lifeaftercheckmate · 4 years
Just putting this out there. If anyone plays Elder Scrolls Online and wants to go marauding/a-questing with a Dark Brotherhood Wood Elf and his Khajit Thieves Guild bff
hit me up
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
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this kid likes dragons
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
🌹 luxury asks. 🌹
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
It was an odd idea: that his own moves and those of his friends could be simulated here. A computer summoning his Blockman, or even Marshmallon!
“Dueling with the computer, huh…” Like the one in Kaiba Land! So this was the technology behind that attraction.
Yugi flashed a quick smile at the analyst, both as a greeting and a silent apology for interrupting her work with his questions. Still he shuffled closer to glance around Kaiba’s shoulder, looking on with the same kind of wonder filled curiosity a child might observe a particularly cool science experiment with. For some, seeing the code, the strings, behind the monster, may destroy the magic. But not so for Yugi. There was something incredibly riveting about seeing just what brought the world he loved so much to life.
His attention shifted to the hologram models, little blue ghosts of what was to come. “I can’t wait to see them in full.” Yugi confessed without a grain of insincere flattery.
“You know,” he continued, eyes purposefully still on the holograms, lest Kaiba might take what he was about to say as some sort of direct attack on him personally. The other had reacted to his compliments in that way before, after all. “I think it’s really great how much care and attention is put into every card. Even ones you might personally think aren’t worth much of anything. You really care about this game, don’t you?”
“Just to run simulations on all possible move combinations,” Kaiba said, reaching up to massage his temples with his long fingers. “We obviously don’t want the technology to glitch in the middle of a duel. Imagine if we had to go back to a world where tournaments were played with a stadium full of people watching a pair of duelists sitting at a table with physical cards. So we run all the possibilities here.” 
The analyst had tensed slightly with both Seto Kaiba and Yugi Moto’s attention on her, but as attention shifted to the holographic figures in the arena, she relaxed again. Kaiba came to stand near the edge of the arena, close enough to touch the holograms if he wanted to. “The full renders aren’t done until Industrial Illusions releases the cards for production. These are just in development.” 
His ice blue eyes were focused on the holograms, mind registering every small flaw and needed correction. They were both magic cards so there wasn’t too much that could be said for their appearance. The Dragon’s Egg needed more definition. The Magician’s Caduceus wasn’t quite symmetrical--and it should be designed so that it would physically integrate with a compatible monster. 
So almost lost was he in these notes that it took him a moment to realize Yugi was speaking. His eyes narrowed, his tall frame tensing slightly. There wasn’t any real reason for it--Yugi hadn’t offered him an insult. Unless caring about something was an insult, some exposure of weakness. In the end, he just nodded. “This game is what this entire company was founded on--of course I care.”
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
It is rather like dragging a boulder through the mud trying to get Seto Kaiba to open up. Or whatever metaphor you cared to use. It was no mean feat. And as soon as the words are out, the walls are back up. But perhaps somewhat less stable than before. Almost as if the answers he has given are answers that have been on the tip of his tongue for a long time. Waiting to be spoken into reality.
The response is…somewhat unexpected. Seto hasn’t thought of his answer as something that would either please or displease Atem. It’s just a fact. He does trust the other. Whatever that’s worth. Apparently it’s welcome news. 
But the question that comes after is less straightforward. Cool blue eyes slip over to the man sitting next to him. “Abscond is a little dramatic,” he says, though there’s a small smirk accompanying the otherwise flat tone. “I have a something to show you–and a proposition.” Neither of which were necessarily on his mind at the beginning of the evening, but rather were ideas that had materialized over its course. 
❝I rather like the word in truth.❞ Dramatic? Has Kaiba even looked in a mirror? Atem thinks rolling his eyes slightly, even if he finds this conversation amusing in some unique way. Cheek propped against the butt of his hand rises and he’ll shift to fully look over the CEO. ❝A proposition? Hmm, curiouser and curiouser.❞ He’ll shrug and let his leg bounce idly as they rode. 
While he is amply curious about the fate of Kaibas whims, he doesn’t voice it. Instead pouring energy into what could become the norm. So far it was living at Yūgis and spending his time boringly living the day to day. Regardless of the fact that he was on his own now and living again. It had been rather. Boring. 
This at least offered some upheaval in the mundane and drab. Dramatic Atems words maybe, doesn’t disguise that he is here on his own curious and free will. ❝Though to digress to be one of the few to whom you are willing does bode interesting, and I know I said so before, but I trust you as well. Take that how you please. ❞ 
Seto crosses one leg neatly over the other, his arms taking up a similar position across his narrow chest. This is a comfortable and typical position for him. Literally, physically closed off. His eyes slide over to the other side of the vehicle, chin dipping to his chest in a slow nod. “You’ll see soon enough. Given what I can guess about your current...enterprises...I hope you’ll at least give it some serious consideration.” 
The car winds its way along--out of the district where the night had started and toward an upscale residential district. High-rise towers, cocktail bars, clubs, restaurants, office buildings. A newly-popular, newly-designed, newly-inhabited part of Domino. Mostly built for the newly-graduated university students with high-powered corporate jobs and the swaths of pro-gamers of all kinds that were swarming to the city. 
HIs perusal of the skyline is interrupted by another musing from the seat beside. “So glad you find my trust interesting.” But his arms uncross as he glances again to the side. “If that’s true, then perhaps you’ll say yes to what I have to propose.” The car comes to a halt outside of a large, glass-walled building--a familiar logo embossed on the side. “Kaiba Towers. We’re also about four blocks from the Kaiba Corporation R&D labs.”
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
Tell my muse something they need to hear.
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
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((This is for the mun to have a chuckle at though if Seto wants to comment on how well this captures the pointy-ness of his chin, I won't stop him! This is by user minomoron by the by))
((I did have a chuckle, hospitalization and all! Thank you for brightening up a horrendous weekend :) ))
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
ooc;; minor positive update. Was discharged from the hospital yesterday so that’s progress. I appreciate all the kind words/thoughts.
ooc;; hi there. replies are coming later this week but I’m currently in the hospital (IV fluids and monitoring thanks to an extremely high and prolonged fever). Memes or general silliness would be welcome distractions.
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
ooc;; hi there. replies are coming later this week but I’m currently in the hospital (IV fluids and monitoring thanks to an extremely high and prolonged fever). Memes or general silliness would be welcome distractions.
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
- Sedated- What time do you go to sleep?
Meme: kinda weird hozier asks
It varies. It’s hard to say there’s a “normal” day in the life of Seto Kaiba, but more often than not he’ll go to sleep between midnight and 1 am. Sometimes later, rarely earlier.
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
Open Starters:
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
There’s a nod of understanding as the answers are so curtly given him. In truth there is nothing spoken that Atem hadn’t already gleaned from simply watching and observing. An odd thing to be able to do betwixt the folds of time and space. The desire to play games culling the system towards his own being, but yet Atem would rather he hear the words from Kaiba a feat akin to pulling ivories he’s aware. Still as the words befall him Atem does nod his head gently so.
❝I am pleased to hear such a favorable outcome of your heart. Now that. that is out of the way is there some reason why you decided to abscond with me in your car? Not that I care so long as I end up back at my flat by the night. ❞ Gaze is heavy through dark lashes as he brings his hand to nestle his own cheek in his own refined and poised manner. 
In truth his words were not meant to tease Kaiba, but he did find it almost an insanity how oft this man came to his emotions only to retract back to the past. Then upon retrospect their first meetings weren’t the most gentle. Progress is indeed seen between them in that light. 
It is rather like dragging a boulder through the mud trying to get Seto Kaiba to open up. Or whatever metaphor you cared to use. It was no mean feat. And as soon as the words are out, the walls are back up. But perhaps somewhat less stable than before. Almost as if the answers he has given are answers that have been on the tip of his tongue for a longtime. Waiting to be spoken into reality.
The response is...somewhat unexpected. Seto hasn’t thought of his answer as something that would either please or displease Atem. It’s just a fact. He does trust the other. Whatever that’s worth. Apparently it’s welcome news. 
But the question that comes after is less straightforward. Cool blue eyes slip over to the man sitting next to him. “Abscond is a little dramatic,” he says, though there’s a small smirk accompanying the otherwise flat tone. “I have a something to show you--and a proposition.” Neither of which were necessarily on his mind at the beginning of the evening, but rather were ideas that had materialized over its course. 
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
Nonverbal RP Starters: 💪 Pick my muse up
His hands are on the other before Kaiba even realizes what he’s doing, lifting Atem bodily away from the curb. 
A cab nearly jumping the very same curb brings him back to the present. He lets go, taking a step back, brow furrowing. “At least try not to get run over.”
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
Ah, okay, noted. Shouldn’t push his luck too far. For now he’d keep his mouth shut. Arms stretched behind his back Yugi pressed his shoulder blades together - tension had made its home in there while he had tried to defend his flag - as he walked half a step behind Kaiba.
While their footsteps softly echoed down the halls, Yugi ruminated on his strategy for a bit. What mistakes had cost him the game? What could he do differently next time? But his thoughts also wondered to what he’d see when they’d step into the labs.
He didn’t have to wonder for long.
Dozens of monsters greeted him, with sharp shining eyes, teeth and talons bared. Yugi smiled at them as they passed by. He imagined Kaiba his employees to change this or that setting, only to get frustrated and tweak everything to his standards himself. Standards that were undoubtedly nothing short of perfect.
He hummed at the sight of the arena, but kept a respectable distance. Just because Kaiba had invited him to test one system didn’t mean he was free to mess with whatever he liked. Probably.
“There’s a lot of combinations… how do you go about it? Do you have people duel here? Or does the computer run through a script of all possible moves?”
That was something computers could do… right? He was reasonably sure of that - he’d heard something like that - but the way his voice tilted up at the end of his question indicated that when it came to computers, Yugi had a lot left to learn.
The steady sound of typing and commands being spoken into microphones paused briefly as eyes turned toward the doors. It wasn’t unusual to see Seto Kaiba here, but it wasn’t a daily occurrence either. Still there was more than a little increased pressure with the head of the company looking over your shoulders. And if Yugi had voiced his suspicions about Kaiba sometimes taking over the stations himself....more than one of the analysts would have confirmed them. There probably wasn’t a single one of them who hadn’t been pushed aside by the young CEO at one time. 
Arms crossed over his chest as Seto came to stand near the edge of the small arena as Yugi’s questions started again. “We can do both. The computers analyze the past game play of certain repeat tournament players and run their most common and most unique moves. Analysts--or anyone else--can also duel manually with a virtual deck just from the computer screen.”
Taking a few steps to the side, Kaiba waved the nearest analyst away from her station, leaning down, long fingers moving quickly across the keyboard. In the arena, a blue-toned, somewhat see-through hologram appeared. Although it was about 25% of the size it would be in a  real duel, it was still recognizable: Lord of Dragons. “We also test how current cards would interact with cards that are still being contemplated for release.” Another series of taps and a new creature appeared beside Lord of Dragons--or, well, an egg that seemed to be pulsing with some sort of electricity. One more return to the keyboard and a slender, winged staff with a glowing gem also materialized.
“Dragon’s Egg and the Magician’s Caduceus. Still in final development at Industrial Illusions, but they’re slated to be released soon, so we’ve been integrating them into the system.”
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
OOC: okay I failed on “tomorrow” but I have literally calendared reply time for this weekend. I miss you all. Here’s a New Years pic :)
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OOC: I’M BACK! Replies tomorrow so please like/message if I owe you!
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lifeaftercheckmate · 5 years
OOC: I’M BACK! Replies tomorrow so please like/message if I owe you!
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