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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 29 days ago
i don’t know if this is active anymore but i’m with you on the whole hate train and i’ve just got a quick update, i’ll just say this… LITERALLY AFYER RONNIE AND SARAYAS PUBLIC BREAKUP SHE LIKED BIS POST AND COMMENTED ON IT, posting ronnie fans on her story and posted a pic with MAX back in her “gLoRY” days to keep herself relevant, is she fucking serious? but yeah i just thought you’d want to know and i’m a big fan of you exposing her toxic behaviour and get this? she has a podcast called “a little bit toxic” HOW FUCKING IRONIC???
We are still here just not as active as before because we do depend on submissions or screenshots when it comes to certain topics; this is mainly to keep this blog as a safe space and protect anyone who comes to read/submit/or even ask questions/talk from Lexus saying “That’s a hate blog” or “they make up lies because they’re miserable with their lives”, etc. (the list could really go on).
I do consider this blog an opinion blog since I and the blog don’t condone harassing Lexus Amanda, her family, friends, boyfriend, co-workers, to former friends and co-workers, as well as ex-boyfriends.
Now for the topic; Lexus Amanda has always been toxic and this has been proven when she first dated Max. As some people may know (in case some new readers don’t know the history) Max was the bassist in Escape The Fate (ETF) and at this point in time the band was slowly rising to fame where people were recognizing them in person/on the street; some people did get to go up to him to say “Hi” and even talk to him and some even got pictures with him. This became more apparent when they were at shows that her toxic behavior would come out, especially towards girls and women who were fans (some may still be) of Max and ETF.
It’s not shocking that she would even like and comment on Ronnie’s post after his public breakup with Saraya. Lexus is known to lurk or even cyber stalk her exes. It’s how she keeps tabs and tries to weasel her way back into their lives “conveniently” once they would break up and are single. She has a pattern of this if you look closely at her toxic behavior from her past of dating musicians or any person who’s famous or close to that.
She’s also notorious for posting old “throwback” pictures of her with xyz if it benefits her-she has reposted pictures of her and Max plenty of times as well as her with Ronnie Radke, Nick Matthews, and Dave Navarro (there may be more to add to this list) to gain their followers/fans which is keeping her relevant (sadly); even though she may do photography, makeup & hair, and some modeling as well as make music it’s not what got her the following/fans it’s because she dated Max and several other famous musicians.
I find it interesting how Lexus will repost or share pictures of her with Max yet replied to a Q&A awhile back on her story where someone asked her about Max and she said “Who is that?” At first glance, it could’ve came off as being sarcastic or even joking but when you really think about it Lexus would be a complete nobody if her and Max never dated, especially for how they did (on and off again). I do believe she knows that’s a fact and it most likely bothers her because it’s the fucking truth.
As for the podcast she’s about to start with a guy friend, I’m not surprised about the name-it’s an interesting and bold choice for her to out herself as toxic but then again she shares memes, posts, and even created a few TikToks about being toxic and how it’s “hehe” funny or cute when in reality it’s disturbing and we shouldn’t be okay with that kind of behavior or even normalizing it-not just with Lexus Amanda but others too, who have huge followings on social media-we should be calling them out on it. I do think she’s a bit late to the podcast game because almost a lot of influencers/big content creators have podcasts that they started a few years ago, she may get some listens due to her hardcore fans but I don’t know if it’ll take off.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 2 months ago
Lexus has been posting on her TikTok frequently. Her apartment looks really nice, and looks to be in a nice area. I live in Nashville and it is NOT cheap. A lot of people around here if they’re not married or have families, they have roommates. There is no way she rents that apartment on her own. She also said she works from home.. Lexus has always been known to live the life of luxury, seems like she’s definitely continuing that here. But makes me wonder how.
Thank you for saying this about Nashville since I’ve been a bit curious about the cost of living there. I wonder if it’s like the time she moved to Hoboken, where she made it seem like she could afford the luxury lifestyle, but as a lot of us looked at it more, turned out she wasn’t paying anything to live in the apartment in Hoboken-it was paid for by her former producer Kato. I genuinely hope that since she’s now working as a brand manager for Volta that she makes more than enough to be able to afford the apartment there in Nashville. She also got a new puppy named Dennis which I think is a bit interesting since her job makes her travel to the Insomiac Festivals. In the past her mom or brother would take care of Zoey but I wonder how that would go since she’s living in Nashville.
Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if Lexus is living the luxury life because of a new man is providing it for her allegedly. After all, she’s grown accustomed to it from when she was with Kato, Dave Navarro, and more so when she was with Pasquale Rotella since they were together for about 5 years before their relationship ended. Hopefully, Lexus learned to stop depending on men to give her the luxury lifestyle that she craves and wants for herself-she needs to focus her time and energy on her work to create the life she wants.
However, if she has roommates there’s nothing wrong with that but I do think she should be transparent about it because she has a huge following, some of whom look up to her and see her as inspiring since she moved from Los Angeles to Nashville (both places have expensive cost of living). It would also make her more relatable in another way; still there’s no shame if she does have roommates.
I’m pretty curious about if she has roommates or not, if not then I don’t think that’s a bad thing either cause it shows that she works a job where she makes enough to be able to afford the lifestyle she has.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 3 months ago
You know all the drama that happened between her max matt good and Ronnie radke there in 2010-2011 I think I never understood it right and then there are photos of her with max in 2015
Let’s do a detailed recap of the drama between Max Green, Matt Good, and Ronnie Radke. This is going to be long so I apologize in advance.
From what I can recall Matt and Ronnie didn’t have any drama but if I’m wrong someone can correct me and I will edit. Thank you.
So Ronnie got arrested and was kicked out of his band Escape the Fate, which caused beef between Max and the other band members since they replaced him with Craig Mabbit. Also, ETF was created by Ronnie and Max which I do believe played a huge part of their beef.
A lot of fans of ETF knew that Max was a drug addict and that caused problems when ETF was touring/playing shows, where Max even got sick on stage at one show due to the drugs; the band was getting fed up with it and wanted Max to get help so he went to rehab.
At this time Matt Good was in the band D.R.U.G.S (Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows) and he was dating Ivy Levan and she’s friends with Max.
A lot of fans of Max and Lexus Amanda knew that they had an on/off relationship and that it was toxic; when Max went to rehab Lexus cheated on him with Matt Good, who cheated on Ivy with Lexus. Matt and Ivy broke up and Max broke up with Lexus, which she started to date Matt.
For the record, Max and Ivy have both said they never hooked up/dated, they were just friends and were there in support for one another when they both got cheated on. I wanted to share this because people at the time assumed that they were hooking up/dating which they never did. Max also confirmed this when he got asked on formspring about Lexus cheating on him and I believe either in the same question or a separate one that he also said that he got back at Matt by hooking up with Lexus while she was dating Matt. Basically, Max confirmed that Lexus is a cheater.
While Ronnie was in jail he was forming a new band, they were originally names Behing These Walls (there are some demos of songs on YouTube under this name) later when he got out changed the name to Falling In Reverse and Lexus was reaching out to a band member, Nason where they would video chat on stickam at times and Nason was giving updates about the band and Ronnie. Once Ronnie got out of jail and went on live on Stickam, he saw Lexus and thought ‘she’s got’ and allowed her to be on the camera while live. They were talking and openly flirting with one another; I do believe that Ronnie knew who Lexus was, his best friend’s ex-girlfriend and what she’s all about band slut/whore, which is why he most likely hooked up with her because he wanted to get back at Max at that time. Lexus also wanted to get back at Max and what better way than dating his best friend; do we see where I’m going with this? Ronnie most likely told Lexus whatever she wanted to hear to make it seem like they would date, he hooked up and used her then dipped. If you have ever listened to FIR song Caught like a Fly, it’s a diss track to Max because there’s a line “I will have slept with the girl that you loved most” at the time Max was still in love with Lexus.
Before we get into the pictures of them together, Lexus did hook up with Twiggy and did some things (we don’t know the details) however, Max did get asked on formspring if he would ever get back with Lexus Amanda and he said “No” where he talked about her hooking up with Twiggy and doing some things which made him fall out of love with her, hence he’s moving on with his life at that point. In 2015, the pictures of them together is when Max was trying to be friends with her and nothing more, but his fans freaked out about it which he reassured them that he wasn’t getting back with her and kept true to that. He mainly went to her to get his haircut because she went back to beauty school but before that she had unhinged behavior going on where she would repost/re-upload old pictures of her with Ronnie, Nick, any famous person she dated or was friends with because she was losing relevance at this time.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 3 months ago
Lexus Amanda’s 2024 Recap part 2/2
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 3 months ago
Lexus Amanda’s 2024 Recap part 1/2
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 3 months ago
If anyone recalls Lexus making a personal IG account that’s meant to focus on friends & family-well, she switched it from private to public. I don’t agree with it since there are pictures of Pasquale & Holly’s kids in some posts where you can see their faces and as I recall Holly doesn’t want her kids faces on the internet. These are some screenshots I grabbed; I also made sure to block Pasquale & Holly’s kids out.
I don’t know why Lexus did this but it’s not okay. She needs to make the IG private again or archive the posts that contain the pictures of Holly & Pasquale’s kids; out of respect for Holly since they’re friends. I hope Lexus does the right thing here instead of keeping it public.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 5 months ago
she hasn’t changed at all. I knew her and was her friend for many years. And all she does is drink, party, have sex with her best friends boyfriends and crushes. losing everyone and moving to Nashville to run from her problems. Sad.sad.sad girl is a train wreck.
It’s nice to hear from a former friend of hers to know if she has changed or not-it’s sad she hasn’t. I don’t think anyone is surprised that she drinks and parties since she was like that before she joined the rave community, but the having sex with her best friends’ boyfriends and crushes part is wild. She most likely lost most of her friends due to her actions such as sleeping with her best friends boyfriends/crushes to ignoring a lot of them when she got with Pasquale, and most likely some other things behind the scenes that none of us even know about.
I’m also not surprised about her moving but to Nashville that’s interesting-out of all the places she could move to it makes you wonder why and I hope it’s not for a man because that would be really stupid on her part if she hasn’t learned when she moved cross country for Kato. She most likely burned some bridges with her friends in Malibu and L.A. since I have heard from a few former friends or colleagues that Lexus is toxic.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 7 months ago
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Lexus just released a new song “Don’t Be Afraid” for Blacklisted Me featuring Nicholas Matthews.
What are your thoughts on this?
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 7 months ago
I had no idea that Laney and Lexus were bff at one point nor did I know that Lexus betrayed her that way. A very cruel thing to do someone who is supposed to be your best friend. But of course, he’s a major douchebag and more in the wrong and knew better especially considering he’s way older than Lexus! I looked up Laney and she seems to be doing well as a fx makeup artist and is pretty successful which is dope, she deserves a happy ending at least.
I don’t want to assume Laney and Jeordie’s relationship but I think they had an open relationship before their marriage, if I’m not mistaken. So no betrayal between Laney and Lexus happened from what I found so far. Laney passed away some time in 2022 which is sad because her career as an SFX makeup artist was going and she was pretty successful too. Lexus was heavily affected by it and I feel that’s what pushed her to be more creative in her career as a hairstylist and makeup artist.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 8 months ago
An old photo of Lexus and Twiggy (Jeordie White)
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 8 months ago
WAIT girl (I’m sorry if im misgendering you) you got me audibly gasping over here lol
I knew that Lexus cheated on max while max was in rehab but I didn’t know it was with Ronnie?! I thought they were FWB when max and her were done for good. That’s even more of a yikes 😳😳
You’re fine, I know you meant it as an expression. No offense taken.
I don’t think Lexus cheated on Max while he was in rehab with Ronnie because the timeline doesn’t add up if you look into it. When he first went to rehab Lexus cheated on him with Matt Good then later when she started to date Matt, she cheated on him with Max. One of the reasons we know this is because Max confirmed it on his formspring when he was asked about his relationship with Lexus among some other questions. He also confirmed on formspring that he couldn’t get back with Lexus because she hooked up with Twiggy (Jeordie White; her best friend Laney’s boyfriend at the time) and that’s how/why they were done for good. As for how Ronnie fits into the timeline, I do believe after some time that Lexus reached out to him while he was in prison and they became fwb.
I do hope this clears it up. I’ll fix the post so no one else reads it that way because I most likely mistyped without realizing it.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 8 months ago
It’s funny how she’s posting videos about “learning to find herself and be herself again” after years of “loosing herself”. I know people who were around her backstage at the raves when she was with Pasquale, and apparently she was super negative and they fought a lot and had a toxic relationship. She didn’t lose herself, she conformed to a new scene because of dating a millionaire. And after she squatted (lived for free) in his Malibu home for a while, while he was trying to break up with her, he finally kicked her out. I guarantee if she was still living off of his fortune, she would not be complaining about “not being herself”.
-From what I could find when searching up her past relationships she tends to change herself to better reflect her partner or look like she matches up with them more; an example is when she had her Christian phase and was sober for awhile when she was married to Nick. She still dressed alternative style but her whole personality shifted so if she’s not changing her appearance, it’s her changing her personality.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 8 months ago
Yes, Lexus claims to be the victim but I do think it’s in some of her relationships and not all of them.
Obviously, Emerald Eyes is about Max but fans of Max or Lexus, maybe both, or neither need to realize that Lexus and Max had an on and off relationship for a few years therefore they both know their relationship wasn’t healthy and I do feel they realize it more so as the years passed. Max had talked about how him and Lexus (at the time she was underage and wasn’t legal to buy or drink alcohol) that they would drink to get drunk; thus this means that Lexus did witness Max getting into drugs and therefore saw how he changed-now this doesn’t excuse Lexus for cheating on him because she cheated on Max before he went to rehab with Matt Good then dated Matt and cheated on him with Max (which Max has spoken about before on his formspring when it was a thing.) So I do think that Lexus wrote this song to talk about how Max’s drug habit (in a specific time in her life) had affected her and the line that gave it away about it being Max isn’t just “your lies had taken what lied behind your emerald eyes” but rather “The man I loved is gone”. Also, when Max was in rehab Lexus did cheat but I don’t believe it was with Ronnie because he was in prison at the time but I do think it was with other band guys she knew and hanged out with among her friends at the time.
When Lexus had first started to date Max, if I’m not mistaken she was 18-19 years old at the time and maybe Max was her first love which could explain why she came off possessive of him even when they broke up (I’m not excusing how Lexus came off as a psycho ex-girlfriend but I do think this explains it more).
Now Reprobate Romance is about Ronnie (completely obvious) but I do think Ronnie used Lexus to get back at Max cause they weren’t talking or friends at the time (the whole ETF and Ronnie feud; basically Ronnie getting kicked out of his own band and later going to jail). Why do I think this? Ronnie wrote the song “Caught Like a Fly” on Falling In Reverse’s album “The Drug in Me Is You”. In that song the part that makes me think-in better words to put-I believe that Ronnie used Lexus is
“...and when you die
I won’t be at your wake
No eulogy from me
Just a smile on my face
and while God might be busy
judging your soul
I will have slept with the girl
that you love most...”
The fact Ronnie wrote that suggests he used her for sex thus why Lexus wrote Reprobate Romance; let’s entertain the possibility (25% chance) that Ronnie did use Lexus and manipulated her into believing that they would be dating but just said those things to get sex out of it; hit it and quit it basically. It wouldn’t be shocking cause Ronnie was hurt and felt betrayed at the time and most likely did this but probably won’t ever admit it/say so.
Can we blame Lexus for claiming to be a victim if we examined the songs she wrote as well as the song Ronnie wrote? I don’t. We don’t know what the truth is when it comes down to it what really happened in her relationship with her and Max other than the very few times they answered to a question relating to it back then and we don’t know what happened between her and Ronnie but we do know that during that time in their lives they were hurting and we shouldn’t ignore that fact.
If Lexus is a victim in someone of her relationships it still doesn’t excuse her shitty actions/behavior and I think we can also acknowledge that too.
It seems like Lexus claims to be the victim in her relationships.
Like, Emerald Eyes is about Max. Who the fuck else is it going to be about? Anways, she says that he lied and left her or some shit. But in reality, she’s the one who cheated on him while he was in rehab with Ronnie.
And in Reprobate Romance, which is apparently about Ronnie, I doubt that he was the one who came in, had sex with her, then left. 
This was bothering me for a few days so I had to get it out. 
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 8 months ago
I noticed she was following Ronnie Radke and liking his posts on ig (which I thought was weird cause I thought they were fwb back in the day and he has a gf but you know that’s not my business so I just ignored it) but now she’s not following him anymore. Wonder what happened 🤔
It could be since she’s trying to make music again as Blacklisted Me that she started to follow a few others who are relevant within the music scene. They were FWB back in the day although it looked like Lexus wanted a relationship with him and he may not have wanted that at the time; this is just an assumption since it’s pretty obvious that Reprobate Romance is about Ronnie-the dead giveaway being that the actor looks similar to him. Ronnie currently has a girlfriend Saraya. As for Lexus unfollowing him it could be for multiple reasons like he has a girlfriend, either Ronnie or Saraya told her something or it’s not that deep and she unfollowed him, whichever the case could be but Ronnie seems very content and in love with Saraya from what I seen.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 8 months ago
Lexus is Latina?! Do you know what exactly? Mexican, Cuban, etc?
She’s mixed with Mexican, Italian, and German but rarely talks or claims her Latina (Mexican) side unless it benefits her. She kinda does what Kat Von D does as a white passing Latina.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 8 months ago
Did anyone else notice she’s following and liking Donald trump’s posts on Instagram? Lexus has been called many things in the past, but maga maniac wasn’t on my bingo card.
I don’t think many people who know Lexus’ history like truly knew her from social media would be shocked with her following and liking Donald Trump’s post on IG. However, I didn’t think she would follow him on IG so that wasn’t on my bingo card and neither was clearly outing herself as a racists. Don’t be too surprised if she comes up with the excuse that “I only followed and liked for ‘shock value’ I’m not really like that guys” or “it’s not that big of a deal”.
Also, I do believe there was post on here talking about Lexus’ mom being racists which is why I do think it’s not shocking that Lexus may have the same beliefs/behavior; like she only claimed her Latina side when it benefitted her but when it doesn’t she only talked about how she’s German and Italian mixed.
Also, got a screenshot of Lexus following Trump but can’t find any posts she liked so far so maybe they will have to be submitted.
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lexus-is-problematic ¡ 9 months ago
I think it’s gross on Pasquale’s part to be dating a 22 year old when he’s going on 50 this year. she also looks like his sons ex girlfriend.
This blog isn’t about Pasquale but I’ll answer this question about him, it’ll be the last one because this blog again isn’t about Pasquale. All I know is there’s a 16yr age gap between Lexus and Pasquale because he’s 49yrs old and she’s 33yrs old, so if his new girlfriend is 22yrs old then that’s a 27yr age gap between them and that’s honestly weird and doesn’t put Pasquale in a very good light with some people. Also, I want to note that I don’t know if he truly has a new girlfriend and if she is 22yrs old which is why I used “if” because it can be seen as saying “allegedly”.
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