Web Design, SEO, Mobile App Development Connecticut. We are team of highly qualified experts, having experience in developing & maintaining web & Mobile apps
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In today’s digital era, the web is the first place people turn to for quick access to information. Indubitably, a website needs to be visually appealing, but it is equally important to have a logical road map. Google considers website’s structure and content when it comes to ranking. Plus, when users navigate smoothly and understand your logic, it creates a great user experience. https://limelightleads.com/web-applications/
#limelightleads #Website #WebDesign #WebDevelopment #GraphicDesign
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Why in the world did I just take a picture of an empty cup? - . Sometimes you have to empty your cup before you refill out. If you think you have your business all figured out, you’ ll never learn anything new to help you get more business, more customers, and more clients. - . If you are ready to empty your cup, give us a call and we will fill it with good stuff. . Ron’s cell: 203.999.0933 - . #limelightleads #fillyourcup #whatisyourdrink #safetycup #digitalmarketing #internetmarketing #seo#smm #smo #webdesign #mobileapp #itconsulting #business #success (at Hamden, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/limelightleads/p/BpmtqJsFthR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7pjasuwu3qlo
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Involve your audience. - . No other tool today is more your friend than social media. It behooves you to use social media often and appropriately to involve your audience in your business.- . Make it a routine to refresh your post daily and engage with followers. This will help grow your business while strengthen your brand value. - . #Limelightleads #Standout #Winner #Consumers #Trusted#CorporateBranding #WebsiteDevelopment #SMM #SEO#SocialMediaMarketing #DigitalMarketing #InternetMarketing #WebDesign#Marketing #Blog #ContentMarketing #ContentWriting #SMM #Marketing#Themes #Branding #SearchEngineOptimization #socialmediamanagement#socialmedia #@mobileDevelopment #MobileApp (at Norwalk, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/limelightleads/p/BphDB7dFRJQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gbu1b6psiilm
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I have heard people are like teabags. You don’t know what their really about until their in hot water. - - Businesses are the same . . .when their in hot water they make questionable decisions, costing them time and money. - - If you are in the situation give Limelight Leads a call. We turn your hot water into ice tea or a tasty Arnold Palmer you can take to the bank. (No alcohol in mind during business hours 😊) - Ron 203.999.0932 #limelightleads #teabags #chillinwithtea #arnoldpalmer #hotwater #internetmarketing #digitalmarketing #seo #smo #sem #webdesign #mobileapp #mobilemarketing #marketing #itconsulting ##business #businessconsulting #advice https://www.instagram.com/limelightleads/p/BpW2QE3FX59/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=434slgbo2r19
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Businesses have better wake up! Your audience is online! If your company is not setting a budget aside for digital marketing, then expect to miss out on major opportunities. - - The more doors your business opens, the more chance of a consumer walking in. Digital budget 2018 is a MUST! - - Ron's Cell: 203.999.0932 Phone: 800.990.7731 https://limelightleads.com/internet-marketing/ - - #limelightleads #money #digitalmarketing #internetmarketing #limelightleads #socialmarketing #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #networking #instagood #BusinessManagement #Webdesign #Webdeveloper #Webdesigner #Webdevelopment #Digitalmarketing #Internetmarketing #Website #GraphicDesign #SEM #SMM #Google #SocialMedia #Instagood (at Branford, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/limelightleads/p/BpPvoWBFj-1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dqqkehym463f
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- - Having a website is almost meaningless without active marketing designed to get the right kind of prospect to visit.- - A business website owner and SEO firm that are active, determined, and highly competent are the best internet partners. - - Consumers are ready. Stop losing business! - Call NOW: 203.999.0932 http://limelightleads. - #limelightleads #business #partners #socialmarketing #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #networking #instagood #BusinessManagement #Webdesign #Webdeveloper #Webdesigner #Webdevelopment #Digitalmarketing #Internetmarketing #Website #GraphicDesign #SEM #SMM #Google #SocialMedia #Instagood (at Branford, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/limelightleads/p/Bo_gyNrlgl9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jhhq1twerqey
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- - Don't make reading your content a chore. Be fun, be informative and, most of all, be share-worthy. - - Creative thinking will help you see opportunities, make more money, and have fun while doing it. Challenging yourself to think outside the box, will allow you to ultimately grow.- - None of us will ever be @jerryseinfeld ! However, we all are creative in a unique way. Be yourself Be Creative!- - https://limelightleads.com/content-marketing/ - - #limelightleads #becreative #mindset #challenging #contentmarketing #contentguru #contentonfleek #contentcreator #inspiration #creativethinking #joyful #smile #socialmedia marketing #digitalmarketing #growing #successful #business #sharing #fresh #content #SMM #SMO #SEO #happy #friday #havefun #Weekend (at Branford, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo1pMxVlUO7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f9l68up848yp
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Where to Buy Ads - - Should you buy ads from search engines, social sites, or even rent space from a high traffic blog? - - There are many places to buy ads, but where is the best return. Without research, hard data, and other company's factors; budget, industry, competition, objectives, and other factors, you will be playing the gambling game. - - If you do not have the time and experience, or you do not want to throw the dice. Please contact Limelight Leads! - - If you prefer to do this on your own, here is a helpful tip: - If you are trying to create brand awareness, then Facebook Ads I would recommend. If your objective is to capture an immediate call to action, then I recommend Google Adwords.- - 1) Targeting users who are searching for a specific product or services, then Google AdWords. Users have intent! Ex/ sneakers, clothing, car insurance, and etc. - - 2) Targeting a broad range of users, then Facebook Ads. Users are looking to connect with friends and family. Therefore, you target an entire segment which produces brand awareness. Ex/ business owners, beauty. - - Limelight Leads, LLC https://limelightleads.com/ - - #limelightleads #paidads #googleadwords #facebookads #ppc #socialmediaads #brandawareness #corporatebranding #branding #helpful #tips #logo #logos #design #designer #identity#logodesigner #branding #logoinspiration #brandmark #logomark #graphicdesign #photooftheday #picoftheday #logotype #awesome #typography https://www.instagram.com/p/BouL4z4lpSy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=izb6t0aawgxo
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“Hunnnnn, - - The neighbor parked in front of our house again, you better go say something, “ her words were deafening. - - “Hey, Mike, can I talk to you for a second? My wife is breaking my stones, please, please don’t park that in front of my house again!” - - Why don't you just go down and get a GREAT DEAL at Vuolo Auto Sales. They have some unbelievable offers and can get you financed. - - Ask for Rock. He takes care of everyone. - - Vuolo Auto Sales INC https://www.vuoloautosales.net/ Phone: 203.787.3646 - #vuoloautosales #northhavenct #newhaven #connecticut timefornewcar #sales #usedcars #preowned #chevy #nissan #toyota #financing #customerservice #toprated #great #offers #usedcars #limelightleads #recycle Pic Source: Juxtapost (at North Haven, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/Boq8keqlj0Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m7vhil8eqid8
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Hi friends. When my head is on straight, I am always grateful to wake up. Many of us tend to focus on the things we don't have instead of being happy about the things we do have.- - Start being thankful:- - *Waking up with new opportunities.- - *Being able to breathe deceit air.- - *Thankful to wear clean clothes.- - *To Have family and friends and much more!- - Start giving back! You might not be able to help everyone, but try helping someone. It can be rewarding to make one life easier to breathe.- - #bethankful #makeadiffence #littlethings #charity #charityuse #charities #unicef #unicefusa #sacrifice #love #strength #hope #courage #grace #unselfishness #donations #thoughtful #peaceofmind https://www.instagram.com/p/Bol8YHwFKFx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5nqwgmex0qo
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/ 10 Quick Tips to Improve Your Instagram Account- - 1. Use effective hashtags. I would suggest using hashtags local or directly related to post/content search. Do not use more than 30 hashtags or your comments will not appear. - - 2. Consider running Instagram Ads. The platform can be a powerful tool using ADS. You can target people who you know have interest in your product and services. - - 3. Turn on notification when your favorite person or influencer post. This will give you an opportunity to possible create engagement with a like, comment, or emoji emotion. This is a great way to get exposure to the influencers' fan base. - - 4. Ask questions. To make it to the explore page. You need engagement and likes right away. - - 5. I use three dots to separate hashtags from the post. I also use a (-) minus to help paragraph. This provides a cleaner simple read. There is a way to space without using any punctuation. However, I find to be too timely. - - 6. Tag your location. 79% more engagement when posted. Someone looking for #newhavenpizza gives your New Haven Pizza Restaurant a chance to be found.- - 7. Follow and engage with people who either have the time or consideration. Develop a bond with people who reciprocate. (like, follow, comment) - - 8. Use Grammarly on your mobile device. The free version is recommended. It spells checks and alerts on critical grammar. It will save you a lot of time proofreading. - - 9. Be personable. I have a difficulty with social media because I never wanted to be on here. "Look at me I am special," I am not a fan. However, do users want to follow a business selling golfballs when they dislike golf? Staring at the logo and content that does not interest you is annoying. Have a personality! Share interesting content. - - 10. Have fun! Then it will not feel like work! - - #instagram #internetmarketingtips #tips #engagment #instagramtips #marketingstrategy #marketingtips #smm #SMO #SEO #digitalmarketing #onlinemarketing #socialmediamarketing#instagramtipsandtricks #instagramforbusinesses #socialmedia #marketingtrends #marketingdaily #businesstips #content #contentmarketing #paidads #PPC #follow #tag #influencers (at Branford, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bohobjol_XE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5yspvik5vpmn
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What has Geo-Fencing done to mobile marketing?- - Geo-Fencing has taken mobile marketing to the next level. The software feature is location-based mobile advertising technology that targets specific geographic areas. - - Considering mobile use is at an all-time high, it does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon. More than one-third of searches are local. With the popularity of mobile search, business better keep up. - - Search Mobile Marketing CT and choose the first organic business ;) Limelight Leads Team will show your business the power of GEO-Fencing! - - 203.999.0932 https://limelightleads.com/mobile-marketing/ - - #limelightleads #geofencing #mobilemarketing #advertising #marketing #branding #consulting #analytics #GooglePay #ppc #digitalmarketing #retargeting #digitalmarketing #marketingstrategy #mobilemarketing #socialmediamarketing #promotion #business #company #startup #explore #socialmediasuccess #onlineadvertising #smallbusiness #entrepreneurship #ContentMarketingTips - Pic Source: @byrawpixel https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZVU2uFl-R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7h5lmrgh1cgq
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Limelightleads.com is a two-year-old website, but ranks number 1 in 25 of their top 95 keywords. - - Why be buried in the Search Engines? How many people do you know are desperately searching the 2nd page? 75% of users will never scroll past the first page. - - Being buried in the search engines means your website will get very little traffic. Without traffic, you will get zero conversions. - - Start improving your ranking today! Having an SEO presence will help grow your business in the future. Stop missing out on the trillions of searches from potential clients. - - Web Consultant (Ron's Cell) 203.999.0932- - Limelight Leads LLC http://limelightleads.com 75 Main Street Norwalk, CT 06581 United States Phone: 800.990.7731 [email protected] . . . #webdesignnorwalk #webnorwalk #webdesign #website #searchenginemarketing #responsivewebdesign #uxdesign #userexperience #mobilewebdesign #seo #seorhino #seonorwalk #google #googleranking #googlekeywords #digitalmarketing #onlinemarketing #norwalk #norwalklife #norwalkstartup #norwalkentrepreneur #entrepreneur #techstartup #growyourbusiness #onlinepresence #branding #websitelaunch https://www.instagram.com/p/BoMcc1flXsH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w6os2nrgmqzv
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Free Marketing - - Take advantage of branding yourself on Facebook and LinkedIn. Don't just put your resume or profile up and hope for potential clients to search you out. - - Small businesses are usually on a very tight marketing budget. Very important to utilize these platforms to increase your business' presences. Creating groups and attracting thousands of members to engage in conversations is a powerful tool. - - Start to build yourself and take advantage of the free marketing opportunities of these types. Connect, engage, share content and you will get noticed! - - Limelight Leads, LLC https://limelightleads.com/social-media-management/ - . . . #limelightleads #linkedln #facebook #socialmedia #social #content #gettingnoticed #sharing #clients #instagram #snapchat #facebookads #SEM #SMO #SEO #paidads #consulting #likes #retarging #business #networking #engaging https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJ5wMNFCl3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fd5kmb4hqetm
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The weather is changing, the fall is coming. It is time to get ready to alter your wardrobe to adapt to the fall season. Changing seasons means changing marketing strategies. - - Businesses' have to be prepared for seasonal changes. Strategically planning how you advertise in each season is a must! Refresh and update your website, social sites, and advertising campaigns reassure customers your business priorities. Well, fall is four days away! Unless, you want to FALL straight on your face, give us a shout! - - Limelight Leads Team will help you have a successful season. Call Now: 203.999.0932 - - https://limelightleads.com/ - - . . . #Limelightleads #fall #seasons #marketingstrategies #falliscoming #fall #colors #turningleaves #trees #autumn #leaves #leaf #consultanting #webdesign #mobileapps #social #management #promoting #advertising #SMM #SEM #SMO #PPC #paidads #money #investments - - Pic Source: Phil Henry @philhenryproductions https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn6dZkhnlDx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a2esccwhu7ef
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Engage with fans who appreciate! Why do some people follow me on Instagram but never like my pictures? 1. I don’t like it because you don’t follow me back. 2. I don’t like it because you don’t like my posts. 3. I don’t like it because it doesn’t have 11 likes yet. 4. I don’t like it because I don’t want you to know that I’m creeping you at 4 AM. 5. I don’t like it because I don’t want you to know that I’m spending my Friday night on Instagram. 6. I don’t like it because your humble brag isn’t humble. I’m spending! 7. I don’t like it because your post is 100-percent self-serving. 8. I don’t like it because I’m jealous of your body. 9. I don’t like it because bae wouldn’t like it if I did. 10. I don’t like it because it’s a happy birthday post for someone I don’t know. 11. I don’t like it because I follow too many NYC food blogs to even notice it. 12. I don’t like it because I’m driving and that’s how people get killed. 13. I don’t like it because I can’t double tap the screen without putting down my pizza. 14. I don’t like it because we slept together a few weeks back. Better lay low for now. 15. I don’t like it because I liked your last 3 posts, and now I’ve got to play hard to get. 16. I don’t like it because you employed enough hashtags to smother a small Grizzly bear. 17. I don’t like it because other people on Instagram can see what I like, which is just weird. 18. I don’t like it because it’s an all-too-familiar post about you “officially” accomplishing something. 19. I don’t like it because it’s too personal for social media. 20. I don’t like it, but I comment on it because liking is no way to communicate. #limelightleads #followers #fans #social #marketing #online #presence #brandstyling #socialmedia #starterkit #targetmarket #audience #engaging #demographics #build #maximize #growyourbrand #tips #tools Source: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-some-people-follow-me-on-Insta https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn391q2lH29/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x7o6xczw3392
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Becoming Google Friendly- - Web Pages are being born every second. There are trillions of searches each year. Google builds an algorithm based on producing the most relevant results. So how does Webmaster become a Google-friendly website? Things to Do - - *Provide high-quality content on your web pages, especially homepage. - - *Think of words users search and include them in your web pages. - - *There is a need for natural links to your site. Placing links on other sites do have some value. However, natural links are very important when Google indexes and ranks one's website. - - *Make sure you have a strong internal linking structure. This will allow Google's spiders to crawl and locate your relevant web pages more easily. Also, internal links give you the chance to direct your users in a specific direction, a call to action process. - - *Don't overdo it! You should try to stay under 100 links per page. If you only have a 3-page website, you should consider less. A larger more popular site could have over 100 links. As long as your webpage is organized and well lay out. Keep in mind though, over 100 links on a page, webmasters should consider creating another webpage. - - Some helpful hints to assist website owners! - - Good Luck,- - Limelight Leads Team https://limelightleads.com/ . . . #Limelightleads #Google #AdvertisingAgency #DigitalMarketing #SocialMediaMarketing #WebDesign #WebDevelopment #WebDesigner #WebDevelopement #Design #Designer #SEO #SMM #SMO #SearchEngineOptimization #PaidSearch #GoogleSearch #GoogleRanking #GoogleRankings #Video #VideoMarketing #Social #SocialMedia #Digital #DigitalAgency #Linking #Backlinks https://www.instagram.com/p/BnqutVUnEfb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3lvjllwfou1q
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