liberatethem · 4 years
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liberatethem · 4 years
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            All my fears dissolve. Come take what you want. All these walls are down.
                             Indie RWBY OC | Selective | Private | Mutual Exclusive 
Personals do not interact.
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liberatethem · 5 years
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Mornings are hard, especially when you’re cute.
Blake is nonbinary and Weiss got them a binder in Atlas.  😜
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liberatethem · 5 years
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                                Sick of the Darkness and the Cold.
                  Independent Blake Belladonna. Selective. Private. Canon Divergent.
                                                     Shadowed by Shield.
Personals do not interact.
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liberatethem · 5 years
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I wanted to draw Blake in a suit for a long time  and oops hand slipped and kinda turned this into monochrome >///> 
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liberatethem · 5 years
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Vague and cryptic hints of what’s to come.
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liberatethem · 5 years
"happy valentine's day, blake!" a single red rose with a thornless stem is held out to them. ruby's beaming smile is crooked and carefree. "everyone gets flowers!" a look in one direction. and then the other. "...but you can have two." as she plucks another rose out of the loose bouquet in her grasp. "shh, don't tell yang. she'll get jealous that she only got one."
      Smile soft and ever warming both rose and her matching gift receives laughter that chimes; ever touched by the generous act as fingers gingerly pluck flora and pull it close. Petals of crimson brush beneath nose, a singular inhale taken as the aroma settles their nerves and brings forth a faint flush upon cheeks. 
   “Thank you, Ruby. It smells wonderful.”
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   –And then, blessed with a second, and lips round in their surprise when now twin roses are held between their fingers. Smile blooms into a grin, and a mischievous spark flares within eyes of gold. Voice lowers, and Blake gives a subtle lean forward as if exchanging secrets.
   “I wont tell her if you don’t.”
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liberatethem · 5 years
“ it terrifies me. ” ( Hmst... Maybe about the idea of losing any of his teammates/friends?? )
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   Silence–nothing but a yellowed stare shown through the darkened quiet of Atlas’ halls where feline had come to slow, and eventually, halting their walk all together. Rarely did they chat with the Arc, not often able to find any time where it was but two who wandered, but oh how curious the cat was in what his mind spoke. While Blake was no leader like Ruby, nor one of courage such as Yang, still did their chest pang with sympathy for the boy who had lost a piece of four.
   Shadow breathes, and voice lilts upon tongue in hesitance.
   They don’t know where to begin–what one could even say to quell the sun’s fears, and it takes but another heavy moment of quiet to gather thoughts and speak.
   “We are all terrified of the same thing–but you can’t let your fear control you. When you’re tired, and beaten, and so afraid that you’re going to lose them? You’ll lose sight of what matters, and you’ll lose control of yourself.”
   Feline swallows, and cautionary steps are taken to Jaune’s side, and if allowed, a hand would come to rest upon armored bicep in a gesture of comfort.
   “You have to have faith in them–in all of us, that we wont let ourselves be taken. None of us want to lose anyone else, and in the end…I don’t think any of us will allow it.”
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liberatethem · 5 years
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I was wracking my brain for Blake--and I ended up between an Assassin Rogue Worgen, or a Havoc Sin’dorei Demon Hunter, and in the end, I went with the Demon Hunter. Now, let me explain myself--
I went with Demon Hunters, as the Illidari reflects the White Fang/Faunus--a group of people who are seen as different, as menaces, and as a plague upon Azeroth until one day, they are called upon and needed. Released from their prisons, and slowly but surely becoming trusted by society; proving, that they are still the elves they once were, only more.
Blake is a Sin’dorei Demon Hunter. They are bound with a Darkhound--there are no feline like demons, so, I went with the next best thing; a dog. Mostly, so I could still keep their ears as one of their demonic additions.
Blake isn’t too terribly corrupted; but, their elven ears have morphed into pointed canine ears, their teeth are large and predatory, and they have a pair of small, black horns that protrude from their head. Along with patches of dark scales.
The Belldonna family was once a renowned name among the Sin’dorei, a family of Lords and Ladies--but once came the threat of the Burning Legion, Blake had dropped their title as the next heir, and followed Kael’thas to Outlands. 
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liberatethem · 5 years
"I know this is a late-night gift, but I hope you enjoy it." For her sibling, Blanche went a little over the top, but it felt like nothing to her. A whole meal like one could find at a restaurant, but homemade. Teriyaki salmon with pineapple rings over a bed of rice served with hot tea and fudge and cookies for later whenever she'd want them.
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   Amber eyes widen, and while certainly Blake knew better than most the skills their sibling showed in culinary, still were they shaken with surprise to the meal laid before them. They’d expected their usual–something simple, a small exchange, and a night where neither sibling strayed away to find themselves within the arms of a lover. 
   –But it seemed, Blake may have been mistaken. 
   The small giftbag they had clutched in hand pales in comparison, but still is it offered out; near pushed into Blanche’s hands. 
   “I really hope you made this for EVERYONE and not just us, because what I got you is, ah–….”
   “…It’s a stuffed cat. It has white ears like yours, I saw it and thought it was...cute.”
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liberatethem · 5 years
Ren offers them some salmon, cooked just the way they like it. "Happy Valentine's Day, Blake!"
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   Blake never expected to be treated to–the thought hadn’t even crossed feline’s mind despite the Holiday upon them. It wasn’t as if they shared intimacy with another, or even thought to share delights of the day with their friends; not entirely used to being surrounded by such loving and giving individuals. 
   A helping of a favored meal flushes their senses, and lips coil forth into a smile brimming with gratitude, and though they mean to be slow, the grasp upon the plate’s edges is perhaps a tad tight. It wasn’t often they were treated in such a way, let alone presented with a mouthwatering meal one could not remember the last instance in which they tasted.
   “Did you…make this?”
   They question light, and features soften with overwhelming sensation of thanks.
   “Thank you, Ren–this is extremely thoughtful.”
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liberatethem · 5 years
ren broke half their chocolate and offered it to blake. they don’t celebrate the holiday, ren just happened to have matcha kitkats on them.
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   Surprised by the offering feline finds themself hesitant–though, it takes only but a moment to quell such, and to note the gracious gesture that Ren had given them. Whether it was to follow Holiday tradition or not never truly mattered; but the kindness of offering is returned to with a delicate smile, and an even softer touch when grasping fingers against the infused chocolate.
   “I don’t think I’ve ever tried these before.”
   Blake notes with a curious lilt, the end of the chocolate coated wafer bitten between front teeth. A moment to taste, to chew, and to swallow and eyes of gold alight in pleasure to the vegetal aroma. The rest of the treat isn’t wasted–enjoyed thoroughly, and only then do they give their thoughts.
   “It’s lovely–I don’t know what’s kept me away from these.                                                 Thank you for sharing with me, Ren.”
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liberatethem · 5 years
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liberatethem · 5 years
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liberatethem · 5 years
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Beauty & Beast, Blake’s initial allusion.
A secondary allusion of Phantom Cat. 
Phantom Cats are large felines reported to be sighted in areas they do not belong--many, that are never found, a different creature entirely, or not known to have ever truly existed. Blake’s Semblance is the Phantom Cat, creating illusions of themselves that fade and disappear; never known to have truly been seen, and perhaps spotted in areas one may not have thought anyone else inhabited. 
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liberatethem · 5 years
Alice in Wonderland & The Princess and the Frog
Disney themed headcanons - accepting
Alice in Wonderland - What does your muse often dream of? Do they have strange dreams? Pleasant ones? Nightmares?
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Blake doesn’t actually remember most of their dreams; as it’s very rare they ever get deep enough sleep to experience a vivid dream. They are an extremely light and aware sleeper, and the only times they remember any sort of dreaming is those rare nights exhaustion catches up and they sleep soundly. Typically, they’re lackluster–more or recalling than dreams. Dreaming ‘memories’, but they’re different in some way, like, a bird is there for some reason, or different people are around, or for some unexplained reason they now have wings. Nothing too exciting. 
The times they have dealt with a multitude of nightmares was after they left the Fang, after Beacon’s fall, and after Adam’s demise. 
The Princess and the Frog - Would your muse accept someone else’s help in fulfilling their dreams, or would they want to earn it for themself?
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Once upon a time? No. It wasn’t until bonding with RWY that Blake began to accept any semblance of help for near anything. Without them, they’d likely still be stubborn and shying away from help, but now, they would be open to having a few extra hands in moving forward and fulfilling any sort of dream they may end up following.
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liberatethem · 5 years
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Hercules - Is your muse more physically strong, or emotionally strong? 
Cinderella - Did your muse experience any childhood traumas? Did they overcome them?
Bambi - What is your muse’s relationship with their parents like?
Pinocchio - How honest is your muse? What is their moral stance on white lies?
Fantasia - Does your muse believe in magic? What is their view on it?
Dumbo - Has your muse ever been bullied for a physical difference?
Mulan - Is your muse secure in their gender identity? Have they ever experienced sexism or transphobia?
Aladdin - If your muse had 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
Zootopia - Would your muse enjoy living in a utopia, or would they feel out of place?
Tarzan - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them?
Moana - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
Atlantis - Is your muse adventurous or do they prefer to seclude themselves?
101 Dalmatians - Does your muse have a large collection of any particular thing?
Frozen - What is your muse’s relationship with their siblings like?
Beauty and the Beast - How has your muse changed as a person over their life? Have they changed for the better or for worse?
Sleeping Beauty - What is the worst possible curse your muse could face?
Pocahontas - How does your muse deal with being exposed to unfamiliar cultures? Are they open and accepting?
The Jungle Book - Is your muse happy living off of the bare necessities, or do they need more in life?
Oliver and Company - Is your muse more street smart or book smart?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - What is your muse’s religious beliefs? Have they ever experienced oppression at the hands of religion?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - How trusting of strangers is your muse? Would they accept a gift from a stranger?
The Princess and the Frog - Would your muse accept someone else’s help in fulfilling their dreams, or would they want to earn it for themself?
The Emperor’s New Groove - What animal would you associate your muse with? Why?
The Lion King - Is your muse prepared for the responsibilities laid out for them in life?
The Little Mermaid - Would your muse change themself for love, or would they wait to find someone who loves them for who they are?
Peter Pan - Is your muse a child at heart? What is their mental age or maturity?
Wreck-It Ralph - What does ‘being a winner’ mean to your muse?
Lilo & Stitch - Does your muse have any pets? Do they want any?
Lady and the Tramp - What are your muses romantic standards? Would they ever fall for someone of a lower class?
Alice in Wonderland - What does your muse often dream of? Do they have strange dreams? Pleasant ones? Nightmares?
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