Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
Halted in the retracing of his steps, his eye still on the blonde woman in her leopard print gown, a soft groan sounded in the back of Majima’s throat as his gaze was drawn reluctantly down to the earnest look on Yuki’s face. He wondered if she mourned every grain of repurposed rice. He still hadn’t forgotten the day that one of the ancient bags of rice in Sunshine’s excuse for a kitchen had all but taken flight at him with moths and their pale larvae - a while before the demands for vinegar began, at least. 
“Ya are, are ya…” Sighing, he tucked his thumbs into his pockets, swivelling his hips toward Yuki like a scolded teenager. “You still reckon that’s what folks want when they’re boozin’, huh? Chirashi-zushi?” Despite the loaded question, he’d never known either Sunshine or Four Shine to be in healthy supply of the vinegar she seemed to find so crucial, so perhaps Yuki was right.
“D'ya really need two of us to carry a bottle of vinegar…?” His eye strayed again, back to Aika as her thick laughter burst into the air, brash and unapologetic and wholly Sotenbori. “Or are we buyin’ a whole cartload of the stuff? Where’s ya big boy Kiryu got to, anyway? Man’s way better at all the donkeywork, he don’t like to ask too many questions.”
 “  Ask  all  the  questions  you  want!  It  doesn’t  matter  how  many  of  them  you  have.  Besides,  I  don’t  need  you  to  carry  anything  around  for  me.  ”  
 Yuki’s  gaze  inadvertently  flits  to  the  gaudily  golden  statue  of  Kiryu,  his  stance  positioned  in  the  club’s  signature  Four  Shine  pose,  glistening  under  the  lights  with  unabashed  pride.  If  fate  were  to  lend  itself  to  personalized  revisions,  how  many  direct  questions  from  Kiryu  would  it  take  to  disassemble  that  shimmering  abomination  from  ever  becoming  part  of  her  reality?  
 “  …  Anyway.  Just  because  you’re  back  doesn’t  mean  you’re  here  to  stay,  right?  And  we  haven’t  exactly  had  the  time  to  hang  out  outside  of  the  club,  either.  ”  ——  so  vinegar’s  the  excuse  and  an  optional  purchase;  her  ulterior  motive  suggests  a  simple  stroll  is  what  she’s  loosely  aiming  for.
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
“Alright! Right behind you!” Shinada is really curious about what Yuki has to show him, maybe she’ll confess her feelings to him! No. That would be ridiculous. Besides, Shinada’s already got a special lady on his mind. He is surprised when he is taken towards the mini-fridge, curious about what she could be showing him. Was she offering him some special sake perhaps? He waits to see what is hiding behind the fridge door.
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“Nothing’s going to pop out at me, right?” Shinada was admittedly a bit afraid to open the fridge, but here goes nothing. Upon opening it he was surprised at the sound that greeted him , was that a pikachu figurine? “…I wasn’t expecting that. What a cute surprise!” 
 “  ——  and  it  can  be  the  most  lethal  alarm!  Only  if  you’re  a  freeloading  thief  though.  ”  The  Pikachu  doesn’t  belong  to  her.  Yuki’s  wholly  detached  from  her  fellow  hostesses’  harmless  banter  regarding  filching  junk  food  from  one  another  in  playful  bouts  of  mutual  trust,  even  in  the  midst  of  short-lived  annoyance.  So  her  cadence  is  absent  of  spite,  imbued  instead  with  underlying  amusement.  Yuki  isn’t  above  sharing,  and  vice  versa;  she  understands  the  sentiment.
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 “  As  long  as  you  keep  yourself  clean  of  criminal  activities,  no  one  will  pop  out  to  apprehend  you,  Shinada-san,  especially  not  one  of  our  girls  here  at  Four  Shine!  ”  A  little  attempt  at  jest  to  keep  up  the  good  mood.  But  there’s  another  thing  to  address  here:  “  …  Ah,  sorry.  I  practically  dragged  you  up  the  stairs,  didn’t  I?  But  it’s  been  awhile  since  you’ve  dropped  by,  and  this  is  an  interesting  way  to  break  the  ice,  right?  …  Right?  ”
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
Yakuza 0 - As You Like
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
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“Hmm…” Haru is quieter than usual. She had wanted to be left alone, but also knew that staying indoors wouldn’t do her any good either. Visiting Leblanc seemed like a good idea since she found drinking their coffee to be quite soothing. She doesn’t notice Akechi at first until she realizes he is sitting next to her, but she does not look in his direction just yet. “Although this place is quite quaint compared to others, I like the atmosphere. It’s quiet and their coffee and curry is always quite comforting. I guess you are right about the place healing the soul though. Stepping in here I already began to feel at least a little bit better. Like I’m not alone.” 
 “  It’s  hard  to  feel  alone  in  the  company  of  fellow  patrons,  however  indirect.  ”  Delivered  as  a  joke,  out  of  place  with  his  secretive  knowing,  how  he’s  that  travesty  who  forced  the  rich  girl  into  the  status  of  an  orphan.  He  softens  his  own  pleasantry  with  something  a  little  more  solemn  though. 
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 “  White  noise  over  silence  can  be  reassuring,  though  I  imagine  I’m  an  interruption  to  your  time  of  solace.  ”  Light-hearted  and  impartial;  Goro  could  lounge  around  in  Leblanc  for  longer  than  he  intends,  exchanging  the  occasional  word  to  Sojiro  before  returning  his  attention  to  a  catalogue  of  documents,  school  worksheets  missed  thanks  to  his  frequent  absence.  So  he  gets  it,  in  his  own  little  way,  if  Haru  decides  to  take  his  implicit  invitation  to  end  their  conversation  from  here.
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
“Heh! That’s the spirit!” Ryuji grins hoping that’s encouragement enough for his little sister. Of course, he can see the beads of sweat beginning to form on her forehead since he can feel his own forehead beginning to sweat as well. Mind over matter! If he believed he could conquer this challenge then he definitely can.
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“Got that right.” Ryuji grinned taking a break from the heat of the ramen. He didn’t want to stop too long or else he might stop entirely. His nose was also starting to run but at least he was clearing out his sinuses. “Ya gonna be proud of me, sis? Ya gotta be in the pic with me, yer my support after all.” 
 “  I’ll  always  be  proud  of  ya.  ”  Kaoru  plucks  a  napkin  from  its  dispenser  and  sets  it  down  by  Ryuji’s  bowl  before  retrieving  one  for  herself.  
 Spent  all  her  life  in  open  acrimony  for  yakuza;  who  would  have  thought  she’d  dine  with  one  of  the  former  occupation  with  the  leniency  and  tolerance  of  a  saint.  She  learned  of  the  truth  back  then,  resolved  herself  to  utmost  loyalty  and  affection  for  the  only  existing  familial  bond  tethered  to  the  living.  Happiness  was  a  concept  she  hadn’t  considered  since  her  youth.  No  regrets  though;  she’s  fulfilled  ——  with  a  prospering  career,  and  the  occasional  time  spent  with  her  brother;  if  she  can  always  spend  her  days  in  deepening  solace  like  this,  Kaoru  won’t  have  much  to  complain  about  in  the  long  run. 
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 “  I’ll  have  ya  know,  that  little  polaroid  won’t  be  the  only  photo  I’m  gonna  be  featured  in.  ”  Within  seconds,  Kaoru  fetches  her  phone  from  her  front  pocket,  waves  it  around  a  little  as  she  continues  on.  “  I  ain’t  the  type  of  girl  who  keeps  selfies  around,  but  there’s  an  exception  to  these  kinda  things.  ”  Like  family.  Always  family.  But  if  Ryuji  doesn’t  fancy  the  idea  at  all,  she’ll  only  be  a  little  disappointed  that  memories  of  her  brother  in  the  form  of  snapshots  will  resume  being  unfortunately  scarce.  All  the  more  reason  to  treasure  these  hang-outs,  at  least.
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
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Ryuji can’t help but smile to himself when he sees Kaoru rushing towards him. He is so glad he’s gotten a chance to be close to his little sister like this , so much so that he had a kind stranger help pick out a nice gift for her which he is eager to hand over! “S’alright. Wasn’t waitin’ long.” he makes sure to keep his sister close to him. “Oh. Just wanted to give ya somethin’.” he hands Kaoru a bright pink bag containing a plush Hello Kitty inside. 
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 “  Aren’t  you  a  fancy  guy,  ”  ——  said  with  a  teasing  lilt.  That  ostentatiously  bold  shade  of  pink  is  sickening…  in  the  hands  of  the  wrong  man  anyway.  But  Ryuji  will  always  leave  her  smiling,  with  her  eyes  gleaming  in  an  uncharacteristic  display  of  enthusiasm  and  unadulterated  love  reserved  for  family  and  nobody  else.  
 Kaoru  accepts  the  bag  without  suspicion-fueled  protest,  but  she  seals  its  opening  with  the  pinch  of  her  fingers,  preventing  herself  from  taking  a  hurried  peek  within.  “  I  better  not  find  out  that  you  blew  a  chunk  of  your  earnings  on  me.  ”  She  feigns  a  scolding,  accompanied  with  the  lightest  of  nudges  to  his  side.  “  Having  you  around  is  enough  for  me,  y’know.  But  ya  got  me  curious:  what’s  the  occasion?  Somethin’  good  happen  to  ya,  got  ya  feelin’  generous?  ”
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
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“Ahaha, Right. You always did like to do that.” he recalled memories of when they used to be practically inseparable. Adachi wondered what had happened between them, but figured it must have happened when their interests changed in their teenage years. Thinking back, he should have recognized her right away although she had looked far more mature now, Kaoru did still have some features that were unchanged from childhood. “I should’ve known. Ahaha, yeah it must be fate or something! I guess I don’t feel so bad now for losing contact with you since I got to meet up with you again.” 
 “  I  can  already  tell  that  you’re  a  big  hit  with  the  ladies.  That  smooth-talkin’  about  fate  will  have  any  rose-tinted  gaze  beamin’  right  at  ya.  ” 
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 Sarcasm  ——  but  that  overgrown  weight  of  a  grudge  isn’t  there.  Distance,  and  mutual  ghosting,  was  only  natural  between  them  anyway.  Kaoru  shied  away  from  whimsical  dreams  and  charming  distractions;  her  staunch  pursuit  for  the  truth  regarding  her  parents  kept  her  nose  buried  in  thick  textbooks  and  study  guides.  She  recognizes  where  the  fault  lies,  here;  Kaoru,  inadvertently,  placed  an  unfair  and  prolonged  pause  on  their  friendship,  couldn’t  even  disclose  her  misgivings,  intentions  for  the  future,  to  the  one  she  developed  an  easygoing  fondness  for.  
 “  But  I  don’t  hold  anything  against  ya.  Ain’t  my  place  to  do  so  when  I  was  the  one  who  left  ya  hangin’  for  all  these  years.  ”  Attempts  at  apologies  and  playing  catch  up  should  be  postponed  when  they’re  less  tipsy,  the  day  younger  and  brighter  ——  but  the  topic’s  out  in  the  open  now.  Kaoru’s  been  through  plenty;  she  can  handle  whatever  he  decides  to  toss  at  her,  most  likely.
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
 “  Ideally,  we’ll  be  able  to  carry  them  around  without  any  qualms.  An  impromptu  weight-lifting  session  doesn’t  sound  too  appealing,  does  it?  Especially  under  this  heat.  ”  Cheeky  first,  solemnity  second.  “  But  from  what  I  understand,  a  hollow  sound  upon  knocking  on  its  surface  is  what  we  ought  to  aim  for.  Everything  else  is  up  to  personal  preference,  though  it’s  recommended  to  gravitate  more  towards  pumpkins  of  a  rounder  constitution  than  those  that  aren’t  as  rotund  in  comparison.  ”
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 ——  and  here’s  a  question  with  a  punchline,  depending  on  Mikitaka’s  response:  “  Are  you  keen  on  matching  with  your  pumpkin  by  any  chance?  ”
@lightnovels 🎃 to carve pumpkins with my muse.  
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What an interesting ritual humans had with pumpkins. It seems as though many seemed to enjoy putting a face on it while scooping out its guts. The entire process seemed as though it could be a bit messy, but admittedly he was intrigued by the whole thing.  He was so excited when he had been asked to carve pumpkins with a friend, even if he wasn’t entirely sure how this ritual was supposed to go. It seemed as though they were going to their hunting grounds a “pumpkin patch” to pick out a sacrifice. 
“Which pumpkin do you think will work nicely?” 
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
@niijiimas / continued from here.
 Fraudulent  boy  and  his  perennial  performance,  even  behind  the  scenes,  away  from  the  glaring,  orbiting  attention  of  one  too  many  cameras  ——  just  to  blend  in,  to  be  accepted  as  part  of  the  norm,  ‘  human  ’,  than  to  continue  on  as  the  debris  of  something  borne  from  unfortunate  debauchery.  Improv’s  part  of  the  game;  this  is  nothing,  regardless  of  the  gentle  surprise  that’s  localized  in  the  slight  widening  of  his  eyes.  His  smile  remains,  still,  steel-cold  and  inherently  hollow.
 “  The  tables  have  turned,  haven’t  they,  Niijima-san?  I’m  usually  the  one  soliciting  conversation  from  you.  But  diverging  from  the  predictable  only  makes  things  all  the  more  interesting,  wouldn’t  you  agree?  ”    So  he  says,  but  Goro  doesn’t  return  to  the  bar  stool  he  once  occupied;  he  relies  on  frivolous  small  talk,  up  until  a  cue  on  her  part  insists  that  he  adapts  to  the  presented  train  of  thought  than  to  waste  any  more  of  their  time.  So,  for  now  —— 
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 “  Were  you  looking  to  have  a  cup  of  coffee  this  late  in  the  evening?  I  do  recommend  it…  if  you’re  hoping  to  pull  an  all-nighter,  that  is.  ”
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
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bloodied knuckles ・ tear stained cheeks ・  rust  ・ a busted lip ・  claws ・ fangs  ・  a bloody nose ・  chattering teeth  ・ a dark space underneath the bed ・ scratching noises on a wall  ・  creaking metal  ・  fog ・ dancing under moonlight  ・ blood dripping lips  ・ heavy breathing in the dark  ・ a feeling of unexplained dread  ・ a figure in a dark corner ・   dirty peeling wallpaper  ・ a bloody hand print on the wall  ・ sobbing in the dark ・  bite marks on the skin ・ eerie whispers ・  a hood covering a stranger’s eyes ・  the growl of a hidden animal ・  the sound of a blade being sharpened  ・ a deep, dark forest  ・ walking on the streets alone at night  ・  a cobweb-filled, abandoned building  ・ eyes darting in paranoia  ・ a heavy beating pulse  ・  the feeling of being trapped  ・ struggling to get out a scream  ・  boards covering broken windows  ・ a quiet graveyard  ・  a gas station in the middle of nowhere  ・ a road that never ends  ・ heavy fog rolling in  ・  the scent of blood in the air  ・ eerie old photographs  ・ walking along train tracks at night  ・  a chill going up the spine  ・  gathering crows  ・ a dusty, dimly lit study ・  mist over a deserted cobblestone street  ・  ghost towns  ・ shadows around a campfire  ・  the sound of chanting  ・ church bells tolling  ・ an orange harvest moon  ・  a broken down carnival  ・ a dirty stuffed animal abandoned  ・ wiping bloody hands on fabric  ・ nightmares  ・ waking up in a panic ・ a power outage  ・ heavy lightning storms  ・ a secret trap door  ・ the feeling of being watched ・ fear from trauma ・  a ouija board set out on a table  ・  an eerie doll  ・ a scream of anguish & pain  ・ withered plants  ・ a room that’s been forgotten & gathered dust  ・ owl eyes in the dark ・  curled, dead tree branches ・ a ritual altar ・  flickering candles ・ a lantern held up in the dark ・ fear of being followed ・ creaking floorboards  ・ repressed, horrible memories ・ clenched teeth  ・ soft, echoing piano keys ・  an old book covered in dust ・  many pairs of glaring eyes ・  stumbling in pitch black darkness  ・  being stranded in the middle of nowhere  ・ tarot cards on a table  ・ a trail of blood
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚.  :  bizarrepaths ☆
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
“Right!” Yusuke’s voice is filled with determination as he continues to slurp up the noodles. His tongue is quickly becoming numb from the amount of spice each noodle is coated with, but he must continue on! His focus is on getting a free meal, and there is talk of some other prizes as well. His eyes glance to a wall on the restaurant that have pictures of former winners; the space seemed pretty empty. Maybe if he envisioned himself on that wall he can encourage himself to continue on.
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“Hmmm , I believe I saw an advertisement for it while I was people watching in Shibuya. Ah…” Yusuke’s tongue remains exposed in an attempt to cool it off. The heat was slowly beginning to creep up on him. 
 “  Are  ya  a  thrill  seeker  then?  ”  Of  all  the  ads  to  consider.  Hard  to  tell,  still;  Yusuke  isn’t  very  imposing,  seems  to  mind  his  own  ——  the  complete  opposite  of  his  former  mentor  who  hadn’t  a  sincere  bone  in  that  body  up  until  a  public  broadcast  showcased  a  tearful  confession;  she  didn’t  feel  sorry  at  all  once  he  had  become  Tokyo’s  mockery  of  the  hour. 
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 “  I’ve  known  a  foodie  a  few  years  back.  A  colleague  of  mine  while  I  was  overseas.  Told  me  that  anyone  who  enjoys  the  heat  are  the  adventurous  ones.  ”  Conversation’s  easy,  even  as  she  chews  around  small  mouthfuls;  helps  distract  from  the  abundant  spiciness  that  ought  to  be  outlawed.  “  Let’s  hope  you  have  a  sweet  tooth  on  ya  though.  I’ve  heard  that  sugar  does  the  trick  after  stunts  like  this.  But  if  you’re  gonna  have  someone  join  ya,  consider  something  easier  on  the  taste  buds  next  time.  It  doesn’t  have  to  be  this  crazy  to  be  interestin’.  ”
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
His hand moves at a consistent pace as Yusuke seems to have found inspiration. Yusuke occasionally glances up to get a look at his subject before getting back to sketching the idea that is coming to mind. Chuckling to himself Yusuke seems pleased by the image that is coming together on his canvas. Of course he looks up once he hears his subject speaking once more.
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“Hold on for just one moment. I am nearly finished. I apologize if this is uncomfortable but I promise you I’m almost done. Just give me a few more minutes!” He continues to work on his masterpiece, unaware that this could be putting them in danger. 
 “  Rather  than  my  comfort  ——  ”  His  words  are  cradled  with  patience;  self-serving  concern  is  sheltered  beneath  the  facade  of  an  easygoing  suggestion,  intent  to  revive  some  level  of  vigilance  into  Yusuke.    “  I’m  more  concerned  about  what  may  transpire  within  those  few  minutes,  maybe  even  less.  I  cannot  promise  an  identical  backdrop  to  your  work  in  progress.  However,  I’m  able  to  emulate  the  pose  that  you’ve  requested  of  me  regardless  of  the  amount  of  movement  that  may  ensue  on  my  part.  ”
 Contrary  to  Goro’s  depiction  of  goodwill,  there’s  very  little  care  harbored  within  for  Yusuke’s  remedial  pursuit  to  quash  his  artistic  slump.  But  Yusuke  is  part  of  the  team;  an  adamant  refusal  resides  among  the  thieves  ——  the  epitome  of  I’m  not  leaving  without  you.  Heartwarming,  but  it’s  detrimental  to  their  objective,  and  if  Goro  is  the  only  available  party  member  out  of  the  bunch  to  (  begrudgingly  )  volunteer  to  offer  some  assistance,  then  so  be  it;  the  Phantom  Thieves’  finale  is  around  the  bend  ——  vigilantes  crumbling  under  the  rubble  of  their  glorious  ruin  either  way.
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 “  The  boat  may  be  salvageable,  and  we’ll  emerge  with  our  lives  intact,  but  I  am  not  confident  that  the  same  applies  to  your  sketchbook.  ”  
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
Not ceasing in his journey toward one of the booth seats where he had left his white suit jacket an hour ago, Majima yawned loudly. “Yeah, an’ if ya didn’t keep watering the wine down with it, ya wouldn’t go through the stuff half as quick.” Never mind the fact that he couldn’t recall whether or not this was a recent transgression or one lingering thirty years from a lifetime forgotten. Old habits died hard.
It wasn’t so much that he was lazy, just that he had a problem with authority - or rather people claiming authority when- … most specifically: he was a man who did not appreciate being told what to do. Especially when doing said thing pulled him away from animated conversation with Aika, to whom he’d rather taken a liking.
“You forgotten how to walk in them heels, that it? Gimme a pair, I’ll show ya how to shake a leg.”
 A  fleeting  moment  of  secretive  diffidence  is  spent  staring  at  her  heels.  No  comical  tumbles  to  recollect  with  the  purpose  of  reliving  that  modicum  of  shame  though;  petulance  surfaces  like  it  usually  does  around  Majima,  but  Yuki  doesn’t  rise  with  a  quip.
 “  I  don’t  need  your  help  with  that.  I  can  walk  just  fine  in  them,  Majima-san!  ”  She  demonstrates  by  rushing  to  his  side,  unintentionally  pursuing  that  short-lived  profession as  a  blockade  ——  preventing  Majima’s  access  to  Aika,  in  this  case.  
 “  But  think  of  all  the  rice  that  couldn’t  contribute  to  my  sushi  bowls  back  then.  You  can  totally  make  up  for  it  now!  Especially  since  I’ll  be  coming  along  with  you  this  time.  ”  Yuki  frames  it  like  she  really  spent  all  those  years  miffed  over  an  unfulfilled  errand,  but  her  intentions  are  harmless.
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
 Four  Shine’s  currently  off  the  clock  ——  devoid  of  chatty  customers,  though  the  exuberant  camaraderie  of  the  club’s  hostesses  are  scattered  about  the  establishment  with  bright  laughter  and  light  bickering.  Yuki  seems  to  be  preoccupied  with  the  careful  task  of  restocking  the  bottles  of  booze  at  the  bar  ——  up  until  she  catches  Majima  sauntering  by  in  the  corner  of  her  eye.  “  …  Now  that  I  think  about  it,  I’ve  never  gotten  the  vinegar  that  I  asked  for.  ”  The  former  ‘  Lord  of  the  Night  ‘  may  be  missing  an  eye,  but  he  has  two  ears!  He  better  have  heard  her.
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
 “  Come  on!  This  way,  this  way!  You  have  to  experience  this  for  yourself!  ”  Yuki’s  hands  are  pressed  firmly  against  their  back,  lightly  pushing  them  forward,  straight  into  the  backroom  of  Four  Shine.  There,  her  well-acquainted  ‘  hostage  ’  is  free  from  her  innocuous  snare  once  they’ve  reached  the  club’s  mini  fridge;  Yuki  stands  beside  them  then,  near  the  seam  of  the  fridge’s  door  where  the  billowing  cool  air  is  bound  to  reach  her  once  its  tugged  open  by  her  companion. 
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 “  Go  on,  open  it.  The  suspense  will  kill  us  if  you  don’t  hop  to  it.  ”  ——  and  if  they  so  happened  to  indulge  her,  they’ll  be  readily  greeted  by  a  very  confused  sound  from  a  mini  plastic  figurine,  cheeks  blinking  red  as  it  starts  with  attention;  a  joyful  shout  follows  right  after,  nearly  blaring  in  the  already  quiet  room.  If  not  ——  well,  Yuki  will  stand  there  in  anticipation!
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lightnovels-blog · 6 years ago
this got me thinking: you know how lee was like, “ i ain’t gonna watch another daughter die right before my eyes again ” or whatever. what if makoto adopted a similar mindset post-y0, mainly towards brothers / siblings? not that the rest are less than, but you know !
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