as if it wasn’t her fault at all, he never even comment on his injury (only to point out how ‘kind’ she is for patching him up)
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What ‘flipped his switch’, and made him be so aggressive were Aoi’s words. Her desire to disappear and her explanation as to why she feels like she should remove herself in the first place.
Kou was scared Mitsuba would disappear if he let go. Akane knew Aoi would disappear if he let her go. She even said ‘goodbye’.
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So when he finally understood what the problem was and what had to be communicated. He did not hesitate, he already failed enough this entire day, he will make sure she listens.
He went for the face like Kou because he is also desperate, he forced her to face him because he can’t handle her running away.
Akane needs Aoi to face him to make sure she is listening to him. He can’t accept their disconnect, their years long miscomunication. The message needs to get across.
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Akane was aggressive, and brutal, and far more violent than Kou have ever been, and that’s good. He isn’t Kou, he is a different character, who is moved by desperation and determination in diferent ways.
Akane isn’t happy about the situation, this isn’t revenge on Aoi or a power trip, this isn’t a moment he enjoys. He said “I wasn’t planning on telling you this” because he know it would hurt Aoi, so he didn’t want to do it, but he doesn’t know what else to do.
This is his best attempt to force Aoi, a girl insecure and yet arrogant enough to want to run away from her very life over the idea she might be betrayed, to stay quiet and listen to him.
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And the message does get across.
Even when his hold grows laughably loose, Akane still has her full attention. Aoi didn’t cry when she was thrown into the water and choked, she broke out of her detached self and cried when Akane said he hates her, and she believed.
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He got her attention, despite wanting to run away from the start, Aoi ended up staying and listening.
His smile only stops being tense and pained and fake when it becomes clear his message got across and Aoi understood what he wanted to tell: That he hates her habit to distance herself, but not her. That he can see her ugly side just fine but still love her.
Just compare it for a moment. This is a happy Akane:
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This isn’t:
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list7278 · 2 years ago
watermelon on pizza?????
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