Unscripted Thoughts
257 posts
The depth at which I think is profound Life as it is, it's a long roadToo much to take in its a mental overload.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
Love is real
So anyway in light of this venting streak I'm on...whether or not someone out there is actually listening to what I'm saying...and in light of the new year...How about Love? How about peace?
It's also kinda sad that these things seem far fetched...or out of reach as I say them right? might be thinking.."grow up" or "this is reality" when it's something as simple as your thoughts...and how you invest your energy...
To say something good whenever you feel like talking about someone...or not to speak negatively in general...
To help someone every now and then...because what good is being at the top and having no one to enjoy it with...
To acknowledge the shitty days...but still be able to appreciate the good in them...because to be to have the chance to turn that around...
To work on yourself...not just your exterior either....because "drinking water" won't cleanse being a shitty person...and happiness is the best glow there is...
just trying to do good in the world is enough...
To focus your energy on something positive amongst all the crapp in the world...
For a change.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
Food for thought
I can't say it's hard to understand why we are in a generation of emotionally and mentally challenged's these days are exposed to all this information they don't know what to do with...theres always something new to youre never always want to it feels like youre empty inside...don't even know what to touch and what to leave so you end up lost...caught up in all of much that it seems impossible to appreciate your life...because heck...most of the time you're not living it anyway...atleast not the way you're too distracted by watching everyone's life's...and trying to catch up...not realising that those people are doing the same damn the end.. everybody is trying to out live each other..."if it makes sense what I'm saying"...that's why so many people have this really shitty mentality that your achievements don't mean anything if they are not recognised by's a damn shame...imagine living your whole life under that kind of pressure...that you've put yourself under by deciding to tune your voice to the melody of the choir...or same still...trying to sing the both scenarios...that's not your God given voice.
And let's not forget how sadness... darkness...being crazy...being depressed...being selfish...being rude..lacking emotions...doing drugs... being a "savage" is so romentisized in this generation....
he wee I'm a rebel...what is the foundation of your rebellion hmm? What is your cause?
These things are not good...not for you...nor the people around you...your life is not something to be turned into a "badass" aesthetic...because being badass on social media for likes or maybe for attention...won't comfort you at night....when you pretend to be two people at of them is bound to trip the other...and you end up actually turning into this image you've created and pushing away people that actually care for you...sometimes it starts out as an actual cry for help...maybe you really are feeling bad about yourself...maybe you really are depressed...but it becomes a problem when you start to enjoy the attention...
DRUGS...don't buy the's not even hard drugs...or weed...even alcohol and sex ...etc...any form of intoxication really...ofcourse these things are fun..."mostly because that's what you grew up thinking" and "everyone is doing it" I have nothing against these things when used correctly...but it makes me sad because the youth in this generation are sucks being in an environment where we can't have fun or a genuine good time without being intoxicated...if hanging out with someone while we are sober is not enough entertainment for you...than clearly you're in the wrong crowd.. because once upon a was enough...are we really having fun? if we have to escape our current environment through intoxication...if we barely remember the next day?...if happiness is only drug induced?
I mean I could just be talking a whole lot of nothing you atleast...
But I think it's kinda sad what we've created here...don't you?
Think about it.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
please don't feel like you have to put someone down to feel better than them or better about yourself ...let your confidence come from you...not feeling superior to another...cause you can both be beautiful at the same can both be winning in life...and tota hella...if your confidence comes from your superiority's not confidence at all. ..but insecurity masked as confidence.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
Tongues spinning like a compass...and yet we've lost all direction
I grab the wheel...cause in your hands you use it to drive me crazy...
Until we crash and we burn in the flames of desire..
Lost our heads in the clouds of love and now the fall is too deep....still we fall.
Until the wind picks us back up ,
cause we were as light as our hearts when we were laughing...
love was the joke.
The wind picks us back up,
Cause we were as light as the feathers on which we lay our heads...and may they rest in peace...the dreams buried in them.
And if pillows talked...they would tell tales of the wars our minds fought against our hearts when we couldn't decide if this is where we want to be..
cross our fingers and pray that our egos remain the only casualty...
Red roses imerge from the soil that nourished itself by the blood of these wars...We pick them, they prick us...
And it hurts a lot like love.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
Mock my words...if you must...but hear me clearly...when I say...words are my superpower...and one day the world will understand.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
On the cab ride home, the driver ran through a red light…all I could think was
why does he commit crime with so much ease and confidence ?
It’s like he does it all the time…
What other crimes has he committed?
Are we even going home ?
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
Before the must bend the energy within themselves, and to bend another's energy...your own energy must be unbendable.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
It's crazy how we spend the majority of our life....preparing for the if happiness is stored in the houses,cars,places or even people you might meet... hoping for some sort of happy ending...but heck most of the time life doesn't even have an just wake up one day midst life and die....and if you had to reflect...was your time here well spent? Was any of it really worth that time?
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
.I guess upon my reflection I came to the realisation that I don't want to be comfortable with lukewarm waters,I want to burn and to freeze...i want the full experience...instead of letting days fade...each like the last...and never taking in This moment.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
The true mind can weather all lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can touch the poison of hatred without being harmed. From beginningless time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light.
Lion turtle
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
I get that...I mean...sometimes it's not even about what you've's about this very moment...we spend so much of every moment...looking forward to better moments yet to happen...but that's the question...does it get better than being here right here right now and doing what you want...not what you think you're supposed to...or what might improve the very moment you're not taking in.🤔
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lisalesetedi-blog · 7 years ago
Why people are shit.
So many choices but they aren't ours to make... heck by the time you're born so much has already been decided for us...what religion...what name...what cause...we have so much pressure to meet expections upheld for us by people we haven't even met much that we end up trying to look good in the eyes of those people...instead of actually being good are not the things you are not your academic are not your are not your are not any of the labels society has given are not above anyone and not below them either...strip away all the titles and stand in the nakedness of you even know who you are? Not What....Who? Maybe if more people took the time to consider this question...the world wouldn't be full to the bursting of shitty people.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 8 years ago
Feel me like braille
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lisalesetedi-blog · 8 years ago
Anti-social Media
Through shut eyes I see brightness… standing out like a star amidst the darkest cities… Every edge defined Fingers longing to caress your surface… Every stroke revealing all knowledge aquired by man. And if knowledge is power, I would be God Never thinking outside the box… For I am trapped between your four walls… The world captured through your lense is the only one I want to live in… So I’m holding on to you until I feel your electricity coursing through my veins… When I’m plugged to you…I’m plugged to the world… And until you die of battery… I’ll be travelling via Screen.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 8 years ago
I give too much of myself... Here's what I mean... I think it's not a secret.. the kind of person I am...however you interpret me that is...because I make it evident in my mannerisms...I say what I mean...I mean what I say...I'm an open book ....but I'm learning that maybe not everyone deserves to read me...a lot of people didn't deserve to know me the way they do...or to be let in...
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lisalesetedi-blog · 8 years ago
I just wanna share this poem with you guys written By Fay Slimm , it's called Happy Seeds.. Let tight knots in the heart loose and shake down soft streams of quiet to untie and fledge confined feelings. Allow them to fly. Take wing into a Now-land of unlimited freedom where failure does not apply nor is it found. Choice is unbounded. Do not expire before trying each dream. Find fervent zeal within life's choicest fields and pick all the love-seeds. Tended and grown inside then watered with joy, mood's fruitage alters mindsets and oils attitudes for when once digested folk learn to lighten. Every life has great purpose which all, in the finding may realize. Humans are born to share love. This is our true birthright.
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lisalesetedi-blog · 8 years ago
There’s a reason hurricanes are named after people And it’s because we destroy everything we come into contact with… Including each other…
(via lisalesetedi-blog)
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