liltbh · 1 year
all the small things
i appreciate small things greatly.
such as the feeling of nicotine
on the back of my throat in the morning.
or sitting down at ten p.m. each night
and lighting a candle
just to write poems about you.
or when the sky is blue
after days of being grey.
i hope you do too.
i want to kiss you on the cheek.
i want to peel some of my orange for you
feed you a piece while sitting in the grass.
i want to roll you a joint
put some lavender in it to help you sleep.
i want to get high with you in my room
just lay there.
i want to make you bracelets.
draw you pictures.
write you poems.
listen to your favorite songs.
i appreciate small things greatly.
i hope you do too.
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liltbh · 1 year
who are you?
you ask me who i am. well,
there’s a little girl in here
who sees herself as a princess
and cries when she doesn’t get
her favorite candy at the grocery store.
there’s a perverted fifteen year old boy in here
who sits in his room watching porn
and jacking off all day
and is so insecure that he makes fun of anything and everything.
there’s a mean old lady in here
whose beliefs are stuck in the 1900’s
and wears diamonds and pearls casually.
today i am the teenage girl
who creates beautiful art during math class
who adores her friends and her cats
who never tries to purposefully upset anyone
who doesn’t remember what she likes to have for dinner.
she’ll just have a coffee and a small portion of french fries.
but maybe I’ll chose to be that little girl
or that fifteen year old boy
or that mean old lady tomorrow
and I am now wondering if you understood
any of that.
she likes to blabber.
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