life-on-pluto · 4 months
Hurts to be so at odds with your natural personality and in constant discord with yourself. When who you truly are and who you want to be are so different from each other that even when you take the steps to becoming your idealized self there will still be a gravitational pull to the disgusting thing you are on a fundamental level and you have to live in constant self-moderation. You will never be okay because you're either restraining yourself or humiliating yourself with who you actually are deep down
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life-on-pluto · 4 months
epic... rap battles of history..... puppy .......................versus..................... kitty......................... BEGIN!!!!
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life-on-pluto · 4 months
op of continent poll is a swiftie
im gonna be real this is probably the funniest warning ive received in any context. like damn i had no idea i guess we should execute them in the streets
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life-on-pluto · 4 months
When you've been socially ostracized by nearly everyone outside your immediate family for more than ten years of your life you will always get super worked up when interacting with people and never expect anything because you KNOW you will do something wrong no matter what you do.
People will be like why are you so shy/introvert/quiet? Because the moment I open my mouth people seem to have a problem with me. I'd rather be awkward and quiet than awkward and obnoxious. Because then I'm at least not going out of my way to poison other people's lives.
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life-on-pluto · 6 months
> The college I attended was small and very LGBT friendly. One day someone came to visit and used the word “gay” as a pejorative, as was common in the early 2000s. A current student looked at the visitor and flatly said, “we don’t do that here.” The guest started getting defensive and explaining that they weren’t homophobic and didn’t mean anything by it. The student replied, “I’m sure that’s true, but all you need to know is we don’t do that here.” The interaction ended at that point, and everyone moved on to different topics. “We don’t do that here” was a polite but firm way to educate the newcomer about our culture. […]
> It turns out talking about diversity, inclusion, and even just basic civil behavior can be controversial in technical spaces. I don’t think it should be, but I don’t get to make the rules. When I’m able I’d much rather spend the time to educate someone about diversity and inclusion issues and see if I can change how they see the world a bit. But I don’t always have the time and energy to do that. And sometimes, even if I did have the time, the person involved doesn’t want to be educated.
> This is when I pull out “we don’t do that here.” It is a conversation ender. If you are the newcomer and someone who has been around a long time says “we don’t do that here”, it is hard to argue. This sentence doesn’t push my morality on anyone. If they want to do whatever it is elsewhere, I’m not telling them not to. I’m just cluing them into the local culture and values. If I deliver this sentence well it carries no more emotional weight than saying, “in Japan, people drive on the left.” “We don’t do that here” should be a statement of fact and nothing more. It clearly and concisely sets a boundary, and also makes it easy to disengage with any possible rebuttals.
> Me: “You are standing in that person’s personal space. We don’t do that here.” > Them: “But I was trying to be nice.” > Me: “Awesome, but we don’t stand so close to people here.”
> Them: Tells an off-color joke. > Me: “We don’t do that here.” > Them: “But I was trying to be funny.” > Me (shrugging): “That isn’t relevant. We don’t do that here.”
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life-on-pluto · 9 months
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life-on-pluto · 9 months
i miss when people dressed up as characters from anime, mostly hetalia and snk and just entered places like Ikea or malls completely in character while filming for their YouTube channel and the acting was so on point you actually forgot it was fan made, they run around and laughed aloud and played in public spaces and didn't give a single fuck and anime wasn't mainstream as it is now so their dedication was profound and the videos were niche to find and you would pass your afternoons watching every single one of them. What is life now?
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life-on-pluto · 9 months
must a fictional relationship be “healthy” or “functional”? is it not enough to simply watch two made up people destroy each other, hand in unlovable hand???
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life-on-pluto · 9 months
top 5 scariest things to do
phone call
have a job
not have a job
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life-on-pluto · 9 months
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Krux is something I find under a park bench sifting sadly through and empty bag of crisps and I take him home
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life-on-pluto · 11 months
reddit is having a glitch where it puts the wrong captions over photos and it’s the only thing i care about right now
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life-on-pluto · 1 year
why is broccoli seen as this universally hated vegetable. broccoli is delicious
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life-on-pluto · 1 year
Troll headcanons!! <3
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I decided to experiment a little, he >:]
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life-on-pluto · 2 years
“I do not like who I am. There is nothing good about me anymore. I am sick of wasting my time. I am worn out, I am really tired.”
— there is no point of me being here if I am not doing anything useful
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life-on-pluto · 2 years
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life-on-pluto · 2 years
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life-on-pluto · 2 years
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