Oh Hello There...
So it’s been 857 days since I made my very first introduction post and after that y’all saw NOTHING. Sorry... a lot happened. Last you heard from me I had a 9 month old baby girl... well now I have a 3 year old sassy toddler and a 9 month old chunky baby boy. 🥰
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Today we celebrated May the 4th in proper style if I do say so myself. 💚
So yes, I had another child. 👶🏻
Caleb Jackson was born on July 29th, 2020. Smack dab in the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic (no he wasn’t a quarantine baby lol) Life is now a lot different with two kids instead of one. Aria was my miracle baby, my premature rainbow baby that I was told I could never have. I was scared our new addition would make her feel left out but she absolutely loves her baby brother and does everything she can to help out, except when he pulls her hair which is his FAVORITE thing to do.
I started this blog with a full intent to document my life but then life got the better of me, we ended up homeless in the middle of my pregnancy, jumped back and forth from family couch to couch before we finally decided to just move back to Florida. In all honesty I wish we didn’t move back here but thankfully we are somewhat secure money wise and in a stable home. There’s just too much drama here, no one wants me around for whatever reason, I have someone who I’ve never done anything to suddenly hate me, she even gone to the extent to mom shame me for little things like how I put my son to sleep or how we feed him. I’ll never understand why moms can’t stick together, women should be supportive and empowering each other, not tearing one another down and talking behind their backs. Eventually we will have enough money in our savings to move and buy a home of our own, I want to be close to my family but I don’t want to be somewhere where I’m not wanted. I’m sure a lot of you can relate to that. Well, Until next time y’all. ✌🏻🖤✨
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I Don’t Even Know What I’m Doing
So I somehow came up with this brilliant idea back in October that I wanted to start a blog, somewhere where I can just write and share my thoughts, opinions, recipes, diys and fun stuff with anyone who cared to listen. Number one, I can’t afford to start a blog/website because most places I looked wanted between $6-$30 a month to run a blog. Number 2, I’m not the best at “writing things how they should” when I write, I just write. I probably don’t put comas where they should or I end a sentence too soon. So if you’re looking for perfect you may as well run along. 
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I guess here is where I need to post about me, an introduction to be proper. Well I’m 23 years old and I’m a brand new mama to a beautiful 9 month old baby girl named Aria Marie. I don’t work so Youtube, Tumblr and Makeup groups have become my best friend. I Spend most of my days watching Vampirina with my daughter and doing  “mom things” It honestly gets pretty lonely when your only friends all live out of state...  As I said above, Youtube is one of my best friends. I was/am a youtuber up until about 6 months ago and I just stopped because life became too much to be honest and I just didn’t have time for it, I recorded my first ever video in forever tonight and I have to re-film it of course! If I’m being honest with you though, I’m terrified of anyone in my family finding my youtube channel or even this blog for that matter...why? I’m just scared of being made fun of I guess? I’m not even sure anymore, maybe 2019 needs to be the year where I no longer care what my family thinks of me.  I really enjoy photography, it’s a dream of mine to successfully start a small photography business. Maybe I’ll share some of my shoots sometimes.  I’m a lover of all things beautiful and creepy, Halloween is my absolute favorite and I possibly cannot live without my horror movies. ♡  I’d have to say my favorite horror series is Friday the 13th oh and have I mentioned that I got to meet one of my favorite Jason’s Kane Hodder? 
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If I’m being honest I’m not good and introducing myself or talking about myself, but I know I wanted to start a blog to keep up with mom life, when I need to vent, when I start a DIY project or whatever. This shall be fun and Wish me Luck. 
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