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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
I think people need to understand that when someone says the situation in Israel/Palestine is complicated they are not necessarily saying that the discussion of who the oppressor vs oppressed is complicated. The Israeli government has been oppressing the Palestinians for a very long time, that is clear, and it is not complicated to understand that at least since the 80s they have had dramatically more financial and military power to keep control of the territory in the way they like.
However, it is reductive and dismissive to insist that there is no complexity in the potential ways to move forward to bring peace to the region. Despite what people on like to believe, "Israel should never have been created" is not a practical solution to an incredibly heated geopolitical situation in the present day. Israel was created and it does exist. 10 million people live there. 74% of the population is native born and the country has existed for 75 years. Hand waving these fact away with the opinion that "they should move back to where they came from" may make you feel good about being a Radical Leftist, but it does not give anyone a road map for how exactly millions of people without dual citizenship are supposed to just up and evaporate. Nor does it acknowledge the reality that 21% of Israelis are Arabs, the very people you are claiming to want to give the land back to.
Insisting that there's nothing complicated about expecting an entire country's population to willingly dissappear with no consequences is not a productive way to think about this conflict. It ignores the many massive superpowers that have an interest in proping up different states in the region, the power dynamics involved in any land back movements, and the inevitably negative consequences of totally dissolving an established state without a plan. It is also completely and almost comically unrealistic, so much so that it makes it hard to believe that anyone who's opinion starts and ends with this idea really gives a shit about anyone who lives in the area as much as they care about their online leftist clout.
There's nothing complicated in understanding that the Israeli government is and has been maintaining an oppressive apartheid state for decades. It is, however, very complicated to come up with a realistic way to resolve some of the most intricately entangled land disputes on the planet without plunging the region into total chaos. Not everyone has to be deeply educated on every geopolitical situation, but it is very hard to take people seriously when they know nothing about the politics or history of a region and yet insist that there is nothing complicated about it at all.
There's a lot of people on this website who are getting dangerously smug about their own ignorance, and are starting to go down Qanon type anti-intellectual paths in the name of being sufficiently radical. Not knowing the details of a very convoluted land dispute isn't something to brag about online as you call for intentionally reductive solutions. You can support the Palestinian cause and be aware of the oppression they have faced while also holding off on calling people trying to do real analysis and de-escalation work bootlickers. We need to get control of the urge to fit every global issue into a simplistic YA novel narrative structure that appeals to Western revolutionary fantasies.
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
ā€œDeath to colonizers!!ā€ they wrote, from their homes in the United States, about a people living on the land they originated from
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
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Keep donating to hamasšŸ˜‚
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
i hate that I even have to do this:
if I have one more fucking mutual on this site dm me a free palestine post during this time when they know that Iā€™m not only jewish but have one of my closest friends fighting for her life while her parents have been kidnapped by hamas (openely funded by Palestinians) i will lose my shit. Iā€™ve messaged some of you privately and you still persist to think you know more. It is disgusting how you keep your narrative without doing the research just to prove a point. I am so close to losing my mind and deleting tumblr for a while, since you guys clearly donā€™t understand how big of a problem this actually is. I didnā€™t want to have to make a public post, but at this point, Iā€™m tired of responding to conversations where all I hear about is the pity you are giving to the groups that are murdering my people. There has not been this many jews killed in a single day since the time of the holocaust, so if youā€™re okay with that, go ahead and reveal yourself as a nazi and let me move on with my life. I stand with the innocent people in Israel, and I donā€™t give a shit about your opinion. Fuck hamas, and if youā€™re siding with them (simply because they are in alliance with Palestine) then fuck you too.
Edit: y'all seem to think that since I'm against hamas that I'm somehow condemning the innocents of palestine too, and I would like to set the record straight that I am on the side of human life. Don't come at me saying I'm a genocider and other ridiculous bullshit when I've given of my time, effort and money to help Palestinians in need. And don't call a fucking jewish woman a nazi when my great grandmother's entire family [minus her bother and herself] were murdered in the holocaust. It's a new kind of foul when you try and pull that card.
One more thing: to the people in my inbox telling me hitler was right and that they hope hamas gasses me like my ancestors, i hope you take a moment to self reflect and find what's truly bothering you, bc ain't no way y'all just became nazis over me trying to save human life on both sides
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
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7.10.23 by Zoya Cherkassky.
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
The antisemites are thriving because theyā€™ve discovered that all they have to do to get you to hate any given Jew is to accuse them of being a Zionist. No reason needed, the fact that they dare to be noticeably Jewish is sufficient. And if Jewish people object to this, you can hit ā€˜em with the ā€œIā€™m anti-Zionist not antisemiticā€ which is a magic phrase that makes gentiles accept any amount of Jew-hatred.
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
Expecting to see a lot of "Jews aren't from Palestine! They're European colonisers! Anyway, happy [festival memorialising the rededication of the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem by the Jews who lived there circa 800 years prior to the Muslim Arab conquest of the region]" next month.
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
Ben Shapiro is my baby daddy
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
not-so-friendly reminder (because i'm tired of being nice): when you say israelis are europeans who need to "go back to their own countries" & deny jewish indigeneity to the levant, you are spreading an antisemitic conspiracy theory while wearing a progressive mask.
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
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Bring them home now.
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
Just choke and die is your mature response to criticism? Well how can you argue that
Hope you have a very well life and mental health.
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
Yet still Russia doesnā€™t stop attacking Ukraine just because you stopped hearing about it. (Btw, Israel took in more than 14,000 refugees from Ukraine)
You got the whole world to support a terrorist organization, worst than isis, what else do you want other than to spread hate and death to jewish people in this protests? And donā€™t hide behind human rights because that will be a little hypocritical, when defending one side and completely ignoring about the horrors that the other side is experiencing.
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liniest Ā· 1 year ago
I remember when I first started reading into the Israeli-palestinian conflict history and I learnt that Israel was attacked by every Muslim neighbour country...and that it was Arabs who repeatedly rejected any attempt for a compromise or a two state solution.... I felt so deceived cause how is Israel the bad guy here? Should Jewish refugees (from Europe and the Middle East) either stayed where they were and died or happily agreed to live in an arab nationalist country and died? Is there any acceptable scenario where Jewish people can live without fear of persecution without being framed as the devil incarnate??
Thats a convenient fact everyone likes to forget. They also like to forget about how in Jordan, which was meant to be the Arab state alongside Israel, has its Palestinian population still in refugee camps. Not because of Israel, but because they suffered terrorist attacks, their royal family was nearly assassinated, and their prime Minister was assassinated by palestinian terrorist group Black September (you know, the ones who did the Munich Olympics massacre).
They also love to ignore that collectively the middle east holds over half the world's oil reserves and not a single Arab country is responding to Gaza's request for fuel.
They also like to forget that Egypt closed its borders to Gaza, not because they hate Palestinians or because Israel told them to, but because they also experienced terror attacks and their prime Minister was also assassinated by a palestinian terrorist organization because he agreed to "cold peace" with Israel in exchange for the Sinai peninsula.
Anyway I encourage people to ask questions about why the rest of the Arab world doesn't help Palestinians (specifically Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria), doesn't give them proper citizenship, why when Israel was attacked by multiple Arab countries at once not one of them said they if they won that they would call the land Palestine, and how Israel can still be considered occupying Gaza if all Jewish and Israeli presence was pulled out 20 years ago. Go find the answers yourselves.
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