New Career Path?
So my roomie and I sat down the other day and talked about careers (mostly mine) and she gave me her opinion on what she thinks I should do, and in all honesty, it's a really good idea.
My goal in life is to one day have my own bakery. So for the past few years, I have been working as a cake decorator/pastry chef in various bakeries. I made up my mind that I wanted to be a cake decorator so that is what I set out to do. Work as a cake decorator at a bakery and that's that. But it didn't dawn on me that that isn't really a long term goal. And that I am not really fulfilling my true dream by doing that.
Every time I think about my future I just think about working as a cake decorator in a bakery. And every time I apply to new jobs I only apply to bakery jobs, because that is what I made up mind on what I wanted to do. But that was limiting myself, and I didn't realize it until now.
Just because I want to be a decorator and baker doesn't mean I have to work in a bakery, especially when my long term goal is to eventually open up my own business. With the way things are now, I am not making any progress on starting my own business. And working in a bakery is not helping that either. All of my time and effort goes into the bakery I am currently at, and by the time I am off work, I am so burnt out on decorating cakes all day that I don't want to do it at home. Working in a bakery is nice, but it is taking away from my personal dream.
So my roommate gave me an idea. She says I should pursue a new job, or a new career, and do my baking on the side and eventually create my own business on the side. Ideally, I would love to find a mon-fri 9 to 5 job, and have evenings and weekends free to practice baking and decorating cakes in my free time. But in that way, I can have a set schedule, do something that doesn't involve baking or decorating so that I am not burnt out from it when I get home, probably make more money (because let's be real, cake decorating does not pay that much), and have all that free time to practice what I really want to do and start making progress on my dream. I can practice baking and decorating cakes throughout the week, and eventually on weekends attend Farmer's Markets to get my product and name out there.
I didn't realize until our conversation last night how stuck I was in life. I wasn't thinking in the long term. I was stuck working in bakeries and making no progress on what I really wanted. And it didn't dawn on me until she pointed it out. Definitely an eye opener, and something I am really considering doing. After all, I gotta start working toward my business at some point!
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● Todoroki Shōto ●
“Before I knew it, I had forgotten.. I want to be a hero too!”
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New Blog
Hello! I decided to get back into blogging so I made a brand new tumblr, and I figured it was only appropriate that my very first post ever be of Tododeku, because that ship is the greatest thing to have ever happened to me and I thank it for bringing so much happiness and joy to my life.
I mainly just wanted a place where I could post whatever is on my head without worrying about anyone seeing it. Pretty much a place of my own just for me and any random people who happen to stumble across my blog.
I created a beautiful layout that makes me excited to visit my blog every day so I can’t wait to get started and post more on here
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