☁️ rosie, she/her, 23 big, 4-7 little ☁️ taken by an amazing cg, she's got my heart & will never break it ☁️ mod at carereg ☁️ i am a dual com little -- please be aware of this -- but this blog is for my 100% sfw age regression ☁️ please read byf, dni, & about pages before interacting
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
...hello? is anybody out there?
in light of everything going on in the world right now, i’ve found myself missing this blog, and the friends i made here, and, well, i thought maybe now would be a good time to bring this blog back.
so hello again, tumbly tumblr world. guess who’s back, back again?
rosie’s back. tell a friend.

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Hello Rosie! I dunno know why but I keep coming on to your blog to admire it :3 so hi!
uhmmm this is the sweetest thing?! wowie, thank you so much lovely joel friend!!
i didn’t write the base code for my blog, but i did customize it with the colors and some of the stylistic stuff. i just wanted it to be a place that felt safe, and that made my mind happy whenever i looked at it...so i’m so glad other people feel that way too!
i wish school wasn’t kicking my butt so much, then i’d be around here more…but if you (or anyone) is ever looking for coding help, lemme know! and i really hope you are having such a super great day, joel!

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✨ & 🕊
hey hey hey! it’s kay kay kay!
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
i think the character i relate to most is steven universe. he is soft and sensitive and protective of other people, he loves to sing, he has short dark curly hair like i do, he has a big crush on a really pretty girl, and he has caregivers too (well, he has three, and i have one, but i think my cg is just as good as pearl and amethyst and garnet put together)!
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
i have a habit of putting things off until the last minute, falling asleep with the tv on (most of the time to the same movie over and over again -- these past few weeks its been spider-man: homecoming), and twirling my curls/playing with my hair!
you’re the best, @liltotlilone! thanks for asking these!
sweet and pure asks!

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you’re the sunflower, i think your love would be too much 🌻
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If you're ever bored, here's a list of Studio Ghibli films you can watch for free.
Castle In The Sky (1986) Grave of the Fireflies (1988) My Neighbor Totoro (1988) Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989) Only Yesterday (1991) Porco Rosso (1992) Pom Poko (1994) Whisper of the Heart (1995) Princess Mononoke (1997) My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999) Spirited Away (2001) The Cat Returns (2002) Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) Tales from Earthsea (2006) Ponyo On A Cliff From The Sea (2008) The Secret World of Arrietty/The Borrower Arrietty (2010) From Up on Poppy Hill (2011)
If any of the links stop working, please let me know so I can fix it.
For Castle In The Sky, wait for the free user button to be clickable and it will send you to the video.
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💒- which show would you want to live in?
hi joel friend! thank you so much for asking this question!!
💒- which show would you want to live in?
i think if i could pick any show, animated or not, it would have to be pocoyo! i’d love having a friendly narrator who always tells me what to do, and to run around with pocoyo and loula and ellie and pato and caterpillar and little alien friends. the vamoosh looks so fun to drive, and ellie’s tea parties always look so lovely, i just think it would be so fun!!
other options i’d consider would include pokemon (how cool would it be to be a pokemon trainer?!?), puppy dog pals (then my pups could be friends with bingo, rolly, and keia), sofia the first (i could be friends with all the princesses!!) and the magic school bus (science themed field trips? yes please!)
sweet and pure asks!

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D F G Q for the ask!!!! (If it’s not too late, if it is I understand)
it is never too late to send in asks, little gray anon! thank you for sending these in, and sorry it took me so long to get to them.
D. Do you use diapers?
i do not personally use them, though i would never judge another little for using them – they’re just not my forte!
F. Favorite fruit?
this is a really hard question because i literally love all kinds of fruit, but clementines, watermelon, and strawberries are probably the top three.
apples and pineapple are on my list of less-liked fruit, though – but that’s because i’m allergic.
it’s so yucky. trust me. i can’t tell you how much i miss apple juice.
G. Favorite place to go when you feel little?
oooof, this is a hard one too! i haven’t really had a chance to go to a lot of places little yet, but one day over my winter break my cg & i went to disney and we watched a stage show with some of the princesses and olaf was in it and my tiny little heart was so full. so probably disney would be the top pick.
build-a-bear is a great second.
thanks again, little gray anon! i’m gonna answer your last question under the cut – i want to respect that answering that question might infringe on other people’s safe spaces – but hope you’re having a great day, and don’t ever be afraid to reach out and say hi!
age regression + get to know me asks! (always accepting!)

cw: unhealthy coping habit mention below the cut
Q. A habit you wish you could quit?
i have a really bad habit of picking at my hangnails and my cubicles when i get anxious. i will not give more details than that because i want to respect that this blog has been my self-identified safe space to get away from things such as that, but it’s definitely a habit i would like to break.
i don’t know if it’ll ever happen, but i’m trying.
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hi friends. rosie here, just wanting to give y’all a little update, and explain why i haven’t really been around.
with the semester picking up, and big-kid school getting more and more busy, the last week or so really ran away from me. homework and other school things take up so much of my time, and i haven’t really been able to be on this blog in what feels like forever.
i disappeared so fast and without really saying anything, and think that made some people feel sad.
and for that, i’m really super sorry.
i am hoping that from now on i will be able to manage my time better. i really truly want this blog to be a safe space for me, and to use it to make friends that feel like they can count on me to be there for them.
so i hope that this apology is acceptable, and if anyone wants to talk, they can find me here.
wishing everyone a safe and happy monday.
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even though the watermelon one was my favorite, this shampoo reminds me of getting out of the pool after swim practice and heading toward the bench on the side of the pool to grab my backpack (it was navy blue, it had the logo of our swim team on it, it had my last name engraved on it too) and wobbling toward the locker room.
this shampoo reminds me of that pride i felt knowing i could shower and do everything “all by myself”, even though often times i’d end up walking out of the locker room with shampoo still in my hair.
i don’t remember lots of specifics about being a kid, but seeing this drawing brought back feelings i had forgotten about, and those feelings make me warm and fuzzy on the inside.
this is one of the reasons why regression means so much to me -- it brings back things i didn’t realize i’d forgotten.
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Miles loves you!
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forever-alwaysb replied to your post “U. Something unique about you?”
Same! But it’s my right dimple that’s bigger
that’s so funny! are you a righty? is the bigger one always on the dominant side of your body?
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@joelaussie-co reblogged your post:
Oooo another lefty! And I definitely feel ya. When I smile my left side has the deeper crease.
Lefty twins!
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C U T E like you! Can I be your cg? I promise to take care of you
hi there, little gray anon friend! i really appreciate your compliment – it’s nice to know that other people think i’m cute, too! – but i actually already have a cg. she has been my cg since i started age regressing in october. she takes really good care of me, makes me feel really safe and secure and happy, and has also my girlfriend since then.
i also want to let you know that advances like this are part of my dni! i’ve ask that people not send requests to be my cg because they make me pretty uncomfortable. i worry that i might hurt their feelings when i say no or turn them down.
that being said, because you are a little gray anon who may not have seen my dni page, i want to extend an offer of friendship your way! i love making friends (little or otherwise), and would be more than happy to talk to you and get to know you and keep you company platonically.
here are the answers to the letters you sent me:
C. Do you have a caregiver?
i do! she has my heart, and has promised me a thousand times that she will never break it, and i believe her 110% percent.
U. Something unique about you?
i’ve actually already answered this question! you can find my answer here.
T. Favorite little space TV show?
POCOYO!!! pocoyo is my favorite little show of all time, i love the animation style and all of the characters and the voice of the narrator calms me down. puppy dog pals is a super close second (though i feel like not as many people know about that show, and it makes me sad).
E. Favorite thing to eat?
if we’re talking in general, i think my favorite thing to eat is pizza, but when i’m in my little head space, mac & cheese most definitely.
thank you for asking all of these questions, and i hope you can understand and respect what i’ve said above!
age regression + get to know me asks!

#little gray anon#rosieanswers#aboutrosie#cw negativity#//i guess?#// wanted to put that there just in case
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i actually just answered this, little grey anon friend! you can find that answer here.
feel free to ask me another one, if you wanna!
age regression + get to know me asks!

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Your turn! K A Y for the asks! 💕
teehee! otay, kay!
K: Are you a kitten or other pet?
i am not a pet regressor, so no – though i think if i ever did start thinkin about pet regressing, i’d be most attracted to puppy regressing. everyone always says i have the high energy and playful nature of a golden retriever puppy, and they’re my favorite aminals, so i guess that would make the most sense?
as of right now, though – only age regression for me!
A: What age do you usually regress to?
the age range i put myself in for age regressin is 4-7. that bein said, though, i feel like most of the time i’m in the 4-5 kind of mindset, especially when i’m talkin to my cg. she makes me feel so cute and cuddly and smol ^.^
Y: Favorite time of year?
winter, most definitely! i was born in the winter, and i loveeee playin in the snow, and when it’s cold so i have to bundle up and put on lots of layers. it makes me feel like a big poofy marshmallow!
thanks for askin!
age regression + get to know me asks!

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U. Something unique about you?
hi Joel-friend! thanks for asking this!
U: Something unique about you?
hmmmmm...i think something unique about me is that i have dimples! you can see them especially when i’m smilin, and my left dimple is bigger than my right one.
i think it’s pretty coincidental (wow that’s a big word) that my left dimple is bigger because i’m also a lefty, so the bigger dimple is on the same side as the hand i write with.
age regression + get to know me asks!

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