lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
Santa Lucia at the Waverly in Cumberland (again), Mar. 22nd
Another stellar show at the Waverly! These guys know how to do it.
I found out about Santa Lucia from cruising the Waverly's event page, and I decided to check it out because nothing gets me more revved than a funky latin beat!
I ripped this from their website: "This addictive combination of Nuyorican Boogaloo, West Coast Funk and the ever present Cuban grooves engulfs the stage with monstrous horns and bass, funky breaks, polyrhythmic beats and furious lyrics in English and Spanish." That about covers it!
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Earlier that week my brand new camera finally arrived! I couldn't wait to test it out, though I hardly knew a thing about all the settings for low lighting.
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At one point the sax players fluidly played their way off the stage and onto the dance floor, proceeded to have a sax duel, then played their way up the stairs, onto a table, dueled some more, then headed back on stage. Such a good night!
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During the break in between sets, German, the guitarist/lead singer, approached me, introduced himself and handed me his card, wondering if I could send him some of the pictures I had taken during the show. Why not :)
Viva live music!
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
The Real McKenzies at the Waverly in Cumberland, Mar. 9th
Yeaaa bring on the Celtic punk!
Went down to the Waverly with my punk friend John who I saw Pennywise with, and he introduced me to his other friends, and the night began with booze and mohawks.
First band up was East End Radicals, a punk band from Montreal.
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They sure got the punk vibes rolling!
We then watched as The Real McKenzies donned the stage, and the craziness began! Their scottish/celtic punk really got things going, I know it pumps my bones right up!
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I moved closer to front side to avoid the mosh pit, and also to get better shots, where I was rewarded with a shot of my own!
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As I was recording a video, Paul McKenzie himself saw me, grabbed a shot while he was singing, cheers-ed my camera and handed it to me! Heck yes! Allllll on video ;)
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SUCH a good time! Near the end of the night during one of the songs, Gord took his bagpipes and "fired" them at the crowd, looked pretty neat. Love me some punk music! I wish the Waverly would put on more punk shows, they haven't had any in quite a while.
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
Woah! She's a Babe - Down Below
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
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For some reason I do not recall, I came upon Woah! She's a Babe on Facebook, you know how sometimes you just peruse things on fb... but yea, ever since I've heard of them I've wanted to check em out, some good ol rock!! And luckily enough the one show I happen upon is with Pigeon Park! You could say I got two PIGEONS with one ROCK :D
Oh that was good.
But yea! It's at Venue (downtown Vancouver), tonight, starting in like an hour....check er out!
Unfortunately I am missing out on the Boom Booms playing at the Harmony Arts Festival in West Van tonight D: Can't be in two places at once...and I saw them all last weekend, which I have yet to update.
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
Psychedelic World - Deep Sea Gypsies
Decided to creep a song or two of these guys before I see them tonight.... Now I'm stoked to get some close up pics, if you know what I mean ;)
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
UPDATE: I'm alive
Here we go, how about some show announcements?
The Boom Booms are playing TONIGHT in Cumberland at Rock the Block, along with The Cumberland Brothers, Emily Spiller, Jenny Hoopnosis, The Deep Sea Gypsies, em. mash, Lady K, and Kim Churchill.
Then, The Boom Booms are playing tomorrow night at The Errington Hall, hell yes! Closest they could get to home.
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So happy to have them back on the island <3
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
Lick it - Kaskade & Skrillex
Catchy beat, though the music video is slightly disturbing....
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
Oh boy, I am so far behind.
I have been so busy going to shows that I have completely neglected my tumblr! Hopefully I will be able to catch you all up, cause I have some seen some gooooood groovy, funky, folky, jazzy, jammin bands that deserve a spot here! Plus I have my great camera so I have much better quality shots.
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
Amber - 311
Here's a nice lil song to brighten your Wed morning!
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
Wallpaper - Fucking Best Song Ever
HAH you should watch the vid, it's pretty funny :) Happy Tuesday!
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
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It's been so very long! Last show I saw was the beginning of February, and here it is, May! They've been touring all through the states, played at the SXSW in Texas, and even went to Haiti! Man, these guys are awesome. I cannot wait to see their bright beautiful faces on Saturday!
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
No Doubt - Underneath it All
I wish No Doubt would come to Vancouver or Victoria <3
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
Regina Spektor - Consequence of Sound
Got a soundtrack in my mind....
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
Bro Hymn- Pennywise
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
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Lagwagon and PENNYWISE at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver, Feb 21st!
Pennywise has got to be one of the first punk rock band I ever caught on to, and loved! In January I was surfing radio websites, randomly checking out upcoming concerts (usually not the way I do it) and there it was, PENNYWISE at the Commodore!
Yes, and yes.
Unfortunately tickets were toootally sold out, damn. BUT, I told a friend of mine and he HAD to go also, so he found us some tickets online, double the price....no matter! HAD to see Pennywise's 25th anniversary!
So, off we set, from the island once more to see a killa band in Vancouver. I should just move there.... The show was epic!! And the people there...we made friends with a few dudes with like 2-3 foot high mohawks!
Lagwagon was pretty sick, hadn't heard of them before but they killed it! And, well, Pennywise....gosh :) There was this one point when he was yelling out all the punk bands who started it all, so good! People were going crazy. I thought the strangest thing was that there was hardly a mosh pit! Mind you, it was soooo packed on that floor I don't think anyone could move if they wanted to, it was a miracle we got as close as we did! And little shorty cakes like me had a hard time even seeing it, through the bobbing heads, thankfully my camera did!
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
Brighter Than Gold - The Cat Empire
AHHH Cat Empire's new album is coming out next month!!
WAY stoked <3 Love these guys, my number one fo sho <3
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lilvixenmusic-blog · 11 years
The Skatalites, Bananafish, and the Ponderosas this weekend!
The LEGENDARY ska band, the Skatalites, are hitting up The Waverly in Cumberland this Friday night!
AND, if you still can't get enough ska, how about some Bananafish and the Ponderosas to light up your 4:20 evening at the Queen's in Nanaimo?
Yes, ladies and gents, this is going to be one soooore calf muscle's weekend! Come out if you love some good ska/groovy/funky/reggae tunes, and know how to skank like a maniac!
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