lilyrivera06-blog · 3 years
should voting be mandatory?
Voting should not be mandatory. Voting is a right not a requirement. If voting turns into a requirement then people will just vote even when they do not know what they are voting for. Some people will vote for anything even if they don't know what it is just to get it out of the way. People who want to vote will look into what they are voting for and they will make a decision based on what they believe is best for them and their community. Voting is a privilege and should not be forced upon someone that does not want to. If everyone had to vote it could be very easy for a politician with bad inventions to put out a misleading commercial and win the vote of the people who don't look into who or what they are voting for. People who want to vote wont be as easily misled because they are informed on the situation and how their decision will affect laws and and regulations. Taking pride in your vote and being knowledgeable about what you are voting for is extremely important so risking people voting on stuff they don't know about just because they need to vote is a very bad idea.
word count: 208
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lilyrivera06-blog · 3 years
my best memory
 My best memory. I met my best friend Devyn in fourth grade on the first day of school. I have so many memories with her that I could write a book. My favorite memory is when we were at her house and it was pouring rain. We decided we were going to go play in it. We put on layers of thick pants and coats and then put ourselves in trash bags in an attempt to keep our layers dry. Once we were all bagged up we finished off our look with rain boots that were way too big and some bright swimming goggles. We got outside and some of the puddles were over a foot deep and the rain in the gutters was flowing so fast we jumped in as many puddles as we could splashing and running around in the rain for hours. When we finally got tired instead of going inside, we went to the tennis courts and laid down on our back and just let the rain fall on us. I have no idea how long we laid there but it was one of the calmest and happiest memories I have. When we got back to her house our rain boots were filled to the brim with water and all of our many layers were soaked. We had been in the rain for hours just slashing and having fun. It is by far my best memory  
word count:240
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lilyrivera06-blog · 3 years
foods I don’t like
While I don't consider myself a picky eater there are some foods I refuse to eat. Here are some foods I don’t like and why. My number one most hated food is olives. They are bitter and disgusting. I can't even smell them without feeling like I need to gag. I also hate raw broccoli. I enjoy broccoli when it is cooked but when it is raw it tastes so awful I would never be able to swallow it. On an opposite note I like raw bell peppers but hate them cooked. When bell peppers are cooked they have an awful texture and no taste. When you eat cooked bell pepper it's mushy and oily with no flavor. I also don't like lemon meringue pie. I love meringues and I love lemon, however I hate artificial lemon flavoring. And the texture or the lemon filling is like a failed mix of jello. The so-called meringue on the pie is just a big soggy marshmallow. Speaking of marshmallows, I'm not a fan of those either. I like them when they are burnt over a fire but otherwise they are gross. I cringe when I see people just eating marshmallows out of the supermarket bag they come in. and they have this gross powdery coating and its like chewing a sticky cotton ball. 
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