mrsmiagreer · 1 year
Just listened to “Not allowed” by TV GIRL
“All by yourself sitting alone… i hope we’re still friends yeah i hope you don’t mind”
The end immediately reminded me of Blake and Bestie😓
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yumiis · 9 months
i’ve recently become a yumi simp… like badly and there’s hardly nothing written for him and i need more.
so pleaseeee! write anything for him! pretty please with a big ole’ cherry on top 🥺🙏
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i combined these two! i'm so glad there's more yumi lovers out there aside from me. i hope y'all enjoy! <3
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genre; fluff/comfort
type; headcanons
read below!
I find in public, he's not a huge touchy guy. But when you're home alone? Completely different story. He loves holding you tight and letting you know he'll never let you go. He hates how cheesy it sounds, but he'll only ever say it to you, so it's okay.
He's a big spoon, all the way. He doesn't like being little spoon, mainly because he's so tall and lanky. He finds it awkward. I already said he hates being little spoon and you definitely have to convince him big time to be little spoon, but I figured I'd clarify it here again.
If you DO manage to get him in little spoon position, he's such a fucking sucker for it. He loves being held by you, but he would never, ever tell you that. He loves nuzzling his entire body into you, his back cradling into your chest and thighs. He loves being warm, especially with you.
When you guys are face to face cuddling, his face is always either above your head, or in your neck. Most of the time though, it's above your head so that he can press kisses on your hairline/your forehead. Or on the contrary, when he's nuzzled in your neck, he's whispering sweet nothings to you or kissing your neck super softly, trying to put you to sleep or calm you down after a long day.
I like to think he gets really sweaty easily. Granted, yes, it's something really gross about him. But you do get more blankets to yourself! However, Blake will literally wake up in a pile of his own sweat. The sheets have to be washed a lot.
"Blake, baby, why do you sweat so much?" "I don't fuckin' know! Ask my doctor. He probably knows." You two have definitely had little arguments over this. At the end of the day though, you know it's something he can't control. You just suck it up and keep washing the sheets as many times as you have to.
If you two have an argument, he makes it up to you by cuddling you tight, holding you close and kissing the back of your neck til you fall asleep. Whenever he knows you're asleep, "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to make you mad." He also buys a small bouquet of roses for you to make it up.
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sparklingdiva678 · 5 months
Since there is currently no lore for Liv and Blake, I decided to make up own story!
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I believe that Night Swan is the one who trapped them in the Clocktower Trap. The reason being is she wants their power that is hidden deep within their souls all for herself.
This is their story...
TW: Child experimentation, child abuse, su*c*dal thoughts. If this makes you uncomfortable, please scroll. (Don't worry, this has a happy ending!)
Liv and Blake have been friends since childhood, and they were practically inseparable growing up. Some kids have teased and picked on them for this, but they never really cared, as long as they were together.
One night, the two saw a shooting star, and decided to make a wish. To them, it was just an ordinary shooting star, but unknown to them, it was a rare, powerful shooting star called "Spirit Soul" which comes by every 100 years and grants a lucky person the power of light, flight, and other abilities (hence why they turn into a ball of light at the end of BMTL). Unbeknownst to them, the star decided them worthy and blessed them its power.
This caught the attention of Night Swan, who was suddenly curious about the power of Spirit Soul and decided to claim the power for herself. This is when tragedy struck...
One fateful night, Night Swan ordered her minions to raid Liv and Blake's homes, kidnap them, and trap them both in the Clocktower Trap. In order for her to learn more about their power, NS had the minions perform experiments on them week after week, and have them both punished if they dared to defy them.
This horrible cycle of pain and abuse continued for years, leaving them with physical, emotional, and mental scars. As time went by, they eventually gave up on trying to escape the tower. Their hatred of Night Swan grew more and more, and their mental state got to the point where they wanted to end it all.
But somewhere deep in the back of their minds, something told them not to give up hope, and keep wishing for a miracle.
So that's what they did. They kept waiting, and waiting, and waiting for a miracle. Until one day..
It finally happened
And this is when the events of BMTL happen, only the ending is a bit different.
When the tower starts breaking apart , they decide to fall as their only option left. Thinking that this is the end of their story, they tearfully smile to each other and hold each other tight. But right as they're falling, their power finally manifests, and they fly away back home.❤️
So yeah, this is what I came up with! Of course, this is all my headcanon, so please be respectful. If you have questions, please let me know!
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rphunter · 9 days
need some fandom roleplays for the life of me 20+ searching for 18+ writers! my rules are simple🏹 - write at minimum 4-5 paragraphs. i normally write more than that depending on the mood of the story and everything. - please be ready to plot together because i don't have anything set in stone in my mind for these fandoms! but that being said i'm more than open to following the canon storyline, adding our own twists and turns/divergence and aus, or doing some completely different. - i go to university, i work, i have a life outside of roleplaying so please be patient with me and my replies. - i'm always open for ooc chatter though! with that i'd love a partner that enjoys chatting ooc as well. sending headcanons, tiktoks, music, just about anything- it makes everything feel more alive. - preferably we rp on discord and with a server but it's not a requirement honestly. - for most of these fandoms i will be looking for oc x cc stories (i'm more than happy with doubling as long as you put attention to both sides and both our characters), some i may want oc x oc or cc x cc. - i'd really love to add a/b/o dynamics to any of these fandoms but it's not a requirement either! open to nsfw content but i'm also fine with just fade to black. triggers and limits will be discussed in private. fandoms and what i'm searching for🏹 - X-Men: mostly searching for a Cherik (Charles x Erik) roleplay where I play Charles. i'm more knowledgeable on the live action movies so would prefer something with those storylines. - My Hero Academia: i'm currently reading the manga and have just finished the first war arc so i'm starting izuku's vigilante era. i'll take all pairings for this really. cc x cc: Dabi/Touya x (Keigo/Hawks), Rumi/Miriko x (Fuyumi Todoroki), (Shota/Eraserhead) x Hizashi/Present Mic ocxcc, canons i'm looking to pair with my oc: Shoto Todoroki, Enji/Endeavor, Keigo/Hawks, Tenya Iida. i may be open to ocxoc as well just be aware my ocs are all female so it would have be MxF, FxF, or NBxF - The 100: may be a stretch because the fandom's pretty dead but i just started rewatching the show with my roommate after having first seen it during covid. but for this fandom i'm mostly searching for ocxoc or ocxcc! i have two ocs, a mother and daughter, both google docs are wips at the moments but i have most of their info in my mind lol and both are grounders. i'm currently on s3 episode 8! canons i'm looking to pair with my oc: Bellamy Blake, Marcus Kane, or Roan of Azgeda - The Last Of Us: mostly looking to do an oc x oc pairing! we can build on a plot for our ocs together based on the world of tlou, preferably the show because i haven't played the games in so long. we can do reluctant travelling partners. a couple who got separated at the beginning and find themselves again. details will be discussed. my oc for tlou is a male and gay so only MxM or NBxM pairings. i'll get to each like as soon as possible!🏹
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prpfz · 14 days
need some fandom roleplays for the life of me 20+ searching for 18+ writers! my rules are simple🏹 - write at minimum 4-5 paragraphs. i normally write more than that depending on the mood of the story and everything. - please be ready to plot together because i don't have anything set in stone in my mind for these fandoms! but that being said i'm more than open to following the canon storyline, adding our own twists and turns/divergence and aus, or doing some completely different. - i go to university, i work, i have a life outside of roleplaying so please be patient with me and my replies. - i'm always open for ooc chatter though! with that i'd love a partner that enjoys chatting ooc as well. sending headcanons, tiktoks, music, just about anything- it makes everything feel more alive. - preferably we rp on discord and with a server but it's not a requirement honestly. - for most of these fandoms i will be looking for oc x cc stories (i'm more than happy with doubling as long as you put attention to both sides and both our characters), some i may want oc x oc or cc x cc. - i'd really love to add a/b/o dynamics to any of these fandoms but it's not a requirement either! open to nsfw content but i'm also fine with just fade to black. triggers and limits will be discussed in private. fandom and what i'm searching for🏹 - X-Men: mostly searching for a Cherik (Charles x Erik) roleplay where I play Charles. i'm more knowledgeable on the live action movies so would prefer something with those storylines. - My Hero Academia: i'm currently reading the manga and have just finished the first war arc so i'm starting izuku's vigilante era. i'll take all pairings for this really. cc x cc: Dabi/Touya x (Keigo/Hawks), Rumi/Miriko x (Fuyumi Todoroki), (Shota/Eraserhead) x Hizashi/Present Mic ocxcc, canons i'm looking to pair with my oc: Shoto Todoroki, Enji/Endeavor, Keigo/Hawks, Tenya Iida. i may be open to ocxoc as well just be aware my ocs are all female so it would have be MxF, FxF, or NBxF - The 100: may be a stretch because the fandom's pretty dead but i just started rewatching the show with my roommate after having first seen it during covid. but for this fandom i'm mostly searching for ocxoc or ocxcc! i have two ocs, a mother and daughter, both google docs are wips at the moments but i have most of their info in my mind lol and both are grounders. i'm currently on s3 episode 6! canons i'm looking to pair with my oc: Bellamy Blake, Marcus Kane, or Roan of Azgeda - The Last Of Us: mostly looking to do an oc x oc pairing! we can build on a plot for our ocs together based on the world of tlou, preferably the show because i haven't played the games in so long. we can do reluctant travelling partners. a couple who got separated at the beginning and find themselves again. details will be discussed. my oc for tlou is a male and gay so only MxM or NBxM pairings. i'll get to each like as soon as possible!🏹
give a like and anon will get back to you
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hersweetrevenge · 1 year
corey cunningham headcanons [volume three]
corey has my heart, i want to know every single detail about him, and if i am not given that information then i will simply make it up (he told me through prophetic dreams). based on this set of questions. and if you missed the previous instalments, no you didn't: volume one and volume two.
[credit where credit is due, some of these hcs are shared with @/slutforstabbings, and i have merely adopted into my own belief system and expanded on certain points that i latched onto, so please go read through blake's stuff too because they actually know what they're talking about !!]
WARNING for angst, brief talks of sex, and mentions of child abuse, child death, mental health, trauma and sexuality.
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[image sources: X, X]
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
corey had a pretty isolated childhood, the internet wasn't really a thing for a while, joan put a lot of restrictions on his television time, and he never had play dates or the chance to hang out with people outside of school. therefore corey is the daydream king, always in his own little world. corey had a lot of spare time and he can sit and zone out for hours, unbothered, if he has the time. he's been chastised so many times by joan for not paying attention or being away with the fairies.
however, that's not to say he can't pay attention when he needs to, he has a very good attention span when he has something to focus on, like school work or reading or watching movies. but, if it's a mindless task he can do without thinking then his mind does tends to wander.
How easy is it for your character to laugh?
i've said this before but the way having a laughing fit with corey until my sides hurt would literally fix me.
corey has a funny sense of humour, kind of dark but kind of dorky. pre-accident corey laughs pretty easily. at school he had a kind of off-beat friend group who had an overall off-beat sense of humour that occupied them in the cafeteria or while they slacked off in gym class.
post-accident corey holds back from making his own jokes or being funny, like he doesn't know the social rules anymore. like he doesn't deserve to laugh or thinks people will be mad at him for thinking he can be funny.
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
as previously mentioned, corey has a lot of time to think. he struggles to sleep well at night and honestly his daydreaming can make things worse if he latches onto a thought and keeps following it when he should be trying to clear his mind.
if he wants some stimulation though, he goes on wikipedia. he will fall asleep having fallen down a wiki rabbit hole and wake up in the morning on the page for like the 1847 great fire of bucharest with no memory of how he ended up there.
How easy is it to earn their trust? How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
it's not that easy to earn corey's trust. corey is used to being in a pretty emotionally volatile environment, so he does a lot of premature damage control around people that he doesn't know well enough to read their moods and behaviour. however, once he feels more comfortable, he's a lot more open (though still has a sense of wariness in the back of his mind). basically, it's not impossible to earn his trust.
post-accident corey is a different story though, he has an automatic distrust of everyone. he can't assume anyone intentions are solely good for a long, long time. honestly, he doesn't trust most people, he canonically only goes to one gas station because he trusts they won't speak to him. and he distrusts his co-workers at prevo for different reasons, i.e. he's been low-level pranked more times than he cares to remember.
What triggers nostalgia for them most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
corey gets good nostalgia and bad nostalgia.
bad nostalgia is usually something to do with joan, or remembering how he felt as a child when he was on edge so often. spaghetti truly was joan's worst meal so the smell, taste, texture and look of spaghetti is something he can't really stand anymore. if he never eats spaghetti again, it'll be too soon. rabbit paraphernalia give a lot of bad nostalgia.
corey's sense of good nostalgia is pretty specific. good nostalgia comes from watching old movies. he loves westerns and anything cowboy adjacent. a lot of the shows he watched as a kid were older cartoons so he gets a lot of nostalgia from those too. the smell of night time, where everything feels kind of dewy is good nostalgia for him, as well as the smell of the woodwork room at school.
What were they told to stop doing most often as a child?
i've mentioned before that as a baby, corey was actually very content and not fussy at all, which joan was unreasonably pleased about -- he was her perfect, happy, chubby-cheeked baby. however, once he hit the terrible twos and developed some autonomy, that's when joan's control issues started to really kick in with her parenting.
joan told corey off for doing all sorts of things as a child -- fidgeting too much, being too boisterous, getting grass stains on his clothes, not finishing his dinner, meddling with the rabbits (or anything else around the house), watching cartoon network, not holding her hand around the store, playing with a kid she doesn't approve of, asking too many questions -- the list is honestly endless, and not all of these misdemeanours have any logic behind them other than joan's moods and keeping corey on his toes.
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
he swears sometimes but not that much. his first swear word was probably 'shit' (he overheard joan mutter it once), like out in the yard at recess him and his little friends all went around in a circle and said the worst swears they knew. once he hit middle school and high school, swearing becomes more common and he sprinkles it through his vocab. then when he starts at prevo it's a much more rough-and-ready attitude to language and he gets (light-heartedly) teased for how much more reserved he comes across compared to the other mechanics.
joan would kill him if she ever heard him swear, so he'd never dream of swearing in front of her. he has a distinct line he draws between his language at home and outside.
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
corey lies a lot, but none of his lies weigh too heavily on his conscience.
corey would sneak out at night to parties and joan never found out about it. he can navigate his house is total darkness as to not wake his mom, and to his credit joan never found out. he used to lie about his day when he was in college all the time, and he lies saying that he comes straight home after work now.
i guess you could say he emotionally lies a lot? it's easier to placate joan with being agreeable than to admit anything (to himself or joan).
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
joan used to (and still does) tell him off for fidgeting so he will restrain himself until he can leave the room and will then become a grizzly bear and itch his back on the nearest doorframe.
Are they easily embarrassed?
yes. end post.
but seriously, he is pretty easily embarrassed. corey has never had a very good self esteem, he honestly is under the impression he's kind of unlikable and that all his actions are under some kind of social scrutiny.
pre-accident his self confidence was healing a little bit with his growing independence, so he could more easily brush things off but awkward moments still stick in his brain for him to agonise over later.
although he's learnt to deal with it in most situations, if he's feeling more vulnerable or he's with someone he really likes/admires then he does not cope well when he feels like he's being made fun of -- he gets all defensive and sulky.
What is their favourite number?
i don't think corey has a favourite number, but if he had to pick one, i think it'd either be something like a mathematically "special" number, or something sentimental like his dad's birthday.
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
oh man, this is not corey's forte at all. corey does not have a very good grasp on (his own) boundaries or the lines between different types of relationships.
i've said this a million times before (and no one has stopped me yet heehee), but because he's so used to the lines being pretty blurry with joan and having such an insular upbringing, he doesn't really know how to draw lines between how he loves someone. he's a real all or nothing type of person -- he's only ever learnt how to put all his feelings onto one person. joan wants that person to corey, because corey is that person to her.
subsequently, corey has only really experienced familial love in this abusive way, so projects the opposite (and what he reasons to be "normal") onto his imagined relationship with his father, idolising him to an unrealistic extent.
platonic is a sort of grey area for him, he tends to feel emotions either very intensely or not at all. he can go from really "loving" someone (either a friend he already has or someone he wishes he could befriend) to being mostly indifferent. the strength of his emotions tend to mean he can't really pinpoint exactly what he desires from the friendship/relationship. that's not to say he doesn't understand what "being friends" is, he does, but it doesn't always feel as poignant for him. it's something he was starting to figure out in high school and college, but then regressed with after the accident.
[this isn't the case for everyone] for corey romantic attraction and sexual attraction are usually linked, so romance does becomes slightly easier to differentiate. however, coming back to his boundary issues, even if he undeniably feels romantic love for someone, he's hesitant to communicate it unless he's figured out "the rules". everyone has rules (boundaries) to learn, and once he understands them, corey knows how to play the game -- he can do what he has to to be loved/wanted/tolerated enough to satiate his own feelings.
Why do they get up in the morning? 
currently, it's because ronald will kick his ass if he doesn't show up to work. well, ronald is usually pretty lenient on him, (maybe too lenient, and the other mechanics know corey doesn't get as much shit because he's ronald's step-kid). corey does actually like going to work though, his dream didn't pan out the way he expected but he does love being a mechanic -- it's just dampened by the rest of his circumstances.
corey has never been very good at getting up in the morning though, and back when he was at school he was no stranger to nearly missing the bus every morning.
during the manslaughter trial, he had so much to do, between trips to his lawyers office and then the courthouse once the trial actually starts, he is stressed enough that he gets up and ready for the day pretty early and then just sits and worries until someone tells him what to do.
after the trial though, he honestly just doesn't get up in the morning. he has no job, no social life, and honestly no reason to do anything at all. he spends most of his time in bed, unless joan nags him into showering, eating or running errands with her, or if he has an appointment with his shrink.
 Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? 
as previously mentioned, corey is pretty self conscious so he won't admit to a crush under any circumstances, and he doesn't have a lot of his own experiences to talk about, so he's kind of refrained when talking about sex. he is a known prude, to be honest.
but, he is also a teenage boy with a weird friend group, so sex is a frequent topic. he can't talk about sex in regards to himself at that point, but he'll laugh at jokes and is kind of enthralled by hearing anecdotes (not that his friends have many).
in a relationship, i think it takes corey a while to open up and be comfortable talking about sex outside of doing the act itself. dirty talk makes him blush, and he's never really had a lot of experience or opportunity to seriously think about what he likes and then be able to convey that out loud.
 What are their thoughts on marriage? 
i don't think corey cares about the legal aspects, but he does like the idea of marriage. devoting yourself to one person and one person only, whom you love dearly, forever and ever until you both die? literally exactly what corey wants, the legal part doesn't really matter.
the only wedding he's been to was when joan and ronald got married at the courthouse. he was 15 and honestly had surprisingly few feelings about the whole thing -- he caught on pretty early on that his mom and ronald were hardly "in love" but this is what adults do, so here he is in his best clothes and thinking about the wedding cake he'll get to eat later. this is partly why he doesn't care too much about the legal side; anyone can get married, but the real true proven commitment if what love really is.
corey would be more than happy with a courthouse wedding himself, he just wants to be with his s/o forever, so a simple, no guests, sign on the line type wedding is good enough to get the job done.
 What is their preferred mode of transportation? 
motorbike, of course. he knew his dad had ridden a motorbike since he found some old photos, but corey never actually rides one himself until ronald gives him the kawasaki. he knew theoretically how to ride, because he knows the mechanics of a basic motorbike, but he truly learns as he goes when he fixes up his own bike. the motorbike gives him a huge sense of freedom, and fulfils all of his easy rider (1969) and the wild one (1953) fantasies.
corey learnt how to drive at 16 through drivers ed, but joan rarely lets him drive her car, and he obviously can't afford his own. sometimes she lets him drive them home from the store, but she is a serious backseat driver so it's sort of just a nightmare for everyone involved.
corey hasn't travelled very far before, so he's never been on a train, but i think he'd enjoy it. long journeys where he can zone out and just look at the landscape? a very good combination for corey.
and how can we forget his trusty bicycle. corey learnt to ride a bike as a child, joan wasn't a very good teacher, but he got the hang of it pretty quickly anyway. corey has had his current bike for almost 10 years now. the chain constantly comes loose, and he's had to tape up the seat and the handle grips more times than he can count. it mostly does the job, and it did give him a lot more freedom as a teenager than he'd had before that.
 Who do they most regret meeting? 
is it cliche to say the allens? maybe so, but it's definitely the allens.
if he never met the allens then jeremy wouldn't have died and corey would have gone off to college and got his degree and a graduate job at mercedes or boeing or somewhere and --
mostly corey tries not to think about the "what ifs" but they do creep into his mind.
[and, if you're that way inclined, if corey had never met roger he could have saved himself so, so much heartache, and maybe not have ruined his perceptions of relationships for the foreseeable]
 Could they be considered lazy? 
on a superficial level, maybe. he sleeps in late and doesn't do any housework, so maybe out of context he could seem lazy, but he actually has a really good work ethic and likes to be doing something. joan doesn't enlist him to do chores because chores are skills and she wants him to be dependent on her.
he definitely is not lazy at work though. when he first started a prevo, he mostly just did grunt work and the easy tasks that the other mechanics were too busy for but still needed to get done. he pulled his weight, no one can deny that. a few years in, he still doesn't handle many full jobs himself, but he is trusted to do more specialised things.
 How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
joan ingrained it in him to feel guilty about a lot of things that aren't his fault. baseline guilt like that he can cope with, he just grovels and submits himself enough to earn forgiveness and then the whole thing starts over the next time joan finds a bone to pick.
after the accident though, his guilt is pretty constant. everything serves as a reminder of what happened, and even if he got acquitted, he does feel like it was at least partly his fault jeremy died.
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
corey has a great memory but he doesn't really have any particular system, things just stick with him. he's great with remembering conversations, and when he was studying he could retain information in maths/science pretty easily, but his "less strong" subjects required more work on his part.
he does remember all the states and their capitals because of the animaniacs song.
What memory do they revisit the most often? 
it's not his most frequent, but there's this memory that corey has about his dad that usually comes to him when he's on the cusp of sleeping and awake. subconsciously, i think he's aware that it's probably a false memory. wally "died" before corey could really form any proper memories of him, but he loves this one anyway. corey remembers himself, as a baby, laughing while his dad is holding him, maybe he's playing with him, or bouncing him on his knee, but the details are pretty fuzzy -- it's barely a fragment of a memory but it makes corey happy.
a memory that has involuntarily has made it's home in corey's brain is from the accident. the blood was bad, but mostly it's the sound that corey can't forget. that sick thud sound.
How do they feel about children? 
pre-accident corey didn't care much about children. he doesn't dislike them, but he doesn't really interact with them (he doesn't have any family, and at the houses he does yard work, the parents tend to keep their kids out of his way so he can work without dodging any kids). he's kind to them though, if a little awkward.
post-accident, corey avoids kids as much as possible. he's no more mean to them, but seeing kids just brings back too many memories of the accident and also it just is not good to be seen near kids when you're regularly called a kid killer in public.
corey never wanted his own kids. maybe in some half-baked daydream he thought about a life of college, then a salary job and marriage and 2.5 kids, but i don't think he ever took it seriously.
part of him kind of wants the chance to be a better parent than his ever were, but he also worries that he'd just fuck his kids up like his parents did him. maybe he'd be unable to break the cycle (no matter how badly he wanted to) and be destined to become a helicopter parent -- trying his best to protect his child but ultimately smothering them.
to be honest though, i think his idea of love is so skewed towards obsession, that a kid would just get in the way. he wants to be the only person his s/o loves, and they will be the only person he loves in return, a baby is going to take that love away from him.
How badly do they want to reach their end goal? 
at one point, all corey wanted was to go to college and get out of his house, out of haddonfield. he wanted that more than anything else, and if he just worked hard enough, for just a little bit longer, he'd make it. if he were in a better position (more supportive family, better socio-economic status) his goal would be much easier to attain, but if he did have those benefits, would he feel so strongly about that goal?
i feel like even though college is his way out, corey requires and enjoys mental/intellectual stimulation enough that he would want to go to college anyway, even if things were better for him at home.
post-accident, he doesn't have a goal at all beyond surviving, and even then we see his commitment to that goal is pretty tenuous.
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
ahh well if you read my hcs about corey's sexuality, you would already know. but that will not stop me repeating those hcs here.
corey doesn't really consciously label his sexuality, but if he was asked point blank i think he could probably connect himself with bisexuality, but he's way more of a euphemism person -- "swing both ways".
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tartrat · 1 month
Tried out the two 2025 songs, and i guess i review songs now. That’s all this blog is now, Just Dance fanart and weird reviews of the songs that get added. I need to do fanart for other series
Calabria 2007: Sore on the arms and the song is longer than it needs to be. I like long songs but this just felt like it went on forever, and since the song is repetitive, it affects the dance. It’s fun but not one I’d do often. I’ve seen people who wanted this song in the game, and i just don’t see what they see in this song. At least it’s not Say my name (i need to stop slandering that map). Idk it’s the type of song that’s obviously meant to be played in the club or at a party.I wonder if this UnicornLover was also form our world. If not then i headcanon that Pandafan and Deerstan are her dads. Am i still a bit salty about the showdown season winner, maybe, but surprisingly Estrella wasn’t the first to return and I visited for Give that wolf a banana on accident so who’s laughing now.
Basket Case: Really fun, i like how it all seems to take place in Lumen’s imagination, with the way he draws the other two dancers into existence. Fast as well. The late 90’s early 00’s rock songs, and by extension rock bands from that era and songs inspired by them, have been really fun to do, like Bring me to life, Numb, I am my Own Muse, tainted love, and now Basket case, all so good and i don’t listen to rock bands or most bands for that matter (you seem to have to know all the lore about them). I wonder if Lumen is friends with Scotty, they seem like they’d get on well. Like Lumen seems to have this crazy imagination and Scotty has surrealist nightmares. Lumen would love one of those 64 packs of crayola crayons with the sharpener on them. The demon does look like a combination of Deadpool and the British spider man. The names for this song weren’t added at the time I’m writing this so all we have is the twitter post that tells us Lumen’s name so I’m just gonna call the diver and demon purple and red until they tell us their names.
On a weird side note, i have an oc that i made for a story i was making and their original name was Lumen, but then I realised that that’s the name for part of a blood vessel, because i was doing my biology gcse at the time, and eventually just changed their name to Elle. Weird how I’m seeing that name again.
I’m fully expecting My Chemical Romance to be in Just Dance 2026 at this point, even though i don’t care for their music. Now how do we get them to do a duet between Blake and Liv to My Immortal by Evanescence (that’s the only other evanescence song i know)
TLDR: I love Basket Case and Calabria 2007 is definitely a song that was produced in the 2000s
Here are my scores with the camera scoring, there seems to be a bit of a server issue that won’t save them but will probably be fixed within the next hour. I’ve gotten way too used to using the joycon so the camera feels weird now even though that’s all i used up until 2022. Fuck you Microsoft this is somehow your fault, should’ve just kept Kinect support but nooo, people thought they were seeing ghosts and you got scared that you’d confirm evidence of the supernatural when it was just the technology of 2007.
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magic-is-beauty · 13 days
you know what i love about the sweet tooth fandom?
how we literally all have the same ideas and such like i could have this idea in my head and the next day someone else posted something about it it's like we read each other minds along with adding other people's headcanons to our own.
for the animal army's name posts i scrolled pinterest for dayss looking and searching for names I think would suit them and then one day i was re reading "Look hard at my stripes, There'll be no more after me" by @punkishtoxtricity to see what the wolf boys names were and i see tiger pick up the name blake which i thought was a funny coincidence since the middle name i gave tiger was blake but then i was reading (for the first time) a siana/birdie fic which featured tiger and their name in that story was fucking Thalia and i haven't even read that specific fic before!!
and what name did i give tiger? motherfucking Thalia Blake i swear this fandom reads my mind
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strykingback · 11 months
So I just found out that someone in the anti-rwde saying that they are and I quote: "Should A Tumblr Blog exist that takes RWDE Headcanons and de-RWDES them for the enjoyment and discussion with people that actually like RWBY."
And my Reaction to this is.....
Like Im not even fucking impressed! Like Boy howdy this is just pure comedy at its finest!!! Imagine being so pressed that you just see what RWDE Headcanon posts as its like a fucking shiny ass diamond in the goddamn mine and much better than Rooster Teeths which looks like a literal garbage fire in the middle of some random ass city street.
And for discussion and enjoyment. Are you fucking dumb or are you just plain ol' stupid? Because guess what? Yeah, I hate RWBY's main canon and its bullshit but there are some things I like from it that I can take and improve upon. Hold up Anti-RWDErs while you're reading this part do me one favor.
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This also can apply to guess what. PEOPLES HEADCANONS. Because they are things that I do like that I wish RWBY could expand on but no... CRWBY just gives out minimum effort garbage and you just suddenly swarm it and praise it like its a better thing while some of y'all tell us that our Headcanons are either shit because we ship Yang or Blake with a dude and then get attacked for it.
Gee why does that sound like the same thing when Shippers wanna ship their OC's with a Canon RWBY character they get attacked for it or with rarepairs they get attacked for it.
Seriously, and now y'all wanna be like art thieves and take what we thought up of and bastardize it to what YOU want it to be. Everyone has creativity no shit. And some of us just wanna write our STORIES and discuss with them how it sounds cool or needs improvement on things.
If you are gonna be so pressed over headcanons then amigo/amiga. You need to take a step back and think about what you are doing. Cause heres what ya gotta do.
You see someone that makes a RWDE HC post.
You dont like it
You Scroll Away because you too also have your own headcanons and that everyone is entitled to that.
See? Easy as pie and Not Too Hard As Well.
So basically to end this whole little tirade...
TL;DR: Anti-RWDE likes RWDE HC's but is so pressed that they wanna take peoples HC's they made and twist it to fit their own shit.
and to end this with my man Sukuna...
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kitkatopinions · 6 months
Sorry to come into your ask box to vent after your post...
But I gotta say, you certainly managed to really sum up everything I dislike about the mentality of "subverting expectations = good storytelling" folks.
Like, it had been such a thing for people to say "X is so good because it subverts audience expectations!" And it's been driving me up a wall because that's just such a backward mentality about it: subverting audience expectations is a completely neutral thing, and one can just as easily ruin a story by going against audience expectations as tell a good story by playing out what the audience might be expecting.
Which, not to necessarily be mean about RW//BY, but yeah... that so many passionate defenders of it are also of the "a story is good cuz it subverts expectations" crowd is... not unexpected.
No, but for real! The way that people and seemingly a lot of writers think that surprise = good is frustrating!:This is one reason why spoilers are such a big deal to people, is that their viewing experience seems to bank on surprise and shock about who might die, who ends up together, who wins what victory in the end. I should be able to know all the plot points and plot twists going in and still enjoy the finished product just as much. If something isn't well set up (Adam's switcheroo in motives, the existence of the gods, Penny being a flesh person, the Ever After, Blake's personality change, arguably Ruby's depression in V9,) or not well done (Ironwood's fall to villainy, Ozpin's gray morality, the bees, Neo's eventual suicide, Ruby's journey as a SEW, the whole morals of the whole show) then whether or not it 'subverts expectations' is entirely irrelevant.
People are fully allowed to complain that they thought a piece of media would do something they wanted and instead did something they personally don't like that much, also, because that IS a bummer. But when I complain about RWBY, most of the time it's not just because I'm salty that it isn't doing what I think I'd personally like more. Like, I like the game Octopath Traveler, but I wish it wasn't that 8-bit looking early video game design, but at the end of the day I don't care because just because it doesn't fit my personal preference doesn't mean it isn't good. I wish Zuko had joined the Gaang earlier in ATLA or had more time with the Gaang than he did, but I still think Zuko's story is as close to perfect as it probably could've been. I just write or read fanfiction for the personal preference stuff. But the complaints I typically have for RWBY aren't like that. Like YEAH I actually DO prefer stories without heroes falling to villainy and with lots of redemption arcs, but I'm not about to hate RWBY just for not following my own personal preferences. No, I criticize RWBY for the bad execution, the lack of emotional pay-off in their story beats, the inconsistent morality they splash here and there whenever it sounds good and then forget about. RWBY is a confused show packed with ideas that never seem to be able to come together and writers that seem more interested in making giffable moments than a well done story. It's just generally not a well written well executed show.
I think that 'it subverts your expectations' is just one of many excuses that people use to wave away criticism with as little thought or effort or need to actually engage in discourse as possible. Just like complaints that the writers weren't interested in good world building and lore and therefore the transition from the moster school drama Beacon Era into magical world traversing quest wasn't well done are waved away with 'you're just mad the writers aren't following your headcanons' or 'you just want cute girls to go brr and hate substance' without actually addressing the true meat of the complaint or offering any substantial counterargument.
BTW, complain any time! I don’t mind hearing it at all. XD
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citadelofmythoughts · 2 years
Well, I’ve had all day to digest this so here’s my ramble about the Bees
I got into the FNDM around the end of Volume 6 so before I came out as trans (actually some of you were the first to know.) or a lesbian. 
It was that now famous image of Blake & Yang holding hands, standing defiantly in front of Adam that actually lured me in but I made myself binge the entire series before watching V6.
I completely and utterly fell in love with those two girls and their story. I think that’s one advantage more recent fans have who didn’t have to wait between all the early volumes, you could get more of a sense of how the story was progressing without conjecture or headcanons. So I saw their romance blossom. From the moment they laid eyes on each other from across a crowded room those two were linked.
It was such a hard and lonely road they both traveled. It felt like just as they made a connection at Beacon it all went to hell. Yang losing her arm to Adam, Blake blaming herself and both spiraling into self-loathing and depression.
But then V5 happened and Yang had someone she cared about finally come back into her life and as upset and angry as she was, she couldn’t hate Blake...never Blake.
Volume 6 was a volume of healing, of fighting their demons and overcoming them. 
Volume 7 was them easing back into that casual vibe they had at Beacon and feeling comfortable around each other again.
Volume 8 was difficult. It tested their fledgling relationship in many ways. They disagreed on how best to help Mantle but also learned that they COULD disagree and still be okay. 
Then Yang fell and Blake saw her future fall with her. Everything they could have been was gone in an instant. That changed her. She wasn’t going to stand on the sidelines WAITING for it to happen. 
Which brings us to today. Blake now knew her heart belonged to Yang and she knew that Yang felt the same, she just needed a little encouragement to say the words. 
Yang’s face when Blake called her “extraordinary” was nothing short of astonishment. It was like she couldn’t believe this beautiful girl, her partner could think of her in that way.
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Blake’s face when Yang presented her own thoughts was a lot more accepting because Blake already knew Yang loved her, at least on some level
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“Any big truths we haven’t dropped on each other yet?”
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“That can’t be what this is about.”
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“It’s like a...cliff and if I do it, I’m just gonna fall” “I think we’re already falling.”
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“Just say it, Yang.”
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“I...think I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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And there it is. The end of one phase of their relationship and the beginning of a whole new one. They fought SO HARD to get here and this means EVERYTHING to me.
And the nice thing about it is, it’s not remotely over yet.
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So, here’s to the happy couple. I know you’ll both have long and happy lives together. I love you two so much and even with everything I wrote, I know I left so much of what I’m feeling out.
Well, if you made it to the end of this, I’m shocked but thanks for reading it.
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
With all the talk about Blake's bisexuality lately, I wanted to revisit the stream where this is "confirmed." I think it's really important not only that Blake's sexuality hasn't been confirmed in canon yet -- a fact which RWDE fans have explained ad nauseum and I won't rehash here -- but that our external "confirmation" is so tentative that it still leaves room for doubt. And that right there is the problem.
That video includes:
Arryn initially ignoring Blake's sexuality as a similarity between them because she "wasn't sure she was allowed to say that." If this were a 100% confirmed, established, 'We planned it from the beginning' bit of characterization, there wouldn't be any hesitation about what they're "allowed" to discuss in a stream. I'd understand the hesitation a little better if Blake/Yang were getting confirmed in the upcoming Volume and the crew was avoiding spoilers... but that wasn't the case.
"I think it's pretty obvious." You're either confirming a fact or you're not. Why the emphasis on what the audience should "obviously" be taking away? And as established, after the Golden Age of Queerbaiting there is no "obvious" reading when homophobic writers and executives can dodge a confirmation at any time.
"I confirm nor deny canonically, but in my headcanon? Oh, that's a whole other story!" This is LITERALLY dodging a confirmation. We are told outright that the crew cannot confirm that Blake is canonically bisexual, but they do support it in their own, RWBY imaginings. That's great! That's also, as explicitly stated, not canon.
The video link I could most easily find is attached to a RWBY Reddit thread titled "Arryn has basically confirmed once and for all that Blake is bisexual." There should be no "basically" in that sentence.
This is why so many fans are wary: because these kinds of "obvious" implications without an explicit confirmation is the definition of queerbaiting. That's what you do if you want your audience to stick around without actually producing a queer relationship. You put a blush here, a forehead touch there, a nudge-nudge-wink-wink from a VA, a comment about bisexual bobs, a ship-inspired song, a "Wait and see ;)" and, and, and ... and then you end the show with nothing ever coming of it. Or, it's a last moment addition so the writers never have to actually write the relationship. This is why Supernatural was (and in many ways still is) the most overt example of queerbaiting. It's not because fans saw the potential for a relationship between Cas and Dean, but the writers never capitalized on it; it's because the writers LOADED the story with "obvious" references and innuendos, spent YEARS having Misha, Jensen, and other cast members talk about the "obvious" love between them... and then just continued on their merry way for fourteen years, doing nothing with it, before throwing out a one-sided confession + death in the final hour. Fans were taught precisely how "obvious" a queer character can be without actually existing.
As a bisexual woman watching RWBY, I want confirmation of this relationship and, furthermore, I have more hope for one than I would have a decade ago. I'd be more willing to put my money on these "obvious" references amounting to something in 2023 than I would have back in 2005. But those of us who are old enough to have been active in fandom during that time know that just because many shows have gotten better about their queer rep doesn't mean that every show is going to follow in their footsteps. I do wonder how many fans who take a "basically" as undeniable confirmation are on the younger side, with "younger" meaning... under 25? Because I can't imagine anyone who was immersed in popular media back then coming in with such confident takes built on so very little, or having such faith in a company with RT's reputation. We've been blessed with the likes of She-Ra, Owl House, Steven Universe, The Last of Us, and a wealth of other stories that have fought for and/or introduced queer rep, and I wonder if those raised on that bounty literally can't picture a show that would tease a popular ship so extensively and not bring it to fruition. The unexpected downside of getting more canonical rep is that there's a generation of viewers who are ignorant -- or at least appear ignorant -- of the history that gave us shows like Supernatural, Sherlock, Teen Wolf, Buffy. And if you're older still, you're familiar with the age of television when a canonically queer character wasn't even a possibility, but that didn't stop writers from both building the show around fans' desire for representation. Sometimes that was done kindly with coding that, legitimately, was the most they could hope to air and showcased the writers' own desire to diversify television... and sometimes it was cruel.
I've said a hundred times that I hope Blake/Yang shippers aren't hurt in the way so many older fans have been, either due to deliberate queerbaiting, or RWBY getting cancelled before a relationship can truly develop. We all deserve to have such prominent confidence in writers treating their queer characters well. But we can't allow hope or personal certainty to blind us to reality, not when that's resulting in a completely unnecessary antagonism within the fandom. And the reality is that no, Blake hasn't been confirmed in the show and her "confirmation" outside of it does not meet many fans' standards -- for very understandable reasons. I can say categorically that I have never seen anyone erase Blake's bi identity because that identity doesn't truly exist yet. The ambiguity of her attraction to Yang is precisely why queerbaiting is a problem and why RWDE folks call so loudly for a 100% canonical relationship: it's too easy to shrug off such moments as a "sisterly" thing, to use the unfortunate words of Arrowfell. And if you scoff and go, "What? Sister don't act like that!" then you don't understand queerbaiting. You don't understand the history of shows writing THE most "obvious" coding you've ever laid your queer little eyes on and then going nowhere with it. That's the point. That's the point! The entire point is to make the relationship as "obvious" as possible so that fans will stick around, praise the show, celebrate rep early, push everyone else to watch it...
...and then fall apart when the relationship never happens.
I hope to god that's not RWBY's future, but after three years of just a single hint each (hand-holding, blush, Blake's fury over Yang's "death") and the lack of hints in the Volume 9 trailer, please don't go after fans who don't have unwavering confidence in the girls' queerness being canonical. Posts that acknowledge Blake's attraction to men, ambiguous attraction to Yang, or point out the comparative wealth of straight confirmation compared to the queer coding aren't attacking queer fans. Those posts are written by queer fans who know precisely how quickly the "obvious" ship can get tossed aside. Or worse, the queer character never really confirmed as queer in the end.
RWBY can ditch Blake/Yang. They can shrug and say that a bi Blake was just Arryn's headcanon -- weren't you listening when we said it wasn't canon? They can make sweet apologies and explain that they never intended the animators to make that so romance coded. You know, just like they never meant for Clover to wink at Qrow. Real talk: I personally can't imagine having this much faith in the show after that fiasco. We got the EXACT same kind of coding (wink + bashful look + "obvious" romance tropes like their opposite semblances) and the ending was Clover dying a bloody death, Qrow hating him, and the writers backpedaling from the idea of an attraction like nobody's business. That set off SIREN alarms in every RWBY fan I know who understands queerbaiting history, but so many others appear ignorant to the warning signs. I'm not saying examples like this means we won't get queer rep in the title team, I'm saying it explains others' hesitation. RT has made no promises, is not beholden to their fanbase, and does not have a good history with its queer rep or its queer employees. If you're a queer fan who has confidence in bi Blake in the face of all that, fantastic, more power to you, but those who are wary aren't your enemy. They're also queer fans, just those who have been burned enough in the past and have learned not to put their whole heart into what they might not get. What we're likely to get? Probably, but you know what they say about counting chickens...
I just wish fandom was better about learning from these past experiences -- listening to older fans and acknowledging that history with an open mind -- rather than learning through another awful, first-hand experience. Though I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that this never happens, I wonder how many RWBY fans might be fruitlessly warning others someday if their queer rep crashes and burns.
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darkrpfinders · 6 days
need some fandom roleplays for the life of me 20+ searching for 18+ writers! my rules are simple🏹 - write at minimum 4-5 paragraphs. i normally write more than that depending on the mood of the story and everything. - please be ready to plot together because i don't have anything set in stone in my mind for these fandoms! but that being said i'm more than open to following the canon storyline, adding our own twists and turns/divergence and aus, or doing some completely different. - i go to university, i work, i have a life outside of roleplaying so please be patient with me and my replies. - i'm always open for ooc chatter though! with that i'd love a partner that enjoys chatting ooc as well. sending headcanons, tiktoks, music, just about anything- it makes everything feel more alive. - preferably we rp on discord and with a server but it's not a requirement honestly. - for most of these fandoms i will be looking for oc x cc stories (i'm more than happy with doubling as long as you put attention to both sides and both our characters), some i may want oc x oc or cc x cc. - i'd really love to add a/b/o dynamics to any of these fandoms but it's not a requirement either! open to nsfw content but i'm also fine with just fade to black. triggers and limits will be discussed in private. fandoms and what i'm searching for🏹 - X-Men: mostly searching for a Cherik (Charles x Erik) roleplay where I play Charles. i'm more knowledgeable on the live action movies so would prefer something with those storylines. - My Hero Academia: i'm currently reading the manga and have just finished the first war arc so i'm starting izuku's vigilante era. i'll take all pairings for this really. cc x cc: Dabi/Touya x (Keigo/Hawks), Rumi/Miriko x (Fuyumi Todoroki), (Shota/Eraserhead) x Hizashi/Present Mic ocxcc, canons i'm looking to pair with my oc: Shoto Todoroki, Enji/Endeavor, Keigo/Hawks, Tenya Iida. i may be open to ocxoc as well just be aware my ocs are all female so it would have be MxF, FxF, or NBxF - The 100: may be a stretch because the fandom's pretty dead but i just started rewatching the show with my roommate after having first seen it during covid. but for this fandom i'm mostly searching for ocxoc or ocxcc! i have two ocs, a mother and daughter, both google docs are wips at the moments but i have most of their info in my mind lol and both are grounders. i'm currently on s3 episode 6! canons i'm looking to pair with my oc: Bellamy Blake, Marcus Kane, or Roan of Azgeda - The Last Of Us: mostly looking to do an oc x oc pairing! we can build on a plot for our ocs together based on the world of tlou, preferably the show because i haven't played the games in so long. we can do reluctant travelling partners. a couple who got separated at the beginning and find themselves again. details will be discussed. my oc for tlou is a male and gay so only MxM or NBxM pairings. i'll get to each like as soon as possible!🏹
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vennalyrion96 · 8 months
Title: The Voluptuous Martyrdom of the Apostate
Chapters: ?
Fandom: Outlast (Video Games)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Major Character Death | Rape/Non-Con | Underage
Relationships: Val (Outlast)/Original Character(s) | Sullivan Knoth/Other(s) | Sullivan Knoth/Anna Lee | Sullivan Knoth & Marta
Characters: Original Characters | Val (Outlast) | Sullivan Knoth Marta (Outlast) | Corgan (Outlast) | Blake Langermann | Lynn Langermann | Laird Byron | Nick Tremblay | Heretics (Outlast) | The Scalled (Outlast) | Ethan (Outlast) | Anna Lee (Outlast)
Additional tags: Body Horror, Psychological Trauma, Psychological Torture, Psychological Drama, Psychological Horror, Sex, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Underage Sex, Underage Rape/Non-con, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape, Blasphemy, Cousin Incest, Parent/Child Incest, Half-Sibling Incest, Uncle/Niece Incest, Religion, Parent-Child Relationship, Pregnancy, Infanticide, Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Physical Abuse, Romance, Tragic Romance, Arranged Marriage, Bullying, Mental Instability, Trauma, Masturbation, Gender Dysphoria, Misogyny, Torture, Mutilation, Self-Harm, Religious Fanaticism, Murder, Murder Family, Manipulation, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Dreams and Nightmares, Blood and Gore, Sexual Tension, Domestic Violence, Forced Orgasm, Forced Masturbation, Forced Relationship, Obsessive Behavior, Self-Hatred, Explicit Language
Temple Gate. A special and immaculate place surrounded by the wild nature of the Havasupai reservation, appointed by God Himself for the gathering of people guided by His new Ezekiel Sullivan Knoth. A place where time seems to have stopped and where leading a simple life consecrated to humbleness and obedience, waiting for the Judgement Day to come, is the key to touch the eternal bliss of Heaven with your own hands and to benefit the light provided by the Lord and His angels. But at what cost? How far can a person with such a noble and challenging intent go? What dark and mysterious secrets lurk behind the Sullivan Knoth's personal Garden of Eden?
New Outlast 2 fanfic! 🤗 I've been planning it for 5 long years at this point, but finally I managed to publish the prologue (maybe a bit too long, but still... 😅) and that makes me so proud 💪 I'm already writing the first chapter and I can't wait to show it to you ❤️ The story will be extremely long, as it's a sort of horror soap opera and concerns the countless events that took place in Temple Gate before Blake and Lynn's arrival according to both canonical sources and my headcanons, but in any case I hope you'll appreciate it 😁
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bestworstcase · 8 months
No one’s ready for my red string conspiracy board on Oscar being a Faunus. Blake & Ilia passing for human. THE BANDAGES. Oscar being comfortable among the Faunus in the crater slums after Ironwood shot him off a cliff. Faunus in cages in jinn’s vision. No Faunus Allowed signs in shops in Mistral & Atlas. Oscar vs. Leo. Oscar’s entire deal with the reincarnation process and his own believed disposability. Salems connection to the Faunus and the Faunus’ connection to the Grimm. The gods having horns. THE BANDAGES. The implications of all these disparate pieces together. How much more weight in the story setting and connections would his character have if Oscar was a Faunus?
give that boy gills
gbrhckfj on a similar wavelength actually i like to headcanon that he’s adopted and his aunt is a faunus—granted ‘comfortable around faunus’ is the norm with the main characters so i don’t think it’s necessarily significant that oscar falls into that category; what strikes me more is that the casual connection oscar makes with the faunus in the crater can be juxtaposed against how nervous and awkward he gets when he meets, you know, the largely-human main cast. which might just be down to the narrative skipping the introductions to get right to the important piece of oscar sharing a meal with these new acquaintances when the kids arrive to pick him up (and there is a little awkwardness when he’s surprised by the soup being offered to him) but. yk.
i think if he himself were a human-passing faunus it surely would have come up by now (oscar doesn’t Like Lying + even if he didn’t feel safe with the humans in the group, there’s blake) and that’s One reason i land more on raised by faunus (<- another is that i have a pet theory ozma Can’t reincarnate into faunus Because they’re beyond light’s power to harm—the whole theme in their mythology of freely chosen transformation and freedom and all) (<- a third is that there’s . only one interspecies family in the entire story and the scarletinas are so marginal you’d only know velvet’s dad is human if you read the CFVY books, so why not expand). but as a headcanon or like potential au oscar being a faunus himself does track thematically really really well
i would also point out: neck is an odd place for a faunus trait to be (other than like, gills) and if he’s trying to pass then wrappings are a really conspicuous way to hide vs like, a turtleneck. but we’ve also never seen him without those work gloves on, and we know it’s pretty common for faunus to have claws.
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 2 months
We stand for the flag!!! (Unlabelled loutermilch)
Funny story is that our loutermilch was unlabeled by some time until he decided to label himself (very vaguely bc he's not strong about his labels) as bihet so we literally stand for unlabelled loutermilch
- apple vinaigrette/fritters
actually, I meant Alistair is the unlabeled one in my post! ^^;
but heck- I guess they can both be unlabeled!
I just meant that loutermilch is "canon gay" because:
a quite popular headcanon for outlast 2, is that Blake is a closeted homosexual? and people like to use demon loutermilch's comments as proof- (you know, those remarks about him being "confused" and the literal stab where he called him a "diseased c*cksucker")
which?? yes, I can get where they're coming from?? but I think using loutermilch's comments is a bit of a stretch?
I mean yeah, to en extend, the demon loutermilch is a physical representation of Blake's guilt and inner struggle, which could mean that those comments are just himself talking-
however- I think projecting these comments onto Blake ONLY is just thinking it through halfway!
I mean, look- loutermilch was making "you're confused" remarks, not only during the over-the-top school dreams, but also during the realistic encounter! (the one that seems like it's literally just a straight forward memory) which means those aren't just Blake's inner guilt speaking, those are actual comments loutermilch made towards kid Blake!
and heck, call me crazy- but I think loutermilch is projecting a little-
let's take this line:
"- where you can think about the taste of her kiss as you felt her neck break you diseased c*cksucker!"
excuse me sir, but Blake was NOWHERE near enough to hear Jessica's neck do anything! during the scene where blake "witnessed jess' death" he didn't actually witness jack sh*t! but you know who was close enough? loutermilch himself! and even if he means the point where her already dead body was being hung and her neck broke (even more) THEN- well, loutermilch is the only one strong enough to lift her, so he would be the only one capable of hearing the neck mangle!)
and the "taste of her kiss" thing? yeah- is it really that much of a stretch to assume that the line that begins with projection also ends with projection?
that's honestly what most, if not all, of loutermilch's insults and jabs towards blake amount to! projection!
Blake may be a closeted homosexual, but so is Loutermilch! and the only reason why nobody entertains that possibility, is because nobody wants to think about this character further than his actions! (which is just?? ASDFGHJKL-)
tl;dr : loutermilch is a closeted homosexual, most likely raised with discriminatory believes and is projecting his own hatred over those feelings onto a literal child who he's also framing for a murder he himself committed- SOMEBODY GIVE THIS MAN A THERAPIST
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