Juggling student life and chronic illnesses
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 6 years ago
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So, it's been a couple of days since I last posted something. I wasn't feeling well, and after that I was really busy with writing and school. I finally had the chance to update my #writingjournal today, and I'm kinda proud of what I accomplished. My total #wordcount is 34002 now and I started with part two of my story. What did you guys accomplish this week? Did you write a lot, or make a great test, or did you just get out of bed and survive? #spoonie #spoonielife #write #writer #writersofig #writingcommunity #wrimo #wrimos #writersofinstagram #writingbujo #instawriter #bujo #bulletjournal #nanowrimo #nanowrimo2018 #instawrimo #nano #studyblr #studygram
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 6 years ago
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#doubleupdonationday didn't really go as planned. I didn't accomplish nearly as much #writing as I wanted to, and so my tracker is almost empty. And I don't like empty trackers, so I added another #colorcode to make me able to fill it out further. I'm gonna do some examprep after writing some more. How did your day go? Are you participating in #nanowrimo too? Did you get a horde of #plotbunnies, like I did earlier this morning? Or are you just scrolling through #bujo spreads? #writingjournal #bulletjournal #write #wordcount #writer #wrimo #writersofig #writingbujo #writingbulletjournal #writingcommunity #instawriter #instawrimo #nanowrimo2018 #studyblr #strudygram
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 6 years ago
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Started the second day of #nanowrimo with 46235 words. That #wordcount still hasn't changed today since I have been trying to catch up on school. I had to stay in the hospital a couple of weeks ago, and was away from school for a while because of it. I'm gonna wind down the schoolwork for today and start writing and editing a little bit. How is your day going? #nanowrimo2018 #instawrimo #writer #writing #wrimo #wrimos #readytowrite #bujo #bulletjournal #writingjournal #studyblr #studygram #words #spoonie #spoonielife
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 6 years ago
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This is the last day of #preptober and I thought I would show you guys my #writingjournal. I took me ages to cut out all those tags, but it was worth it. I can't wait to finally start @nanowrimo and challenge myself to write those 50000 words. #nanowrimo #writingbujo #writingbulletjournal #bujo #bulletjournal #writing #writer #wrimo #nano #nanowrimoprep #nanowrimo2018 #nanoprep #instawriter #instawrimo #writersofinstagram
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 7 years ago
How to Never Fall Behind in Classes
Alternatively titled: How to Use Your Planner or How Organization and Discipline Will Get You Better Grades
This is my full guide on how to use your planner effectively and make sure that you are never missing deadlines or falling behind in classwork and homework. This is definitely more about the university level and works best with a dated planner, rather than a bullet journal. Let’s get started! 
Get all of your syllabi together and write down dates. Go through one class at a time and mark down all of your major tests and assignment due dates. I recommend putting these dates into the monthly and weekly views, and perhaps coming up with a symbol or other indicator that tells you they are of utmost importance. 
Make a weekly schedule of when to complete readings and do a weekly review of notes. Instead of trying to randomly decide when to do these things, assign a date for each task for each class. If you have a tutorial on Tuesday, do the assigned readings for it every Wednesday. I recommend scheduling one to two weekly tasks per day, and to leave a few days open, whether it be weekends or days when you have a lot of classes.
Make a master list of assignments. I find that sometimes, even having due dates in the calendar view isn’t enough, and they can still sneak up on you. The master list will be a good place to double check if you have any deadlines approaching easily. 
In the week or so before a due date, create a checklist of smaller tasks needed to complete the assignment. Set individual due dates for each smaller task by working backwards from the due date. Smaller tasks may include finding sources, making an outline, writing a rough draft, and editing and adding references to create a final copy. Write the smaller tasks into your daily to-do list. 
You can also do this with studying for tests, but the checklist would look slightly different. You could either sort by study method (first do flashcards, then do essay outlines, etc.) or sort by the topics you need to study. 
Stick to the schedule you have made. Obviously, if something comes up and you need to move your to-do list around, do so! But if you aren’t doing anything and you see readings on your list of daily tasks.. do them. Having the plan set out like this makes it easier for you to remain disciplined. 
Why use this method? 
By creating a schedule for repeated weekly tasks like completing readings, you make sure that you can’t repeatedly push off smaller tasks until you are weeks behind. I don’t think it is very reliable to just will yourself to do readings, or to keep up with them without tracking it. 
By writing down all of your due dates, you will never be shocked to find out something is due the night before. You will know and you will be prepared. 
By creating smaller checklists of tasks to complete before a major test or assignment, you will never find yourself in a situation where you have an essay due in a few days and haven’t even started. You will be following a timeline and making sure you don’t have to rush.
I know this system may seem rigorous, but planning is the only way you can keep on top of your workload in university! Falling behind is a lot harder if you are organized and disciplined, and being on top of your workload will help you a lot when it comes to exam times… no cramming and all-nighters if you have been consistent all semester! 
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 7 years ago
The story you’ve always wanted to read
I am looking for writing prompts to write a story, so if anyone knows one writing prompt (or more) please reblog this post with the writing prompt and send me the writing prompt via chat or ask, and maybe I will write the story that you’ve always wanted to read.
The story and/or chapters will be published on wattpad and here too. I will post the link when the first part is available.
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 7 years ago
The story you’ve always wanted to read
I am looking for writing prompts to write a story, so if anyone knows one writing prompt (or more) please reblog this post with the writing prompt and send me the writing prompt via chat or ask, and maybe I will write the story that you’ve always wanted to read.
The story and/or chapters will be published on wattpad and here too. I will post the link when the first part is available.
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 7 years ago
You have lipton ice tea in Belgium, the Netherlands and France too
I’m the anon with the Lipton ice teas and you were so close to guessing I was actually thinking of Portuguese when I wrote it (Lipton ice tea is HUGE in Portugal)
omg i debated going with portuguese but i’ve never been to portugal and didn’t just want to assume stuff so i went with spain! i don’t actually think we have lipton in germany but they did have it in england, still never tried it though haha
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 7 years ago
I need $5,000 emergently for medical bills, and I need your help raising it!
My PayPal is here.
I’ve developed a sudden partial onset seizure disorder as well as new heart issues. In the last week, alone, I was admitted to the ICU after a night in the ER having back to back seizures for hours. After two nights in the ICU I was sent home on new seizure meds that are very expensive (over $75 for a one month supply) called Keppra. Less than 24 hours after being discharged, I was taken back to the ER via ambulance. My boyfriend called 911 after I had (his count) seven seizures in a row in our bed. I lost control of my bladder, peeing all over myself, as well as vomiting on myself and crying the entire way to the hospital. I have been poked with at least a dozen IVs in the last week, as well as had countless CT scans, ultrasounds, x-rays, EEGs, blood work, EKGs, etc. and the list goes on.
I just got home from my third hospital visit of the week and I had to quit my job, today. :(
I am a survivor of cervical cancer, stage four endometriosis and PCOS and so far, seven abdominal surgeries to include a hysterectomy leaving only my ovaries behind. I need money to go see a neurologist, rheeumoatoidologist, gastrointestinal doctor, OBGYN/endometriosis specialist and immunologist. I have to have at least one surgery in the next few months to remove my ovaries.
Please only donate if you have money to SPARE and I will keep everybody updated! Thanks to y’all x1074729107!!!
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 7 years ago
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Revision tips
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 7 years ago
The struggles of learning
Sometimes, I find myself overwhelmed with excitement over all of the knowledge I have yet explore and engage.
Other times, I am crippled by my sense of how little I know. 
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 7 years ago
olympics are on since friday
Dam, good thing I’m a fan of eurovision and not the Olympics, imagine having to wait 4 fucking years
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 7 years ago
happy birthday, hermione granger. thank you for not just being a role model, but also for showing me that “try-hard,” “nerd,” and “overachiever” are NEVER insults if you own them.
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 8 years ago
Patience is key. Beautiful flowers take time to bloom.
- Reverie Hippie
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 8 years ago
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Be a Planner - How to Plan
I like to talk about a lot of different things on my blog - law school, study tips, notes, books, coffee, and rants.
BUT - one of my favorite things to talk about is planning. 
I think planning is one of the best ways to keep control of your day and other things going on in life. If you’re like me, which I imagine a lot of you are in the studyblr community, then you may benefit from planning too. It’s fun, creative, and functional.
There are several ways to plan - in an app, electornic calendar, or by hand in bullet journals, planners, or notebooks. 
I’ve done most of these, but my favorite is by hand in a planner. I use an Erin Condren planner, and I love it. I think they are great quality and very beautiful.Not to mention, they are pretty customizable. Anything you could want about it is on their website.
How do I use it?
I use an academic hourly planner. I prefer the hourly because a lot of times, I have time specific events or plans. This makes it much easier for me. I fill those into my planner first, including classes and assignments under the class. Afterwards, I fill in my to-do lists usually in the morning or evening. There are tasks to be done in those open windows of time without being too specific. 
On the side bar, I put weekly to-dos. Usually those are not super time sensitive, so I can plug them into a day where I see fit. I use a few stickers from Erin Condren and Krissy Ann designs for bigger events, but other than that all I like to use if pen and maybe a colored midliner or staedlter pen for blocking off time or just adding a bit of color. 
I like things minimal and organized in my planner. Hopefully this gives you a few tips if you want to start planning or are looking to change it up!
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 8 years ago
the worse thing about university is wanting to email a question to clarify something, but also feeling it is stupid and you already know the answer so are hesitant to send it. save me pls.
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lifewithnerdyglasses · 8 years ago
3 Study Methods You Should Use More Often
This was originally for an article writing assignment, but I thought “why not write something I can also post on my blog?” so here are three study methods that I haven’t seen a lot of in the studyblr community but are definitely worth mentioning.
The Leitner System
          Flash cards have remained one of the most popular ways to study. Some people use them to memorize vocabulary, remember answers to specific questions, or even associate dates with events. Although the use of flash cards is convenient, their effectiveness has been reduced due to most people’s habits of prioritizing each card equally and therefore spending too much time memorizing the information on them.
          The Leitner System, created by a German popularizer of science named Sebastian Leitner, is a more efficient method of studying that implements the concept of spaced repetition. All the cards start off in one pile. You would first scan through these cards, then test yourself. Each card you answer correctly goes to a second pile, while those you answer incorrectly should be revised then placed at the bottom of the pile. When you review the cards in the second pile and get them correct, they will be promoted to a third pile. An incorrect card will always get demoted to the first pile, even if they had previously been promoted to the last pile.
          The reason why this method is so effective is that you end up reviewing the first pile of cards more frequently—the cards you don’t know very well. Some people choose to review their Stack 1 cards every day, Stack 2 cards every other day, Stack 3 cards once every three days, and so on.
          Once all your cards have been promoted to the highest box, study them thoroughly and then start over. The continuous revision trains your speed so that you may reach fluency, which allows you to recall the information faster.
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Timed Memorization
          The name tells it all: you memorize a certain text within a time limit, normally around five to ten minutes depending on your fluency and memorization abilities. When the timer starts, you begin memorizing. When time is up, you flip to the next page, even if you haven’t finished the previous page yet. Continue until you’ve gone through all your material.
          Timed memorization helps you to discipline yourself because your brain thinks that there’s no time for messing around; you have to do this here and now. Make sure to repeat the things you missed and revise everything frequently. This method is actually one of the most effective for cramming as it gives a better coverage than if you spend a whole half hour memorizing one subtopic.
The Memory Palace or Mind Palace
           Sound familiar? In BBC’s Sherlock, the ‘highly functioning sociopath’ uses this method to remember vital information and facts. A mind palace is a systematic arrangement of information, each detail corresponding to a specific object in a familiar place. To ensure that you really remember everything, the objects have to appear shocking and conspicuous.
           Here’s an example: if I wanted to memorize “crimson, 11, delight, petrichor (the smell after rain)”, aside from imagining Amy Pond or the Doctor saying it, I would first choose a place, let’s say my school. I’d imagine myself walking up to the front gate and seeing that the entire building has been painted the color of blood—crimson. The building would then rise as though it were lifted from the earth and crumble into rubble, controlled by Eleven, the character from Stranger Things. Now, since I can’t really picture delight specifically, I’d probably end up visualizing a colossal sign that simply reads “delight” posted in front of my school. As for petrichor, I’d imagine curves rising out of the puddles on the asphalt after a rainy night, a visual representation of the smell of the rain. Of course, these visualizations have been created to suit my memory. (I wouldn’t know if you watched Stranger Things.)
           I used this method when memorizing case studies for geography, although I chose to visualize fictional places from television series and cartoons. Some people do opt to create artificial places, but these often become blurry and are easily forgotten.
           As with any study method, repetition is vital to storing the information in your long-term memory. Visit your “palace” as often as you can. Soon enough, you’ll remember the data as well as you remember the place associated with the data.
So there you have it, three lesser known methods of studying that have proven to be immensely efficient. Now, there is no “correct” way to study, but there are methods that can ease your learning process.
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