linguaetempera · 3 years
omg someone really had understood that Vetinari and Palpatine are the same vibe guys mmuahhh
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Inktober 2015 - Days 29 & 30 - Lords Vetinari and Sidious
It was suggested to me by rugessnome to make a little Discword and Star Wars crossover of these two. I would rather live under Vetinari’s rule methinks.)
Rather simple this time, but drawing my two fave tyrants was supreme fun!
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linguaetempera · 3 years
Don't even try to tell me that's not how Ysanne Isard looked like when she was told about Palpatine's death.
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linguaetempera · 3 years
I really can't stand the idea that fandom community (like starwars stuff i'm usually chillin' in) literally judges characters in manner like “he's evil bc he's evil”. Hey, people aren't just born evil, there always were reasons why people behave one way and not another — subjective how person motivates his actions for himself and objective why person generally has such a worldvision. And it can be UNDERSTOOD.
What makes me lose my shit even more, this is not just about fictional character judging — this is only an accurate projection of the fact that huge amount of people are permanently seeing other's actions and other people like “(s)he's bad bc he's bad and all (s)he does is bad”. For many people even the fact that other people could have just other, not connected to them goals, and achieving 'em can influence other people somehow just as secondary result — is extremely hard to understand, only ”they CONSCIOUSLY wanted me to feel BAD, they just ENJOY me feeling BAD, because they're EVIL”.
I can't even imagine how hard it must be to them ”from the inside” to live in such and EVIL and HATEFUL towards them world.
In personal relationships it leads to even more uncomfortable paradigm that — because some conflicts are always unavoidable — one of the two always has to be bad. Like, ”if i'm not right and actually did unconsciously hurt my partner, them I act evil, I turn out BAD?? Oh no, i can't be bad, i know myself, i can't be bad, i'm not enjoying anyone's suffering, y'know, i'm definetely not bad. Well, then, if'm right and not bad, then you must be wrong. And if you're wrong then you're unnecessarily hurting me with your other from mine position, then YOU'RE BAD YOU'RE EVIL WHY DO YOU DO THAT WHY DO ENJOY MY SUFFERING??? YOU ARE COLD-BLOODED MANIPULATOR WHO NEVER UNDERSTANDS ME”.
99% of people's actions aren't motivated by conscious intention to do something evil and make someone feel bad for fun (and the left 1% is usually motivated by feeling hurt and this feeling ”YOU will feel even WORSE than i'm feeling now”, it's still not really about doing something bad itself, but about improving one's own condition, where hurting someone else is more of a secondary instrument).
People have their. fucking. own. motivations.
No one is actually waking up in the morning with a plan ”first i have my coffee and then i go and make Pete feel bad”. Even if Mike wants to have coffee, there are no free coffee available in the kitchen and the only that is available is Pete's one, and Mike drinks it instead of *with some effort going to the shop and buying his own*, Mike didn't have the intention to make Pete feel bad, he wanted to have his fucking coffee and feel good HIMSELF.
I'm not saying it's right; it would be perfect if people thought more about how their actions affect others, but people are extremely exaggerating other's wish of making other people, — them, — feel bad; this way of thinking itself is an illustration of natural self-centered thinking, WHY THE FUCK assume other people to be even LESS self-centered (intentionally make other feel bad as a pure motivation is ironically quite selfless) than YOU are?
And judging fictional characters is quite an indicator of how person generally sees that world. Those, who judge fictional world in binary good-evil paradigm probably are seeing the real world quite in a same manner. On the other hand, those, who are analysing the stuff in more complex way, are probably more understanding in other context too.
Something of a natural psychological test.
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linguaetempera · 3 years
you know that awful feeling when there are only 3 pics of your OTP existing and you like none of them so you have literally nothing to use as your header image?
my sincere condolences, i felt that.
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