My words are for those who would rather show up and take responsibility and accountability for the quality of their lives, rather than giving up their power for the comfort of staying 'comfortable.' My words are for those who want to unlearn, grow, expand, and become aware of their perspectives and perceptions so that they can see clearly by removing the filters through which they view the world. My words are for those who are ready to listen to what they may not want to hear, whether they like it or not, because they are open to it being exactly what they need to hear in this moment. My words are for those who are ready to question everything, including what I'm saying, so that they do not blindly beLIEve anything and everything without their own direct experience. —L.A.M.P Connect with me:
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Allow people's opinions about you to pass by like clouds. Their beauty lies in your observation of their impermanence, without being clouded by them.
#poets on tumblr#prose poetry#opinions#poem#poetry#prose poem#limitlessend#poeticstories#dissolveintolight#lamp
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Lack is an illusion—
It's the force that serves temptation,
The source of every distraction
and AI is only its "latest" manifestation.
Read the FULL post here.
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How does knowledge serve you other than creating an illusion of knowing?
Read the full post here:
#poets on tumblr#poetry#poeticstories#illusion of knowing#knowledge#prose poetry#dissolveintolight#l.a.m.p#prose writing#prose poem#word of wisdom#inspiring quotes
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The message is not in the words
the message is not in sight.
The message is just a message UNTIL
the power arises
from inside.
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Death is not the opposite of life. Your body is physically "dying" from day one of your life here on Earth. The moment that you are consciously aware of death as your travel partner, you are said to be living. Otherwise, you're merely existing without ever being truly alive.
#poets on tumblr#poetry#life and death#poem#prose poetry#prose poem#l.a.m.p#dissolveintolight#wisewords#wise quotes#life quote#inspiring quotes#quoteoftheday#poeticstories
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If it is not simple, effortless and readily available to you at any given moment— then it is not wisdom. Your mind will tell you otherwise because it has been brainwashed to believe that wisdom is complicated, deep and unattainable without hardwork.
Truth is a paradox not because it is— but because the conditioned mind is blind to the simplicity of life. It is only with the heart that one gains access to wisdom.
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You can't lose something you can never own. Relationships are about partnerships not ownerships.
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What is Real?
That which
comes and goes,
is replaceable,
is temporary,
isn’t real.
Find that
which is constant,
which stays,
which is fixed,
which is permanent
And know that to be real.
Everything else is an illusion.
Isn’t it ironic that what occupies most of one’s mind space is everything that isn’t real?
Dissolving into light is to consciously choose to release and surrender all that isn’t real into light.
To find out more: Check out my FREE online course, Conscious Awakening— 10 Steps To Consciously Raise Your Vibration
#what is real#poets on tumblr#poetry#poeticstories#poem#prose poetry#prose poem#spilled poetry#new poets society#poets corner#l.a.m.p#dissolveintolight
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Isn't it ironic how people crave for love yet they try to hold onto everything that is temporary?
Thoughts and feelings are like passersby. Yet people welcome them into their homes and give them their keys and wonder why they feel locked up and empty inside.
Love doesn't come and go, it is what remains when all else fades away.
#love poem#love poetry#poets on tumblr#poetry#poem#prose poetry#prose poem#spilled poetry#new poets society#poets corner#poeticstories#l.a.m.p#dissolveintolight
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Contrary to popular beLIEf, love cannot coexist with beLIEf.
You are either living a life made up of beLIEfs or a life overflowing with love.
Depression is a consequence of one's beLIEfs— whether you label the beLIEf as negative or positive is just a mind game you're playing because ALL beliefs come from a place of not knowing aka pretending to know, what you do not know.
#poets on tumblr#poetry#poem#prose poetry#prose poem#spilled poetry#belief#poets corner#poeticstories#l.a.m.p#dissolveintolight#new poets society
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You don't accept "negative" experiences that's "spiritual" crap.
You know at your core that a "negative" experience is not what you want; which is why it's natural to reject it. So accepting it sounds like a nice coping mechanism but that's all it is, a coping mechanism.
The truth is to see it for what it is— an experience. It's neither negative nor positive. That's a perspective/a label/an opinion and all opinions are lies because they stem from beLIEfs aka not knowing.
#truthbomb#truth poetry#poets on tumblr#poeticstories#poetry#poem#prose poetry#prose poem#spilled poetry#new poets society#poets corner#l.a.m.p#dissolveintolight
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Most people aren't ready for love. Here's why:
They are looking for an ego boost in the name of acceptance and validation in the name of comfort.
Love inspires growth and evolution. Ego requires comfort and acceptance.
Only when you're truly ready to face yourself, are you ready for love. Otherwise, you're a walking projection and every person you meet is another excuse to run away from yourself.
#love poem#love poetry#poeticstories#poets on tumblr#poetry#poem#prose poetry#prose poem#spilled poetry#new poets society#poets corner#l.a.m.p#dissolveintolight
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Walk with your eyes wide open,
your heart centered,
your mind cleared,
and your being present.
Read the full post here.
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The 3 common reactions to Reality/Truth in general:
1) Ridicule— the informed public
2) Fear(Flight)/Anger(Fight)— the woke community
3) "Love and light"— the la-la-land club
Reaction is the powerless expression of ignorance.
Knowledge is the powerful expression of wisdom.
#poets on tumblr#poetry#poem#prose poetry#poeticstories#prose poem#spilled poetry#poets corner#writeblrcafe#consciousawareness#dissolveintolight#L.A.M.P#limitlessend
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Attention inspires creation when one is in alignment with the true Self. Otherwise, it leads to tension and causes depression which then manifests as infection both literally and metaphorically. Attention is your true power. The media is aware of this and thus it fulfils its intention of corruption by hijacking your attention 24/7.
Read the full post here for free.
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#poetic prose#prose writing#prose poetry#poeticstories#writeblrcafe#poets on tumblr#poetry#poem#prose poem#spilled poetry#new poets society#poets corner#pay attention#limitlessend#dissolveintolight#L.A.M.P
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There's nothing to ask or give,
Only to embody and live.
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When they say love yourself, they mean love your ego. That's why they tell you to have boundaries so that the ego doesn't get bruised or drained.
It is only the ego that desires to be loved because it operates from lack and thus requires boundaries to protect its illusion.
Love Is limitless and boundless. Thus, it cannot be given or taken; broken or healed; drained or filled. This is what the ego experiences because its very foundation is ignorance.
#poets on tumblr#poetry#prose poetry#poeticstories#writeblrcafe#love letters#love poetry#love poem#prose poem#poem#spilled poetry#poets corner#loveyourself#truth bombs#limitlessend#dissolveintolight#L.A.M.P
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