lisashield · 3 months
My fist time doing this was very therapeutic for me
Y/n Adams (buddy Matthews younger twin sister)
Matthew Adams ( buddy Matthews, Y/N older twin brother (by three minutes),Demi’s husband)
Demi Adams ( Rhea Ripley, Y/N sil, buddy Matthew’s wife)
Luis Martinez ( Damian Priest, Demi’s best friend, Y/N crush)
Y/D/N - your daughter’s name
Y/E/N - your ex’s name
Y/F/D/N - your future daughter’s name
Y/H/T - your home town
Julia Hart ( member of house of black,AEW superstar, Y/N best friend (outside of Demi of course)
The rest of house of black
The rest of judgement day
The rest of the wwe superstars
WARNING: mention of abuse both sexual and physical MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
SUMMARY: Y/N has had enough with her abusing boyfriend so she calls her twin brother and asks him to help her leave little did she know her best friend was already on top of it *will be mixing real and ring names*
Y/n lays in her bed crying as she says she is done with the abuse of her boyfriend Y/E/N after he sexually abused her yet again so she calls up her best friend Julia Hart who she met through her twin brother who is current AEW superstar Buddy Matthews from the faction House of Black
Y/N: “I don’t know what to do about Y/E/N anymore Jules he keeps hitting me and rapping me I feel like I have to stay due to Y/D/N after all he is all she has besides me her biological father isn’t around anymore” Y/N cries into the phone
Julia: “tell you what next time he goes out pack yours and Y/D/N’s clothes and I mean all of them and the valuables you have and I will come get you and you guys can stay here with me and that way I get to love on my niece as much as I want and you get away from that jerk”
Y/N: “okay sound good I know she misses you a lot every time we watch AEW and HOB comes on she lights up but how will I leave he won’t let me take the car for anything”
Julia: Y/N you let me handle that and you just worry about that cute little angel that I call my niece hey I got to go HOB has to work on some promos love you bye”
Y/N: okay bye I think Y/D/N is up from her nap anyway”
After they hang up Julia walks up to the rest of the guys from house of black with a somber look on her face they ask her what the look is for so she tells them what Y/N just told her and they tell her that they to let Matthew know after all they had a super bond that they couldn’t understand (because who can really understand the bond twins have) she agrees and asks if they need her for the promo that they are about to shoot they say they don’t so she walks away to get somewhere more quiet so she could call Matthew
Julia: ( after Matthew picks up) “hey Matthew I need your help or more should I say Y/N does”
Matthew: “ why what is wrong did something happen to Y/D/N” he asks starting to panic
Julia: “no but Y/E/N did it again and I convinced Y/N that her and Y/D/N could come stay with me if she wants out and I think she does want out so I told her to just pack their clothes and valuables right now but she is scared that she won’t be able to get out because he never lets her use the car”
Matthew: *getting mad* what the hell did her do this time i swear if her puts one more finger on her i will loose my mind I can’t believe I left my baby sister when I left for AEW”
Julia: “he didn’t physically abuse her this time I wish it was that kinda because there might be a way for her to get her mind over that it is way more serious this time and before you freak out he didn’t harm Y/D/N”
Matthew: *starts to really worry now* what did he do if he didn’t physically abuse her *waves over Demi* by the way Jules you are on speaker now and Demi is here since she is Y/N other bestie”
Julia: “hey Demi how is married life”
Demi:”hey Julia, it is awesome,now what is this I hear about Y/N being in trouble?”
Julia: “that’s great question is Luis around because I would put my job on the line he would go off the handle if her were to hear what I am about to say”
Demi: *starting to worry* “No why what is going on” she asked
Julia: “Matthew I hate to be the one to tell you this but Y/E/N sexually assaulted Y/N last night”
Matthew & and Demi: “WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Matthew: “ I am going to beat the crap out of that sob next time I see him”
Demi: “What do we need to do to help I could ask the rest of judgement day to help us get her out”
Julia: “that sounds like a good plan how would you ask Luis without him being suspicious”
Demi: “oh crap didn’t think about that after all *looking for Matthew laughing when she doesn’t see him* Luis has a major crush on Y/N” she confesses to Julia laughing
Julia: *laughing on the phone with demi* I know and Y/N has the biggest crush on him she never shuts up about how cute he is”
After hearing what he was just told Matthew leaves the room to go call Y/N to see if she would tell him herself what happened and just to check on his twin sister since he hasn’t seen her since the wedding
Matthew: *waits for Y/N to pick up* Hey baby sis how are you doing? How is my niece Y/D/N”
Y/N: *Groans* when are you going to stop with the baby crap you are only three minutes older than me”
Matthew: *chuckles* “still older than you”
Y/N: “well there is something I would like to ask you and don’t be afraid to say no I will completely understand if you do”
Matthew:” what’s up Y/N/N you know I will do anything for you”
Y/N: “ thanks buddy *chuckles at that seeing how that is how he got his wrestling name seeing how when they were little y/n couldn’t say Matthew* can you help me leave Y/E/N thing got out of hand last night and he went to far and he sexually assaulted me *sniffling*”
Matthew:* even though he just heard that from Julia it hurt more hearing it from Y/N* “Sure Y/N/N when do you want to do it heck I will even bring Demi seeing how se misses you”
Y/N: “The sooner the better I have all of our clothes packed and the stuff you guys got y/d/n when she was born I am going to go to a friends house tonight when he leaves to go out”
Matthew: I will talk to Demi and see whe..(gets interrupted from Demi) Demi: (From the living room) THE FIGHT IS ALREADY BOOKED WE LEAVE IN ONE HOUR YOU HEAR ME ONEEEEEEE HOURRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!.”
Matthew: “well I guess we will see you soon sis”
Right before Matthew hangs up with Y/N Demi runs in and grabs the phone from him and starts telling Y/N what she all has planned for you when she sees you an Y/D/N and while watching the whole thing in front of him Matthew is laughing his head off because he has never seen his new bride this happy before she is acting like a kid in a candy store but he is snapped out of his thoughts when the doorbell rings only to find the man that his wife and his twin sister are currently talking about and that person would happen to be the one and only Luis
Martinez aka the one and only Damian Priest
Luis: “hey man, how’s it going was just stopping by to see if Demi wanted to go to the gym with me”
Matthew: “ I am sure she would love to go before we head out Y/N is in a little trouble so we are going to go to Y/H/T to help her out”
As soon as Luis heard that Y/N was in trouble he completely forgot about the gym and started worrying about what it was that was causing her trouble he knew how he felt about her this whole time but he never acted on it because he knew she was in a relationship so he just kept it to himself little did he know she secretly wanted him to come and save Y/D/N and herself
Demi: *sees Luis * “Hey terror twin what you doing here didn’t expect to see you until Monday for RAW”
Luis: “Hey I was coming to see if you wanted to come to the gym with me but then I heard that Y/N is in trouble so I was going to just go”
Demi: *starts to panic* how did you find out about y/n”
Luis: “Matthew told me she was in trouble but didn’t say what is going on can you let me know?”
Demi: “ I don’t know man that isn’t something I should be the one to tell you but hey I brought a extra plane ticket do you want to come with I know she would love to see you again because the last time you guys saw each other was the wedding”
Luis:” yeah I would love that I sure do miss her a lot and I bet Y/D/N has gotten so big how old is she again”
Demi: “ you like her don’t you and Y/D/N is 18 months now why don’t you call her and let her know you are coming but don’t ask her what is wrong she will tell you when she is ready”
Luis: “I AM GOING TO BEAT THE EVER LOVING CRAP OUT OF HIM!” * he screams from the kitchen of Demi and Matthew’s house*
Demi: *looks at Matthew* “guess she told him what happened”
Matthew: “yeah I guess so I just wish she would come to her senses and he loves the hell out of her cause I know she is crazy about him*
Luis walks in without them noticing just as Matthew finish his sentence and realizes that they are talking about Y/N and that is when he says to himself that he swears to take care of Y/N and Y/D/N as long as he possibly can
*major time skip*
1 1/2 months later and Y/N is backstage at Monday night raw visiting Demi and while y/n is talking to Becky lynch with y/d/n running around with Becky’s daughter when all of a sudden y/n starts getting lightheaded
Y/n: “hey becks can you watch y/d/n I need to go sit down for a minute I just got extremely lightheaded”
Becky: “ sure go sit down girl I got y/d/n I send someone to come check on you in a minute maybe one of TJD I know that you and Damian are close”
Over the past month y/n and Damian have confessed their love for each other and have been in a relationship since then he has even unofficially adopted y/d/n
Y/n: *starts blushing* “hey y/d/n you be good for auntie Becky mommy has to so check something out” you say as you bend down to kiss her forehead
Y/d/n: “okay mommy, mommy otay?”
Y/n: “yes baby mommy will be right back”
Becky: “hey y/d/n why don’t we go bug uncle Seth and make fun of his big coats”
Y/d/n: “otay”
As they start walking towards where Seth is y/d/n sees Damian and stops and looks at him before taking off towards him when Becky turn around to check on y/d/n she starts worrying until she hear her yelling for him
Y/d/n: “DADDY UPPEY UPPEY” she squeals with her arms up
Damian looks at her and smiles “hey princess where is mommy”
Y/d/n just shrugged her shoulders as she yawns as she puts her head on her daddy’s chest is when he noticed Becky coming over with a relief look on her face
Becky: “ sorry Luis she took off before I knew it” she smiles when she sees that y/d/n has falling asleep in her daddy’s arms
Damian: “it’s okay becks do you know where Y/N is I can’t seem to find her”
Becky: “yeah she went to lay down in mine and Seth’s locker room she didn’t look to good”
*Meanwhile back in the locker room*
Y/n lays on the couch in Seth an Becky’s locker room looking at her phone when she gets a notification from her period app asking if she has started and when she realizes she hasn’t and she starts freaking out when Damian come in to check on her he finds her in the middle of a panic attack
Damian:”mi amor lo es todo está bien estoy aquí solo respira”
(my love is everything alright i am here just breath)
Y/N: “no I haven’t started my period I can’t be pregnant not by him not by y/e/n I can’t do this”
Damian asked y/n if it was okay to give her a hug when she agreed Damian put y/d/n down careful not to wake her up and pulls y/n in his arm trying to soothe her
Damian:” how about this we will go see the doc and we will find out and if you are it will be just like y/d/n and he or she will be mine no matter what that little one is our baby it made me so happy when y/d/n came running up to me calling me daddy
Y/n: “okay sounds good you know what would piss off y/e/n a whole lot is when we would watch raw and y/d/n would see Demi she would laugh and clap the one day I was watching a YouTube video with you and she came over and looked at my phone and her first word like full word was daddy and she pointed to you I think she hopped the same thing I always did”
Damian:”oh yeah what’s that? “ Damian asked out of pure entertainment he secretly always knew the answer to that
Y/n: “ that you would come save us and I am so glad you did”
*time skip*
After y/n and Damian leave docs office with the surprising news they can’t wait to tell ever the first person the tell of course is Demi
Y/N: “hey sis guess what”
Demi: “what has my little sister and my terror twin all happy and smiley”
Y/n: “well aunt Demi we got some big news and you are the first person to hear but if y/d/n says anything after we tell her can you act shocked?”
Demi: “of course, wait a minute you just called me aunt Demi does this mean…..”
Demi paused as you shook your head in excitement
Demi: “NO! You’re pregnant but I thought you two didn’t do it yet”
Damian: “we didn’t but that doesn’t matter all that matters is this baby is going to be raised with love and he or she will never have to fear anything with the terror twin by their side”
Y/n: “we should announce it to the wwe and the Aew universe but how Oh I got it!”
The way you said that scared both Demi and Damian when they were about to ask you had disappeared running to the wardrobe designer to come up with a shirt for Damian once it was done you hurried to the judgement days club house to give him his shirt when you get there Finn opens the door and you almost run him over
Finn: “wow there y/n where’s the fire?” He asked while chuckling
Y/n:” oh hey Finn I was just in a rush to see Damian I have a gift for him and I guess I didn’t pay attention to where I was going is he in here”
Finn:”yeah he is,see you around kiddo”
After talking to Finn you go into the clubhouse to find Damian and the rest of the guys lounging around so you walk up to him and sit on his lap and hand him the shirt you designed for him and it says voy a ser papa
which means I am going to be a daddy which has both spelling on the shirt Spanish in the from English in the back
y/n: “do you like it? I figured this would be the best way to announce it but if you don’t you don’t have to wear it”
Damian: “like it, I love it and I would be honored to wear it I am so happy that I get to announce this special announcement and I couldn’t be more excited”
*time skip to after Finn am jd match*
Corey graves: “ what’s this it looks like Damian priest wanting to say something
Damian: “ well first I have to say congratulations to Finn and JD on their win tonight but I have some exciting news of my own”
With that being said he unbuttoned his jacket to reveal his shirt and the crowd goes wild with the new of the future archer of infamy that is on the way
TimeSkip again because I am too lazy to write out the entire 9 months
Doc: ok Y/N one more push and the little one will be here
Y/n: I can’t do this anymore it hurts to much
Damian: you can baby let’s meet our little one
With a final push you hear tiny cries coming from your new baby
Doc: congratulations it is a sweet baby girl
Damian: you did it honey she is so beautiful
He looks at his brand new baby girl with a tear rolling down his cheek as he brings her over to you so you can hold her when he hand her to you get emotional as you say
Y/n: welcome to the world y/f/d/n Martinez
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lisashield · 1 year
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Until we meet again my buddy Friend, please don’t mourn for me
I’m still here, though you don’t see.
I’m right by your side each night and day
and within your heart I long to stay.
My body is gone but I’m always near.
I’m everything you feel, see or hear.
My spirit is free, but I’ll never depart
as long as you keep me alive in your heart.
I’ll never wander out of your sight-
I’m the brightest star on a summer’s night.
I’ll never be beyond your reach-
I’m the warm moist sand when you’re at the beach.
I’m the colorful leaves when fall comes around
and the pure white snow that blankets the ground.
I’m the beautiful flowers of which you’re so fond,
The clear cool water in a quiet pond.
I’m the first bright blossom you’ll see in the spring,
The first warm raindrop that April will bring.
I’m the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine,
and you’ll see that the face in the moon shine is mine.
When you start thinking there’s no one to love you,
you can talk to through the Lord up above you.
I’ll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees,
and you’ll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.
I’m the hot salty tears that flow when you weep
and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.
I’m the smile you see on a baby’s face.
Just look for me friend, I’m every place! R.I.P my buddy
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lisashield · 1 year
Need some advice was thinking on writing for the first time and can’t seem to figure out how to get it done I have a idea and the people I would like to write about but that is about how far I have come
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lisashield · 1 year
(Updated) Why does loosing a pet have to hurt so much rest in peace my sweet fur baby 😭😢
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lisashield · 1 year
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Best two birthday gifts I got from my cousin
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lisashield · 2 years
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