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Cut my hair
Broke up with your boyfriend?
She said jokingly
Fingers pulling
Hard to breathe
It's snowing outside
It hurts
Cut my hair
Not to victim blame but
Your fault
Gross gross gross
Dirty bastard you let him touch you
Cut my hair
It's hard to breathe
Please let me out of my skin
Cut my hair
Bind my chest
Feel him touch me
Cut my hair
Scratch my skin
Shower as much as possible
Cut my hair
Cut my hair
Cut my hair
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A commission. Which you too can have your VERY OWN one of !!!
{ 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔯𝔞𝔪 ❖ ʏ𝔬𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔟𝔢 ❖ 𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔭 }
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This is what it feels like to be depressed
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Three graces.
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ig - tristamateer
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Rap artist Melissa Viviane Jefferson, better known as Lizzo
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So you’re feeling suicidal…
I’m not going to sugar coat it; it happens, especially for those of us suffering from BPD, Depression, and other mood and anxiety disorders.
And sometimes, it’s really fucking scary
So here’s my unsolicited advice to you; take it or leave it
*Personally, when I get really suicidal, like the “shit the rope is around my neck” or “the pills are in my hand just fucking take them” the last thing on my mind is “how can I save myself”, so…
Step 1: fight the urge. Survive the near attempt. Find a fucking ounce of hope that convinces you to live
*this can be anything, ie: because I love fuzzy sweaters, or because there is so much art I haven’t done
Step 2: ok, so you survived the near attempt, or very scary serious thoughts. Chances are, you’re still feeling pretty agitated, depressed, suicidal, or an impossibly infinite number of emotions. For me, the next step is to focus on something other than myself
*I use an app called “Calm Harm”. It is intended for self harm, but works equally as well for suicidal urges. It gives you suggestions and different tools to help pass the urge to self-destruct. Some are distractors, expressive outlets, or meditative techniques.
Step 2.5: if the urge does not pass, remove yourself from the unsafe environment. I cannot stress the importance or genuine effectiveness of this tool. Go to the library. Take a walk. Do what you have to do.
Step 3: When I manage to ride the wave, pass the urge, I am almost always left feeling numb, emotionless, and terrified of my own mind-more often than not, this makes me want to self harm.
If you are left feeling like you want to self harm, return to step 2: ride the wave, wait for the urge to pass.
If you do self harm- don’t beat yourself up about it. It happens, and usually it’s not the end of the world. However, if you do self harm, please take care of yourself afterwords
Step 4: if you’re feeling like you are able to, or if the option is feasible, remove the dangerous objects from your room; ie. pills, ropes, knives, razor blades, etc.
This can be a difficult step to take. Push yourself to take it, but make sure you take baby steps. Removing all coping mechanisms (such as cutting) can make things worse in the long run. So take it slow. Start with putting your pills in the bathroom so that they aren’t there to temp you, or moving the ropes to the garage. You’ll get there, but give yourself time.
Step 5: Self Care. Whether that is cleaning the wounds, making some tea, curling up with a good book or taking a nap, self care is key. You made it. You can do this. This is not the end of your story.
Being suicidal is no easy feat, and each and every time you get through that battle, you are one step closer to winning this war.
I’m proud of you for making it through those feelings and this post.
You are strong.
You are important.
You have an amazing future.
You just have to do is survive long to find it 🖤
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If we don’t fit a certain mold, we are encouraged to idolize others and not love ourselves. You are worth loving a thousand times over :))
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art - cartoon -thought, I paint i draw and i currently travel …..
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Don’t let the mistakes of your past define you.
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You are you and that’s enough :))
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nobody ever talks about how selfless it is to choose, over and over again, to not commit suicide. nobody ever acknowledges the tremendous sacrifice suicidal people make every time we choose not to kill ourselves. when a person who is suffering so horribly that death seems like their best option decides not to take their one way out, and to instead remain in hell, day after day, year after year, because they don’t want to hurt the people they love, they are doing something extraordinary. not killing yourself when it’s all you want to do is the purest act of love i can imagine. dying for someone is easy – you don’t have to deal with any of the consequences, you have your moment of nobility and then it’s all over. but living for someone, when the simple fact of consciousness is literal torture for you? every single suicidal person who ever made a choice to not kill themselves in a moment of misery is a goddamn hero in my eyes. wanting to die and still surviving is an act of titanic courage and self-sacrifice. we deserve more credit for it.
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I just had to sit through a meeting which started with someone over me in the org chart saying (in reference to having brought donuts in for us for their birthday today) “If I have to get old, you’re all getting fat”. So now this article has moved to a more prominent place at the entrance to my cube.
Thin people really do just say whatever shit comes into their heads, don’t they.
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Small Ways To Improve Your Life
make your bed to immediately make your room look more put together
water first, then coffee or tea
pray or meditate, even just for ten minutes, to set the tone for your day
browse the news headlines ( & read the articles that interest you when you’ve got time)
wear something you feel b o m b in
listen to music while doing your daily activities-commuting, cleaning, cooking, exercising
smile at at least two people
smile at YOURSELF
call or message someone you love
eat food that makes you feel radiant
make lists of things you need to accomplish for the day
stretch for 10 minutes
record in your phone the positive thoughts you have so you can remember them
carry water with you (always always always)
shut off your phone for an hour and have some ME time
take a hot shower or bath at the end of a stressful day
try to make plans to spend time with someone at least once a week
think about 3 things you are grateful for at the end of each day
do something calming, relaxing, and non-electronic 30 minutes before you sleep
sleep pants-less
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