lgcsol · 5 years
hello, this might be a decision that some might have seen coming considering just how sparse i’ve been with my muse on here, or anywhere in general. at this point of time, seeing the changes that are happening in life, with adulthood and whatnot, plus several personal issues and reasons behind this, i have decided to step back from the roleplay as both a moderator and member. this also includes leaving the closed roleplaying scene altogether, and some of you might know why. i’d like to thank everyone i’ve interacted with, be it on a large or small scale, for making my stay enjoyable thus far. i’d also like to thank the roleplay as well as the hardworking admods for making the environment a conducive one, but at one point it has stopped being fun for me. instead of prolonging a stay that has felt like a chore in general, i’ve come to this after mulling over it for almost a week. for everyone i’ve wronged in any way, i’d like to offer my deepest apologies, and the same goes to the admod team for not staying until the end of the run. i have come to my limit, but for everyone who would like to keep in contact with me, i’ll still have my discord running as usual. thank you, lgc, for being my last closed community for the time being, and for the rest of you, have fun roleplaying and take care! hope to see you when i see you.
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lgcsol · 5 years
“why me?” king repeats with a dumbfounded look. “you’re like… seriously asking that? oh my god, bro, you really don’t get it do you?” he wants to facepalm himself at hansol’s cluelessness. it’s no wonder he was given this position, more so than anybody else in the group. “what, you think you got it by default because you did a bad evaluation or something?” hansol probably thinks that sub-rapper is a punishment more than just a challenge he was given by the coaches.
“look, i saw you practice. you’re a super good performer.” truth be told, he felt more threatened by hansol than anybody else on the team. king is convinced he was a contender for center, but maybe they decided against it due to the amount of rapping there is in the song. they’ll never know the real reason why but either way… “you literally have everything you need to pull it off. you don’t need technique. just be yourself. be cool and confident. that’s what the audience will remember, trust me.” he was there last season. skills are one thing, yes. they can’t go on stage with shaky vocals and stiff movements. but it also isn’t everything. “yah, if you don’t show off a little bit i’m gonna have to scold you. i’m the leader after all.” he laughs, to brush off the seriousness of it all, but he’s not joking. if he needs to shake him, he will. 
he wonders, for once, if he’s being too entitled as a senior trainee. understands best that he’s simply being a whiny one at this time, considering that no one in the unit actually does. he did embarrassingly worse with each practice, the coaches noticing his discomfort, and with king’s realization, he knows he’s messed up. he blinks when king tatters the entire talk, and the conversation seems to have lit the bulb in hansol’s mind. good thing he notices the error in his ways. taken aback, he nods slowly, still a tad hesitant but he knows that he’s done hiding behind the fact that he’s crumbling under the pressures of ‘rapping’, since there’s no such a thing to begin with. it’s maybe due to the fact that he’s expected that main vocal position, but this song is not for it, never about belting those notes.
“you’re right... don’t be more big-headed than you already are, but you’re right,” hansol reiterates. “i might have been... too arrogant as well? i thought i’d get something more, i don’t know, me? singing and all. but this isn’t supposed to drag me down.” he hums, looking at the mirror. he can nail the whole ‘sexy’ expression, it feels now, and it will be nice considering the contrast given compared to his usual ‘pika pika’ impression; it’s a good opportunity to show that he can do any image, including the supposed sexiness. “scold me all you want, i kind of deserve it,” he says, full of intents, but he hints a smile on his face. it blooms into a grin, then. “let’s do it again. i’ll be seriously serious this time.” he gulps the water from his bottle before setting it down and moving back to his previous spot during the practice. “watch me,” he adds. “play the music! i’m ready. we’re in it to win it.”
♚lgc we all so sexy
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lgcsol · 5 years
give love: dominique.
you’re handed a bag of candy by a senior trainee, carefully tied up with a ribbon, your name penned onto a small card attached to it. if you flip it over, you’ll find a message in the same careful penmanship, decorated with a pikachu sticker.
hello hansol-hyung, i hope you’ve been well! when i saw these at the store i immediately thought of you because they had a pikachu on the packaging. kind of lame, isn’t it? but i hope the candy is good anyway! i hope both the candy AND the cute packaging can give you lots of energy for future dreams! we might be on different teams but i’ll still be cheering a bit for you!
let’s do our best!
– dowon
year after year of being spent in the company, the whole routine of secret appreciation sweets has been ingrained as a part of the culture. an annual act, as always, and receiving some sweets from his fellow trainees, be they senior or otherwise, has always been one of the highlights of the year. it feels good to know that they remember him at all, with thoughtful handwritten cards most of the time attached to the sweets. this one, coming from dowon, who’s been training as long as he did, comes not as a surprise, but still pleasant regardless. 
while it’s no secret that hansol has been fixated on pikachu for the longest time, being utterly devoted to the character and whatnot, not plenty of them would come with sweets wrapped in pikachu-peppered packaging. of course, jeon hansol is brightly starry-eyed at this present. he chuckles upon reading the message, ensuring that he will thank dowon later on since this is such an attentive gesture. he wants to return the gesture, too, and he will. he hums, sending a message to dowon, which reads:
[ message › dowon ] you’re always so kind, thank you. [ message › dowon ] i’ll certainly be cheering for you too!
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lgcsol · 5 years
90 years later... i’m late to the party on account of having low muse for anything in general, and work has been crushing me, so i’m finally going to do the submissions soon! i have received three submissions so far ( allie, ahyeon, and dominique ) and if you’d like to send me some of these, i’m in. please like this if you’d like to be sent some chocolates as well! i’ll try getting this done by the end of this week! ♡
edit: sent submissions so far to @lgchyunjin, @lgcallie, @lgcahyeon, @lgcdominique, @lgcjaesun, @lgchanbyul, @lgcsoyoun, @lgcjiho, and continuing onwards.
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lgcsol · 5 years
king stares at @lgcsol during the entire vocal practice. they’re just going through the line distribution today and familiarizing themselves with their parts. king is overall satisfied with what he got. as center, he might not have the most vocally challenging lines, but his presence on stage will be undeniably strong. he knows not everyone can be a hundred percent satisfied. dohyun, for example, got rather small parts. after getting center positions in the past, that can be frustrating.
for sol must have done pretty well on his evaluation since he gets his fair share of lines and spotlight. it’s a given of course. he’s a strong dancer and performer, and his vocals are pretty decent. but simon says being heavily hip hop focused, there’s more ‘rapping’ than what viggo and king can handle on their own, or they would be singing 80% of the song by themselves. so it’s been shared among the rest, mainly sol and dohyun since haneul is their main vocal.
and sol has been… rather shyly delivering those lines. he seems embarrassed, uncertain. and it annoys king to no end. where’s the confident guy he’s praised during dance practice? nowhere to be seen, apparently. on the camera, the leader’s face probably appears focused rather than pissed off, as he pays attention to his teammates and what could go wrong during the performance. with sol, well… everything. once the boys finds themselves on their own after the coach’s departure, he pulls hansol aside. “hey, are you disappointed or something? you seemed out of it earlier.”
he’s always been that sharp dancer, with emotions tesselated across his countenance with each move, rendering him a good entertainer considering his skills to alter his expressions just within a fraction of seconds. he’s rather known for it, the fact that he’s able to perform it is what he prides himself in since the presence of his youtube days. many of his fans back then would call it ‘charisma’, and it makes him complacent at times when he doesn’t have anyone to smack the back of his head. but just like the rest of his confidence, this aspect becomes a minuscule factor when he’s out of his comfort zone. it wanes upon the fact that he’s... assigned the role of a sub-rapper.
who in the right mind would want him to rap? ... well, legacy, turns out. he’d take it as a new challenge, sure, but he’s not entirely comfortable with it, and it shows. he nails the dance with apparent ease, following the routines without any hitch of troubles, but when it comes to rapping, it is truly... something else. the song is cool, he picked it because of that— and he expected for at least being just a sub-vocal, but with the remaining lines assigned to no one, he has to take the brunt of it. the song itself doesn’t have a lot of vocal, which is another strong point of his besides dancing. so, resigns to the fate that he’s encountered, returning to the fact that while he does the rest okay ( after all, the ‘rapping’ is more like speaking those lines without anything else ), the whole ‘legacy we all so sexy’ throws him under the bus.
and of course, with his own best friend as the leader of the unit, he shares the sentiments as anyone else when it comes to winning. so, when king stays behind with him after the coaches have left the room and the rest of the team left on their devices, he knows what’s to come. he wants to come on top so badly, so maybe king can slap some sense into him. he lets out a deep sigh, understanding well that he needs to nail this too if he wants the unit to claim that triumph. when king confronts him, the question makes sense. he rubs the nape of his neck in shame. “well,” he falters as he looks at king. “not really dissatisfied, but like... i just... don’t think rapping is for me? like somehow all my delivery crumbles when it comes to that... that one. legacy we all so sexy? like, why me?” he knows he’s brooding at this point, which is what he does once in a while... embarrassing, still.
♚lgc we all so sexy
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lgcsol · 5 years
happy birthday!
january 14th 2020
as your training group starts its first lesson of the day, the coach suddenly tells everyone to gather around. when you’re all listening, they suddenly call your name. “jeon hansol…” they don’t sound angry, but they’re not smiling either. are you in trouble? did you do anything wrong? “we heard it’s your birthday… isn’t it?”
before you can react, everyone starts laughing and applauding as a few more staff members enter the room with a cake and a small box. they all sing happy birthday to you, and once the atmosphere calms down again you get handed the box. it contains… letters? “you received a few letters from fans. they also sent this cake. we hope this will brighten your day despite having to come in for training.” 
and right before you all get back to practice, a staff member tells you your gift from the company: a day off to use this upcoming month! you can claim it whenever you want as long as it doesn’t fall on a day with official company activities. have fun!
it feels like it’s just another day, another training day. the fact that he’s held captive by the rhythm given with each beat, the dance absorbing him into motion, it’s just further proof that he’s not entirely there to remember that it’s his birthday. turning nineteen, twenty in this country, was a big deal, sure— but now that he’s passed that, turning this age doesn’t hold a lot of significance. perhaps he’ll come home to a few presents from the few friends he remains in contact with from the high school, prior to his audition and subsequently the contract in legacy. and he knows the presents: horrendously expensive, luxury items that he knows he can afford without blinking an eye. it’s nothing unusual, and he isn’t looking forward to unwrapping them; he would rather... see if he can take a day off to celebrate it with them at a comfortable restaurant somewhere. no yacht, no villa this time, but he’s definitely more content with just having quality time with them.
when the first session is over, however, being called to gather around usually doesn’t always mean a bad thing, but he’s nervous anyway. when his name is called, he surmises that it’s another mistake he’s committed during the steps— but he thought he didn’t make too many, and it was all fun and laugh until this moment. he meets the trainer’s eyes, piled with anxiety. the pounding, hammering heartbeats remind him that he needs to be humbled regardless of his status as a senior trainee, just like everyone else in the room. the next occurrence, though, causes his eyes to widen. of course, like any other year, he will get this small celebration. it’s not uncommon, he just tends to let anxiety build up before anything else... blame the pessimist in him. he smiles widely at being congratulated for another year passed with legacy, the letters definitely contributing to his beaming. “thank you!” he bows at the rest of the team, especially the staff, to show his respect, gratitude. when being told that he has a day off as a birthday gift, he also thanks the person telling him that. a perfect momentum, of course— he just needs to arrange a time to make the small reunion with his school friends come true.
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lgcsol · 5 years
solo: bang bang fashion cf.
solo thread for modeling gig: bang bang casual fashion solo cf. word count: 401 words. point distribution: +10 modeling, +3 notoriety.
there's a sense of wonder if the brand truly wanted him to represent their clothes, this opportunity feeling surreal at the very least. he knows he's been groomed for modeling as one of the various capabilities that come in a package with being an idol, and while he doesn't think it's the best fit, nor is it his best forte, he still performs his best. his concepts in modeling were often sultry, the type of serious expressions managed through inflections of styles as instructed, honed by the best modeling coaches in legacy.
to say that he's nervous would be an understatement; he has never really done a solo cf before, and first times like this would always inflict such a feeling, inevitably. arriving at the building, he's escorted to a floor in the edifice set for the photoshoot area, with him as the only model. it's daunting, to say the least, but it shouldn't be something truly big considering that the fashion brand seems to adorn a casual image. with the vibes it's going for, hansol has to adjust his typical responses when it comes to posing, altering it to something more relaxed. softer tones to it, it becomes apparent as he is being brought to the makeup area.
it's becoming something to get used to — being touched by the stylists even when he used to value his personal space a lot. now it's a lot less, and he becomes accustomed to the whole lack of such spaces. he cannot possibly maintain it if he wants to abide by the industrial norms, as it will be less and less when it comes down to being a debuted idol later on.
after bowing towards everyone in the room, saying that he will do his best to cooperate so that the entire set will unfold well, he sets his back straight, relaxing into the chair as the hairstylist styles his hair with gel to create a cooler effect. the makeup artist also immediately works on him, engaging in chitchat with him. they've worked with real idols before, of course, so to have his image polished by them, he feels honored. they give him some comments on his features, which he takes as something neutral, leaning towards simple talks. changing into the given clothes, he inhales, sucking a deep breath to prepare himself, shaking himself off the swelling anxiety before letting it go.
0 notes
lgcsol · 5 years
solo: future dreams preparation.
solo thread for future dreams season two: preparation. word count: 773 words. point distribution: +5 performing, +4 notoriety.
embracing the entire routine assigned for the future dreams season two is not unpredictable, but at the same time he realizes that he's been stumbling, scampering around for extra hours to dedicate to the already long hours. to prepare for such a stage might seem normal for him, considering just how long he's been a trainee, but this is the first time he's going to face such a stage — not to mention competing with those whom he's grown camaraderies with. it takes him closer to the harsh truth that it's just how the industry works: cut-throat, unforgiving in its nature. and that's what he's going to face, as he understands it since the beginning of thrusting himself into this life. however, it just feels incredibly real as of late, with the competition being the pinnacle that can possibly decide his fate as a trainee.
he's growing older, and he realizes that. seeing these fresh faces that came after him sometimes makes him ask himself if he's not fit for debut, with the years that have passed by before him. still, he doesn't believe in giving up— at least not until he really has to. and if that time comes, he knows that it might mend his relationship with his father. but that doesn't matter now — all that he needs to do is focus on what's in front of him. this season, and this season only for now.
the songs are foreign, obviously new, and the thrill starts building in him when the first listen is over. given the time to master them, it's not exactly long but it's definitely enough, all four songs given providing him with different vibes that he's been itching to display in front of others. he's been told that versatility is key to being an idol, having to don various faces during various eras. there are preferences, however, and there are certain expectations. images to polish, too. he wants to exhibit so many facets of his, but knows that there needs to be the right timing for everything. instead of exerting himself to cover all aspects, he believes he needs to focus on perfecting the main one first.
knowing that this is more of group work in spite of the apparent fact that they need to still shine individually, he understands not trying to show his side that's too competitive at times. it's something to tone down, definitely, although he knows it's not going to be easy. something in him is hungry for that chance to just display his skills in front of the audience — again, perhaps due to the years he's trained, even when in retrospect it can be not much in comparison to some other seniors — but he knows how to curb it. he's been told before, too, that winning as a team is more important than individual victory. later on, after all, if he's to debut eventually he will also debut in a group for sure, so now is a good chance for him to learn to work in a subtle circumstance. their prize will be in units, too, so there's that. all that he has to do now would be his best.
seeing his friends, fellow trainees train motivates him, as always. he almost has to always be that person who finishes last, even when it means not getting enough sleep. he's gotten used to it, his body clock adjusting accordingly. the circadian rhythm follows, body clock no longer a concept that hinders him like how it used to during the beginning of his training. still, as he watches himself dancing in front of the mirror after most of the people have gone back to their dorms, he doesn't think he's satisfied with what he's been perfecting. might be a flaw, might be a plus, who knows? but he's always the kind of person that's perhaps a tad too perfectionist. and he trains again, and again, and again until the songs are embedded in his mind.
he finishes at 2am, when his body is sore, and he deems that he is okay with two of the songs. the fatigue that laces his body is like evidence, night after night, which reminds him that he's trying hard for the dream he's chosen to pursue. snatching his towel and backpack, he gulps the water from his plastic bottle as he walks out of the room. toned arms covered in sweat, the cold coming from the air conditioner is much welcome even when he knows it's going to be cold outside. he turns off the light and vacates the room, calling it a night.
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lgcsol · 5 years
solo: future dreams entrance.
solo thread for future dreams season two: entrance. good day — escalating high notes. word count: 1002 words. point distribution: +5 english, +4 notoriety.
if he were to be entirely honest, last year might as well the messiest one within his entire training career. as a senior trainee with no future dreams participation, he feels like he’s been slacking, even when he had legitimate reasons behind his opting out of the said path. it was not often that he could meet his father, and when he does, it often ends up in the bitter look directed his way. his father has always shot daggers his end, the filaments of their relationship more and more frayed with each year. and he can feel it, the disapproval that is to come if his father ever sees him on television. even being a trainee is enough for him to feel like he’s betrayed his father’s trust in one way or another, but he’s not going to curb himself anymore this time. there has been enough of a bargain, enough of the whole wallowing in his family drama, which he’s let none but a select few know about.
so, he steps forward this time for the future dreams, alongside his fellow senior trainees who have participated in the previous run. of course, he’s nervous, considering that he’s one of the most senior, but without any experience to support him. then again, this time it might be different from the previous one. he hasn’t prepared much considering that he doesn’t know what to expect, watching the previous recordings over and over again shouldn’t count. the performances delivered were spectacular, and while he's noticed little flaws, there's no distraction that can hinder him from coming to the decision that all the trainees are worth the competition. they were doing splendidly during the first round, and he has no doubt that they will grow even better in the second. for that, he captures what he needs to do better, his own weaknesses glaring.
and the day has come, with the new contestants sent to have their hair and makeup done. he still has time to joke around, of course, his company being the people whom he has known for a while. his hair gelled, and his makeup done, he understands that this is the beginning. he has to remain serious in terms of carving impressions, but he knows that his image in front of the audience is anything but when he's not performing. upon being asked about how he's feeling being there for the first time, he doesn't leave out the smile, but he ensures that his answer contains the fact that he's not here to play. "hello, i'm jeon hansol, your resident pikachu enthusiast! i've been a trainee since july twenty-sixteen, so it's been a while." introducing himself feels so much like a routine these days. "i'm not going to lie and say i'm not nervous, but i think the excitement overweights that. as it's my first time ever joining this kind of competition since i missed the opportunity last year, i don't think i have much to say as of yet, but i'm entering this with hopes that i can deliver my best sides to everyone. i won't disappoint, i promise." he states the last words with enunciation that emphasizes his honesty. after all, hasn't he been groomed by legacy to stand on that very stage?
"i'm certain that i have a lot of formidable competitors here, but i'm going to stay confident with my abilities. i'm not going to downplay my weaknesses, for certain. i still have a lot of room to improve, but i think i'm ready to face the competition this time." he knows his friends are going to be his opponents in this, but he's not going to back down in the name of friendships. he's gone too far from there, knowing fully well that his expectations would be to debut with them one day, but for now he has to focus on what he's facing at the moment. upon being called into the room, then, he enters albeit doubtful. the cool air in the room seems to freeze him, and he has an omen looming when he sees the chairs. he blinks when he's told to choose a number to represent himself among others. choosing the last would be understating himself, and choosing number one would be the other way around. he's never that smug about his capability, always ending up somewhere in the middle when he has to rank himself. however, this time he calmly takes the second tag, and with the inquiry posed he replies with the same poise, "i don't think i'm the best as of now, since there is much more to come with improving myself, but i'd like to show what i've got from legacy's training these past years. i don't believe i'm that shabby, so i'm aiming for the best, and there's still a hurdle to get there. that's what number one would represent for me — a hurdle that i can and will face."
at the chance of showing his talent, he knew there would be such a segment, but he doesn't believe he's ever ready for it. there are many aspects of him that he wants to display, but in spite of that, this time he doesn't resort to any funny pikachu impersonation. sure, he would love to, but it's outdated. instead, he clears his throat, thanking his stars for having warmed up this morning. he sings the old song titled 'good day', right in the last bridge before the last chorus of the song, belting the sequential, consecutive high notes that keep going up, and up, and up. there's no breaking in his voice, no hitching. polished, even when he hasn't shown this to anyone before as it's been practiced in private for a while. this snippet is hopefully delivering his vocal range, and the versatility that he hasn't brandished as often. as he finishes, he's excused to exit the room, so he follows as instructed, hoping for the impression to somehow last one way or another. 
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lgcsol · 5 years
hello, everyone! i’m returning after a series of unfortunate events: 1. ) my computer died on me, meaning i lost all my data for the time being, 2. ) meaning i had to purchase a new laptop, which for the time being has almost nothing but i got my photoshop back so that’s a start— and 3. ) i’ve been sick for over a week, down with flu... also 4. ) i haven’t had internet for over two weeks at my house so i’m either tethering from my mobile data, or leeching off internet at work or café. i’m really sorry for being so slow since life has been slapping me back and forth so hard in the face. i need to: 1. ) answer the submit and ask from his birthday ( it’s been over half a month, i’m sorry hansol ). 2. ) catch up with the events, especially the future dreams. two future dreams solos for me, starting from today. 3. ) the white day event... submissions? i have to still catch up on this... 4. ) the gig opportunity five for modelling! 5. ) the second vlive solo, too. 6. ) also, submitting january points to lgcpoints and updating the tally sheet.
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lgcsol · 5 years
solo: encountering fans.
solo thread for isac 2019: fan encounter. word count: 558 words. point distribution: +3 english, +3 notoriety.
the entire sports festival, by far, isn’t his utmost favorite, but he isn’t one to complain when he gets the chance to bond with other trainees as well. not that he hates sports or anything, but not that he loves running marathon either. sure, he’d walk a long way if it’s to hatch his pokémon eggs, and his stamina is strong due to his upbringing, but being in competitive games isn’t the highlight of his day, a bit of reluctance specked but he doesn’t let it show for certain. archery is one thing he excels at since he used to be trained in that, and that’s why he’s placed in the spotlight for it… or rather, he suggested that he’d play the most in the said branch.
of course, not everything goes in the way expected. there were some other activities that he had to participate in, and while typically this rouses the kind of competitiveness within, he doesn’t work as hard as usual considering just… how little sleep that he got the night prior. he’s sluggish, the amount of sheer willpower that’s supposed to get him through the day doesn’t work when it comes down to this. this isn’t singing, nor is this dancing. speaking of which, he’s been randomly singing songs, and moving his body to certain rhythms. doesn’t think he’s being spectated that much either, so this might be a free time.
he is nearing the benches for the audience when he hears his name being called. specifically, screamed. he turns his head to the source, slightly taken aback. among the deluge of trainees entering the company each year, he doesn’t think that he’s that recognizable, especially when placed amidst the crowd of them. the highlight is that he eventually sees that the group of three girls has the whole sign for him, held up high. he approaches them, slightly shy, not because of being spotted, but because of the fact that he’s recognized at all. he grins at them as he approaches, closing the gap between them. as he stands close to the barrister, the middle one looks the giddiest. “oppa! i’ve been following you since you were on youtube!” she exclaims, the widening smile is mirrored by hansol himself.
“that’s new! i thought after years of my channel collecting dust nobody would remember me from there!” he chuckles in a jest. it startles him when he’s being asked for his signature on the banner that they’re bringing to support him. asking their names one by one, he puts them down on the neatest handwriting that he can muster, as well as adding the trained signature — one which might be what he uses for when he debuts. it’s practical, not as long as he would if he were to sign certain papers.
and of course, they would ask for his pikachu voice impersonation. the girl on the right looks extremely delighted when he squeaks the highest octave that he can reach in, “pika pika! pikaaaa~ chu!” he laughs with them afterwards, and tries to hold a chitchat but their time is cut short when one of the event managers calls him to stay in position for the next round, effectively etching slight regret in him. bidding them goodbye, he leaves them behind, but ensures that he’s taken a selfie with all of them beforehand.
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lgcsol · 5 years
He had passed by the MCing booth earlier with no desire to attempt it at all. The line had been way too long and while he had fun observing others try their best at playing host, he didn’t want to hear himself through the speakers. He could give an entire speech about film analysis, but hosting was different.
He didn’t think he could be likable and fill in the silence at the same time when he was an overthinker. He wouldn’t attempt it on his own, but it wasn’t until he saw Hansol walking past him that he decides to propose doing it together. If he said no, then he would be spared of the embarrassment.
“Hansol,” He voices out, pushing away from the wall to follow him and match his stride. “When is your next event? Do you want to try the MCing booth with me?”
he is just waiting for the archery competition to begin, and therefore, has been wandering around the area to ensure that he’s not missing out on anything. the mc-ing booth is one space in which the queue actually beats the long line usually reserved for those queues in front of newly opened boba place… not that he likes boba, but. that is the gist. he hasn’t intended to play host since he doesn’t deem himself as the best mc around. all those trainings, and he’s still not confident enough to do such a performance.
when jude actually walks closer towards him, approaching him with that offer, though, he’s intrigued. his eyebrows quirked, he’s pondering over the decision fairly quickly. he grins at the other trainee, implying agreement. “sounds fun,” he concedes. “i’m waiting for archery, so i think we still have enough time. let’s.” joining the queue, he believes that it won’t be that bad if he has someone else to go along the adventure with him.
say no
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lgcsol · 5 years
if sammy was honest he hadn’t expected to have made… friends with sol. the younger male was never sociable, short of fearing anything that needs him to speak and even put effort into that sort of thing, and yet, having being stumbled upon by the older male while he was trying to learn how to dance almost two years ago was surprising. and also embarrassing. but even more so was the reaction of the older male who didn’t seem to laugh at him or find him silly for chasing after such desires, such dreams. sammy has always been an overachiever and always wanted to be able to reach the stars and succeed in many things, especially the things he wasn’t so good at. 
they weren’t friends, at least, not yet. sammy was too closed off and careful, too shy, and yet, he and sol still agreed to meet each other and help the other out. and here they were, after their first meeting, still practicing together. when the younger found out sol hadn’t known how to play piano, forgotten about it, he had decided to take it upon himself to help the other, help him learn how to play again- and read music. it was such a shame in his eyes- knowing how to play an instrument was just as important as knowing how to sing and knowing how to move one’s body while dancing. he could never understand people who didn’t want to learn how to play music, how to live and breathe it-
he was a bit late. having slept in, the day started already off, going to classes late, professor letting him in despite being half an hour late, their scowl never left his mind- embarrassing. and then running back to his dorms for a quick shower and change before starting his trainee classes- and now it was dark, night time, and the day wasn’t over, he had practice with sol hyung. he had wondered if he should come bearing snacks, maybe some food- and stopped at the canteen to grab some fruit, drinks and snacks. he would have made them himself but he hadn’t had the time, he hoped it was still acceptable. 
knocking on the door, he peered in and called out softly, “sol hyung? i’m here, sorry for my tardiness.”
the day is slightly stilted at best, but there’s nothing unusual about this, about waiting for another trainee to come, commencing their practice together. considering the fact that he’s one of those who doesn’t really have anything to do in the morning, and therefore his placement in the morning session — he’s assumed from time to time — he’s reached the understandings that not everyone is as free as him. it’s almost a bitter fact, he feels unemployed sometimes, playing pokémon go if not the ones on his console until the night descends— it’s not the idea in which he’d like to improve. it’d be a wake-up call, almost, when that kind of thought actually smacks him in the head. but alas, such realizations don’t always linger.
being a waste of space is definitely not what he’s intended, tracing down this path. the career has yet to come, and he doesn’t know when it will— ah, that one can be shelved for another moment of melancholy, for sure. he doesn’t need anything to put him more than he already feels, beating himself up mentally for spending most of his time on games as opposed to increasing his skills by training rigorously. promises that this battle will be the last of the day before he leaves the streets for the company’s building. the cold seeps in inevitably, but winter has nothing on hansol’s determination on catching the next pikachu with a party hat. so, after beating that gym ( even when he knows his arcanine will be sent back soon ), he remains true to his self-imposed schedule, walking back to the building.
the wait is not unusual by any means, and even when he himself has been late, samuel has yet to arrive in the designated practice room. he waits, then, stretching again to ensure that he doesn’t pinch his muscles during the rigorous dance routines that are to come. sammy’s arrival is expected, and when sammy apologizes, he grins. “well, i’ll forgive you if you treat me to ramen after the practice!” he jests. “what do you want to do today, by the way? i’ve warmed up hands wise i’ve been playing games… so i believe my piano skills have increased by at least three notches. but let’s dance to something first, shall we?”
practice makes perfect
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lgcsol · 5 years
it’s your birthday.
a two-way thread, featuring @lgclevi.
the end of the year is looming, with this being the penultimate zenith of 2019 before the calendar turns for the better — or worse, who knows. one thing that he’s preparing besides bracing himself for the international new year would be his roommate’s birthday. another special day, for sure, and he’s determined to get the surprise to work. being a senior trainee is a feat, in which he’s celebrated so many trainees’ birthday, and his own soon… it’s going to be his fourth birthday with legacy when january descends, just in about half a month. december alone has passed with so many celebrations, each of which he’s cherished. this one shall be of no exception, for sure.
he texts xujia while he’s still in the company building, saying a hello using a pikachu sticker.
[ message to: xujia ] don’t wait for hyung… [ message to: xujia ] late practice… see you in the morning.
and ends it with another pikachu sticker to convey his ‘sadness’.
it’s 11.18pm, his body aching from the cold weather. should’ve worn thicker sweater, but hansol would like to think of himself as a champ against winter, which has always been his favorite season. the cake is prepared in the box, bought from the boulangerie he frequents a lot, along with the bag of the presents: it’s xujia’s nineteenth, so it’s extremely important, or at least that’s in his culture… unsure about xujia’s perception on this. but he’s trying his best, and that’s the very least he can do.
he heads back to the dorm when the clock strikes 11.30pm, ensuring that he arrives on time in unison with his other roommates. the cake is simple, with the zhōng wén “祝你生日快乐” calligraphed on top of the cake, just underneath the “19” candles. entering the room where xujia is supposedly asleep at midnight sharp, he starts singing the happy birthday song in english, hoping to make this third birthday with xujia’s fellow trainees feel like a home away from home still. “happy birthday!” he says, a grin plastered on his face. “make a wish and blow the candle!”
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lgcsol · 5 years
replies: sports meme.
meme replies for the side event: lgc sports festival. questions are taken from this post. word count: attached to each. point distribution: +3 variety, +3 modeling.
archery: what are your long-term goals in life? where do you see yourself in 10 years? 20 years? — asked by @lgcjude​.
long-term goals in life? definitely cannot be divulged in full-force considering his familial background. he fears too many things at once, maybe for things that aren’t supposed to be feared. they are almost too paranoid, vulnerable. questionable at the same time, too. the fact that he dislikes being seen as a boy coming from affluence has always been the certain weight that he’s been carrying since he was signed as a trainee. it’s the trepidation over having people believe that he’s sponsored, whatever that means. that he might be standing on top of his career due to his background instead of his hard work. sure, he couldn’t have been here with the skills he has without his mother’s support, but doesn’t mean that he rode the whole stratification to climb the industry. and still, to answer this question honestly would mean that he’d have to talk about his background a bit. “ah...” he trails off, a ghost of distant memories passing. “i want to be someone that would make my mother proud.” looks down, smiling slightly. “in ten years, i’m hoping to get somewhere in the creative industry, but also to have finished my tertiary education too, since i’m taking a leave for the time being. by then, my expectation is to become someone with a name written as a true performer, with professionalism. in twenty? i still don’t know, to be honest.” he chuckles. “i do have some things i’d like to patch up, things i’m lacking in, so i’m going to try and mend those before i hit... well, forty, if my math is correct.” — 267 words.
basketball: what do you find hardest when it comes to working in a team? — asked by @lgcyonghwa​.
this one doesn’t take him aback. of course, he’d be asked about this since he’s always going to work in teams even when the marking is individualistic; being in an idol group in the perceived future would mean being cohesive together, requiring him to become a strong team player to make the entire uniformity possible. back then, he’d worry. he used to be more competitive, keeping his skills for himself, thinking it would be crucial for him to outshine everyone. while it isn’t untrue in most cases, since this industry and the company will debut only the best out of the options, he doesn’t find it as cut-throat. he’s been more open about teamworks, helping others get through their difficulties. envy is not something that he holds onto that much anymore, as he’d rather channel the energy somewhere else, like ensuring that he stands straight, shoulders squared. he doesn’t have to outshine everyone in the room, just enough to ensure his safety. and thus, he doesn’t need to see everyone as competitors. at that, steering back to the main lane of thoughts, he carefully tries stitching up an answer. “i think it might be hard to deliver the thoughts, sometimes. it’s so easy to have misunderstandings within teams, and if we’re not being clear with our messages, it’s so easy to fall into that slippery slope. mismatched goals would be the worst in a team, i think, yet at the same time i still find it difficult for me to say what i want to say.” he shrugs. “that’s common, though, so i’m working towards being a better team member.” — 270 words.
esports: how do you go about solving a problem? — asked by @lgcxking​.
problems are often trivial for him, in many cases. back then, it would be the fact that he did not think the coaches would like him enough, confidence in singing and dancing something that he needed working on until he reached his first year. he wasn’t always the one grinning this widely, putting the whole belief within the contexts of his performances. for now, he understands that he’s not shabby in both, and the trainers have seen him improve all these years, so that’s not the kind of problem he’d address in this question. instead, he mulls over more choices. personal disturbances are definitely nothing he would ever divulge to the public, reserved for select few people only. running a hand through his purposefully unkempt hair, he hums as he thinks of a good answer. “i think it depends on the kind of problem, of course,” he starts vaguely. “i’d resort to being calm as a starter, since panicking doesn’t typically solve anything for me. i don’t panic a lot... wait, no, i do — i just internalize that a lot, but that doesn’t mean i let it get under my skin, the urge to just, you know, go haywire with the situation. if the problem is dire, i’d go through my options, and choose the most logical, unless my gut feelings tell me otherwise. sometimes i go with my guts, and sometimes with logic. again, depends. i’m a bit... slow in making decisions sometimes because i want to project the outcome first and shift through my options before putting the verdict out.” — 262 words.
hurdles: what has been the hardest obstacle you’ve had to overcome in life so far? — asked by @lgcxking​.
there’s a singular, straight answer to this. it has nothing to do with being an idol, it has nothing to do with even his relationship with his father. the struggles to reach the stardom, as well as the fissures within the connection that has been malfunctioning since the very beginning — they’re nothing compared to this. the loss of a mother who succumbed to something so ominous is still beyond his capabilities to handle, even after years. yet he plasters a stagnant expression, showing little to no interest towards the display of sorrow. his inner calamities are schooled down to a t, strictly managed. after all, he’s been doing this, donning a cover for so long. but this time, his guts tell him to be open, for once, just to alleviate the burden that has been dragging him down, anchoring his chest to the ground. “i would say the hardest thing in my life is when my mother passed,” he says, swallowing hard. “she was my role model, someone closest to me.” and his throat feels parched. sure, he’s not about to cry or anything, but it’s still heavy. “but instead of looking at it as something negative, i’ve been trying to see it in a more positive light. her passing actually shaped me to be more independent, and most importantly, to chase after my dreams, no matter what. i think it gives me bravery, even when she’s been gone for over five years now.” — 244 words.
gymnastics: what is the image you’d like others to have of you? — asked by @lgctaewoo​.
the image he’d like to project, to say the least, would be plenty. it’s ever-changing, shifting on and on to a point where sometimes he doesn’t recognize his face in the mirror anymore. it’s almost a common occurrence for him, considering the childhood inflicted on him by his father, all proper and prim for the face of the family business. he behaved according to the mold, he really did. it’s incredible how far such things have shaped him thus far. his father, after all this time, did not train him in vain. instead, his father has accidentally groomed him to be this perfect adobe, merged to the ideals that he’s imposed on himself. a smile, pleasant. he’s always been wearing that in spite of anything that happens in his life, as if everything he’s been going through is nothing if not a casual intervention, a background noise. “i want to be seen as... human,” he says after seemingly contemplating the right answer for a moment. “the fact that i can be sad even when i look happy all the time, i think it’s important that people recognize the balance. if it’s the image that needs to be pursued while being an idol, i want to be seen as honest, too.” sure, he’d be honest on the surface. the rest is a matter of how good of a liar he can be— “i want to be seen as someone morally aware, someone who can stand up for justice, yet also admit his wrongdoings. learning and growing from the mistakes, too. i want to be seen as humane as possible, capable of making mistakes, which is inevitable. i want to be seen as someone willing to grow, too.” — 286 words.
relay: what qualities do you need to see in someone else to feel like you can trust them? — asked by @lgcxking​.
there are inevitable thoughts flitting through his mind when it comes to this kind of question. sure, hansol knows the answer too well, but he’s grown far too calculative to be honest with the answer. almost manipulative in nature, even when he doesn’t want to concede to its definition. it’s just self-preservation, he believes, since the people in this industry, in general, do not have to meddle with his business. and so, he doesn’t feel the need to be brutally true to begin with, and therefore, the façade of the happy-go-lucky jeon hansol was constructed. this question is by no means of an exception to it. he can be partially honest, and that’s what he chooses to be. “ah,” he looks up, thinking. “i believe there are plenty of them, many would be cliché too, but the most important thing for me to see in someone else, in order to trust them? it must be the fact that they can keep secrets. pretty straightforward, right? i don’t think people would trust anyone who likes to talk badly about them when they have trusted the person with their deepest secrets. another quality is perhaps... shared traits with me? i’m an introvert as well, so having a fellow introvert might make me relate better to them, and eventually trust them.” — 218 words.
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lgcsol · 5 years
seola carefully plucks the candles from the birthday cake that sits in front of her in the middle of the studio. the smile she had been wearing had softened. it’s her birthday, her nineteenth. it’s a birthday that came around only once. but most of them did, anyways. but this one is different, it’s the first one without her mom and it’s the first one where she’s not back home, surrounded by good food and her family and friends. even when she was training at her old company, she still managed to find her way home to spend that one day with them. even if it meant having to work super hard to make up for lost time. but it’s her first birthday with legacy entertainment, so that too, is something special. and maybe if she’s lucky, she’ll be having many more here.
“it’s my first birthday away from home.” she confesses to her senior, hansol, who she’s cool with. he’s a cool senior, one that seola looks up to and isn’t really afraid to be herself with. “but it’s all good, because i’m with my new family now!” she chimes, setting the candles down on a spare paper plate at her side. despite her happy tone, there’s a twinge of sadness, perhaps guilt too. “thanks for taking the time out to have some cake with me, it means a lot, sunbaenim.” she says sincerely with a nod. “s-should i cut the cake, then?” 
another birthday celebration feels like another routine, almost mundane by nature considering just how long he’s been with the company to see how many people come and go. it’s in the company culture to actually celebrate the birthday of each trainee, albeit small. it’s not like they’re idols yet, there’s not much of an investment going on, but hansol definitely respects that. in fact, he truly appreciates the attention, and times like this make him remember that legacy is not just another company milking money out of the industry, fame being their only focus. legacy has been treating them kindly, in return to their hard work. doesn’t feel like all their efforts go to waste without any notice from the company, regardless of how far in the journey they are.
seola’s birthday is rather special. she’s been through a lot, from what he’s known within the months of befriending her, some aspects of her he finds relatable. he doesn’t talk about it much, being the honestly closed off person he is in spite of the easygoing façade, but he’s glad to see that she has seemingly come to terms with being a part of legacy, having only been signed for months. he wants to embody the good senior trope, believing that he was treated well too upon his first days within the company. he cheers for her after the surprise, her walking into the studio to approach the birthday cake something that he hasn’t missed to capture in a video. singing happy birthday to her should’ve felt too… repeated, in a sense, yet he feels nothing like an obligation. genuinely delighted for her, in fact, he is. he grins widely when she approaches him as everyone has broken the formation, busying themselves. there’s something in her tone, casually disguised in her typical one, that portrays something he can remotely feel.
“i’ll send the video to your kakaotalk,” he promises, and follows her as she sets the cake down at the table, plucking candles out of it. “i should be the one grateful for you wanting to share your cake with me.” he chuckles tersely. “yeah, go ahead,” he urges, taking some of the paper plates to ease her task. “anything you want to eat today after this? since it’s your birthday away from home, we should celebrate! i’m sure some others would like to come along too, but you definitely choose the place.” it’s a custom in legacy, for him to treat his friends to good foods on their birthdays. seola is now a part of the family, as she said, so she’s definitely not exempted from the said custom. “we can go to noraebang too after that!”
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lgcsol · 5 years
solo: i see fire dance cover.
solo thread for trainee mission part one: bonus thread. i see fire — dance cover. word count: 764 words. point distribution: +5 dancing.
coming from ballet as his primary background, the process of exploring new styles has always been cathartic for him, reminding him of the beauty in learning. it never ceases to amaze him, all the forms of dancing that can take place, each holding its own signature when it comes to artistry. learning hip hop dance since his middle school days would be one of the pinnacles that prove this point of him, infusing elements learned from all the genres he’s been exposed to prior to hip hop. he’s definitely not above utilizing all the techniques in ballet to perform better dance styles, the mixture creating his own style. it might be one of the factors why he was bullied, in a sense, from both outside and inside the ballet community he was in once. his deviation something they deemed both uncanny and uncouth, from the inner perspective. from the outer, the stigmas against boys that danced delicately still persisted during his private school days, just the classic case of narrow-minded kids surrounding him.
all the expensive ballet classes aside, delving into jazz, and then hip hop would never be something he regrets. sure, the industry pushes him towards the hip hop more considering the low number of stylistic dances performed in the kpop realm, but he relishes in it regardless. examining international dancers, though, makes his dancing venture broader in horizons, hip hop not confined to the whole mixture of classic moves, sharp steps. when he stumbled upon this one dance before he even got signed as a trainee, he was determined to nail the cover. he uploaded the rough version on his youtube channel, once, not long after the original dance video itself. proud of his achievement he was, but now looking back at it, he did miss crucial details that could’ve delivered the edges better. it’s been bothering him, these days, and he was quick to make the decision to return to perfecting it. there’s nobody with him this time, his fellow trainees busy with their own schedules, so these nights he’s been booking the room for himself, practicing it himself.
so here he is, again. half-wrapped in his oversized hoodie, the cold weather outside definitely inflicts shivers into his body. he doesn’t want the room too warm either, so this is perfect. he listens to the song once again, getting the surreal feelings from the lyrics… down the memory lane, he locates himself, four years ago, simply dancing to this. he’s grown a lot from that point, for certain, having been groomed to become the perfect performer all this time in legacy. he hums to the song as he stands up to stretch, limbs feeling stiff since today was a lot of vocal adjustments to prepare for his performance in the jazz bar. the warm-ups bring the mood further in, deeper into the vibe that he wants to deliver. his camera is set to record, his eyes fixated on his reflection in the full-length mirror. he presses the play button from his phone before moving backward from where he sets the phone down, the dance commencing immediately.
the serenity of the night with the soundproof rooms enables him to dive straight into the somber mood, the fantastical lyrics lulling him into the precise movements, with the grace of his younger days spent in the ballet halls. the techniques used in this dance are inevitably complex, to become extremely still is to become extremely sharp. all the jagged colors combined with the pints of eloquence in motion bring him to the right emotions. forgets that this is maybe the seventieth trial, he’s embodying the flames, all soft in its prevailing capabilities of destruction. the song itself is simply a masterpiece, both music, and lyrics. the moves now feel easier, as if he tries less when in fact more ounces of energy is exerted to form the right stops among the fluidity. maintaining the balance is also a challenge in itself, not wavering while standing on a foot, portraying the sobriety of a tale. he hums along with the song as he finishes the last of the dance, solemn as they come to an end.
he jogs a little towards the camera, then, and stops the recording before sitting to review the outcomes. his camera is surely not up to par with the professional camera used to film the original one, but this would do. he’s getting there, he can see it, as he watches his performance again and again, noting the parts he’s still weak at, and others he can strengthen even more.
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