lexixstewart · 3 days
ahh thank you so much!!! i feel you tho, breathing takes too much time right now😩😅
that is AWFUL! i’m so sorry that guy did that to you! glad your classmates made him feel stupid for it tho! some people are awful😕
bob would have def saved me from the clowns that nearly gave me a heart attack last night lol!
hi!! i know i haven’t been super active, and i apologize for that! but i had an idea!!
i just got back from cedar point w my family and i was wondering if you could do a HalloWeekend type fanfic w bob or jake??
i got so scared from the scare actors at the park that i literally cried (embarrassing and humiliating, i know😩) but i was thinking the reader is scared of the actors and is clinging to bob or jake and of course he protects her and is there for her (unlike how my family was😐) and she repays him somehow later?🤤😁
i know you’re superrrrr super busy w kinktober and work and such, but if you have time i would greatly appreciate this!! thank youuu🫶🏻🤍
Oh you’re fine! I get it-I’ve hardly had time to breathe lately!
Girl. I’m so sorry. I hate when people think other peoples fears are funny.
I’ve been there too. I am TERRIFIED of snakes. When I was in high school at a nature retreat, I backed up when the instructor brought one out and they thought it would be funny to “chase” me around with it. I nearly fell over a chair trying to get away and almost had a panic attack and he thought it was hilarious. Thankfully, my classmates didn’t laugh and made him feel stupid for doing it.
Bob would never 👏🏻 and here’s your request. How you like it!
Smut blow the cut 👇🏻✂️
“Did you have fun today?” Bob’s cheeks and nose are stained pink from the bite in the air and you’re not sure he’s ever looked cuter. “I sure did.”
It had a been a crisp, but sunny fall day full of fun and laughter at the theme park.
But then the sun set and the spooky actors started to come out and were scaring people left and right. It was only a matter of time before they got to you too and your stomach turned unpleasantly.
“I did,” you give him a small smile before laughing nervously. “You know,” your hand tightens on Bob’s flannel-clad bicep, keeping your eyes down to avoid eye-contact with any of the actors, “It would be really easy for a serial killer to like…sneak in here and like, start stabbing people.”
“Eh, I don’t think so, honey,” Bob chuckles, taking a step as the line moves forward, “we had to go through the metal detectors when we got here, remember?”
“Yeah,” you nod, trying to keep your voice steady as another actor approaches, wearing those black contacts that give you the heebie-jeebies, “but like the actors probably don’t have to go through those, ya know?”
“Probably not,” he agrees, stopping his slow shuffle when he feels your hand shaking, “Are you okay?”
“No,” you whisper weakly as hot, embarrassed tears fill your eyes.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he murmurs, tucking you into his side. “Excuse me,” he says as he steps forward, guiding you through the crowd.
“What-where are we going?” You ask, burying your head into his a chest as another group of scarers spot you.
“Home,” Bob replies simply. “No, leave her be, she just found out she’s not a fan,” he tells them in a tone that leaves no room for argument.
Usually that time was reserved for you in the bedroom and it makes you shiver for a different reason.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble against his chest, “I don’t know why-“
“Shhh,” he interrupts, mumbling a thanks to the crew who’re giving you a wide berth. “Nothing to be sorry for. Here, we’re at the gate now.”
You sneak a peek, sighing in relief once you’re through the turnstile.
“I really am sorry,” your lip quivers again as you buckle your seatbelt, “I’ve never been a fan of scary movies and I know it’s not real. I don’t know why it scared me like it did.”
“It’s okay, I know you don’t,” Bob assures you, placing his big hand on your knee as shifts his truck into drive, “I was a little surprised you wanted to go today for that reason.”
“I was trying to be brave,” you give him a bashful smile, “thanks for not making fun of me.”
“I would never,” he replies, looking over his shoulder as he merges onto the deserted highway, “not for this at least.”
You laugh, both of you loved to dish out some good-natured teasing.
“That was pretty sexy,” your cheeks heat as you break the comfortable silence a few minutes later, your hand sliding over to his thigh, “you protecting me like that.”
“You know I’d never let anything bad happen to you,” he replies.
“I know,” you murmur, leaning over to kiss his cheek, down to his jaw, back to his ear. “One of the many reasons I love you.”
“Mmm,” he hums as you nip his earlobe, running your hand further up his thigh to find him hard and straining against his jeans.
“This is another reason,” you smile as his breath hitches, “a really big reason.”
“Oh yeah?” His breath hitched as you find the button to his jeans and pull him out a second later.
“Yeah,” you breathe, sucking a light bruise behind his ear before ducking your head.
“Oh,” he sighs as you lap up the precum beading at the head before suckling. “Yeah, like that.”
You hum happily, smiling a little at his breath hitch from the vibration before starting to slowly bob your head.
“That’s it,” he groans, his free hand sliding into your hair when your hand wraps around what you can’t fit into your mouth, “good girl.”
A wet mewl sneaks from you at the praise and you double your efforts, wanting to get him off before you get home.
Soon, he’s getting close; unable to keep his hips still from thrusting up into your mouth. But then his body stiffens, but not because he’s out to cum.
“Fuck,” he curses. putting a little pressure on your head to keep you down. “Stay down, honey. There’s a coming along ‘side us.”
You whimper as your already-wet pussy clenches needily around nothing.
“Naughty girl,” he chuckles breathlessly, knowing you have a thing for getting caught. “Be good for me.”
“Mhmm,” you agree wetly around him, not actually wanting to get in trouble with the law for defiling your man.
Your saliva is starting to drip down his cock and just as you swallow, the truck hits a bump, pushing him to the back of your throat.
“Unnnghhh,” he chokes, cumming without warning.
You sputter but swallow what you can of your reward greedily with a moan.
“Are you okay?” Bob asks, helping you upright after slowing to a stop at the end of your off-ramp, “It snuck up on me.”
“I’m good,” you answer truthfully. “You know I love it when you lose control.”
“God,” he laughs breathlessly giving you a kiss before bumping his forehead against yours. “That was scary but so hot.”
“Now know how I feel,” you smile and give him another kiss.
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lexixstewart · 4 days
i didn’t realize i missed this chapter too! :(( glad i’ve read it now tho!
“peanut”😭 did you talk to my dad???🤨
jake is the absolute sweetest, 100% in love w him
i swear, your writing is just 😩🤤🫶🏻 so so so good! literally can’t get enough
Anatomy of an Arsonist - FBI!Jake “Hangman” Seresin X FBI Profiler!Reader
Chapter 9 - Things We Lost to the Fire
Series Summary: After nearly being burned alive in a house fire as a child, you now worked as an FBI Special Agent. You have caught some of the worst people with your profiles working hard as the BAU Liaison Agent to the Major Crimes Unit at the FBI's New York field office. When a new case crosses your desk, a chord is struck in you and memories long repressed come flooding back. Is this UNSUB the same man who is responsible for your mother's murder? Or, is there a copycat hell-bent on making you relive the fear that haunted you as a child?
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Banner made by me!
Chapter Warnings: murder, nightmare, blood, fire, napalm, misogynistic language, lots of anger, distant/unsupportive parent, working out til near exhaustion, Jake is worried… and flirty
Word Count: 5.0k
Masterlist >> Chapter 8 >> Chapter 10
The weight of the weapon was heavy in hand, the steel glinting like a wink in the darkness. Crouched over the body, it was half in the shadow, the limited light creating a ghastly expression on the figure below. The same could be said for the person crouched above her, anger stained his face like the blood stained the carpet, seeping into every pore until it could no longer hold any more.
As the weapon came down, the movements were frenzied, angry. Blood sprayed and even though she was already dead, the rejection still stung. He couldn’t get to her husband so she would have to do. If he couldn’t have her, then no one could. Chest heaving, he stepped back, blood rolling down his face and soaking into the clothing he wore. The first body was a misdirect, this was his target all along.
“She laughed at you,” his thoughts screamed. “She said you were a loser, a nobody. You had a connection, why couldn’t she feel it too?”
He wasn’t sure why this was the way it was, why he was doing this, but his gut screamed something about control and revenge and he went with it, it’s why he was here, wasn’t he?
Whatever the reason, he kept going, taking his time, until he stood up, and a whispering crack of a sound echoed in the otherwise silent house. The lit match dropped, lighting the napalm and gasoline, and cast the room in a golden glow.
Vindication filled his chest, the feeling so swift and intoxicating, he nearly fell to his knees at its headiness. He’d won, she was dead. Melody James, that fucking slut, was crumpled on the floor in a pool of blood so dark it looked black. She was splayed across the living room floor, papers and magazines strewn around her in a chaos that barely made any sense to him.
His grandmother had once said that burning a person sent their souls straight into Hell’s ghostly flames without a chance at redemption, so why not test that theory yet again? The napalm jar was in his pocket, each bundle wrapped in wax paper that was taken out and dropped sticky side down onto her mutilated back. The paper was removed and he pulled a matchbook out. Each strike was like a crack of a whip in the hushed scene, a gruesome reminder that there was evil in this house, and when the matches fell, the smell was seared into his nostrils. Burning flesh, charred hair, singed wood, all mingling into one scent that made him heave. Bile burned his throat but he refused to vomit here.
Melody didn’t deserve that.
Match after match was struck and dropped as he backed out of the house, spraying gasoline as he retreated from the scalding smoky heat and into the warm June air. The door was shut carefully behind and he stood for a few moments to watch the light dancing from the windows before he left, fading into the darkness like a wraith.
He passed by a car, catching sight of the blood staining his face. It made him freeze in place, shock quickly following on the heels of nausea and he couldn’t move.
His body refused to move, his eyes stopping on his hands. They were deep red, dark lines under his nails reminiscent of the lines carved into her back, oozing blood even though the heart no longer beat in time with his own.
The face blurred from the tears in his eyes, salt coursing through the red, revealing the pale skin underneath. His chest heaved, panic bubbling up and his hands balled into fists, feeling fabric under their grip.
How could he have done this? Was he really such a monster that he killed a woman in cold blood? The fabric cooled in his hand, feeling less like a sweater and more like a blanket and the world blurred before catapulting into the darkness.
You shot awake with a gasp, the sudden movement upwards rushing air over your tear-streaked skin, the feeling cold on your flushed skin. What had happened? You glanced at your hands, half expecting them stained with blood, holding a knife, anything but the shaking appendages before you.
The clock on your bedside table read 5:47, the little red dot for your 6:30 alarm blinked at you over and over, reminding you of the time you had left to sleep. You wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon though, not after the rage you had felt in your mind.
Cases could take over the best agents, consume their health and minds, warping them beyond all repair until they are left chasing the ghosts haunting their dreams and thoughts. Tom had warned you of this, his black glasses, perched on his nose as he sat across you after a mistake had nearly cost an agent his life.
“Things will happen in your career, things that you will desperately want to control but will find them just out of reach. Don’t do what I have done, don’t let the ghosts take the beating of your heart from you,” he had said softly. At the time, you had no concept of what he meant, but now it was clear that your mother’s ghost had sensed your unrest, coming screaming into your subconscious along with the others from this case.
You fumbled for your phone, hand catching on the cool glass and you opened it, heart in your throat as you opened your contacts. Your finger hovered over your dad’s number, already hearing him telling you to quit your job, that he never wanted this for you.
But you had to hear his voice telling you that it would be okay. You couldn’t be alone in this.
Swallowing hard, you pressed the screen, watching as it began calling him. “Hello? Peanut? What’s going on?”
“Hey dad.” Your voice was gravelly and it was beyond obvious that you had been crying. “I just needed to hear your voice.”
You heard some scuffling on the other end before he cleared his throat. “What happened?”
Knowing that he disapproved of your job, that he would criticize your choices, you remained silent. Your dad had never approved of the decision to join the FBI, he had walked away from the conversation when you told him. He refused to talk about work with you, refused to even entertain the idea of discussing your mom.
It was too painful for you both, reliving the memories of the worst night of your lives and now, now you were chasing a man just like the one responsible for tearing your family apart.
You couldn’t bear to disappoint him again.
“It’s the anniversary, dad,” you said quietly. “I had a dream about him.”
He was quiet. The kind of quiet that made your heart plummet down down down into your stomach. “Why are you telling me this?”
“B-because dad- I need you…” Your heart was breaking much like your voice. Tears ran down your cheeks, wetting the neckline of your T-shirt, the sinking feeling in your chest dropping deeper with every passing moment. “I need your help.”
“No Peanut. I told you when you started this ridiculous job that I didn’t approve. I know what case you’re working and you need to leave it alone.”
He didn’t say another word. Not that you had expected anything beyond the “I told you so” he had smacked your wounded heart with, yet it cut far deeper than you had ever imagined.
“I’m sorry I bothered you,” you snapped, ending the call and letting your phone fall to the bed. “His daughter survived, I’m trying to find the bastard who did this to our family and I can’t even get so much as a ‘thank you,’ an ‘I believe in you’?”
You threw the blankets off, storming out of your room, and slammed the door behind yourself. If he couldn’t appreciate the effort you were making to try and find the man responsible for destroying your family, then you would do it alone.
Without his support, you would do this for yourself and by yourself.
But not today.
You felt like your brain had been put into a blender and set to purée. It wouldn’t do to try and find Melody and Nia’s killer while you could barely think about anything other than your own anger towards your father.
That wasn’t going to do anything other than get yourself and your partner killed.
Swallowing the anger threatening to crawl out of your throat, you walked back into your room and grabbed your phone, perching on the edge of your bed. Phone now in hand, you sent off texts to both Mav and Bradley letting them know that you didn’t feel good and that staying home was the best idea for you today.
The problem now had become what to do. You were too agitated to sleep, your body still trembling in barely restrained anger at your dad’s inability to understand why you had to do this, so going back to bed was a nonstarter. You could use your mother’s case file to dive into work and find similarities between it and the James and Schaefer cases, but on the anniversary of her murder, that was going too far.
From what you remembered about your mom, she had been an early bird through and through. You took after your dad, preferring sleep to watching sunrises, but on nights where sleep eluded you, you would wait by the window and watch the dark blues of the sky split into vivid pinks and vibrant oranges and yellows of the morning.
Chewing on your cheek, you left your room again and headed for the living, drawing open the curtains that looked out over the street below and the dawning of the morning. You settled into your chair, curling up into it and pulling the multicolored throw blanket over your feet, content to just sit and watch dawn become day.
It wouldn’t bring her back, but it made you feel closer to her the longer you sat and watched.
Everything was quiet around you, the only sound coming from the starting of cars down on the street, and it was a comforting feeling.
You were still angry at your dad and the bright sun coming up over the horizon did little to stifle the flames licking at your heart. “How could he not understand?” You muttered, brow furrowing. “I’m doing this for her, for us. For the people who need answers.”
Realizing that you would get no answer, you stood, letting the blanket fall to the floor. You had spent nearly twenty minutes sitting in silence and now the sun was beginning to rise higher, blanketing the earth in its light. Your neighbours were now awake too, the fumbling sound that usually accompanied them getting ready in the morning now audible through the walls.
People were starting their days, heading to work, getting ready for class, just starting and here you were, still in the oversized shirt that made up your pajamas, staring blankly at the fridge door like it would tell you what to do next.
Your phone buzzed on the counter, likely Bradley checking in with you, but you ignored it in favor of making coffee. With a deep breath, your hands firmly planted on the countertop in front of you, you made a silent promise to try and do things today the way your mom would have. You would go get breakfast, knowing her preference for blueberry bagels, you would go for a walk, maybe tour a museum, and try to live like you had always wanted to do before the tragedy.
She would drive your actions today and you would let that honor what few memories of her you still had. You would try to let go of your frustration in favor of her, choosing to live your life like she would have wanted, not wallow in grief and sadness.
It worked for most of the day.
Even as you wandered through the Met, taking in the many exhibits and wings, something simmered deep inside you and you couldn’t seem to shake it loose.
It grew and grew the more time you spent trying to ignore it and you knew that it would only explode if you didn’t acknowledge it. The kind of anger that buried itself like a worm only to rise like a dragon and bathe the whole world in fury. Your hands shook now, the dragon trying to escape your careful control, and you shoved them into your pockets in favour of peering at a Van Gogh and marveling over the vibrancy of the colors.
You could hold it together a while longer.
Exhibit by exhibit, you tamped down on the feelings. Today was about your mom and you wouldn’t let your foul mood darken her memory. It wasn’t fair to her.
When you left the museum, you were barely hanging onto your anger. Your phone in your pocket had been buzzing for a while now and you figured it was your coworkers checking in, but you were too volatile to do anything but hurry back home.
There, you changed and did your best to calm yourself before heading for the boxing gym most of the agents frequented. If you had your headphones on, no one would approach you, but going there would make it seem like you were faking and quite honestly, you could care less.
The gym was open 24 hours a day nearly all year due to multiple agencies and departments becoming members and using it to chase away the nightmares plaguing their every waking hour. You had been here only a few nights prior, pushing fear back down with every punch thrown. They couldn’t hurt you if you could beat them back.
Choosing the furthest bag in the corner, you dropped your stuff a few feet away and wrapped your hands, cursing as the black wraps tangled and forced you to redo your right hand twice over. Music was blaring through the headphones as you took your position, back facing the room, not wanting to see the curious looks directed your way.
One fist slammed into the bag and another, over and over again until your arms started screaming at you to stop. The bag swung back towards you and you side-stepped it, dancing around it before kicking out at it. Your shin made contact, the loud slapping sound barely heard through the headphones blocking out the real world as you tried to beat your anger out into the faded brown leather.
You were too busy to notice your phone buzzing in your bag. Jake had been trying to get a hold of you all day. He had been worried when Bradley told him that you had called in, something he never thought you capable of, especially when a new case hit. You had been off yesterday; eyes staring unseeing at the pictures in front of you, you lingered slightly longer in the JOC than usual, and you were quiet. Your voice hadn’t corrected him on his errors, didn’t indulge him in his usual teasing.
Bradley had told him in confidence about his worries. Apparently you had been off at the scene yesterday morning, much of the same things he had observed later in the day, but the fact it had also happened at the scene was concerning. He had only been at a few scenes with you, mostly when Bradley was assigned elsewhere, but you were sharp on a crime scene, nothing escaped you.
Something was bothering you and he was going to do his best to get to the bottom of it. So here he was, hurriedly shoving his things back into his bag and all but running towards the elevators in an attempt to find you. Mickey hurled a quip at him as he rushed past, but it had fallen on deaf ears as Jake was halfway out of the room by the time the last word had left the analyst’s lips.
No one had heard from you since 11 that morning, himself included, and he had no idea where you could be. Every text had gone unanswered and Jake felt himself start to weed out some of your favorite places based on your lack of response. He had to laugh as he started reasoning why you wouldn’t be at your favorite cafe because you always texted back while there, he was making a mini-geographical profile, eliminating options because it didn’t fit.
Maybe he was further gone on you than he had previously thought. He had been unsettled when you didn’t show up, restless like live wires were buried just under the surface of his skin. Natasha had bugged him about it, much like she had been doing whenever you came up, but this time was tinged with concern unlike the teasing she so often swung his way.
He was stopped at yet another red light when the thought occurred to him of where you might be hiding. The gym, Merle’s. The boxing gym he’d shown you during your first week with Major Crimes when he was still your partner.
Jake didn’t know why, but he just had a feeling you were there.
Stuck in traffic, he couldn’t do much other than flip his signal light and slowly creep over to the right, heading for the gym.
Nearly two hours later, you were still there, fighting out the anger and fear that had crawled under your skin and made its home there. You were twitchy, the feeling of insects scuttling down your body, and you knew it was the fury dripping out of you like the sweat pouring down your face.
People had come and gone, sparing you a near-pitying look as they saw the haunted determination in your expression. They had been where you were, motivated by grief and pain, chasing ghosts hidden from everyone else’s sight but your own.
So you kept to your corner, slamming jab after jab into the leather bag and watching it swing back and forth, spinning as it did. Your knuckles would be bruised beyond measure, hell, they already ached something fierce, but you kept going, trying to pound out every feeling, every fear you had kept bottled up.
It was then when the door swung open, bell tinkling merrily, yet barely heard over the grunts and huffs echoing off the cement walls of the boxing gym. Jake walked in, his own bag in hand, settling at the bag next to you, but paused when he saw how beaten up you looked despite not getting hit. Each dance away from the bag was stilted, half-hearted, your punches were glancing off the bag, sliding to the side with barely a dull thump.
Stepping around to the other side of your bag, Jake caught it on its next swing toward him, holding it back. You barely noticed, taking a weak swing at where the bag would have been had Jake let it swing towards you, then you looked up confused. Catching sight of the blonde across from you, you startled, one hand reaching up to haul your headphones around your neck. “What the fuck?”
“Hey Sweets.”
“Jake… what are you doing?” You stepped over to your bag, stooping to grab your water bottle, and chugged half of it in a few gulps. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“Sweets, what time do you think it is?” Jake’s voice was amused, biting back a smile as you just looked at him with your brow furrowed. “Because I’ve been off for an hour now at least.”
“What?” You paused with your bottle halfway to your mouth, just staring at him.
He stepped closer, a hand reaching for your sweaty arm, but stopping just before touching you. “How long have you been here, hmm?”
You ducked your head, not wanting to meet those worried green eyes. “It doesn’t matter, Jake.”
“Yes, it does. You weren’t at work, you didn’t answer any of my texts, and I was worried.” Jake’s hand lifted your chin, forcing you to look him in the eye. “Sweets, what’s going on?”
“It’s nothing. Just an anniversary that has bad memories associated with it,” you said quickly, wrenching your face free from Jake’s grip. “I don’t like talking about it.”
He just nodded, letting his hand drop. You were watching him, wondering when Jake would start asking questions that weren’t his to ask, demanding answers that weren’t his to have, but he didn’t. Jake just headed over to the plastic crate with the pads and grabbed a set before making his way back to you.
It was a strange sight, you, nearly falling over from your exertion and Jake still in his tight blue dress pants and cream collared shirt. Yet it was familiar and comforting in a way. You knew he was checking in on you, trying to get a feel for how you were and it was sweet. Jake had never been shy about how he cared for you, always seeking you out at least once a day to debrief with you about the insanity of your jobs and to make sure you had eaten something during the day.
But right now, he had sought you out after the work day. You had seen how worried he had been when you had noticed him, the emotion creeping over his face, creating furrows in his brow that weren’t natural to the myriad of smile and laugh lines radiating out from the corners of those green eyes that were so often drawn to you. It was a foreign expression to you, a glimpse into something beyond the sunshine that seemed to pour out of him even in the darkest moments.
The look he was giving you was practically the same as when he had demanded that you stay behind when confronting George Cassidy. Fierce and worried in the same breath, a man so desperate to protect a friend that he would risk anger.
And now, wearing his work clothes, Jake stood in front of you with two pads over his hands, motioning for you to engage him. “Sweets, come on. Hit me.”
You just blinked at him, a wave of exhaustion washing over you and you nearly declined on the principle of not hitting a friend when you were still grappling with the ghosts of your childhood. “Jake, c’mon.”
“Hit me, unless you’re too chicken to try.” The worry was fading fast, morphing into the teasing grin that had haunted many waking and slumbering hours. He slapped his hands together, the pads creating a muffled thump when they met, before bringing them up in front of his body. “C’mon honey, show me what you’ve got.”
You slid back into your stance, right foot moving slightly forwards, your hands naturally rising to protect your face. Jake had toed his shoes off, shuffling around the floor in his socks as he circled you, his smirk wider now as you stared at him through the gap in your hands.
A short step forwards and you slammed your fist against the pad in Jake’s left hand, and he stuttered in place. “Can’t handle it, can you?” You taunted, ducking under the half-hearted swing Jake sent over your head. “You call that a punch?”
He met you with the next swing, blocking two jabs you directed at his face, before slamming a pad into your side, with his own smug grin. “What was that, Sweets? You getting cocky on me now?”
You rounded him, biding your time and creeping closer to him, before throwing a combo into his pads, your fists thudding into his hands over and over. Shuffling back, you blocked punch after punch Jake threw, retreating across the near empty gym.
Jake was loving this, you weren’t holding back, fully trusting him to block whatever you threw his way, while countering it with his own blows. Hair was escaping from your ponytail, little wisps standing on their own from the sweat he knew must be dripping from you. Each step you took was measured, each hit you took never knocked you down, and each punch thrown had your full weight behind it, the force nearly sending him stumbling back on many occasions.
“You know what I think?” You called out, your heavy breathing breaking up the question into pieces. “I think I’ve earned my cockiness.” You punctuated the statement by ducking under his arm and lightly tapping two hits against his unguarded side. “Hands up, cowboy.”
“Did you just pull your punches?”
You just tilted your chin, smirking as you countered his combo, your fists finding home in the black padding. “Didn’t want to hurt you. Can’t have my Stud hurting for real.”
That name, that goddamn name. The one that nearly took his knees out from under him every time the syllables danced on your tongue. “Sweets…” Jake nearly growled, throwing more force behind his hits, unbalancing you with their sudden ferocity. “You really should be more careful with that word.”
To your credit, you got your feet back under you and the next punch connected with your forearm in a loud smack. “Or what? What will you do, Jake?”
His steps came closer, each punch now flying faster. Your arms were gone, nearly blown out from overworking them to the point where even bringing them up hurt. “I don’t think it’s anything you could handle, Sweets. Look at you barely able to block a hit anymore…” The look in his eyes was dangerous, daring, but you knew you weren’t about to lose this competition you found yourselves in the middle of.
“I… I can handle more than you think,” you gritted out, grabbing the top of his pad and shoving it away from your face. “I just blocked that, didn’t I?”
Shoving away from the wall you had found yourself backed into, you ran at him, forcing him back. But Jake’s heel hit a bump in the mat behind him and he stumbled, leaning forward in an attempt to catch himself. His hands hit the ground next to your feet and you couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of Jake laying face first on the grimy mat.
“Hey! A little help here, Sweets?” Jake’s ears were turning pink the more you laughed and his embarrassment was noted by you, but it was just too much and you fell backwards to the mat. Propping up on his elbows, Jake watched you clutch at your stomach as you nearly cried of laughter. “It’s not even that funny,” he grumbled, dragging himself into a seated position.
“I-I I’m sorry!” You cried out, a strangled sound leaving your lips as you kept laughing. Eventually after a long while, you sat up, wiping sweat and tears from your face, grinning at the man before you. “I haven’t laughed like that in a long time.”
Jake just grinned back, stretching his leg out to knock your knee a little. “Happy to be of service, Sweets.” His heart was galloping in his chest, thundering at the mere memory of your laughter ringing like a bell around you both. He so rarely saw you laugh as you had just done, letting go of the weight strung from your shoulders in favor of joy. You took everything seriously, especially your job, and with how heavy the air felt around this new case, Jake had seen how you appeared to droop like an unwatered plant.
He had sought you out because he was worried, and he still was, but he knew you would be alright if he kept an eye on you.
But for right now, Jake would take a million moments like this one over anything else. Your laughter echoed in his head and his heart and Jake treasured it. He had made you forget, at least temporarily, what had been weighing you down. He’d do anything for you.
As your breathing evened out, you caught Jake watching you with a small smile on his lips. You ducked your head, smiling to yourself, reveling in the image of Jake chasing you around the gym still in his dress pants. You had always cared for him, your heart skittering every time he directed a compliment your way or even if he looked at you the way he was now. It was hard not to feel exposed under Jake’s stare, hard to feel anything but giddy when you saw those green eyes turned in your direction, but you had shoved those away in favour of building a working relationship that was professional at most.
And now, now you were almost tempted to change your decision, but you couldn’t. Jake had seemingly promised to wait for you and you were silently begging for him to change his mind and demand an answer from you. You wanted him to come clean about how he felt when he looked at you, if only because you were too afraid to do it yourself. You were tired of second-guessing where you stood with him, but too scared to do anything but let your mind wander through all of the possibilities.
Jake kicked your leg again, prompting you to look up at him and the sight nearly stole your breath. The evening sun shone through the gym’s windows, sending beams of light dancing across his face and highlighting the flecks of gold in his eyes. It wreathed his blonde hair in fire, a halo of light shining behind him and you could only stare nearly mesmerized by him. “Sweets?”
“I asked what you wanted to do now.” Jake’s voice was quiet, almost like he was worried about disrupting the silence that had fallen between you both. “That is, if you can stand up after this.”
You laughed, shrugging in his direction. “I think you might have to carry me out of here, Jake.” A pause, then you groaned. “I’m not going to be able to walk tomorrow… or lift anything.”
Jake just grinned, heaving himself up from the floor, the pads forgotten where he had sat. “C’mon Sweets, let’s go get something to eat. My treat because you had a shit day.”
Letting him practically lift you from the floor, you nodded. “Sounds perfect to me.”
A/N: So after last week’s deep dive into our UNSUB’s mind, welcome back to our regularly scheduled programming! Thank you all for reading!
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Taglist: @horseshoegirl @startrekfangirl2233 @sarahsmi13s @teacupsandtopgun @dakotakazansky
@theviexenviper @auroralightsthesky @blue-aconite @rosiahills22 @seitmai
@kmc1989 @dcyllom @aviatorobsessed @dingochef @shinycupcakebaker
@dizzybee03 @djs8891 @avengersfan25 @reaper-t @serrendiipty
@lexixstewart @nervousenemyduck @justdamnpeachy @waltermis @multiverseprincess
@mrsevans90 @emma8895eb @redbarn1995 @cevansbaby-dove @deadboltsblog
@keyrani @thespillingvoid @comfortzonequeen @mimsie95 @a-serene-place-to-be
@xoxabs88xox @pudsmack @elizabeth-holland24
50 notes · View notes
lexixstewart · 10 days
i’m behind!! i gotta catch up!!
the way that you write his thoughts and actions is AMAZING like actually best writing i’ve ever read.
can’t wait to get inside his head more, it’s so impressive!
Anatomy of an Arsonist - FBI Agent!Jake “Hangman” Seresin X FBI Profiler!Reader
Chapter 8 - All My Troubles on a Burning Pile (UNSUB Chapter)
Series Summary: After nearly being burned alive in a house fire as a child, you now worked as an FBI Special Agent. You have caught some of the worst people with your profiles working hard as the BAU Liaison Agent to the Major Crimes Unit at the FBI's New York field office. When a new case crosses your desk, a chord is struck in you and memories long repressed come flooding back. Is this UNSUB the same man who is responsible for your mother's murder? Or, is there a copycat hell-bent on making you relive the fear that haunted you as a child?
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Banner by me!
Chapter Warnings: UNSUB POV!, swearing, blatant misogyny, stalking, talk of serial killers, mention of a child’s death, revisiting the crime scene, taunting notes, B&E, stabbing, murder, arson, etc THIS IS A DARK CHAPTER FOLKS! PLEASE STAY SAFE.
Word Count: 2.9k (it’s a short one!)
Masterlist >> Chapter 7 >> Chapter 9
You were right about one thing, he was watching. But he wasn’t watching the house, no. His eyes were fixed on the woman whose bulletproof vest identified her as FBI, the woman who had made it her mission, it seemed, to hunt him down like a dog chasing a fox.
She seemed tireless, he thought distantly. At both scenes, this one and the last, she bounded back and forth between the pigs and the morons combing through each blade of grass, trying to get a bigger picture of what he had really done.
There was one guy there who didn’t belong at the scenes though. A tall mustached man who seemed barely able to follow the directions she gave him, but that was to be expected. The FBI had made him her bodyguard, a man too stupid to be of any real help in this case, so they had strapped a vest on him and told him to be the brawn of the team.
It had to be the only reason why he was there. Otherwise he was just in the way, and it was entirely too fun to watch the woman spin her wheels in frustration while he was 10 steps ahead like always.
This FBI agent, the smart one, was a worthy opponent, but one that would sadly come in last. This was the unfortunate reality of trying to go toe to toe with him, he was just better in all ways that mattered. He had never faced any consequences before, so why would they start affecting him now?
She wasn’t special just because she worked for an agency. More senior detectives had tried and failed to stop him before. Hell, they had hardly come close enough to him. For now, he could be cocky in knowing that she wouldn’t find him. His life might have been falling apart, but this? This would never slip. He took too much pride in knowing how pain could be weaponized, how much satisfaction could be gleaned by simply being better than everyone at everything.
Fire was unruly, uncontained, and he had mastered it. Weaponized it in such a way that they couldn’t possibly know how he killed those women because the fire stole the very evidence of his presence from the scene. How fitting it was to know that even fire bent to his will when so many people doubted he was worth a dime in their presence.
In fact, it was the opposite. He was better. He was doing what no one had done before, and if a few people died, so what? Why did their lives matter to begin with? They weren’t him, and to be honest, the world could use a few less bitches.
For now though, she was an amusement. A small person playing an even smaller role opposite him, and he could care less. She wasn’t worth the energy to kill her and he thought it was funny how she tried when it would make no difference in the end.
Walking back to his car as dawn broke in the east, he tapped his pockets, relishing in the hollow sound the match box made. Hidden among the journalists all jockeying for a better shot, a better quote, he had been invisible, just how he had wanted it. She’d walked right past him and never knew the difference between him and some lookie-loo in the middle of this trash neighborhood.
But he wanted people to know how undeserving they were. Undeserving of his mercy, no matter how much they begged. Undeserving of his time, of his mere presence. He wasn’t a god, no, all gods could pick and choose who died. That’s what they did.
“No,” he thought as he drove off. “I am the god among gods. Those morons of the past, Bundy, Kemper, Gacy, will be compared to me. Not the other way around.”
The news broke around lunchtime, a bleach-blonde reporter telling the city via TV screens that another “horrific crime had happened, this time taking a child with it.” Pretending that it was the tragedy his coworkers made it out to be was nauseating, but they had one thing right, the person responsible was on another level of sick.
Now, he didn’t consider himself sick. How could he? His life was falling apart; his wife was leaving him and he had been passed over twice for a promotion he deserved. He was just blowing off a bit of steam, it wasn’t any different than Amanda getting drunk after work or Nathan going clubbing every Friday.
But now he had to stand around with another bunch of morons, all speaking in hushed tones about the savagery of these deaths and listen to their speculation about whether or not this was the same person as the killing a week prior.
Spoiler alert, he thought darkly, it is.
“Can you imagine?” Amanda had said to him. “The pain that that poor man must be going through, losing his wife and his only daughter? It takes a monster to do something like this.” She was fiddling with the dainty chain around her neck and not for the first time, he thought about how it would feel to snap it, how she would struggle under his grip but ultimately fail to free herself.
Instead, he nodded. “I can’t imagine. I can’t believe that someone would do this to anyone. It’s insane to even think about,” he replied, his eyes glued to the TV screen in the break room.
The people around him hummed in agreement. Their voices whirled into talks about David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam killer from the 70s, and he bristled at the comparison. There was a stark difference between us, he thought angrily, the emotion hidden away under a thick mask of concern. Berkowitz was a fat, ugly bastard who claimed he was compelled by a dog to kill, while he was doing this just because he could.
“I disagree though.” Fuck, why had he opened his mouth? Anything he said now would make his coworkers think he wasn’t normal and normal was how he hid in plain sight. “Didn’t Berkowitz just roam around? This guy seems a little more put together, if you catch my drift.”
Nathan, the sniveling know-it-all that he was, coughed from the back of the room. “Actually, I would say this guy is more like the BTK, Dennis Rader. Berkowitz was what the FBI classifies as a ‘disorganized offender’, he just picked people at random, this guy seems to have a plan for how people are killed and when. Just thought you should know.”
He had to roll his eyes at that. Of course Know-it-all Nathan knew how the FBI classified serial killers, so did he. The difference was that he was naturally organized, everything had a spot and it would stay there until needed, so it didn’t matter what his coworker thought he knew.
Mark was next to speak, wondering aloud about the FBI’s presence at the scene. “It’s not Federal land so why are they there?”
No one had an answer for him, so instead the room fell silent as they listened to the details the police knew so far. It wasn’t much, he noted with barely restrained glee, but the announcement of the FBI’s involvement and the brief statement made by her, Special Agent Douglas, only made him more determined than ever to outwit and outlast.
The speculation and theorizing made his head spin, but at the same time, he was being talked about by his coworkers while he was present and the thrill was intoxicating. He was smarter than they thought, and while he wasn’t an idiot by any means, far from it in fact, this was far more than he’d hoped for.
Yes, this was his way of handling stress and regaining control, but it was also a giant fuck you to everyone who had dared look past him. To his wife especially, she had taken off, her clothing and personal effects gone, leaving divorce papers on the table just waiting for his signature. She didn’t understand that she was his and she couldn’t leave him without his say so, but he would be damned if she left him, left his grasp. He was spinning out of control and only by the light of the flames did he feel whole again.
He suffered through the rest of the day, eyes darting to and fro from his laptop and the clock sitting on his desk. It felt like there was a live wire under his skin, writhing and sparking the longer time went on. His knee bounced incessantly, anticipation building in his body until he felt like he would snap in half to release the tension.
The minute the clock changed to show 5pm, he was up and out of his chair so fast his knees hit the underside of the table, sending pens skittering across the surface and onto the floor where they landed with a clatter. Feeling his coworkers' eyes on him, he quickly stuffed his things into his bag and all but ran out the front door, leaving behind the sound of typing and the smell of ink.
His walk back to his car was hurried, each stride moving him closer and closer towards where he wanted to be: the James’ house. He had spent many nights revisiting the Schaefer house, not that he cared to know her name, but had been forced to do so after the news broke nearly a week ago. The scenes were still alive to him, the excitement still palpable even after the crime was long finished, the victim now cold and bare in a morgue’s cooler.
Revisiting was dangerous, it was how many killers before him had been snatched up by the cops, and try as he might to resist, the compulsion was too great to brush off. He had to go back, had to feel the power he had left behind, the fear his victims had left at the same time. He needed to remember his control, how it felt to hold someone’s life in the palm of his hand and watch it drain out of their eyes.
He was nothing without it and he refused to be reduced to nothing.
It was a long drive from his office to Brooklyn in rush hour traffic and the longer he sat caught between cars, the more his skin prickled, hair rising to stand on end as anticipation built in his stomach. His hands were sweating, leaving prints behind on the steering wheel and it felt like there were insects crawling along his skin, their tiny treads marking him. It was a strange feeling, his desires caught on a line dangling in front of him like bait on a fish hook.
Gwen Schaefer’s death hadn’t felt like this. The return to the scene hadn’t sent shivers down his spine, hadn’t made his skin crawl when he wasn’t there reliving the events. Something was different and it felt like the first kill all over again, the hiatus making the release that much sweeter. Maybe it was the danger he was attracting, daring to kill again while knowing that the FBI was onto him, or maybe, just maybe, it was the way carving strips from their backs in sheer defiance of the supposed authority over him felt every time.
A car honked behind him, shaking him from his thoughts. “Fucking dick,” he swore, slamming his foot down and driving off, but not before toeing the brakes and making the car behind him slam onto theirs to avoid hitting him.
Who gave a fuck?
The world could do without a few lousy bitches, especially ones who thought they knew better.
Good thing he craved the feel of their blood staining his fingers, savored the screams that were forced back into their throats. It was a good thing he was here to fix it all.
Pulling up outside the house, he could see the yellow crime scene tape papering the fence and blocking a section the sidewalk. A remnant of that morning’s horror, but he wasn’t alone. Neighbors were leaving flowers and pictures in a memorial against the fence, blocking off another portion of the sidewalk. Children’s toys lay intermingled with candles and handwritten notes, a silent stand from the neighborhood to remember the lives lost.
It made him sick and the urge to set it alight burned as deeply as the urge to draw a knife across another throat. He should have figured that the sheep around this house would congregate to remember, to mourn.
“A fire would give you away,” the little voice in his head said, “Do you want to get caught?” He didn’t, so he stayed in the car, pulling a ball cap down his forehead to cover his features in case someone spotted him.
He needed to get closer, needed to smell the smoke, hear the crackling of the fire, so he pulled a notepad out of his work bag, scribbling a note down in blue pen.
“It’s a pity it ended so quickly. I rather enjoyed watching.”
His gloves were pulled on next, careful to avoid leaving behind any trace of who he was, before turning off his car and climbing out, the note carefully folded in half. It found its home behind a bouquet of musty-smelling roses, the cloying scent nearly overwhelming the memory of the fire in his head.
Keeping his head down, he crouched in front of the memorial, eyes closed and let himself fall back into the events of the night before.
It was late when the back door squeaked open, the stove clock reading out the time of 2:15 in its neon green numbers. His heartbeat was loud in his ears, dulling every sound around him as he stepped inside.
In the near dark, he stepped on a child’s shoe, sending him stumbling forwards. He caught himself on the wall, a soft thud coming from his hand finding purchase on the corner. He froze, heart pounding, not in fear but in excitement, the same kind one gets from a drop on a rollercoaster, listening for anything. Footsteps sounded above him, soft treads leaving one room and into another.
This was a risk with the husband home, even more so with kids, but that’s what made the game just that much more rewarding. The house was quiet in the early morning, only a few creaking sounds coming from the house itself. Whether it was waking up or going to sleep for the night made no difference to him, it wouldn’t be here much longer. His eyes caught on penciled marks on the doorframe to the living room, the silvery-gray catching the muted light from the street, a growth chart.
Three kids of varying heights, the tallest barely hip height.
A glob of napalm was slapped against it, the sticky substance taking hold immediately and filling the room with the stench of gasoline. More napalm was spread as thinly as he could across the wall, creating a boundary. In his hand, a water bottle full of gasoline splashed the fluid into the carpet, only needing a match to set it alight.
It was a near perfect trap.
He continued forwards, scoping out the ground floor, and knocking a book end to the carpeted floor in the living room. That one he wasn’t so worried about. It was intentional, soft, barely-there sounds that always made someone question what they had heard and thus, going to investigate. There was a soft murmur of a voice from above him and the footsteps picked up overhead, going back the way that they had come.
He took cover, ducking into the front entryway, leaving behind another trail of gasoline and more napalm atop some magazines positioned next to the curtains, which he hoped would catch fire and spark the whole house.
The footsteps were approaching more clearly now, descending the stairs. A woman’s voice called out for a Nia, a questioning tone that was hushed so as to not wake anyone else in the house.
Pressed against the wall, he could see the woman stop by the living room doorway, her fingers grazing the napalm. She swore as it stuck to her hand, wiping her hands on the t-shirt she wore, and continued moving through the house. When she was but a hair’s breadth away, he pounced, shoving his gloved hand over her mouth and pinching her nose closed.
She struggled under his grip, hands grasping at his face and arms as she tried to free herself. Her feet kicked out, trying to hit him in some way, but he was too strong, too determined.
He grinned as she went limp in his arms, loosening his grip on her, but she brought her elbow back hard, catching him in the sternum. He choked and she bit down on his hand, making him jerk his hand away.
She tried to scream, but he’d recovered quickly, slamming the butt of his knife into the side of her head and sent her slumping to the floor unconscious. He’d had years to perfect this, knew where to hit, knew where to stab, and that’s what he did.
Limp feet caught on the crumpled carpet as he dragged her into the living room, dropping her face down on the carpet in front of the couch. Stepping back, he looked down on her prone figure, eyes staring blankly at the wall. He would have to move her still, but where she was only added to the fantasy.
Blood pooled under her, soaking into the cream coloured carpet and staining it a vibrant crimson. She was utterly still, her breath stolen from her like her voice had been.
He kicked her bare foot out, changing her position ever so slightly. She had to be perfect, not a hair out of place, and so he pulled it back, the elastic band creaking under the force exerted against it.
But it still wasn’t right, she didn’t look like the first one. Hadn’t fallen like she had, but that was to be expected, the first one had fought more than this one had.
Now it was time to get to work.
She had to be perfect.
A/N: So that was a chapter… We’ll be back to our regular schedule next week with more of Hopps and Jake. Just an FYI, nursing school started up again for me this week so there might be some weeks without an update in the future due to how little time I have to write at the moment, but I will let you all know. Thank you for reading!
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Taglist: @horseshoegirl @startrekfangirl2233 @sarahsmi13s @teacupsandtopgun @dakotakazansky
@theviexenviper @auroralightsthesky @blue-aconite @rosiahills22 @seitmai
@dizzybee03 @djs8891 @avengersfan25 @reaper-t @serrendiipty
@kmc1989 @dcyllom @aviatorobsessed @dingochef @shinycupcakebaker
@lexixstewart @nervousenemyduck @justdamnpeachy @waltermis @multiverseprincess
@mrsevans90 @emma8895eb @redbarn1995 @cevansbaby-dove @deadboltsblog
@keyrani @thespillingvoid @comfortzonequeen @mimsie95 @a-serene-place-to-be
@xoxabs88xox @pudsmack @elizabeth-holland24
50 notes · View notes
lexixstewart · 18 days
please please pleaseeeee part two!!!! i’m dying😩
it’s SO GOOD!!! (i would literally die if you could write colt for me, no pressure, totally up to you but i NEED that man so badly its not even funny)
Every Part of You
Bob Floyd x Female Reader
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Summary: Bob shows you how much he loves your body; curves and all. Based on this prompt (thanks @phoenix-rising-starbird-one for the idea!).
Rating: Explicit! This is intended for adults (18+) only! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
Warnings: smut, dom!Bob, body worship, cum play, ass play, oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v, spanking, uniform kink, mirror sex, body insecurity. I think that’s it.
Please note-reader is curvy and has hair long enough to pull. If that offends you, don’t read.
"Come in," you call when the doorbell rings, knowing it's Bob, "I'm in here."
"Sorry I'm late, that last hop took longer than expected," he replies, toeing his off shoes by the door before entering the living room, "I haven't showered yet either, couldn't wait any longer to see you...”
He trails off when he sees you biting your lip, looking him up and down like he's a piece of meat.
You thought he was cute when you met him on the beach in a tee shirt and swim trunks, more so later when he had put jeans and a sweatshirt on for the bonfire. Handsome when he wore slacks and a button down on the first date, sexy when he woke you up with breakfast in bed the next morning in nothing but gray sweatpants.
The bottom line is he always looks good. But in service khakis? He's downright mouth-watering.
"I've never seen you in uniform," you murmur as you rise, fingers tracing the color ribbons on his chest, “you look good, Bobby."
"You think so?" His lip quirks before he brushes his lips over yours.
You nod as you wait for him to kiss you, but instead, he kisses the side of your mouth down to your jaw, shivering at the smell of his clean sweat and jet fuel.
"You look good too, honey," he murmurs, his big strong hands finding your legging-clad ass to squeeze, "love your ass in these."
A bashful smile tugs at your lips as he continues his assault on your neck as he walks you back towards the couch, lifting the oversized tee over your head.
Bob loves your body; even the fuller, thicker, and squishier parts you hate. But when you open your eyes and see your reflection in the large mirror in the corner beside the couch, those parts are all you can focus on.
"Let's-ah," you sigh breathlessly when he nips your collarbone, reaching around your back to unclasp your bra, but you hold it up by the cups before it can fall. "Can we take this to the bedroom?"
Where the late afternoon sun isn't steaming in through the sheer curtains, and there are blankets to cover up with.
Your back arches when he sucks a bruise there before opening his eyes, brow furrowing when he finds yours focused on your soft belly instead of him.
"Nah," he replies, continuing when your eyes flick to his in the reflection, "I want you right here. Right now."
"Why do you want to go to the bedroom?" He asks though, sensing your hesitation.
"I don't know," you lie, looking away and focusing on the tan buttons of his shirt, "it's just... kind of bright out here."
"Which is exactly why I want to stay," he tilts your chin, forcing you to look at him, "so I can see your beautiful body."
Without thinking, you huff out a laugh of disbelief and your eyes roll before widening at your rudeness.
"Sorry, that was-"
"Disrespect of a superior officer," he interrupts with an exhale, slowly shaking his head.
His body language shifts in an instant as he straightens. Gone is your sweet, easy-going boyfriend. The man who stands before you radiates a quiet, but unyielding confidence.
Arousal races through you at the change.
“I’m sorry Bobby,” you gulp at the new, almost predatory look in his eyes, “I’m just-“
“Just digging yourself in deeper with your fake apologies?” He finishes for you while he gently pulls your hands away from your chest, letting the bra from your arms, “and it’s ‘sir’ to you.”
You choke back a whimper and your nipples tighten in response to his request-no, his order.
“Put your hands on the mirror,” he says, lightly flicking your nipple before stepping back.
You take a shaky breath in before doing as asked, looking at the floor instead of your flushed face and naked breasts.
“I’ve let this behavior go on too long,” he says, slowly pacing behind you, “it ends today.”
“Wha beha-“ you cut off with a gasp when his hand slaps your ass, the thin material of your leggings offering no protection.
“I don’t want to hear anything from your pretty lips besides ‘yes sir’, ‘no sir’, or ‘stop’ if I do anything you don’t like. Do you understand?”
Your heart is about to beat out of your chest as you nod, which earns you another spank.
“Use your words.”
“Yes sir,” face burning at the way your voice shakes.
“That’s what I like to hear”, he replies, the smile evident in his voice as he pulls your leggings over your ass. “Pretty,” he whispers as his fingers follow the lace of your thong down your cheeks, chuckling when he feels how soaked they are taking them off too, “wet too, but you won’t be needing these either.”
He pulls your hips back into his to rub his clothed erection over your ass before sliding his hand up your spine, making you arch your back. His hand slides into the back of your hair and you whimper when he grips the roots, guiding your head up.
“Eyes on me,” he says lowly. Only his erection and the faint pink staining his cheeks give away how affected he is.
“Yes sir,” you whisper.
“I love every single part of you,” he punctuates it with a roll of his hips, “your beautiful eyes that I too often get lost in. Pouty lips that get me hard just from thinking about how they stretch around my cock,” his hand releases your hair, coming around to brush his thumb over them. He sucks in a breath when your tongue darts out to lick it.
“Your neck, God. Don’t know how many times I’ve thought about how good it would look with my hand around it,” his hand trails lower, making your eyes flutter when he lightly squezes. “The way your arms wrap around me in my sleep. Never knew I’d like being the little spoon,” he smiles into your neck as his hands slide down your arms to your hands, “the soft hands that fit perfectly in mine, that feel so good on my cock, this finger” he taps your left ring finger, “will have to hold up the rock I’m gonna put on it someday.”
Your already-pounding heart skips a beat at that. You’ve only been dating for 2 months.
“These,” he grunts, cock surging against your ass when he cups your breasts, “the way these full, gorgeous tits bounce when I fuck you, God. And the little sound you make when I do this,” he pinches your nipples and makes your breath catch, “yeah, that’s the sound. Sensitive pretty nipples. Could suck on ‘em all day.”
“Please?” You whine, eyes falling closed.
He steps away and you shiver when the heat from his body is gone too.
Your body jolts and your eyes fly open when his hand comes down on your ass a second later.
“Is ‘please’ one of the words I said you could say?” He asks after spanking your right cheek twice more.
“No sir!” You shake your head.
“Didn’t think so,” he gives the left side equal treatment before straightening to growl in your ear, “Keep your eyes on me.”
“Yes sir,” you pant, feeling a little lightheaded by how turned on you are. You don’t have to look to know your arousal is leaking down your thighs.
“Love your belly,” he continues, hands resuming their gentle journey like they didn’t just take your breath away with their harsh spanks, “so feminine and soft. Can’t wait to see it round and swollen with my baby inside.”
His nostrils flare as he thinks about fucking a baby into you. You whimper but don’t say a word, keeping your eyes on his.
“And your legs? Christ,” he breathes, rutting into you harder, “strong thighs that wrap around my head when you cum and squeezing tight when I don’t stop.”
It’s a love-hate relationship when he overestimates you like that.
“Hell, I even love it when you put your freezing feet on me to warm them up,” he chuckles, and you smile. He kisses your shoulder before he straightens, “Stay put while I get a condom.”
“No sir,” you blurt, shaking your head.
He gives you a questioning look, “What is it?”
“Take me bare,” you breathe, “I want to feel you without.”
His eyes squeeze closed as his head drops back with a groan. You squirm when he opens them again, hardly any blue is visible with how blown his pupils are.
“Are you sure?” He asks, hands going to his pants button, waiting for your answer.
“Yes sir,” you bite your lip, “We’re both clean.”
“Your period is due in a few days, right?” He asks as he fumbles with his pants before guiding his cock between your legs.
“Yes sir,” you laugh breathlessly that he knows your cycle that well as he pushes in easily even though hasn’t touched you there yet.
“Oh fuck,” his voice gets higher as he feels you for the first time without a barrier, “this pussy was made for me,” he groans, heading lolling back, “You’re so wet and warm.”
Your fingers turn white as your grip tightens on the edge of the mirror, whimpering as he fucks into you with fast, rough thrusts.
“And-and these hips, baby,” he pants, giving away he’s growing close. His fingers flex against them hard enough to bruise, “thick and full and the perfect place to hold while I make a mess of you.”
“Yes!” You nod, catching yourself quickly, “Sir! Yes sir!”
Even without any stimulation to your clit, you could cum like this. If he keeps going just that…
“Ah! Sh-shit!” He gasps, pulling out suddenly.
A strangled whine leaves you as he suddenly pushes between your cheeks to release there and across your lower back. A shiver wracks your body as you feel the warm evidence of his release.
“Mmm,” he hums as he releases your hips, sliding back to cup a cheek in each hand and squeeze, “I love your ass.”
You nod along, hardly listening anymore as your body trembles from being denied release.
“The way it jiggles when I pounds into you from behind,” fingertips trail through his release, gathering it before sliding them between your cheeks. You tense with a sharp inhale when he finds your puckered hole, “How good it’s gonna feel when I fuck it.”
“Yes sir,” you force yourself to relax, sighing at the foreign feeling of being touched there. It helps he’s kissing the sweet spot under your ear.
“I really like the recoil when I spank it,” his spent cock twitches back to life as if to emphasize his point, “which is going to happen whenever I think you need reminding of how much I love your body.”
“Yes sir,” you breathe, deflating a little when he steps away.
But he steps in front of you, “Did you really think I’d leave you wanting?” He drops to his knees with a smirk.
“No s-sir,” you stutter when he leans in to kiss your needy, swollen clit.
“Better not be,” he murmurs hotly against you, “now watch yourself. You need to see how beautiful you are when you cum.”
Hope ya liked it 🙃
Tagging my Bob girlies:
@sorchathered ry
184 notes · View notes
lexixstewart · 18 days
GOOD LORD 🫣😩🥵 bob will absolutely 100% be the death of me one day holy shit🥴 gonna need the rest of this as a part 2 tho…😏😏
also i just watched Fall Guy for the millionth time (no surprises there) and idk if it’s just me absolutely NEEDING ryan gosling as colt seavers but this fit him sooooo well🤤
Every Part of You
Bob Floyd x Female Reader
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Summary: Bob shows you how much he loves your body; curves and all. Based on this prompt (thanks @phoenix-rising-starbird-one for the idea!).
Rating: Explicit! This is intended for adults (18+) only! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
Warnings: smut, dom!Bob, body worship, cum play, ass play, oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v, spanking, uniform kink, mirror sex, body insecurity. I think that’s it.
Please note-reader is curvy and has hair long enough to pull. If that offends you, don’t read.
"Come in," you call when the doorbell rings, knowing it's Bob, "I'm in here."
"Sorry I'm late, that last hop took longer than expected," he replies, toeing his off shoes by the door before entering the living room, "I haven't showered yet either, couldn't wait any longer to see you...”
He trails off when he sees you biting your lip, looking him up and down like he's a piece of meat.
You thought he was cute when you met him on the beach in a tee shirt and swim trunks, more so later when he had put jeans and a sweatshirt on for the bonfire. Handsome when he wore slacks and a button down on the first date, sexy when he woke you up with breakfast in bed the next morning in nothing but gray sweatpants.
The bottom line is he always looks good. But in service khakis? He's downright mouth-watering.
"I've never seen you in uniform," you murmur as you rise, fingers tracing the color ribbons on his chest, “you look good, Bobby."
"You think so?" His lip quirks before he brushes his lips over yours.
You nod as you wait for him to kiss you, but instead, he kisses the side of your mouth down to your jaw, shivering at the smell of his clean sweat and jet fuel.
"You look good too, honey," he murmurs, his big strong hands finding your legging-clad ass to squeeze, "love your ass in these."
A bashful smile tugs at your lips as he continues his assault on your neck as he walks you back towards the couch, lifting the oversized tee over your head.
Bob loves your body; even the fuller, thicker, and squishier parts you hate. But when you open your eyes and see your reflection in the large mirror in the corner beside the couch, those parts are all you can focus on.
"Let's-ah," you sigh breathlessly when he nips your collarbone, reaching around your back to unclasp your bra, but you hold it up by the cups before it can fall. "Can we take this to the bedroom?"
Where the late afternoon sun isn't steaming in through the sheer curtains, and there are blankets to cover up with.
Your back arches when he sucks a bruise there before opening his eyes, brow furrowing when he finds yours focused on your soft belly instead of him.
"Nah," he replies, continuing when your eyes flick to his in the reflection, "I want you right here. Right now."
"Why do you want to go to the bedroom?" He asks though, sensing your hesitation.
"I don't know," you lie, looking away and focusing on the tan buttons of his shirt, "it's just... kind of bright out here."
"Which is exactly why I want to stay," he tilts your chin, forcing you to look at him, "so I can see your beautiful body."
Without thinking, you huff out a laugh of disbelief and your eyes roll before widening at your rudeness.
"Sorry, that was-"
"Disrespect of a superior officer," he interrupts with an exhale, slowly shaking his head.
His body language shifts in an instant as he straightens. Gone is your sweet, easy-going boyfriend. The man who stands before you radiates a quiet, but unyielding confidence.
Arousal races through you at the change.
“I’m sorry Bobby,” you gulp at the new, almost predatory look in his eyes, “I’m just-“
“Just digging yourself in deeper with your fake apologies?” He finishes for you while he gently pulls your hands away from your chest, letting the bra from your arms, “and it’s ‘sir’ to you.”
You choke back a whimper and your nipples tighten in response to his request-no, his order.
“Put your hands on the mirror,” he says, lightly flicking your nipple before stepping back.
You take a shaky breath in before doing as asked, looking at the floor instead of your flushed face and naked breasts.
“I’ve let this behavior go on too long,” he says, slowly pacing behind you, “it ends today.”
“Wha beha-“ you cut off with a gasp when his hand slaps your ass, the thin material of your leggings offering no protection.
“I don’t want to hear anything from your pretty lips besides ‘yes sir’, ‘no sir’, or ‘stop’ if I do anything you don’t like. Do you understand?”
Your heart is about to beat out of your chest as you nod, which earns you another spank.
“Use your words.”
“Yes sir,” face burning at the way your voice shakes.
“That’s what I like to hear”, he replies, the smile evident in his voice as he pulls your leggings over your ass. “Pretty,” he whispers as his fingers follow the lace of your thong down your cheeks, chuckling when he feels how soaked they are taking them off too, “wet too, but you won’t be needing these either.”
He pulls your hips back into his to rub his clothed erection over your ass before sliding his hand up your spine, making you arch your back. His hand slides into the back of your hair and you whimper when he grips the roots, guiding your head up.
“Eyes on me,” he says lowly. Only his erection and the faint pink staining his cheeks give away how affected he is.
“Yes sir,” you whisper.
“I love every single part of you,” he punctuates it with a roll of his hips, “your beautiful eyes that I too often get lost in. Pouty lips that get me hard just from thinking about how they stretch around my cock,” his hand releases your hair, coming around to brush his thumb over them. He sucks in a breath when your tongue darts out to lick it.
“Your neck, God. Don’t know how many times I’ve thought about how good it would look with my hand around it,” his hand trails lower, making your eyes flutter when he lightly squezes. “The way your arms wrap around me in my sleep. Never knew I’d like being the little spoon,” he smiles into your neck as his hands slide down your arms to your hands, “the soft hands that fit perfectly in mine, that feel so good on my cock, this finger” he taps your left ring finger, “will have to hold up the rock I’m gonna put on it someday.”
Your already-pounding heart skips a beat at that. You’ve only been dating for 2 months.
“These,” he grunts, cock surging against your ass when he cups your breasts, “the way these full, gorgeous tits bounce when I fuck you, God. And the little sound you make when I do this,” he pinches your nipples and makes your breath catch, “yeah, that’s the sound. Sensitive pretty nipples. Could suck on ‘em all day.”
“Please?” You whine, eyes falling closed.
He steps away and you shiver when the heat from his body is gone too.
Your body jolts and your eyes fly open when his hand comes down on your ass a second later.
“Is ‘please’ one of the words I said you could say?” He asks after spanking your right cheek twice more.
“No sir!” You shake your head.
“Didn’t think so,” he gives the left side equal treatment before straightening to growl in your ear, “Keep your eyes on me.”
“Yes sir,” you pant, feeling a little lightheaded by how turned on you are. You don’t have to look to know your arousal is leaking down your thighs.
“Love your belly,” he continues, hands resuming their gentle journey like they didn’t just take your breath away with their harsh spanks, “so feminine and soft. Can’t wait to see it round and swollen with my baby inside.”
His nostrils flare as he thinks about fucking a baby into you. You whimper but don’t say a word, keeping your eyes on his.
“And your legs? Christ,” he breathes, rutting into you harder, “strong thighs that wrap around my head when you cum and squeezing tight when I don’t stop.”
It’s a love-hate relationship when he overestimates you like that.
“Hell, I even love it when you put your freezing feet on me to warm them up,” he chuckles, and you smile. He kisses your shoulder before he straightens, “Stay put while I get a condom.”
“No sir,” you blurt, shaking your head.
He gives you a questioning look, “What is it?”
“Take me bare,” you breathe, “I want to feel you without.”
His eyes squeeze closed as his head drops back with a groan. You squirm when he opens them again, hardly any blue is visible with how blown his pupils are.
“Are you sure?” He asks, hands going to his pants button, waiting for your answer.
“Yes sir,” you bite your lip, “We’re both clean.”
“Your period is due in a few days, right?” He asks as he fumbles with his pants before guiding his cock between your legs.
“Yes sir,” you laugh breathlessly that he knows your cycle that well as he pushes in easily even though hasn’t touched you there yet.
“Oh fuck,” his voice gets higher as he feels you for the first time without a barrier, “this pussy was made for me,” he groans, heading lolling back, “You’re so wet and warm.”
Your fingers turn white as your grip tightens on the edge of the mirror, whimpering as he fucks into you with fast, rough thrusts.
“And-and these hips, baby,” he pants, giving away he’s growing close. His fingers flex against them hard enough to bruise, “thick and full and the perfect place to hold while I make a mess of you.”
“Yes!” You nod, catching yourself quickly, “Sir! Yes sir!”
Even without any stimulation to your clit, you could cum like this. If he keeps going just that…
“Ah! Sh-shit!” He gasps, pulling out suddenly.
A strangled whine leaves you as he suddenly pushes between your cheeks to release there and across your lower back. A shiver wracks your body as you feel the warm evidence of his release.
“Mmm,” he hums as he releases your hips, sliding back to cup a cheek in each hand and squeeze, “I love your ass.”
You nod along, hardly listening anymore as your body trembles from being denied release.
“The way it jiggles when I pounds into you from behind,” fingertips trail through his release, gathering it before sliding them between your cheeks. You tense with a sharp inhale when he finds your puckered hole, “How good it’s gonna feel when I fuck it.”
“Yes sir,” you force yourself to relax, sighing at the foreign feeling of being touched there. It helps he’s kissing the sweet spot under your ear.
“I really like the recoil when I spank it,” his spent cock twitches back to life as if to emphasize his point, “which is going to happen whenever I think you need reminding of how much I love your body.”
“Yes sir,” you breathe, deflating a little when he steps away.
But he steps in front of you, “Did you really think I’d leave you wanting?” He drops to his knees with a smirk.
“No s-sir,” you stutter when he leans in to kiss your needy, swollen clit.
“Better not be,” he murmurs hotly against you, “now watch yourself. You need to see how beautiful you are when you cum.”
Hope ya liked it 🙃
Tagging my Bob girlies:
@sorchathered ry
184 notes · View notes
lexixstewart · 23 days
it SUCKS😕 i feel like i’m wasting money for nothing😭
i’m sure i’ll be happy once i have my degree and whatever but dear god please save me😭
I Love You Two
Part 8
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley Bradshaw x OFC x Jake Seresin.
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Summary: Getting time together proves difficult in the aftermath of the mission and you’re getting impatient to have Bradley when he’s back to health. He’s going to have you and more when you tease him on a special night.
Warnings: Adults (18+) only! MDNI! M/M kissing/ touching, a little spanking, dirty talk, teasing, etc.
The rest of the weekend is much of the same; lounging around and making each other feel good without hurting Bradley. They tell you as much as they can about the mission, giving you chills and bringing tears to your eyes at Bradley’s palpable fear as he recalls the near-death experience. Much to your surprise(and delight), Bradley says he and Mav said they were going to sit down and finally talk soon.
The best part is getting to watch Jake and Bradley’s budding relationship from a front-row seat.
“Let me guess,” Bradley says, head in your lap and legs on Jake’s he turns on a football game, “You were the star quarterback, dated the head cheerleader, homecoming king, all that jazz?”
Jake snorts but doesn’t deny it.
“Knew it,” Roo smiles, nudging his stomach with his foot. “So your family doesn’t know you swing both ways then?”
“I barely knew I swing both ways,” he tilts his head as if he’s thinking, eyes still on the TV, “I don’t think my sister, Abby, will be surprised though. She’s very observant,” he laughs, “I wondered more than once if she could read my mind.”
He says it like he’s planning on telling his family about this, making your heart skip a beat.
When you glance down, Bradley’s looking up; thinking the same.
“If…or when my dad finds out,” Jake sighs as he shakes his head, “It’ll just be another thing he’ll be disappointed in me for.”
“What?” Bradley barely cringes as he sits up, the anger overriding any discomfort, “Why-How could your dad ever be disappointed in you?”
Bradley’s concern is endearing, but you hurt for Jake too.
“My old man’s a hardass,” Jake explains, no longer focused on TV but not looking at either of you, “I never did anything right growing up, was never enough. I got good grades but I wasn’t valedictorian; excelled in sports but never won State; worked 2 jobs in high school but he’d worked 3.”
Bradley puts his hand on Jake’s thigh when he pauses, giving him a comforting squeeze as you both wait for him to continue.
“He was better to my sisters, and he really loved my ma, but how he treated me took a toll on their marriage. She left him after I graduated high school,” he blinks back tears as yours fall. “He blames me; told me it was my fault.”
“That’s not true, Jake,” you say softly.
“I know, still fucked me up though, obviously,” his lip quirks ruefully as he looks at Bradley, “It’s why I treated you the way I did when we first met. I saw you weren’t flying to your full potential and I turned into him.”
“You were right though,” Bradley admits, “I wasn’t and I needed the kick in the ass to do better.”
“But I didn’t need to be like him,” Jake says, looking away, ashamed, “I’m sorry, I could’ve-“
“Hey, we’re long past that,” Bradley reaches up and turns Jake’s chin towards his own, “I forgive you. Hell, I forgave you even before you saved my life.”
Jake responds by leaning in to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
The three of you head to bed not long after. Sleep comes to you easily, more content than ever snuggled between them.
Like always, Monday morning comes too soon.
Though it’s better than normal when you get a kiss from each of them as you see them off, smiling as Bradley gives Jake one and the flush that follows.
Since they both played a large part in the mission, they’re both involved in the huge headache of the investigation that follows, giving you hardly any time together.
There’s no time for sleepovers but you do manage a few lunches and one evening with them both. Bradley is a shameless flirt with Jake and you get a kick out of watching him flush as much as Bradley does.
Jake is cleared from the investigation before Bradley but is sent to the carrier for training with little notice and you don’t even get to say goodbye besides a text.
“Investigation is almost over,” Bradley sighs as he takes a seat across from your desk, setting his lunch down. It’s been almost two weeks since that weekend together.
“Finally,” you mutter, picking at your salad, “can we do something this weekend? Do you know if Jake will be back? I miss you guys.”
“I miss you too,” Bradley nudges your knee with his, “and I know Jake does too. I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to see you. But they’re having a celebratory dinner for the squad on Saturday. I was wondering if you’d come as my unofficial date.”
“Unofficial date?”
He smiles when you give him a questioning look, “Well you’ll be Jake’s official date, obviously, since everyone already knows you’re dating,” his brow suddenly furrows, “Not that I don’t want people to know we’re together, I just-“
“I know, Roo,” you press a quick kiss to his cheek, “it’s still new. We’ll tell everyone when we’re ready.
“I just don’t want you to think I’m ashamed of you, or Jake, or what we have.”
“I know you’re not,” you assure him, the yellowing bruise on his chest catching your eye as he nods, “that looks a lot better.”
He looks down, “Oh yeah. I have an appointment with medical, I bet they’ll clear me to fly again. It feels a lot better. Doesn’t hurt unless I touch it.”
“So don’t touch it,” you tease.
“We’ll pick you up around 5 on Saturday then,” Bradley say after he rolls his eyes.
“What should I wear?” You ask, “Is it formal?”
“I’m guessing so,” Bradley shrugs, “we have to wear our dress whites.”
Your heart skips a beat at the thought of seeing them both dressed up.
“Okay,” you reply, trying to think of what’s your in closet.
“What do you think of this one?” You ask, slipping the silky gown over your head before stepping into view of your phone, FaceTiming Nat. “I haven’t worn it yet,” your fingers fiddle with the tag, “I bought it for my ex’s friend’s wedding, but we broke up before we went.”
She gives you a low whistle, “Yep. That’s the one.”
“Yeah?” You ask as you turn to look in the mirror, loving the feel of satin sliding over your skin.
“Yeah,” she confirms, “definitely. Jake’s gonna have trouble keeping his hands off you.”
“It’s perfect then,” you bite your lip, “thanks for the help, Nat.”
“No problem, what shoes are-” she’s interrupted by her doorbell ringing, making her eyes widen, “shit, that’s Bob. I gotta go.”
“Just Bob?” You give her a smile before checking the time, “at almost 10? Kind of late for a social call. Or is it a booty-“
“Bye Liv, see you Saturday if not sooner!” She cuts you off with a grin as the screen goes dark.
Jake let you know he’s back over Saturday around noon.
Jake: I’m back. Holy shit I miss you.
Liv: I miss you too. I can’t wait to see you…especially when you’re all dressed up 😏
Jake: Can’t wait to see you either. I’m so glad you’re coming. Roo said he was going to invite you.
Liv: Yes, as your official date and his unofficial one🙄😂
Jake: 🤷🏼 It doesn’t matter to me as long as we get to go home with you after.
Liv: You will be. I’m not giving either of you an option.
Jake: Yes ma’am 🫡
Jake: I like it when you’re bossy. It’s hot.
Liv: I’ll remember that 😏
Jake: 🥵
Liv: 😘
Liv: I better start getting ready. See you soon.
Jake: Can’t wait.
“Liv?” Jake calls as he shuts the door to your place a few hours later.
“In the bedroom,” you breathe a sigh of relief since you’ve been struggling to reach the zipper, “could you get my…”
You’re lost for words as your eyes meet his in the mirror. He looks so fucking good in all white.
“Wow,” he breathes, his eyes doing a hungry perusal of their own as he approaches, “you look incredible, Liv.”
“So do you,” you smile, turning your head for a kiss. It’s brief yet charged and a promise for what’s to come when the three of you get back tonight.
“Can you get my zipper?” You ask, turning to look at him in the mirror again, “I can’t quite reach it.
“Sure,” he murmurs hotly. Goosebumps follow his calloused fingertips as he trails down your bare back. He pulls the tab away from your skin so as not to catch it and inhales sharply when he reveals your lack of underwear by doing so.
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” you say with a little pout, “don’t tell Roo.”
“I won’t,” he promises before kissing your bare shoulder, “but he’s going to figure it out. He can’t keep his eyes or his hands off your ass.”
“That’s the plan,” you smile, eyes drifting close at the way his erection nudges your ass.
“Naughty, naughty girl,” Jake chuckles. He’s teasing but it makes you shiver when he continues, “You’re gonna be in trouble when he finds out.”
“Maybe that’s the point,” you whisper, cheeks heating as you bite your lip.
“Yeah?” Jake meets your eyes in the mirror as he grazes the sensitive skin of your neck with his teeth before gently sucking, not hard enough to leave a mark, “That’s…I’d like to see that.”
“Hopefully you can tonight,” you reply, turning your head for a kiss, but the doorbell rings just as your lips touch.
“Will you let him in?” You pull back regretfully, “I’ve got to put my lipstick on yet.”
“Course,” he pats your bottom as he pulls away, adjusting his obvious hard-on before walking out.
Your ears strain to hear what they’re saying as you paint your lips, but it suddenly goes quiet.
“Hey Ro-” you say as you walk out of your bedroom, stopping in your tracks at the sight.
Jake’s up against the closed front door, Bradley crowding him into it, his hat on the floor from Jake’s hands running through his curls.
“God Jake,” Bradley groans, burying his face into Jake's neck as he ruts shamelessly against him. His ass looks so good in those white pants, “look at you. I’m gonna be hard all fucking night.”
“Wait ‘til-oh,” Jake breathes, eyes screwed shut at something Bradley does with his mouth, “wait ‘til you see Liv.”
You decide it’s a good time to make your presence known and clear your throat as you pick up his fallen hat.
They both freeze like kids with their hands in the cookie jar.
Bradley straightens, pressing another kiss to his lips before pulling away.
“Fuck,” he breathes lowly as he takes his hat back, slowly looking you over, “you look stunning.”
“Thank you,” you smile, having to look away for a moment from his intense, heated look, “so do you.”
“Oh,” he clears his throat as he snaps out of the lust-fueled trance. “I brought flowers.”
“Sunflowers because they’re your favorite,” he says, giving you a small smile as he hands you an assortment of the big yellow flowers from where he’d set them down on the table by the door.
“You remembered,” you murmur.
“How could I forget? I’ve been in love with you for years,” He replies, leaning forward to kiss your cheek to avoid your lipstick.
“Thank you,” you whisper, blinking back tears.
“I also got these for Jake,” he picks up the other bouquet, this one full of coral-ish roses. He blushes adorably as he hands the bouquet to an also pink-faced Jake, “The lady at the flower shop said they signify passion, excitement, and appreciation.”
“I’ve never gotten flowers before,” Jake swallows thickly, obviously touched by the gesture. “Thank you, Roo. They’re beautiful.”
“You’re welcome,” he replies, relaxing a little with Jake’s appreciation.
“I brought cupcakes,” Jake says, nodding to the little box on the counter, “from that little bakery you guys talked about going to when you were kids. Figured we got dig into them when we get back and not wearing all white and a pretty dress.”
“That’s probably a good idea,” you laugh, “Thank you, Jake, that was sweet of you.”
“No way, you even got the strawberry kind I talked about,” Bradley’s eyes widen as he opens the box, “and the chocolate peanut butter for Liv.”
“Yeah,” Jake looks down bashfully as he hands his flowers to put in a vase beside yours, “I put it in my phone after you guys were talking about it so I wouldn’t for-“
He cuts off and when you look up from the flowers, you realize because they’re kissing again. But this time, it’s slower, sweeter, more tender than needy like before.
“I haven’t been there since my mom died,” Bradley says when he pulls back, cupping Jake’s jaw and rubbing his thumb softly over his cheek, “thank you.”
Tears return to your eyes and you quickly grab a tissue to dab at your eyes, not wanting your mascara to run. The clock catches your eye as you toss it in the garbage. “We better get going or we’ll be late.”
“Looks even better in person,” Nat smiles as she looks you over, looking stunning in her dress whites as well.
“Thank you,” You reply, “Look at you, Nat, you look great.”
“Thanks,” she grins.
“Bob thinks so too,” you nod your chin to Bob by the bar, who’s watching her every move.
“Keep that on the down low,” She flushes uncharacteristically, “it’s…I’m not sure what it is yet.”
“I will,” you promise, swirling the straw in the drink Jake brought you before being pulled away by Simpson, along with Bradley. The pair of them with Maverick are talking with RADM Cain, Uncle Ice, and several other big wigs.
Nat excuses herself a few minutes later so you make your way to the bar to order a second drink. Feeling the weight of someone’s eyes, you turn to see Bradley slowly looking you over from head to toe, lingering on your ass. You smile into your drink and make your way to your seat, which is conveniently between Bradley and Jake at the same table with the rest of the squad.
As usual, there’s lots of teasing, lots of laughter, and lots of drinks when in the presence of the group.
When the dinner is nearing the end, the lights dim for speeches and Bradley’s big hand settles on your thigh like he was waiting for it, making you jump. Jake glances your way at the movement, lip quirking when he notices the placement of Bradley’s hand.
Your nipples harden and goosebumps follow as his hand finds the slit by the outside of your thigh, slowly running his calloused fingertips up and down, higher and higher each time. He pauses by the time he gets to your hip, instantly noticing the lack of fabric where your underwear should be.
A decision you’re beginning to regret with the wetness suddenly gathering between your thighs.
“No underwear?” He murmurs, voice low and husky, making you shiver.
You shake your head, not trusting your voice.
“Did you forget?” His warm breath against your ear makes your eyes flutter closed.
You shake your head again, biting your lip at the way his breath hitches.
“Livi, Livi, Livi,” he sighs softly, sounding disappointed. Yet a quick glance down shows his cock certainly isn’t, “What am I going to do with you?”
“Ruin me,” you whisper hoarsely, finally meeting his lust-blown pupils in the low light, sliding your hand up his thigh and over his rock-hard erection, “you said when you were healed you were going to ruin me. So do it.”
His soft groan is covered by whatever Admiral Simpson just said.
“Now, I’d like to invite Lieutenant Bradshaw, Lieutenant Seresin, and Captain Mitchell to the stage to receive their Distinguished Flying Crosses.”
Bradley’s face, already flushed from arousal, darkens further from the sudden attention. He manages to discreetly adjust himself before rising with Jake to take the stage.
Your heart races in panic as he climbs the stairs but breathe a sigh of relief when he turns; his coat covers his groin. Jake is biting his cheek to not break out into a shit-eating grin.
Simpson begins speaking again and Bradley meets your eyes, the look he gives you dark and full of promise.
He has to look away when you wink.
Bring it on, Roo. Bring it on.
All of that is put on the back burner though as your boys each are pinned with the Distinguished Flying Cross. Proud tears fill your eyes as they shake RADM Cain’s hand and spill over when Bradley pulls Mav in for a hug.
The rest of the evening passes quickly in a blur of handshakes, smiles, and photographs. The drinks are flowing but you, Jake, and Bradley are all taking it easy in anticipation of your later plans.
Finally, you’re able to sneak out undetected.
You almost think Bradley’s forgotten by the way the conversation flows easily in Jake’s truck on the way back to your apartment. He’s laughing about something Jake says as he helps you out of the truck and you’re fighting the urge to pout as you pull out your keys to unlock the door.
A gasp escapes you when the key slides into the lock; a hand weaves into your hair and tugs your head back, exposing your throat.
“You thought I forgot, didn’t you?” Bradley breathes, nipping your neck. Even through the layers of fabric, it’s obvious how hot and hard he is. “Can’t believe you thought I’d forget almost having my superior officers seeing the hard-on you gave me.”
You whimper as he tightens his hold, almost to the point of pain.
“Answer me,” he growls.
“Uhm,” your mind scrambles to think of what he asked, but then you remember, nodding, “Yeah I-I thought you forgot.”
“Well I haven’t,” he chuckles lowly, “Do you want to give your neighbors a show?” He continues when you shake your head as much as his grip on your hair will allow, “then open the door.”
He crowds you inside as it swings open and you hear Jake take out your keys, setting them on the table before the door closes.
Bradley walks you straight into your bedroom, pinning you against the bed by his hips, rutting his cock into your ass.
“I want you to say ‘red’ if you want me to stop what I’m doing immediately,” he rasps, stepping back to slowly pull down your zipper, “‘Yellow’ if you need me to slow down,” he inhales sharply as the silky material falls to the floor, leaving you bare, “and ‘green’ to keep going.”
“Okay,” you laugh nervously, “should I call you Mr. Grey too?”
Your body jolts forward and you hear the slap before you feel the hot sting on your ass cheek, making you inhale sharply.
“Nah,” Bradley‘s smirk is evident in his voice, and your face suddenly feels as warm as your bottom, “sir is fine.”
“O-okay,” you stutter, hissing when he leaves a matching handprint on your other cheek, gripping the abused flesh harshly.
“Fuck,” Jake curses from somewhere behind you, sounding wrecked already.
“What was that?” Bradley mocks, “didn’t sound like ‘yes sir’ to me.”
You whimper, thighs coated with your arousal.
But when his hand releases your ass presumably to spank you again, you quickly rush out, “Yes sir.”
“‘Atta girl,” he smiles, spanking you again anyway, harder yet, “sit down.”
Your legs are trembling as you turn around to sit. The look in Bradley’s eyes and the way Jake’s palming the front of his pants has you looking at the floor while your thighs rub together.
“I should make you stand in the corner like the naughty little girl you are,” he grips your chin, making you look up at him, “but I’ll be nice and let you watch. This time.”
“Thank you, sir,” you whisper.
His eyes darken further but he drops his hand and turns to Jake, who’s breathing as hard as you.
“What should I do to her?” He asks, unbuttoning Jake’s jacket and pulling it off before doing the same to his own, hanging them both on the back of the chair, “Hmm? Give her the spanking she doesn’t want but obviously needs?”
The humiliation from his words has you squirming, but you don’t let on; instead scoffing, eyes narrowing as Jake nods.
“I think so too,” Bradley agrees, unbuttoning Jake’s pants before pushing them over his ass and down his legs, letting him step out of them while he takes off his own.
“Then how about I make her watch while I get you off? I’ve been dying to get my mouth on that pretty cock,” Bradley continues, pointedly ignoring you.
“Please,” Jake whines, pulling Bradley in by his dog tags for a kiss. Bradley quickly takes control of it, licking into Jake’s mouth.
“Do you want to cum in my mouth?” Bradley asks when he finally pulls back, “Or do you want to cum inside her?”
“Both,” Jake sighs as Bradley’s hands run down his back before pushing under his boxer-briefs.
“I think we can make that happen. We can both fill her up. Not sure if she’ll get to cum tonight or not” Bradley chuckles, squeezing his bare ass and making him groan.
“You like that?” Bradley coos, kissing along Jake’s nodding jaw as he squeezes again, “God, the things I want to this ass.”
“Like what?” Jake gasps, head falling back as Bradley ravishes his neck.
You bite back a whimper at the sight, leaning back to trail your fingers between your legs and circle your clit.
“The same thing I want to do to Liv’s,” Bradley replies, “spank it, bite it, eat it, fuck it,” he pulls back from Jake’s neck at his shudders to look at him, “Yeah? You want that?”
His words just spur you on. You definitely want it.
“I want it,” Jake answers, “please Roo. I want to do it all with you.”
“Fuck,” Bradley whispers before meeting him again in a deep kiss.
You circle your clit faster as you watch them kiss and touch, pushing their undershirts over their heads, and soon their boxers are gone too. The tiniest whimper leaves you when you fall over the edge right as Jake gets his hand around Bradley’s cock.
Both of their heads whip toward you at the sound, but your eyes fall closed as the pleasure consumes you.
“Go sit down while I take care of this,” you hear Bradley sigh to Jake before giving him a quick kiss.
The way he talks about you like you’re an object has arousal rushing through you again.
Strong hands lift your body before turning you over, and when you open your lust-heavy eyes, you find yourself across Bradley’s knee.
A/N: Phew that was a long one! I’m really sorry to cut it there but it was almost double what I normally write and I wanted to go into Bradey and Jake’s relationship a little more before they get involved more. What did you think?
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
87 notes · View notes
lexixstewart · 23 days
same!! i just LOVE them😩
thank you! i wish i could skip the college part of my 20s😭i was hoping w more time in my days i wouldn’t stress as much but NOPE😒 (although i do enjoy the discounts i get from it hahaha)
I Love You Two
Part 8
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley Bradshaw x OFC x Jake Seresin.
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Summary: Getting time together proves difficult in the aftermath of the mission and you’re getting impatient to have Bradley when he’s back to health. He’s going to have you and more when you tease him on a special night.
Warnings: Adults (18+) only! MDNI! M/M kissing/ touching, a little spanking, dirty talk, teasing, etc.
The rest of the weekend is much of the same; lounging around and making each other feel good without hurting Bradley. They tell you as much as they can about the mission, giving you chills and bringing tears to your eyes at Bradley’s palpable fear as he recalls the near-death experience. Much to your surprise(and delight), Bradley says he and Mav said they were going to sit down and finally talk soon.
The best part is getting to watch Jake and Bradley’s budding relationship from a front-row seat.
“Let me guess,” Bradley says, head in your lap and legs on Jake’s he turns on a football game, “You were the star quarterback, dated the head cheerleader, homecoming king, all that jazz?”
Jake snorts but doesn’t deny it.
“Knew it,” Roo smiles, nudging his stomach with his foot. “So your family doesn’t know you swing both ways then?”
“I barely knew I swing both ways,” he tilts his head as if he’s thinking, eyes still on the TV, “I don’t think my sister, Abby, will be surprised though. She’s very observant,” he laughs, “I wondered more than once if she could read my mind.”
He says it like he’s planning on telling his family about this, making your heart skip a beat.
When you glance down, Bradley’s looking up; thinking the same.
“If…or when my dad finds out,” Jake sighs as he shakes his head, “It’ll just be another thing he’ll be disappointed in me for.”
“What?” Bradley barely cringes as he sits up, the anger overriding any discomfort, “Why-How could your dad ever be disappointed in you?”
Bradley’s concern is endearing, but you hurt for Jake too.
“My old man’s a hardass,” Jake explains, no longer focused on TV but not looking at either of you, “I never did anything right growing up, was never enough. I got good grades but I wasn’t valedictorian; excelled in sports but never won State; worked 2 jobs in high school but he’d worked 3.”
Bradley puts his hand on Jake’s thigh when he pauses, giving him a comforting squeeze as you both wait for him to continue.
“He was better to my sisters, and he really loved my ma, but how he treated me took a toll on their marriage. She left him after I graduated high school,” he blinks back tears as yours fall. “He blames me; told me it was my fault.”
“That’s not true, Jake,” you say softly.
“I know, still fucked me up though, obviously,” his lip quirks ruefully as he looks at Bradley, “It’s why I treated you the way I did when we first met. I saw you weren’t flying to your full potential and I turned into him.”
“You were right though,” Bradley admits, “I wasn’t and I needed the kick in the ass to do better.”
“But I didn’t need to be like him,” Jake says, looking away, ashamed, “I’m sorry, I could’ve-“
“Hey, we’re long past that,” Bradley reaches up and turns Jake’s chin towards his own, “I forgive you. Hell, I forgave you even before you saved my life.”
Jake responds by leaning in to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
The three of you head to bed not long after. Sleep comes to you easily, more content than ever snuggled between them.
Like always, Monday morning comes too soon.
Though it’s better than normal when you get a kiss from each of them as you see them off, smiling as Bradley gives Jake one and the flush that follows.
Since they both played a large part in the mission, they’re both involved in the huge headache of the investigation that follows, giving you hardly any time together.
There’s no time for sleepovers but you do manage a few lunches and one evening with them both. Bradley is a shameless flirt with Jake and you get a kick out of watching him flush as much as Bradley does.
Jake is cleared from the investigation before Bradley but is sent to the carrier for training with little notice and you don’t even get to say goodbye besides a text.
“Investigation is almost over,” Bradley sighs as he takes a seat across from your desk, setting his lunch down. It’s been almost two weeks since that weekend together.
“Finally,” you mutter, picking at your salad, “can we do something this weekend? Do you know if Jake will be back? I miss you guys.”
“I miss you too,” Bradley nudges your knee with his, “and I know Jake does too. I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to see you. But they’re having a celebratory dinner for the squad on Saturday. I was wondering if you’d come as my unofficial date.”
“Unofficial date?”
He smiles when you give him a questioning look, “Well you’ll be Jake’s official date, obviously, since everyone already knows you’re dating,” his brow suddenly furrows, “Not that I don’t want people to know we’re together, I just-“
“I know, Roo,” you press a quick kiss to his cheek, “it’s still new. We’ll tell everyone when we’re ready.
“I just don’t want you to think I’m ashamed of you, or Jake, or what we have.”
“I know you’re not,” you assure him, the yellowing bruise on his chest catching your eye as he nods, “that looks a lot better.”
He looks down, “Oh yeah. I have an appointment with medical, I bet they’ll clear me to fly again. It feels a lot better. Doesn’t hurt unless I touch it.”
“So don’t touch it,” you tease.
“We’ll pick you up around 5 on Saturday then,” Bradley say after he rolls his eyes.
“What should I wear?” You ask, “Is it formal?”
“I’m guessing so,” Bradley shrugs, “we have to wear our dress whites.”
Your heart skips a beat at the thought of seeing them both dressed up.
“Okay,” you reply, trying to think of what’s your in closet.
“What do you think of this one?” You ask, slipping the silky gown over your head before stepping into view of your phone, FaceTiming Nat. “I haven’t worn it yet,” your fingers fiddle with the tag, “I bought it for my ex’s friend’s wedding, but we broke up before we went.”
She gives you a low whistle, “Yep. That’s the one.”
“Yeah?” You ask as you turn to look in the mirror, loving the feel of satin sliding over your skin.
“Yeah,” she confirms, “definitely. Jake’s gonna have trouble keeping his hands off you.”
“It’s perfect then,” you bite your lip, “thanks for the help, Nat.”
“No problem, what shoes are-” she’s interrupted by her doorbell ringing, making her eyes widen, “shit, that’s Bob. I gotta go.”
“Just Bob?” You give her a smile before checking the time, “at almost 10? Kind of late for a social call. Or is it a booty-“
“Bye Liv, see you Saturday if not sooner!” She cuts you off with a grin as the screen goes dark.
Jake let you know he’s back over Saturday around noon.
Jake: I’m back. Holy shit I miss you.
Liv: I miss you too. I can’t wait to see you…especially when you’re all dressed up 😏
Jake: Can’t wait to see you either. I’m so glad you’re coming. Roo said he was going to invite you.
Liv: Yes, as your official date and his unofficial one🙄😂
Jake: 🤷🏼 It doesn’t matter to me as long as we get to go home with you after.
Liv: You will be. I’m not giving either of you an option.
Jake: Yes ma’am 🫡
Jake: I like it when you’re bossy. It’s hot.
Liv: I’ll remember that 😏
Jake: 🥵
Liv: 😘
Liv: I better start getting ready. See you soon.
Jake: Can’t wait.
“Liv?” Jake calls as he shuts the door to your place a few hours later.
“In the bedroom,” you breathe a sigh of relief since you’ve been struggling to reach the zipper, “could you get my…”
You’re lost for words as your eyes meet his in the mirror. He looks so fucking good in all white.
“Wow,” he breathes, his eyes doing a hungry perusal of their own as he approaches, “you look incredible, Liv.”
“So do you,” you smile, turning your head for a kiss. It’s brief yet charged and a promise for what’s to come when the three of you get back tonight.
“Can you get my zipper?” You ask, turning to look at him in the mirror again, “I can’t quite reach it.
“Sure,” he murmurs hotly. Goosebumps follow his calloused fingertips as he trails down your bare back. He pulls the tab away from your skin so as not to catch it and inhales sharply when he reveals your lack of underwear by doing so.
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” you say with a little pout, “don’t tell Roo.”
“I won’t,” he promises before kissing your bare shoulder, “but he’s going to figure it out. He can’t keep his eyes or his hands off your ass.”
“That’s the plan,” you smile, eyes drifting close at the way his erection nudges your ass.
“Naughty, naughty girl,” Jake chuckles. He’s teasing but it makes you shiver when he continues, “You’re gonna be in trouble when he finds out.”
“Maybe that’s the point,” you whisper, cheeks heating as you bite your lip.
“Yeah?” Jake meets your eyes in the mirror as he grazes the sensitive skin of your neck with his teeth before gently sucking, not hard enough to leave a mark, “That’s…I’d like to see that.”
“Hopefully you can tonight,” you reply, turning your head for a kiss, but the doorbell rings just as your lips touch.
“Will you let him in?” You pull back regretfully, “I’ve got to put my lipstick on yet.”
“Course,” he pats your bottom as he pulls away, adjusting his obvious hard-on before walking out.
Your ears strain to hear what they’re saying as you paint your lips, but it suddenly goes quiet.
“Hey Ro-” you say as you walk out of your bedroom, stopping in your tracks at the sight.
Jake’s up against the closed front door, Bradley crowding him into it, his hat on the floor from Jake’s hands running through his curls.
“God Jake,” Bradley groans, burying his face into Jake's neck as he ruts shamelessly against him. His ass looks so good in those white pants, “look at you. I’m gonna be hard all fucking night.”
“Wait ‘til-oh,” Jake breathes, eyes screwed shut at something Bradley does with his mouth, “wait ‘til you see Liv.”
You decide it’s a good time to make your presence known and clear your throat as you pick up his fallen hat.
They both freeze like kids with their hands in the cookie jar.
Bradley straightens, pressing another kiss to his lips before pulling away.
“Fuck,” he breathes lowly as he takes his hat back, slowly looking you over, “you look stunning.”
“Thank you,” you smile, having to look away for a moment from his intense, heated look, “so do you.”
“Oh,” he clears his throat as he snaps out of the lust-fueled trance. “I brought flowers.”
“Sunflowers because they’re your favorite,” he says, giving you a small smile as he hands you an assortment of the big yellow flowers from where he’d set them down on the table by the door.
“You remembered,” you murmur.
“How could I forget? I’ve been in love with you for years,” He replies, leaning forward to kiss your cheek to avoid your lipstick.
“Thank you,” you whisper, blinking back tears.
“I also got these for Jake,” he picks up the other bouquet, this one full of coral-ish roses. He blushes adorably as he hands the bouquet to an also pink-faced Jake, “The lady at the flower shop said they signify passion, excitement, and appreciation.”
“I’ve never gotten flowers before,” Jake swallows thickly, obviously touched by the gesture. “Thank you, Roo. They’re beautiful.”
“You’re welcome,” he replies, relaxing a little with Jake’s appreciation.
“I brought cupcakes,” Jake says, nodding to the little box on the counter, “from that little bakery you guys talked about going to when you were kids. Figured we got dig into them when we get back and not wearing all white and a pretty dress.”
“That’s probably a good idea,” you laugh, “Thank you, Jake, that was sweet of you.”
“No way, you even got the strawberry kind I talked about,” Bradley’s eyes widen as he opens the box, “and the chocolate peanut butter for Liv.”
“Yeah,” Jake looks down bashfully as he hands his flowers to put in a vase beside yours, “I put it in my phone after you guys were talking about it so I wouldn’t for-“
He cuts off and when you look up from the flowers, you realize because they’re kissing again. But this time, it’s slower, sweeter, more tender than needy like before.
“I haven’t been there since my mom died,” Bradley says when he pulls back, cupping Jake’s jaw and rubbing his thumb softly over his cheek, “thank you.”
Tears return to your eyes and you quickly grab a tissue to dab at your eyes, not wanting your mascara to run. The clock catches your eye as you toss it in the garbage. “We better get going or we’ll be late.”
“Looks even better in person,” Nat smiles as she looks you over, looking stunning in her dress whites as well.
“Thank you,” You reply, “Look at you, Nat, you look great.”
“Thanks,” she grins.
“Bob thinks so too,” you nod your chin to Bob by the bar, who’s watching her every move.
“Keep that on the down low,” She flushes uncharacteristically, “it’s…I’m not sure what it is yet.”
“I will,” you promise, swirling the straw in the drink Jake brought you before being pulled away by Simpson, along with Bradley. The pair of them with Maverick are talking with RADM Cain, Uncle Ice, and several other big wigs.
Nat excuses herself a few minutes later so you make your way to the bar to order a second drink. Feeling the weight of someone’s eyes, you turn to see Bradley slowly looking you over from head to toe, lingering on your ass. You smile into your drink and make your way to your seat, which is conveniently between Bradley and Jake at the same table with the rest of the squad.
As usual, there’s lots of teasing, lots of laughter, and lots of drinks when in the presence of the group.
When the dinner is nearing the end, the lights dim for speeches and Bradley’s big hand settles on your thigh like he was waiting for it, making you jump. Jake glances your way at the movement, lip quirking when he notices the placement of Bradley’s hand.
Your nipples harden and goosebumps follow as his hand finds the slit by the outside of your thigh, slowly running his calloused fingertips up and down, higher and higher each time. He pauses by the time he gets to your hip, instantly noticing the lack of fabric where your underwear should be.
A decision you’re beginning to regret with the wetness suddenly gathering between your thighs.
“No underwear?” He murmurs, voice low and husky, making you shiver.
You shake your head, not trusting your voice.
“Did you forget?” His warm breath against your ear makes your eyes flutter closed.
You shake your head again, biting your lip at the way his breath hitches.
“Livi, Livi, Livi,” he sighs softly, sounding disappointed. Yet a quick glance down shows his cock certainly isn’t, “What am I going to do with you?”
“Ruin me,” you whisper hoarsely, finally meeting his lust-blown pupils in the low light, sliding your hand up his thigh and over his rock-hard erection, “you said when you were healed you were going to ruin me. So do it.”
His soft groan is covered by whatever Admiral Simpson just said.
“Now, I’d like to invite Lieutenant Bradshaw, Lieutenant Seresin, and Captain Mitchell to the stage to receive their Distinguished Flying Crosses.”
Bradley’s face, already flushed from arousal, darkens further from the sudden attention. He manages to discreetly adjust himself before rising with Jake to take the stage.
Your heart races in panic as he climbs the stairs but breathe a sigh of relief when he turns; his coat covers his groin. Jake is biting his cheek to not break out into a shit-eating grin.
Simpson begins speaking again and Bradley meets your eyes, the look he gives you dark and full of promise.
He has to look away when you wink.
Bring it on, Roo. Bring it on.
All of that is put on the back burner though as your boys each are pinned with the Distinguished Flying Cross. Proud tears fill your eyes as they shake RADM Cain’s hand and spill over when Bradley pulls Mav in for a hug.
The rest of the evening passes quickly in a blur of handshakes, smiles, and photographs. The drinks are flowing but you, Jake, and Bradley are all taking it easy in anticipation of your later plans.
Finally, you’re able to sneak out undetected.
You almost think Bradley’s forgotten by the way the conversation flows easily in Jake’s truck on the way back to your apartment. He’s laughing about something Jake says as he helps you out of the truck and you’re fighting the urge to pout as you pull out your keys to unlock the door.
A gasp escapes you when the key slides into the lock; a hand weaves into your hair and tugs your head back, exposing your throat.
“You thought I forgot, didn’t you?” Bradley breathes, nipping your neck. Even through the layers of fabric, it’s obvious how hot and hard he is. “Can’t believe you thought I’d forget almost having my superior officers seeing the hard-on you gave me.”
You whimper as he tightens his hold, almost to the point of pain.
“Answer me,” he growls.
“Uhm,” your mind scrambles to think of what he asked, but then you remember, nodding, “Yeah I-I thought you forgot.”
“Well I haven’t,” he chuckles lowly, “Do you want to give your neighbors a show?” He continues when you shake your head as much as his grip on your hair will allow, “then open the door.”
He crowds you inside as it swings open and you hear Jake take out your keys, setting them on the table before the door closes.
Bradley walks you straight into your bedroom, pinning you against the bed by his hips, rutting his cock into your ass.
“I want you to say ‘red’ if you want me to stop what I’m doing immediately,” he rasps, stepping back to slowly pull down your zipper, “‘Yellow’ if you need me to slow down,” he inhales sharply as the silky material falls to the floor, leaving you bare, “and ‘green’ to keep going.”
“Okay,” you laugh nervously, “should I call you Mr. Grey too?”
Your body jolts forward and you hear the slap before you feel the hot sting on your ass cheek, making you inhale sharply.
“Nah,” Bradley‘s smirk is evident in his voice, and your face suddenly feels as warm as your bottom, “sir is fine.”
“O-okay,” you stutter, hissing when he leaves a matching handprint on your other cheek, gripping the abused flesh harshly.
“Fuck,” Jake curses from somewhere behind you, sounding wrecked already.
“What was that?” Bradley mocks, “didn’t sound like ‘yes sir’ to me.”
You whimper, thighs coated with your arousal.
But when his hand releases your ass presumably to spank you again, you quickly rush out, “Yes sir.”
“‘Atta girl,” he smiles, spanking you again anyway, harder yet, “sit down.”
Your legs are trembling as you turn around to sit. The look in Bradley’s eyes and the way Jake’s palming the front of his pants has you looking at the floor while your thighs rub together.
“I should make you stand in the corner like the naughty little girl you are,” he grips your chin, making you look up at him, “but I’ll be nice and let you watch. This time.”
“Thank you, sir,” you whisper.
His eyes darken further but he drops his hand and turns to Jake, who’s breathing as hard as you.
“What should I do to her?” He asks, unbuttoning Jake’s jacket and pulling it off before doing the same to his own, hanging them both on the back of the chair, “Hmm? Give her the spanking she doesn’t want but obviously needs?”
The humiliation from his words has you squirming, but you don’t let on; instead scoffing, eyes narrowing as Jake nods.
“I think so too,” Bradley agrees, unbuttoning Jake’s pants before pushing them over his ass and down his legs, letting him step out of them while he takes off his own.
“Then how about I make her watch while I get you off? I’ve been dying to get my mouth on that pretty cock,” Bradley continues, pointedly ignoring you.
“Please,” Jake whines, pulling Bradley in by his dog tags for a kiss. Bradley quickly takes control of it, licking into Jake’s mouth.
“Do you want to cum in my mouth?” Bradley asks when he finally pulls back, “Or do you want to cum inside her?”
“Both,” Jake sighs as Bradley’s hands run down his back before pushing under his boxer-briefs.
“I think we can make that happen. We can both fill her up. Not sure if she’ll get to cum tonight or not” Bradley chuckles, squeezing his bare ass and making him groan.
“You like that?” Bradley coos, kissing along Jake’s nodding jaw as he squeezes again, “God, the things I want to this ass.”
“Like what?” Jake gasps, head falling back as Bradley ravishes his neck.
You bite back a whimper at the sight, leaning back to trail your fingers between your legs and circle your clit.
“The same thing I want to do to Liv’s,” Bradley replies, “spank it, bite it, eat it, fuck it,” he pulls back from Jake’s neck at his shudders to look at him, “Yeah? You want that?”
His words just spur you on. You definitely want it.
“I want it,” Jake answers, “please Roo. I want to do it all with you.”
“Fuck,” Bradley whispers before meeting him again in a deep kiss.
You circle your clit faster as you watch them kiss and touch, pushing their undershirts over their heads, and soon their boxers are gone too. The tiniest whimper leaves you when you fall over the edge right as Jake gets his hand around Bradley’s cock.
Both of their heads whip toward you at the sound, but your eyes fall closed as the pleasure consumes you.
“Go sit down while I take care of this,” you hear Bradley sigh to Jake before giving him a quick kiss.
The way he talks about you like you’re an object has arousal rushing through you again.
Strong hands lift your body before turning you over, and when you open your lust-heavy eyes, you find yourself across Bradley’s knee.
A/N: Phew that was a long one! I’m really sorry to cut it there but it was almost double what I normally write and I wanted to go into Bradey and Jake’s relationship a little more before they get involved more. What did you think?
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
87 notes · View notes
lexixstewart · 23 days
holy shit🥵 who knew i would enjoy m/m as much as i did😅🫣
love that jake found out before bradley abt the underwear but still let liv tease bradley abt it!
also jake calling bradley roo🥹 love that jake’s opening himself up!
one more thing….i was just stressing myself to the point of crying and/or dying over my uni homework and you totally saved me! thank you!!🤍🫶🏻
I Love You Two
Part 8
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley Bradshaw x OFC x Jake Seresin.
Tumblr media
Summary: Getting time together proves difficult in the aftermath of the mission and you’re getting impatient to have Bradley when he’s back to health. He’s going to have you and more when you tease him on a special night.
Warnings: Adults (18+) only! MDNI! M/M kissing/ touching, a little spanking, dirty talk, teasing, etc.
The rest of the weekend is much of the same; lounging around and making each other feel good without hurting Bradley. They tell you as much as they can about the mission, giving you chills and bringing tears to your eyes at Bradley’s palpable fear as he recalls the near-death experience. Much to your surprise(and delight), Bradley says he and Mav said they were going to sit down and finally talk soon.
The best part is getting to watch Jake and Bradley’s budding relationship from a front-row seat.
“Let me guess,” Bradley says, head in your lap and legs on Jake’s he turns on a football game, “You were the star quarterback, dated the head cheerleader, homecoming king, all that jazz?”
Jake snorts but doesn’t deny it.
“Knew it,” Roo smiles, nudging his stomach with his foot. “So your family doesn’t know you swing both ways then?”
“I barely knew I swing both ways,” he tilts his head as if he’s thinking, eyes still on the TV, “I don’t think my sister, Abby, will be surprised though. She’s very observant,” he laughs, “I wondered more than once if she could read my mind.”
He says it like he’s planning on telling his family about this, making your heart skip a beat.
When you glance down, Bradley’s looking up; thinking the same.
“If…or when my dad finds out,” Jake sighs as he shakes his head, “It’ll just be another thing he’ll be disappointed in me for.”
“What?” Bradley barely cringes as he sits up, the anger overriding any discomfort, “Why-How could your dad ever be disappointed in you?”
Bradley’s concern is endearing, but you hurt for Jake too.
“My old man’s a hardass,” Jake explains, no longer focused on TV but not looking at either of you, “I never did anything right growing up, was never enough. I got good grades but I wasn’t valedictorian; excelled in sports but never won State; worked 2 jobs in high school but he’d worked 3.”
Bradley puts his hand on Jake’s thigh when he pauses, giving him a comforting squeeze as you both wait for him to continue.
“He was better to my sisters, and he really loved my ma, but how he treated me took a toll on their marriage. She left him after I graduated high school,” he blinks back tears as yours fall. “He blames me; told me it was my fault.”
“That’s not true, Jake,” you say softly.
“I know, still fucked me up though, obviously,” his lip quirks ruefully as he looks at Bradley, “It’s why I treated you the way I did when we first met. I saw you weren’t flying to your full potential and I turned into him.”
“You were right though,” Bradley admits, “I wasn’t and I needed the kick in the ass to do better.”
“But I didn’t need to be like him,” Jake says, looking away, ashamed, “I’m sorry, I could’ve-“
“Hey, we’re long past that,” Bradley reaches up and turns Jake’s chin towards his own, “I forgive you. Hell, I forgave you even before you saved my life.”
Jake responds by leaning in to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
The three of you head to bed not long after. Sleep comes to you easily, more content than ever snuggled between them.
Like always, Monday morning comes too soon.
Though it’s better than normal when you get a kiss from each of them as you see them off, smiling as Bradley gives Jake one and the flush that follows.
Since they both played a large part in the mission, they’re both involved in the huge headache of the investigation that follows, giving you hardly any time together.
There’s no time for sleepovers but you do manage a few lunches and one evening with them both. Bradley is a shameless flirt with Jake and you get a kick out of watching him flush as much as Bradley does.
Jake is cleared from the investigation before Bradley but is sent to the carrier for training with little notice and you don’t even get to say goodbye besides a text.
“Investigation is almost over,” Bradley sighs as he takes a seat across from your desk, setting his lunch down. It’s been almost two weeks since that weekend together.
“Finally,” you mutter, picking at your salad, “can we do something this weekend? Do you know if Jake will be back? I miss you guys.”
“I miss you too,” Bradley nudges your knee with his, “and I know Jake does too. I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to see you. But they’re having a celebratory dinner for the squad on Saturday. I was wondering if you’d come as my unofficial date.”
“Unofficial date?”
He smiles when you give him a questioning look, “Well you’ll be Jake’s official date, obviously, since everyone already knows you’re dating,” his brow suddenly furrows, “Not that I don’t want people to know we’re together, I just-“
“I know, Roo,” you press a quick kiss to his cheek, “it’s still new. We’ll tell everyone when we’re ready.
“I just don’t want you to think I’m ashamed of you, or Jake, or what we have.”
“I know you’re not,” you assure him, the yellowing bruise on his chest catching your eye as he nods, “that looks a lot better.”
He looks down, “Oh yeah. I have an appointment with medical, I bet they’ll clear me to fly again. It feels a lot better. Doesn’t hurt unless I touch it.”
“So don’t touch it,” you tease.
“We’ll pick you up around 5 on Saturday then,” Bradley say after he rolls his eyes.
“What should I wear?” You ask, “Is it formal?”
“I’m guessing so,” Bradley shrugs, “we have to wear our dress whites.”
Your heart skips a beat at the thought of seeing them both dressed up.
“Okay,” you reply, trying to think of what’s your in closet.
“What do you think of this one?” You ask, slipping the silky gown over your head before stepping into view of your phone, FaceTiming Nat. “I haven’t worn it yet,” your fingers fiddle with the tag, “I bought it for my ex’s friend’s wedding, but we broke up before we went.”
She gives you a low whistle, “Yep. That’s the one.”
“Yeah?” You ask as you turn to look in the mirror, loving the feel of satin sliding over your skin.
“Yeah,” she confirms, “definitely. Jake’s gonna have trouble keeping his hands off you.”
“It’s perfect then,” you bite your lip, “thanks for the help, Nat.”
“No problem, what shoes are-” she’s interrupted by her doorbell ringing, making her eyes widen, “shit, that’s Bob. I gotta go.”
“Just Bob?” You give her a smile before checking the time, “at almost 10? Kind of late for a social call. Or is it a booty-“
“Bye Liv, see you Saturday if not sooner!” She cuts you off with a grin as the screen goes dark.
Jake let you know he’s back over Saturday around noon.
Jake: I’m back. Holy shit I miss you.
Liv: I miss you too. I can’t wait to see you…especially when you’re all dressed up 😏
Jake: Can’t wait to see you either. I’m so glad you’re coming. Roo said he was going to invite you.
Liv: Yes, as your official date and his unofficial one🙄😂
Jake: 🤷🏼 It doesn’t matter to me as long as we get to go home with you after.
Liv: You will be. I’m not giving either of you an option.
Jake: Yes ma’am 🫡
Jake: I like it when you’re bossy. It’s hot.
Liv: I’ll remember that 😏
Jake: 🥵
Liv: 😘
Liv: I better start getting ready. See you soon.
Jake: Can’t wait.
“Liv?” Jake calls as he shuts the door to your place a few hours later.
“In the bedroom,” you breathe a sigh of relief since you’ve been struggling to reach the zipper, “could you get my…”
You’re lost for words as your eyes meet his in the mirror. He looks so fucking good in all white.
“Wow,” he breathes, his eyes doing a hungry perusal of their own as he approaches, “you look incredible, Liv.”
“So do you,” you smile, turning your head for a kiss. It’s brief yet charged and a promise for what’s to come when the three of you get back tonight.
“Can you get my zipper?” You ask, turning to look at him in the mirror again, “I can’t quite reach it.
“Sure,” he murmurs hotly. Goosebumps follow his calloused fingertips as he trails down your bare back. He pulls the tab away from your skin so as not to catch it and inhales sharply when he reveals your lack of underwear by doing so.
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” you say with a little pout, “don’t tell Roo.”
“I won’t,” he promises before kissing your bare shoulder, “but he’s going to figure it out. He can’t keep his eyes or his hands off your ass.”
“That’s the plan,” you smile, eyes drifting close at the way his erection nudges your ass.
“Naughty, naughty girl,” Jake chuckles. He’s teasing but it makes you shiver when he continues, “You’re gonna be in trouble when he finds out.”
“Maybe that’s the point,” you whisper, cheeks heating as you bite your lip.
“Yeah?” Jake meets your eyes in the mirror as he grazes the sensitive skin of your neck with his teeth before gently sucking, not hard enough to leave a mark, “That’s…I’d like to see that.”
“Hopefully you can tonight,” you reply, turning your head for a kiss, but the doorbell rings just as your lips touch.
“Will you let him in?” You pull back regretfully, “I’ve got to put my lipstick on yet.”
“Course,” he pats your bottom as he pulls away, adjusting his obvious hard-on before walking out.
Your ears strain to hear what they’re saying as you paint your lips, but it suddenly goes quiet.
“Hey Ro-” you say as you walk out of your bedroom, stopping in your tracks at the sight.
Jake’s up against the closed front door, Bradley crowding him into it, his hat on the floor from Jake’s hands running through his curls.
“God Jake,” Bradley groans, burying his face into Jake's neck as he ruts shamelessly against him. His ass looks so good in those white pants, “look at you. I’m gonna be hard all fucking night.”
“Wait ‘til-oh,” Jake breathes, eyes screwed shut at something Bradley does with his mouth, “wait ‘til you see Liv.”
You decide it’s a good time to make your presence known and clear your throat as you pick up his fallen hat.
They both freeze like kids with their hands in the cookie jar.
Bradley straightens, pressing another kiss to his lips before pulling away.
“Fuck,” he breathes lowly as he takes his hat back, slowly looking you over, “you look stunning.”
“Thank you,” you smile, having to look away for a moment from his intense, heated look, “so do you.”
“Oh,” he clears his throat as he snaps out of the lust-fueled trance. “I brought flowers.”
“Sunflowers because they’re your favorite,” he says, giving you a small smile as he hands you an assortment of the big yellow flowers from where he’d set them down on the table by the door.
“You remembered,” you murmur.
“How could I forget? I’ve been in love with you for years,” He replies, leaning forward to kiss your cheek to avoid your lipstick.
“Thank you,” you whisper, blinking back tears.
“I also got these for Jake,” he picks up the other bouquet, this one full of coral-ish roses. He blushes adorably as he hands the bouquet to an also pink-faced Jake, “The lady at the flower shop said they signify passion, excitement, and appreciation.”
“I’ve never gotten flowers before,” Jake swallows thickly, obviously touched by the gesture. “Thank you, Roo. They’re beautiful.”
“You’re welcome,” he replies, relaxing a little with Jake’s appreciation.
“I brought cupcakes,” Jake says, nodding to the little box on the counter, “from that little bakery you guys talked about going to when you were kids. Figured we got dig into them when we get back and not wearing all white and a pretty dress.”
“That’s probably a good idea,” you laugh, “Thank you, Jake, that was sweet of you.”
“No way, you even got the strawberry kind I talked about,” Bradley’s eyes widen as he opens the box, “and the chocolate peanut butter for Liv.”
“Yeah,” Jake looks down bashfully as he hands his flowers to put in a vase beside yours, “I put it in my phone after you guys were talking about it so I wouldn’t for-“
He cuts off and when you look up from the flowers, you realize because they’re kissing again. But this time, it’s slower, sweeter, more tender than needy like before.
“I haven’t been there since my mom died,” Bradley says when he pulls back, cupping Jake’s jaw and rubbing his thumb softly over his cheek, “thank you.”
Tears return to your eyes and you quickly grab a tissue to dab at your eyes, not wanting your mascara to run. The clock catches your eye as you toss it in the garbage. “We better get going or we’ll be late.”
“Looks even better in person,” Nat smiles as she looks you over, looking stunning in her dress whites as well.
“Thank you,” You reply, “Look at you, Nat, you look great.”
“Thanks,” she grins.
“Bob thinks so too,” you nod your chin to Bob by the bar, who’s watching her every move.
“Keep that on the down low,” She flushes uncharacteristically, “it’s…I’m not sure what it is yet.”
“I will,” you promise, swirling the straw in the drink Jake brought you before being pulled away by Simpson, along with Bradley. The pair of them with Maverick are talking with RADM Cain, Uncle Ice, and several other big wigs.
Nat excuses herself a few minutes later so you make your way to the bar to order a second drink. Feeling the weight of someone’s eyes, you turn to see Bradley slowly looking you over from head to toe, lingering on your ass. You smile into your drink and make your way to your seat, which is conveniently between Bradley and Jake at the same table with the rest of the squad.
As usual, there’s lots of teasing, lots of laughter, and lots of drinks when in the presence of the group.
When the dinner is nearing the end, the lights dim for speeches and Bradley’s big hand settles on your thigh like he was waiting for it, making you jump. Jake glances your way at the movement, lip quirking when he notices the placement of Bradley’s hand.
Your nipples harden and goosebumps follow as his hand finds the slit by the outside of your thigh, slowly running his calloused fingertips up and down, higher and higher each time. He pauses by the time he gets to your hip, instantly noticing the lack of fabric where your underwear should be.
A decision you’re beginning to regret with the wetness suddenly gathering between your thighs.
“No underwear?” He murmurs, voice low and husky, making you shiver.
You shake your head, not trusting your voice.
“Did you forget?” His warm breath against your ear makes your eyes flutter closed.
You shake your head again, biting your lip at the way his breath hitches.
“Livi, Livi, Livi,” he sighs softly, sounding disappointed. Yet a quick glance down shows his cock certainly isn’t, “What am I going to do with you?”
“Ruin me,” you whisper hoarsely, finally meeting his lust-blown pupils in the low light, sliding your hand up his thigh and over his rock-hard erection, “you said when you were healed you were going to ruin me. So do it.”
His soft groan is covered by whatever Admiral Simpson just said.
“Now, I’d like to invite Lieutenant Bradshaw, Lieutenant Seresin, and Captain Mitchell to the stage to receive their Distinguished Flying Crosses.”
Bradley’s face, already flushed from arousal, darkens further from the sudden attention. He manages to discreetly adjust himself before rising with Jake to take the stage.
Your heart races in panic as he climbs the stairs but breathe a sigh of relief when he turns; his coat covers his groin. Jake is biting his cheek to not break out into a shit-eating grin.
Simpson begins speaking again and Bradley meets your eyes, the look he gives you dark and full of promise.
He has to look away when you wink.
Bring it on, Roo. Bring it on.
All of that is put on the back burner though as your boys each are pinned with the Distinguished Flying Cross. Proud tears fill your eyes as they shake RADM Cain’s hand and spill over when Bradley pulls Mav in for a hug.
The rest of the evening passes quickly in a blur of handshakes, smiles, and photographs. The drinks are flowing but you, Jake, and Bradley are all taking it easy in anticipation of your later plans.
Finally, you’re able to sneak out undetected.
You almost think Bradley’s forgotten by the way the conversation flows easily in Jake’s truck on the way back to your apartment. He’s laughing about something Jake says as he helps you out of the truck and you’re fighting the urge to pout as you pull out your keys to unlock the door.
A gasp escapes you when the key slides into the lock; a hand weaves into your hair and tugs your head back, exposing your throat.
“You thought I forgot, didn’t you?” Bradley breathes, nipping your neck. Even through the layers of fabric, it’s obvious how hot and hard he is. “Can’t believe you thought I’d forget almost having my superior officers seeing the hard-on you gave me.”
You whimper as he tightens his hold, almost to the point of pain.
“Answer me,” he growls.
“Uhm,” your mind scrambles to think of what he asked, but then you remember, nodding, “Yeah I-I thought you forgot.”
“Well I haven’t,” he chuckles lowly, “Do you want to give your neighbors a show?” He continues when you shake your head as much as his grip on your hair will allow, “then open the door.”
He crowds you inside as it swings open and you hear Jake take out your keys, setting them on the table before the door closes.
Bradley walks you straight into your bedroom, pinning you against the bed by his hips, rutting his cock into your ass.
“I want you to say ‘red’ if you want me to stop what I’m doing immediately,” he rasps, stepping back to slowly pull down your zipper, “‘Yellow’ if you need me to slow down,” he inhales sharply as the silky material falls to the floor, leaving you bare, “and ‘green’ to keep going.”
“Okay,” you laugh nervously, “should I call you Mr. Grey too?”
Your body jolts forward and you hear the slap before you feel the hot sting on your ass cheek, making you inhale sharply.
“Nah,” Bradley‘s smirk is evident in his voice, and your face suddenly feels as warm as your bottom, “sir is fine.”
“O-okay,” you stutter, hissing when he leaves a matching handprint on your other cheek, gripping the abused flesh harshly.
“Fuck,” Jake curses from somewhere behind you, sounding wrecked already.
“What was that?” Bradley mocks, “didn’t sound like ‘yes sir’ to me.”
You whimper, thighs coated with your arousal.
But when his hand releases your ass presumably to spank you again, you quickly rush out, “Yes sir.”
“‘Atta girl,” he smiles, spanking you again anyway, harder yet, “sit down.”
Your legs are trembling as you turn around to sit. The look in Bradley’s eyes and the way Jake’s palming the front of his pants has you looking at the floor while your thighs rub together.
“I should make you stand in the corner like the naughty little girl you are,” he grips your chin, making you look up at him, “but I’ll be nice and let you watch. This time.”
“Thank you, sir,” you whisper.
His eyes darken further but he drops his hand and turns to Jake, who’s breathing as hard as you.
“What should I do to her?” He asks, unbuttoning Jake’s jacket and pulling it off before doing the same to his own, hanging them both on the back of the chair, “Hmm? Give her the spanking she doesn’t want but obviously needs?”
The humiliation from his words has you squirming, but you don’t let on; instead scoffing, eyes narrowing as Jake nods.
“I think so too,” Bradley agrees, unbuttoning Jake’s pants before pushing them over his ass and down his legs, letting him step out of them while he takes off his own.
“Then how about I make her watch while I get you off? I’ve been dying to get my mouth on that pretty cock,” Bradley continues, pointedly ignoring you.
“Please,” Jake whines, pulling Bradley in by his dog tags for a kiss. Bradley quickly takes control of it, licking into Jake’s mouth.
“Do you want to cum in my mouth?” Bradley asks when he finally pulls back, “Or do you want to cum inside her?”
“Both,” Jake sighs as Bradley’s hands run down his back before pushing under his boxer-briefs.
“I think we can make that happen. We can both fill her up. Not sure if she’ll get to cum tonight or not” Bradley chuckles, squeezing his bare ass and making him groan.
“You like that?” Bradley coos, kissing along Jake’s nodding jaw as he squeezes again, “God, the things I want to this ass.”
“Like what?” Jake gasps, head falling back as Bradley ravishes his neck.
You bite back a whimper at the sight, leaning back to trail your fingers between your legs and circle your clit.
“The same thing I want to do to Liv’s,” Bradley replies, “spank it, bite it, eat it, fuck it,” he pulls back from Jake’s neck at his shudders to look at him, “Yeah? You want that?”
His words just spur you on. You definitely want it.
“I want it,” Jake answers, “please Roo. I want to do it all with you.”
“Fuck,” Bradley whispers before meeting him again in a deep kiss.
You circle your clit faster as you watch them kiss and touch, pushing their undershirts over their heads, and soon their boxers are gone too. The tiniest whimper leaves you when you fall over the edge right as Jake gets his hand around Bradley’s cock.
Both of their heads whip toward you at the sound, but your eyes fall closed as the pleasure consumes you.
“Go sit down while I take care of this,” you hear Bradley sigh to Jake before giving him a quick kiss.
The way he talks about you like you’re an object has arousal rushing through you again.
Strong hands lift your body before turning you over, and when you open your lust-heavy eyes, you find yourself across Bradley’s knee.
A/N: Phew that was a long one! I’m really sorry to cut it there but it was almost double what I normally write and I wanted to go into Bradey and Jake’s relationship a little more before they get involved more. What did you think?
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
87 notes · View notes
lexixstewart · 24 days
wow wow wow! your writing is so incredibly impressive! i’m sucked right into this world every time i read a new chapter. absolutely love it!
Anatomy of an Arsonist - FBI Agent!Jake “Hangman” Seresin X FBI Profiler!Reader
Chapter 7 - Burning Bright, Burning Deep
Series Summary: After nearly being burned alive in a house fire as a child, you now worked as an FBI Special Agent. You have caught some of the worst people with your profiles working hard as the BAU Liaison Agent to the Major Crimes Unit at the FBI's New York field office. When a new case crosses your desk, a chord is struck in you and memories long repressed come flooding back. Is this UNSUB the same man who is responsible for your mother's murder? Or, is there a copycat hell-bent on making you relive the fear that haunted you as a child?
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Banner is made by me!
Chapter Warnings: napalm! (Please don’t make this at home, it’s very easy and not safe at all), probably really inaccurate science talk, death, talk of Hopps’ past, grieving family, mention of a child dying (nothing graphic), lmk if I missed anything
Word Count: 5.7k
Masterlist >> Chapter 6 >> Chapter 8
“Napalm was actually found?” Jake spoke up, cutting off Bob’s explanation. “Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt, but are you sure?”
You heard Bob sigh over the phone and could picture the way he would be pinching the bridge of his nose. “Yes, I’m sure. The polystyrene is what tipped me off. Napalm is a very simple combination of gasoline or any other kind of accelerant with styrofoam dissolved into it. It’s not hard to make.”
“I did some reading about it over lunch, but how would it have gotten onto the grass?” You asked, scribbling down a note about its composition. “It’s like a far more lethal version of an exploded marshmallow, sticks like hell to everything.”
“The only theory I have is that it was stuck to the UNSUB’s shoe when he was in the house and then came off when he stepped on the corner of the paver and the grass,” Bob explained. “It must have been scraped off and it was stuck to the stone.”
“When you say it’s not hard to make, what do you mean?” Jake had a curious look on his face. “Do you just pour gasoline over the styrofoam?”
“More like dissolving the foam into the gas. Roe is running an experiment now to see roughly how much was used and how much can be made from a jerry can full of gas. So far, the answer is a lot.”
“Jesus. That’s 20 liters of gas alone.” You grimaced, quickly writing a reminder to call about the results of the experiment. “And from what I read, the styrofoam basically triples the amount of gasoline.”
There was a shuffling sound on the other end of the phone and you could hear Bob messing with the rubber band ball on his desk. It made a bouncing noise and you couldn’t blame him for fidgeting, this was awful. “You read that right and we found the burned excess everywhere in that house. The amount on Mrs. Schaefer was ridiculous, I’m surprised she wasn’t burned right through to the ground.”
“So the arson investigator was correct then? This fire was set to destroy a body?”
“More like to destroy evidence left on the body. Dr. Laplund hasn’t finished her autopsy yet so I can’t confirm anything yet. Only that she was likely stabbed before her house was set on fire,” the CSI elaborated. “I’ll call when I know more, but this is all I have for the moment.”
“Great, thank you Bob. I appreciate you making time for my call.”
“For my favorite profiler? Anything.”
You shook your head, chuckling. “Bye Bob.”
You hit the ‘end call’ button, flipping your phone screen first onto the desk, and buried your face in your hands with a groan. “Fucking UNSUB making my job harder than it was supposed to be.” Your voice was muffled by your hands, and Jake gently pried them away.
“As if you don’t love challenges, Sweets.”
“Not when they involve napalm, I don’t!”
Jake snorted, his hand coming up to squeeze your shoulder gently. “It’ll be okay, Sweets. We’ll figure this out together.”
But would you though? Would you figure this out? The grip your mother’s case had on your heart left little room for anything else, especially a case like this, and Jake could never know. You wouldn’t tell him. Hell, if anyone knew how personal this case would become, they never would have let you stay on. Not when the world turned on its head and let out a demon you had never wanted to see the light of day. Whoever was roaming the boroughs at night, setting fires to the places people held the most near and dear to their hearts, was a monster.
And you didn’t use that term lightly. Once the M.E. had finished the autopsy, you would know for sure what drove him, at least you hoped so. But for now, all you could do was sit quietly, lost in thought, with Jake becoming a physical reminder that there was a world outside of your mind. His calm grounded you in this moment, a beacon of stillness and comfort.
Maybe it was the fact that he constantly seemed to make you stumble over words you had said a million and one times before, or the fact that seeing him was enough for your heart to start slipping and sliding out of its steady rhythm, skipping beats in time as he blinked. Jake had always been a friend, but…
No. You couldn’t.
Not right now.
You groaned again. Fuck, this was a mess, and you had this sinking feeling that it was only going to get worse the longer this case dragged on.
The worst part? This was only the fourth day since you had caught the case. More homes would likely burn in your UNSUB’s desperate attempt to regain control and with the flames, death would follow at its heels like a harbinger of the end.
You had gone back out to the JOC a few minutes later to go over a few things with Amaya when Bradley and Simmons walked back into the room. Both Mav and Simpson stopped what they were doing and watched their approach. “Well?”
“Heart’s not our guy. His story was that he left his place at 2:15 in the morning to get his pregnant girlfriend a snack at a bodega two blocks away. We followed his trail, the bodega has him on their security cameras buying pickles and ice cream at 2:25 or so,” Bradley explained, leaning against one of the tables in the room. “Paid a visit to his girlfriend, Lola, she’s very pregnant and didn’t see anything around the time of the fire.”
Mickey chimed in. “And we all saw the car come back later, around 2:30. The house was lit up a bit but not fully on fire until 2:45, with the 911 call going in at 3:07 and firefighters arriving at 3:27.”
S.A.C. Simpson was quiet for a moment before asking the question that had caught up since the start. “How did this guy leave and arrive?”
“Well, the camera is at the end of the street, which is a dead end. The maps show an alley closer to the Schaefer house than to the street cam, so maybe he parked in the alley and walked?”
It might have seemed like a cop-out answer, but Simpson accepted it, directing Mickey to keep scrubbing the footage to see if there was any chance of identifying the person responsible.
“Hey Hopps.” You looked up from Amaya’s computer to find your partner looking at you.
“Hey. How’d it go?”
He shrugged, pushing off the table to wander over toward you. “An interview. He did nearly shit himself though when we first showed up. Simmons thought he was going to take off before we introduced ourselves.”
You had to laugh. Bradley was over 6 feet tall and while not the widest man you had seen, he was wider than most. Simmons, on the other hand, was 6 foot 5 inches and built “like a brick shithouse” as Jake had once said. No wonder Damian Heart thought about running. “Well, you guys are the type the mob would send as a ‘welcoming committee’ so I can’t really blame him.”
“What? I know you guys are nice, but I have also seen you launch yourself across a table to grab a guy before he jumped me. So like…” you trailed off with a shrug, fiddling with your pen. “Did he give you anything interesting?”
“Not really. I called the Forensic Scientist earlier, she gave me a rough time of how long she thought the fire had been burning based on how crispy the napalm was but that she had to run some tests in order to be sure,” he explained. “But if the fire didn’t take off until quarter to three, then it had to have happened just before he left or shortly after his car went by the camera.”
“I mean, that makes sense. The timing is almost too perfect, but I wasn’t in the garage so I have no idea what his temperament was like. From the camera though, it doesn’t look like it was staged, so I have no reason to believe that Damian went through all this trouble to lie about getting a snack for his girlfriend,” you reasoned aloud, twisting in your chair slightly. “And from the NYPD interviews, it seems like he and his girlfriend had no issue with Gwen.”
Bradley nodded. “That’s what both of them told me, so unless there is a not-so secret feud going on, I’ve got nothing.”
“Neither do I.”
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, letting the buzz of the office settle around you. Jake and Natasha were sent back to the scene to try and play a game of ‘I Spy’ with the street cameras, running the theory that Mickey had put forward, but it felt like you were all caught twelve paces behind your UNSUB.
Technically speaking, you had a burned body whose autopsy results had yet to be shared, a lead that had quickly run dry, and a whole bunch of nothing.
The last few hours were similarly frustrating. You and Amaya had spent a long time combing through the last few fires that had come up in her search and you now had a pool of a few that you felt were fires committed by your suspect.
Jake patted your shoulder as he left, leading to you glancing up at him with a smile and a soft “bye” leaving your lips moments later. He’d been combing through Gwen Schaefer’s family, acquaintances, anything to see if she had any enemies that her neighbours didn’t know about. Fortunately for her, but unfortunately for the FBI, he came up empty, making this attack random and more than likely unprovoked.
You left soon after him, but not before hauling Amaya out of her seat in the JOC and gently pushing her towards her cubicle near your office. “Go home, Ams. Please.”
“But what if-”
”If anything comes up, B shift has your number and mine. They’ll call, if they don’t, you know Mav will kick their asses into next week,” you reasoned, effectively putting down her attempts to stay behind. “Plus Mickey will worry if you aren’t on top of your game tomorrow.”
The look on her face was a combination of indignant at having been caught out and embarrassment. Heat flooded her cheeks and Amaya didn’t make eye contact, choosing to fiddle with the strap of her messenger bag. She shouldn’t have been surprised that you had caught onto her not-so little crush on her fellow analyst, but there was a difference between someone guessing and the way you seemed to know exactly how she felt about the Latino man that sat across from her. “I don’t… I don’t know what you are talking about,’ she stammered, making you smile softly.
“Of course not.” You gave her a knowing look, but moved off to collect your water bottle from the desk it sat on, leaving her with a flustered expression on her face.
In the end, Amaya relented and followed you out to the elevators with her bag slung over her shoulder. The two of you rode down to the parkade in silence before parting ways at the first level. Your blue car was the lone vehicle in the row and its unlocking chirps echoed against the concrete walls, filling the air around you. The moment you sat down in the driver’s seat and locked the doors, a loud sigh burst free from your chest. No matter how much work you did, it always felt like you and your team were still 10 steps behind this guy. And the nagging voice in the back of your head didn’t help either; warning you that you still had yet to uncover the depths of your UNSUB’s depravity and how far he was willing to go.
The worst part? You would be given a front row seat to his horrors, forced to walk through the aftermath of the worst moments in the lives of so many.
If only you could cover your ears and shut your eyes against the hurricane raging in this UNSUB’s head, exploding out into the world like a tempest, trampling over anything and everything he came across.
“Maybe this is all about control,” you mumbled, pressing the ‘Start’ button and driving off. “This guy is losing control over something in his life and struggling to cope with it all.”
With that theory in mind, you headed home, ready to sit and relax.
At 3:32 the next morning, your phone went off, the clucking chicken ringtone startling you out of sleep. It was Bradley, you gathered, from the obnoxious clucking sound blaring out of the speakers. “Whaa..?” You groaned, a hand slinging out to grab the device. “Hello?”
“Hey Hopps, we caught one.” Bradley’s own voice was still rough from sleep, a gravelly tone that you would probably bug him for later and you could hear him rustling around in the background of the call. “Our guy hit again, this time a family home. From what dispatch told me, we have two victims.”
You sat up with a jolt, suddenly wide awake. “Where am I meeting you?” Blankets shoved aside, you began to get dressed at a near frantic pace, desperate to get to the scene before you had another encounter with Fire Captain Hale. “Brooklyn again?”
“Yup. 1078 East 79th Ave. I uh… I looked it up, pretty far from the last one, Hopps. So your geo profile might not be of any use to us on this? Maybe, I don’t know,” Bradley rambled. “I’ll meet you there and get the details from the detective and fire captain on scene?”
“Sounds good.” You hung up, grabbing your backpack and taking off towards the elevator in your building, barely remembering that it was just past 3:30 in the morning and that most reasonable people would still be asleep.
But the whole drive there, you had to prepare yourself for the worst. Bradley said two victims, implying that the UNSUB killed two people with his napalm attack and you weren’t prepared for that. Gwen Schaefer’s back was burnt horribly, but the way she was face down allowed the M.E. and CSI team to identify her and give you the first name that would ultimately draw the FBI’s attention to the case, the first name on what could become a long list if you didn’t act fast.
Would he be so kind as to leave a face this time?
Almost 22 years to the day, you were responding to the aftermath of a crime scene just like the one that had shattered your childhood apart like a dropped mirror. You would be walking through a home like the one you and your dad had crawled out of, picking it apart like a scab that had become too tight.
Your heart sped up, the thump-thump-thumping sound filled your ears and seemed to grow faster and faster, deafening you. Each beat flooded your body with anxiety, skyrocketing it higher and higher and filled you with a paralyzing fear that wailed “NO! NO! NO!” each time you tried to get out of the car. Your lungs were screaming, begging for you to let in more air than what was barely squeaking in as your chest heaved up and down like a seesaw.
It was all too much as your vision blurred, the light coming in growing smaller and smaller as the darkness on edges of your vision slid towards the center. A knock on the window startled you, making you gasp sharply and letting air flood your lungs so fast you nearly passed out.
Another knock on the window and you turned to see Bradley giving you a weird look. You pushed the door open, letting the fresh air smack you in the face and further calm you down. He didn’t know your history, only that your house had burned down when you were a kid, and you weren’t about to give him any more details than those.
Not while you still had a say in the matter.
“You good, Hopps?”
“Mhmm, still half asleep I think,” you replied, hoping he wouldn’t notice you lying through your teeth.
Smoke was still rising from the remains of the house as you stepped out of the car, immediately covering your face with your elbow. Somehow the smoke made the sky seem darker than it already was, curling and writhing above the houses like the ghost of a dragon flying high.
It was unnerving to say the least.
Reporters were already swarming the neighborhood, each vying for the inside scoop from one of the many uniformed officers around the perimeter of the crime scene. They buzzed like a bee hive, but fell silent for a mere moment as EMTs wheeled out two gurneys shrouded in white sheets before they all began shouting at once. It only got worse when you and Bradley approached the scene, the attention turning almost immediately from the victims to you and you hated it. A million questions were thrown your way and all either of you could say was some variation of “There will be a statement when we know more.” Glancing around, your eyes landed on Rory Bennett in the thick of the crowd. She wasn’t yelling and clamoring like the rest of the people around her, but rather observing and jotting down notes as she listened to those around her.
Your eyes met for a fraction of a second, a quiet acknowledgement of the other before moving on. Yet, as you moved through the crowd, a shiver lanced down your spine, making you stop suddenly and turn. A reporter was watching you closely, a clinical sterility to his gaze.
The world slowed and it felt like you were caught in a trap. His eyes pierced you, nearly freezing you in place except for Bradley’s hand clasping your shoulder. You broke the stare and continued moving, shaking yourself mentally. Your neck still prickling, you flashed your badge at one of the officers and she lifted the yellow tape to let you pass. This side of the crime scene tape was no less insane; firefighters and who you assumed to be neighbours were speaking to officers collecting statements, CSIs were crawling around the scene under Bob’s careful watch, and you could see who you assumed to be the detective and Spencer Grady in close discussion. The noxious smoke was thicker here and now you could see that most people were masked up to protect their lungs.
Bradley sidled up with a mask in hand, offering it to you, his own carefully molded to his face as he surveyed the scene. “This just got ten times more serious,” he muttered to himself.
Shifting from foot to foot, you nodded. “It’s eerie. If no one had died, less than half of the crowd back there would be gone. It’s enough to make me think that our UNSUB loves the attention either of these crimes attract.”
“Is that an official profile, Hopps?” Your partner teased, his brown eyes glimmering despite the tragedy unfolding before you both.
“It’s definitely a start.”
Sucking in a deep breath, you made your way over to Spencer and nodding in greeting. “Detective Carey, is it?”
She nodded, excusing herself from the conversation with the arson investigator. “Yes, Abigail Carey and you must be the profiler the FBI sent.” She was a tall woman, nearly five foot ten inches at your guess, dark tightly curled hair, and a scar running down her face and disappearing under the mask she had on. “I’ve been informed that you are taking over the scene.”
Sensing the judgment in her tone, you quickly explained that was not the case. “We are following a large string of arsons that have remained unsolved by the NYPD and on their request, Major Crimes has taken the case as of a few days ago with the Schaefer arson and murder.” You paused, assessing the situation as calmly as you could despite the tension roiling under your skin, then continuing on. “Any information you have gathered so far can and likely will be instrumental in helping us. We aren’t here to bark orders, Detective, only to get to the bottom of who is responsible.”
Detective Carey nodded, her pen tap-tap-tapping the small notebook she carried as she thought over your words. “Well then, I’m glad that we can work the scene together. I’ve spoken to several of the firefighters and a few witnesses already, so what can I help you with?”
“Who are our victims?” You asked, and Bradley noticed how timid your voice seemed. It was weird to him how different this scene was from the Schaefer scene, how you were acting, but he wrote it off in favour of believing you when you said it was sleep deprivation.
“Melody James, 32, and her daughter Nia, 5. CSI is unsure what killed Melody but there are deep burns all over her back, so the fire is looking like a cause,” Carey explained, flipping through her notebook. “Nia, on the other hand, they think it was smoke inhalation. There didn’t seem to be any indication that someone or something else caused her death.” Her voice was muffled by the mask she wore, but you could hear the sorrow in her tone. Any death was a tragedy, but the death of a child? A horror beyond measure.
You hesitated to ask your next question, afraid of what the answer would be. It wasn’t like you, but the parallels between your mother’s death and James' home was uncanny and it slammed into you like a car hitting a bug. “Were there any survivors? A partner? Other children?” In your head however, you were begging this scene to be different from your past in any possible way. But luck wasn’t on your side.
“A husband, Cameron, and two sons, Miles and Lucas, made it out,” Detective Carey replied. “Cameron says that Nia wouldn’t leave without her mom and when she shook off his grip, he lost sight of her almost immediately. He’s over with the ambulances right now if you want to speak with him.”
Lost in your head, you didn’t see your partner watching you closely. You had been acting strangely since you had pulled up at the scene and he was no longer believing your excuse of simply being tired. You, his partner, were now uncharacteristically quiet after hearing what Detective Carey had to say and it was concerning him. Maybe it had to do with the fact a little girl had been killed this time, but you hadn’t been like this during the Bronx babynapping case that had ended in the death of several children.
Something was different now. You were and had been… off, for lack of a better word. Eyes not seeing the scene before you, you seemed aimless, a ghost of yourself and it was unsettling. Bradley hadn’t realized until this very moment how much he had put his dependence on you, how much he relied on you in the field and how much he valued having your profiler brain and instincts behind him during a case.
He would figure this out, whether you told him or he found it out for himself, if only because you being off your game was a risk to you both. It had put you all in further danger than you already were while hunting down a deranged lunatic who seemed to get off on watching his destruction first hand and hearing about it second hand.
Bradley knew you needed his help, even if you wouldn’t admit it, so he took the lead. “We will definitely try and find a moment to speak with him, thank you. Do we have any idea of when the fire started?” He was watching you out of the corner of his eye and saw you reorient yourself back to the conversation at hand.
“Franklin told me that his crew received the call out at around 2:45 am, but didn’t arrive until nearly 3. The house was practically like this, just a shell, according to him,” the detective motioned behind her at a tall Black man standing by the fire trucks. “I would ask him about what happened though. I only know what dispatch told me.”
You chewed on your lip in thought. “Thank you, Detective. We really appreciate your hard work,” you replied after a beat. “I’m going to see what I can get from Cameron, Bradley, could you have a chat with Captain Franklin?”
He nodded, squeezing your shoulder as he walked past. The look on your face now gave him hope that all was well in your head, that you were back ‘on the case’. Bradley’s gaze followed you over to the ambulance, towards the dark haired man with two small boys clinging to him before going to speak with the fire captain.
“Mr. James? Hi, I’m Special Agent Douglas with the FBI. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about tonight,” you began, your voice soft and empathetic. Carefully, you approached the ambulance, taking in the man looking lost as he sat on the edge of the vehicle. Your heart broke for him, and distantly, it broke for your dad 22 years ago. He had the same vacant and dazed look on his face when you had found out your mom hadn’t made it, the same emptiness in his eyes.
Cameron looked up at you, his eyes focusing on your figure backlit by spotlights brought by the CSI team. “Might as well. Everyone else has.” His voice was rough from the smoke, but that wasn’t what sent a knife into your chest. No, the resignation and grief in his tone painted such a vivid picture of how the loss of Melody, hours later, was impacting him.
“I can’t imagine what you have been through tonight, Cameron, and I am so sorry for your loss. Truly sorry.” But you knew what he felt, only from the perspective of a child, wondering where your mom was and why did the people talking to your dad look so upset? “Can you tell me when you first became aware of the fire?”
“Around 20 to three, I think. I didn’t exactly look at the clock,” he said wryly. “I remember that Mel got up to check on Miles, he wasn’t feeling good, and I was just laying there, half awake, waiting for her to come back.” Cameron’s voice was measured, calm despite the storm tearing his life apart.
It would seem strange, even suspicious, to many that this man hadn’t shattered at your feet. Broken down by his grief and horror at this happening to his family, but he was steady in both mannerisms and in voice. Cameron James, you wagered, was in shock, his mind not yet ready to accept the fact that Melody and Nia were gone.
“When she didn’t come back, I just figured that she was staying with Miles in his room,” Cameron continued, running a hand over the head of his youngest son who had fallen asleep in his lap. “I didn’t think anything was wrong until I heard Lucas screaming, I opened the door and I could feel the fire. It was like it was on me, you know?”
You hummed in acknowledgement, letting him lay out the story in his own words while it was still fresh. A more formal interview would be done at a later date, but for now, you were content to let him ramble on.
“I grabbed the boys, and Nia had come to find me in Lucas’ room, so we were going for the back door…,” he trailed off, not ready to continue with the story.
“And then what happened?” You asked softly, not trying to push, but needing to hear the words.
Cameron swallowed hard, his hand stilling on his little boy’s head. “Nia was screaming about Mel, she didn’t want to go without her. I told her that mommy would meet her outside, but she wouldn’t listen. I blinked and she was out of my grip and back inside. I wanted to follow her, but…”
“You couldn’t leave your boys,” you finished gently, coming to sit next to him. “From what Detective Carey has told me, you attempted to go back multiple times to grab her but the smoke was too thick. Is that correct?”
A wordless nod.
“Okay. Did Melody have any enemies, any neighbours or coworkers with grievances against her?”
“No. Mel is… Mel was loved by everyone. She was working at a daycare just down the road and she loved it. The kids there loved her too.”
“What about you, Cameron? Is there anyone you can think of that could be capable of doing this?”
He didn’t say anything, resuming his motions through his son’s hair. “Maybe, but I don’t know for sure. There was this delivery guy a few weeks ago that got aggressive when Mel answered the door. Kept hitting on her, got angry when she said she was married, and threatened to kill me to get to her, she laughed it off though and I did too…”
“When exactly was this?” You asked, pulling out your notepad and pen. Could you finally have a clue to your UNSUB’s identity?
“Uh… May 28th, I think. I can’t be sure though. I remember her laughing about this scrawny 20-something making threats,” he explained, chuckling a little before the somber, grief-stricken expression fell back into place. “How funny it was to think that nothing would come of that. Now? I wish I had taken it seriously.”
“Had Melody had problems with this delivery driver before?”
Cameron paused, then shook his head. “I think this was the same one that had a crush on her.”
You hummed, the information swirling around your mind. Arsons were typically a young man’s crime, depending on his motivation, he either started the fire and left with the plan to come back and relive the crime after the house was nothing but ash or… or he’d have stayed to watch. “Is there any other description you can give me for this guy? Height, hair, eye, or skin color, accent, anything?”
“Ummm… young guy, white, I think Mel said he had a nasty uniform tan, brown hair. I remember hearing that either he had a baby face or was early 20s,” he recalled, listing off the little he could remember. “I only laid eyes on him once, but it was enough to know that I didn’t have to worry about him trying to steal my wife.”
“Thank you Cameron, I can understand that this has been very difficult for you, so your help is greatly appreciated.” Pulling a card from your pocket, you handed it to him, “Either myself or a colleague will be in touch about a more detailed interview at a later date, but if you remember anything that you think I should know, don’t hesitate to call me.”
He nodded grimly, tucking it into his pocket. “I know you can’t promise anything, but catch this son of a bitch. Mel and Nia deserve to be at peace and they need him gone for that.” Cameron shook your hand, tears collecting in his eyes as you stood and walked off, your heart just that much heavier after hearing his story.
“Detective!” You called out, waving her over. “I might have something. A delivery driver that threatened to kill Cameron a few weeks before the fire, a younger guy in his early 20s, white, brown hair, described as scrawny with a very bad uniform tan. He fits a rudimentary profile of someone who would be watching the aftermath and I think that he might be here watching us now.”
“Are you sure?” Carey asked, her radio now in hand as she watched you curiously.
“I’m confident that the person responsible for this crime is here right now, watching us,” you replied, certainty filling every word. “This guy loves seeing what he has caused, it just wouldn’t make sense for him not to be here.”
She nodded, stepping off to the side to relay your description to the many officers milling around. They began moving towards the crowd, fanning out into a search pattern only they seemed to know. “If a man matching your description is out here, we’ll find him,” Carey said, her posture straightening now that there was some hope of a solution, some hope for justice.
You let your gaze wander over the scene again, eyes catching on your partner, who stood off to the side as he spoke with an officer. Excusing yourself, you made your way over, but you could still feel eyes on you. Maybe they hadn’t left, but now, now that you weren’t speaking with the widower and what was left of his family, you could feel them again.
Turning around in a slow circle, you saw nothing. Eyes from the crowd were on you, but nothing like the searing gaze that shot knives into your back while it was turned. Pushing it away despite your better judgment, you stepped up to Bradley, nudging him gently and interrupted his conversation with the officer. “Did Franklin say anything useful?”
“More of the same,” Bradley replied, rubbing his face. “Franklin’s station is quite a ways off, just like Hale’s from the Schaefer scene. The 112 is the closest to this address, but for one reason or another, they weren’t able to respond.” He let his eyes land on the burned shell of the home before continuing on. “What’s going on, Hopps? What is causing these crews to be gone exactly when they are needed?”
“I don’t know, but the answer to that question seems to be the one to break this case open.”
A/N: Sorry this chapter was late! I was working and yeah… any way the next chapter will be the second glimpse into how our UNSUB thinks, so I hope that brings some excitement! Thank you for reading!
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Taglist: @horseshoegirl @startrekfangirl2233 @sarahsmi13s @teacupsandtopgun @dakotakazansky
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lexixstewart · 26 days
can’t wait for more of them! i adore your writing🥰
hey!!🥰 so i’ve had this thought for awhile, but never said anything and i know A Little Bit Stronger has taken to the back burner a bit (which is totally fine!!) but i thought i would tell you😅
everytime i hear Wait In the Truck by HARDY ft. Lainey Wilson i ALWAYS think abt this story and the way bradley would do literally anything for shae.
anyway, i just love it that your stories have touched me so much that i connect songs w them🤗
hope you have a great day lovely lady!!❤️
I’ve heard the song but never really paid that close attention to it. So I just turned it on to really listen and oh my…instant goosebumps.
Well, she was bruised and broke from head to toe
With a tear in her blood stained shirt
She didn't tell the whole truth but she didn't have to
I knew what had happened to her
I didn't load her down with questions
That girl had been through enough
The line about not loading her down with questions because she’s been through enough fits all of them…Reese, Jake and Bradley. 🥺
He really would do anything for her and would happily pay the consequences after.
I LOVE that my writing has touched you so much you think about it outside of the app! 🥹 that means so much to me! Thank you for telling me!
I believe I’m going to return to Bradley and Shae after I finish this next chapter of I Love You Two!
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lexixstewart · 1 month
i love that they both care so much abt bradley and how “subtle” jake is abt it😉 he’s a sweetheart
and dear lord….holy hot😩🥵 i love love loveeee them
I Love You Two
Part 6
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley Bradshaw x OFC x Jake Seresin.
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Summary: Jake and Bradley’s reaction to your request isn’t what you expected but it’s quickly forgotten when the severity of Bradley’s injuries is made known.
Warnings: Adults (18+) only! MDNI! Smut, m/m kissing, unprotected p in v, oral (m receiving), cumplay, fingering, dirty talk, teasing, etc.
“Okay,” you whisper, heart about to beat right out of your chest, “then show me. Together.”
Jake and Bradley share a look and that split second of hesitation fills you with humiliation. Hot tears fill your eyes and spill over before you can blink them away.
“I’m sorry,” you swipe at your tears but they’re coming too fast. “That was-I just…I’m in love you with both. I’m so sorry-I-“ The sob you’ve been holding back threatens to choke you but then Bradley’s there.
“Liv, hey no-“ he cuts off with a wheeze when he pulls you to him too quickly, bumping into his bruised chest. Before you can ask if he’s okay, the world tilts as Bradley sways but Jake’s there, steadying you both.
“Whoa,” Jake murmurs, “you okay?”
“‘m fine,” Bradley nods but he’s suddenly pale and clammy, “just a little dizzy ‘s all.”
“Here,” your concern beats out any embarrassment as you step out of his arms and guide him with Jake's help to the couch, “Sit. Ah-don’t even start,” you give him a look when he opens his mouth to protest. “When’s the last time you ate?”
“I don’t know,” he winces as he sits back, “lunch I think? I took some of the pain meds they gave me when I got here. I don’t know why though, they don’t even help with the pain. Just makes me fuckin’ loopy.”
You look at the clock and sigh, it’s almost 7. “You know better than to take pain meds on an empty stomach. I’ll get you something to eat.”
“I know,” he closes his eyes and puts his head back to stop the room from spinning, “I was planning on eating when I got home. I just needed to talk to you first. I’ve already fucked everything up between us and now I’ve fucked up what you have with Jake. I can’t keep hurting you.”
His voice cracks and so does your heart.
“Roo…” you trail off, tears filling your eyes. You look to Jake. “Stay with him while I warm something up?”
He nods, sitting on the opposite end of the couch.
Leftover lasagna it is.
Your mind races as you try to think of what to say while you make two plates, assuming Jake hasn’t eaten either.
“Here,” your hands shake as you set the food down on the coffee table and hand them each a fork. Bradley holds his breath as he sits up but he begins to eat.
You pretend to be busy in the kitchen as they eat, returning once it’s quiet.
There’s color in Bradley’s face now, along with pain and exhaustion.
“Let me see,” you gesture to his chest.
“I’m fine-“ he grumbles but lets you lift his shirt.
The deep bruising left behind by the harness is enough to make your stomach turn unpleasantly.
“Come on,” you sigh, “you’re going to lay down in my bed.”
He opens his mouth but you continue before he can argue, “The couch is too short for you and you can’t drive right now anyway.”
“Fine,” Bradley huffs as he slowly stands. Jake rises too, noticing how unsteady he still is on his feet, “just for a few minutes.”
“Just for a few minutes,” you agree, knowing he’ll be asleep once his head hits the pillow.
Then you and Jake can talk.
Jake closes the door a few minutes later as he follows you out of the bedroom before clasping your hand and pulling you into his arms, tightening around you when he realizes you’re not going to pull away.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur into his chest; his familiar warmth is so comforting.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Jake assures, “you can’t control your feelings, Liv. You didn’t act on them either, not like I did.”
“No,” you reply, “but I could’ve been honest with you. I was just too scared to lose you…I’m still scared of losing you. I love you, Jake.”
“I love you too,” he murmurs against your hair, “I don’t want to lose you either, but I also don’t want you to lose Roo. I…I don’t want to lose him either. He’s a…friend, and we have to work together.”
“So where do we go from here?” You ask, lifting your head to look at him. His expression is as torn as yours.
“I don’t know,” he shakes his head, “I really don’t know.”
“We’ll figure it out tomorrow,” you sigh, suddenly exhausted, “watch a movie with me?”
“Sure,” he nods, following you to the couch.
Loud gasping pulls you from sleep a few hours later.
“What’s goi-“ you start sleepily but Jake’s already heading to the bedroom.
“It’s okay,” Jake’s murmuring as you stumble in.
Bradley’s breathing hard, his pants are kicked down to his ankles and his shirt pushed up to his neck.
“I can’t-I-I’m stuck,” he whines in his sleep as his heavy arms pull at an imaginary harness while the fear in his voice tugs at your heartstrings.
“You’re safe,” Jake whispers, placing his hand on Bradley’s.
“Jake?” Bradley’s brow furrows as he slowly blinks his eyes open, “you saved me.”
“Yeah,” Jake says thickly, “you’re safe now.”
“Don’t leave me here alone,” Bradley says, shaking his head groggily before spotting you. “Stay, please? I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
His vulnerability brings tears to your eyes.
“Okay,” you swallow the lump in your throat as you help guide the half-on shirt over his head while. Jake pulls his jeans the rest of the way off his ankles and meets your eyes before nodding.
“We’ll stay,” you murmur.
Bradley’s entire body relaxes at your words and he’s already sleeping again when you climb into bed beside him after stripping down to your tee shirt and panties. You can’t resist placing a kiss on his freckled back as Jake gets in behind you, clad only in his boxer-briefs as well.
It’s not long before you fall asleep between them, content for the first time in months.
Pleasure is steadily building from the calloused fingertips between your thighs as you slowly come into consciousness.
You don’t need to open your eyes to know it’s early; too early by the lack of sunlight.
“I can hear how wet she is,” Bradley’s whisper is strained.
“She’s soaked,” Jake confirms, “here.”
A whimper nearly escapes when Jake’s hand disappears, but a different touch is there a moment later.
“Fuck,” Bradley whispers as he runs his fingertips through your arousal, coating them before pushing inside.
“Yeah,” Jake agrees with a grunt as he ruts into your now bare ass, your undies pulled to your knees. “Why don’t I…” he trails off as his fingers return to circle your clit.
“Oh, she likes that,” Bradley hums, “I can feel her tightening around my fingers.”
There’s hardly any brown showing in Bradley’s eyes when you open yours, his pupils blown wide with lust. His heated expression is enough to hurdle you to the edge.
“Mornin’ sweetheart,” he smiles as he curls his fingers against your g-spot, pushing you off of it with a soft cry.
Jake groans in your ear as you reach back to find his hair, tugging as the pleasure consumes you.
Bradley’s eyes close and his expression turns pained before his free hand rushes below the covers. “Just watching you almost made me cum,” he breathes.
The thought has you clenching on his fingers still inside you.
“More,” you moan, wiggling your hips to get them both moving again, “I want more.”
“So greedy,” Bradley chuckles as he opens his eyes before looking over your shoulder to Jake as he withdraws his fingers, pushing Jake’s out of the way to rub your needy clit instead. “Give her what she wants.”
Jake nods, fumbling with his boxer-briefs behind you for a moment before guiding his cock to your entrance and pushing inside you with a low groan. His hand slides over your side to just below your belly button, pulling you impossibly closer as he fucks you.
“Feel good?” Bradley asks, fingers still on your clit.
“Yessss,” you hiss as Jake pushes your shirt up with his hand, revealing your breasts to Bradley before pinching your nipple.
“What about you, Jake? Feel good?” Bradley’s eyes flock over your shoulder as his hand shifts lower, brushing Jake’s cock as he pumps into you.
Jake jolts with a gasp, “Shit! Warn a guy.”
“I said,” Bradley’s voice lowers along with his hand, making a V with his fingers around Jake’s cock while thumbing your clit, “Does it feel good?”
“Ye-yes!” Jake chokes, hips stuttering, “Wai-wait! I’ll cum!”
“Ladies first, Jake,” Bradley reminds him with a cocky smirk, but he slightly loosens the grip while not changing the rhythm on your clit. His other hand is slowly moving under the covers as he begins to jerk off.
“Just you wait,” Jake pants, making you whimper as he fucks you harder, “you’re gonna cum faster than a virgin when you feel her for the first time without a condom.”
Bradley’s fingers pause and his eyes drop to your wide ones as he processes Jake’s words. You clench around Jake, growing close as you think of Bradley fucking you bare too.
“We’ll see,” he recovers, working you faster and tightening his fingers around Jake again, “but what I want to see right now is you cumming for me.”
Bradley’s words do you in. You gasp as wave after wave of pleasure washes over you, pulling Jake under too as you milk his cock. His low groan while he fills you makes Bradley shiver. His eyes fall shut as his hand works faster under the sheets.
“Wait,” you muster the energy to lift your hand, stilling his arm, “I want you to cum in my mouth.”
You internally cringe at your lust-drunk words, but Jake’s softening cock twitches inside you in interest.
“Fuck,” Bradley inhales sharply before rolling onto his back. He watches you follow, honing in on the way you shiver as Jake’s release dribbles down your thighs.
Bradley’s fingers drag through and gather it. You open your mouth expectantly but the air is sucked out of the room when he brings them to his lips. His brown eyes meet Jake’s as he sucks them clean with a pleased hum.
Jake’s entire upper body turns pink as he watches, fingers gripping the sheets as his cock thickens again.
You barely contain your whimper as you straddle Bradley's legs, his thick cock is steadily leaking precum, making your mouth water.
But Bradley’s hands gently catch your hair before you can duck your head.
“Are you sure?” He asks softly. The look on his face tells you he’s asking about more than what you’re about to do. He looks to Jake next, “And you?”
Jake meets your eye before Bradley’s and nods, giving his blessing.
You answer by leaning forward to brush your lips over his once, twice before he raises his head to return it; saying so much without saying a word. Months of regret and longing and apologies are poured between you. It takes everything in you to pull back before you lose yourself in it.
“Yes,” you murmur, feeling a bit lightheaded by it all, “I’m sure.”
His cock twitching against your stomach reminds you of your earlier plan. As much as you want to savor this, drag it out, and maybe even make him pay for everything that’s led to this…you can’t wait any longer and shift further down his legs.
He gasps when your tongue laps at the precum and shudders at your moan with the salty-bitter taste.
“That’s it,” he groans as his head falls back to the pillow. His right hand lets go of your hair to grip the sheets when you pull him into your mouth, swirling your tongue around before bobbing your head. Another moan escapes when you look at Jake; he’s watching you through half-lidded eyes, jerking himself off.
Bradley’s bruised chest is already heaving when you bring your hands up, but he’s not in any pain as one cups his sac while the other strokes what you can’t fit in your mouth.
“Fuck!” He grunts as his left hand tightens in your hair, “I’m already close.”
You hum and suck harder.
“I-I-,” he pants as he locks eyes with Jake before his hand releases it’s tight grip on your sheets to pull him in by his dog tags, both groaning when they meet in a bruising, rough kiss.
A mixture of Jake’s spend and your slick coats your thighs as you clench around nothing while a needy, desperate sound leaves you at the sight.
Bradley’s entire body tenses at the sound, both hearing it and feeling it in his cock. Jake swallows his sweet sounds while you swallow his release.
When Bradley breaks their kiss to catch his breath, Jake’s watching you with rapt attention, eyes zeroing in on your chin where some cum somehow escaped. He pulls you up to him, licking it up before kissing you deeply, groaning at the taste.
You gasp when one of their hands is suddenly between your legs, pushing two thick fingers inside and rubbing your clit with the heel of a palm.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Bradley coaxes, “give me one more.”
Jake tenses before groaning into the kiss as hot ropes of cum coat your stomach. Already on the knife edge, you cry out as the pleasure consumes you, his release triggering yours.
A warm, damp washcloth across your stomach brings you back to your body. Though gentle, you still jolt when Jake cleans between your thighs.
“Sorry,” he whispers, “almost done.”
“Thanks,” you whisper, eyes still closed. Every single part of your body feels too heavy, including your eyelids. You’re sated and comfortable with Bradley’s bicep under your head as a pillow and his warmth at your back.
“We’ve tasted each other’s jizz,” Bradley mutters a few minutes later after the bed dips, being you both, signaling Jake’s return, “I think that’s a bigger step than spooning.”
You force open your eyes to see that you’ve migrated to the edge of the bed with Bradley in the middle.
“Oh fuck you,” Jake laughs as you feel him settle, his arm coming around you both, “I just didn’t want to hurt you.”
“I said I’m fi-“
“Shhh,” you interrupt, “sleep now, argue later.”
“You heard the lady,” Jake whispers, pulling you both just a little closer
“Yeah yeah,” Bradley sighs before pressing a kiss to the back of your head and promptly falling asleep.
A/N: This chapter was a nightmare to write. I don’t even know how many times I deleted everything and started over. 🥴 I think it’s passable…I really hope it is at least.
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
@blindedbythelightt (thanks for the help again!)
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lexixstewart · 1 month
awww this was so cute!!!! i love that shae got to be apart of all of it! she’s slowly becoming part of the little group they have and i love it!
i love that bradley lets her do whatever she wants to him, it’s so cute to see shae become more comfortable🥰
A Little Bit Stronger
Part 7
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley Bradshaw x OFC/Female Reader
Summary: Bradley is happy to let you try something you’ve always to do. You and Bradley help Jake surprise Reese.
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Just like everything else I write/post: this story is for 18+ only. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. It will contain smut, adult themes, situations and language. Please also note this story may be triggering due to the topic of domestic abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) violence-feel free to message me with any questions before reading.
Warnings: Smut, oral (m receiving, mentions of f receiving), a whole lotta fluff, talks of being blindfolded, etc.
There’s a pleasant ache between your thighs, soft snores in your ear, and a hardness pressing against your ass when you slowly open your eyes to the early morning sun just starting to come through the windows. The two of you had finally succumbed to sleep a few hours earlier, exhausted from the pleasure you’d wrung from each other.
There had been more passion, more emotion, more feeling in one night of lovemaking with Bradley than in all the years you’d been married.
A smile tugs at your lips when Bradley’s snoring pauses to pull you in closer. Arousal races down your spine and between your thighs when you feel his boxer-clad morning wood against your bare bottom from where his shirt you stole to let Hank out rode up during the night.
“I can’t think of a better way to wake up than with you in my arms,” he murmurs against your neck, his gravely morning voice making you shiver.
“No?” You gasp as he gently sucks on the side of your throat, releasing you before it leaves a lingering mark, “I can think of something.”
“What’s that?” He hums, smiling as you turn to face him.
“Can I try…” you trail off, feeling suddenly shy.
“Anything,” Bradley finishes for you, “anything you want, Shae.”
There’s so much adoration and trust in his gaze, that it has you blinking back tears.
“Okay,” you whisper, gently pushing him onto his back.
“I like it already,” he smirks, but it falls at your wince when you straddle him, “what’s wrong?”
“Just a little sore,” you lean down for a kiss.
“Sorry,” he murmurs with the cutest frown when you pull back.
“I’m not complaining,” you assure him with a small smile before kissing the scar on his jaw down to the one on his neck.
“This okay?” You ask, running a fingertip over his nipple.
“Ye-yeah,” his breath catches when you pinch lightly, just like he did the night before, “I like it.”
“What about this?” You whisper before ducking your head and flicking your tongue over one while teasing the other with your fingers. He gasps when your lips close around it and suck.
“It’s good,” he groans, cock twitching eagerly at your ministrations, precum staining the front of his boxer-briefs. “Fuck, Shae. That-ah! That’s good too,” he pants when you add your teeth, nipping gently.
You smile against his skin before switching sides to see what further reactions you can elicit.
It’s not long before you’re soaked and grinding against his thigh for friction at the sounds you’re pulling from him.
His hands slide into your hair as he grows desperate, more as an anchor than to persuade as you explore his body. Eventually, you continue south, pressing wet kisses to his heaving chest and stomach.
“I love these,” you breathe as you come across the V-shaped muscles low on his stomach, flushing at Bradley’s chuckle when you realize you’ve said it out loud. It turns into a wheeze when you suck a bruise right above the waistband of his underwear before pulling them down.
Your mouth waters at his cock just inches from your face, and the need to taste him far outweighs any nervousness.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Bradley reminds you, brushing your hair out of your eyes.
“I want to,” you whisper, refusing to give into the urge to look away as you slowly lick up his shaft, reveling in the way he shutters. “Tell me what you like,” you continue, licking down the other side, “I want it to be good for you.”
“Oh God, it already is,” his head drops to the pillow, hands fisting the sheets as you lap at the beading precum before sucking gently on the head, moaning at the salty-bitter taste.
“Yeah,” he breathes, cheeks ruddy, eyes falling shut when you slowly bob your head, getting used to the weight of him on your tongue. “That’s it, just like that.”
His hands find your hair again when you take him as far into your mouth as you can without gagging. He inhales sharply while his thighs tremble as he fights the need to thrust into your mouth when you swallow. You moan and repeat the action when you’re rewarded with another burst of precum.
Your hand replaces your mouth when you pull off to catch your breath, stroking him like you did the night before. “Will you cum in my mouth?”
His hips thrust up into your fist, eyes wild as they fly open to meet yours, “Wh-you want me to?”
You nod before lowering your head again, using your hand to pump him in time with your mouth.
“I-I’m getting close,” he warns as his hands gather your hair into a loose ponytail to watch, “it’s okay if you change your mind,” his tone grows desperate as he babbles, “and-and you don’t have to swallow, spitting-whatever you want is f-fuckkkk!”
You whimper at his drawn-out groan while your neglected pussy clenches as he cums in your mouth.
He slowly opens his eyes to meet yours, inhaling shakily when you swallow. “Come here,” he rasps, pulling you up his body.
You squeak as he kisses you, surprised he wants to kiss you after…that. But you melt at the first swipe of his tongue against yours.
The world spins as he flips you onto your back before sliding down your body and settling between your thighs.
The rest of the day is spent in his bed, as well as every other moment the two of you get alone over the next week. When you are apart, you can’t get your mind off of him either.
Reese notices, laughing at the way you flush when she has to repeat herself more than once at work.
The weekend is here again before you know it.
“You got the goods little Kernsie?” Bradley asks on Saturday as Drew climbs into the backseat of the Bronco while you fail to suppress your yawn.
Bradley had kept you awake until the wee hours of the night, and you loved every minute.
You wave to Reese and Jake standing on the porch as Bradley drives off. Jake’s smile is forced, obviously nervous for what’s to come.
“Yeah,” Drew’s practically vibrating with excitement as he hands you the small ring box. “Here Shae, will you hold it until we get there? I don’t want to lose it.”
“Course,” you smile, “are you excited?”
“Yeah,” Drew grins, “Jake’s the best. Do you think I’ll have to give a speech at the wedding? ‘Cause I don’t know if I want to talk in front of that many people. Will I stand on Jake’s side or Mom’s? I’ve never been to a wedding so I don’t know how any of this works.”
You smile and Bradley chuckles as he reaches absentmindedly for your hand on the console.
“I’m sure your mom won’t make-“ Bradley starts.
“Roo! Are you boyfriend and girlfriend now?!” Drew interrupts excitedly, noticing your intertwined fingers.
Bradley gives you an apologetic look but before he can reply, you do.
“Yeah,” you smile at Drew as you squeeze Bradley’s hand, “we are.”
“Yes!” Drew exclaims before smacking Bradley’s shoulder, “I told you she liked you back!”
You laugh when Bradley’s cheeks turn red as he shakes his head.
“This is the best day ever!” Drew sighs with the biggest grin, ���Unless my mom says no. She won’t, right?”
“I’m sure she’ll say ye-“
“Yeah, she’ll say yes,” he agrees before Bradley can finish. “Wait, Shae! Does this make you my aunt?” Drew asks, his brow furrowing adorably, “Or do you have to be married for that?”
“There!” Drew says excitedly an hour later, “That’s gotta be it! Jake said it’s the field with the yellow flowers.”
“I think you’re right Little Kernsie,” Bradley agrees as he slows the Bronco.
Rows upon rows of yellow daffodils line the field, pretty and bright even with the overcast skies.
“Wow,” you murmur as he parks out of sight, “it’s beautiful.”
“It is,” Bradley agrees, leaning over for a kiss once Drew gets out, “doesn’t compare to you though.”
“Thank you,” you murmur against his lips.
“Come on guys! You gotta see this!” Drew shouts from outside.
Bradley and Drew race down the rows while waiting for Jake and Reese to arrive. You trail behind, smiling at Drew’s peals of laughter as your mind wanders to thoughts of Bradley proposing, getting married, and maybe having his children someday.
The thought makes you pause, realizing this is the first time in years that the thought of having a baby doesn’t fill you with dread.
“What’s up?” Bradley asks breathlessly as he runs back, Drew thrown over his shoulder. He giggles as Bradley sets him down before taking off again.
“I love you,” you whisper, cupping his jaw before capturing his lips in a tender kiss.
“I love you too,” Bradley smiles as he pulls back when his phone pings. He turns to Drew when he checks it. “They’re almost here, we should be able to stay hidden over by that tree there until Jake’s ready for you.”
“Okay!” Drew agrees before running that way.
Drew giggles when he sees a blindfolded Reese get out of the truck with Jake’s help.
Once he gets her to the middle of the field and gives Drew a thumbs up, you press the record button on your phone while Drew creeps out of hiding as Jake slips off the blindfold.
Surprise flashes over her face before she bursts into tears. “Oh, Jake.”
There’s no holding back your own tears as Jake starts crying too, murmuring something in her ear for a moment before he gets down on one knee, just as Drew approaches them from behind.
Reese laughs in delight when Drew slips past her to hand Jake the ring, and she nods eagerly before he can even ask.
The sun has been elusive all day, but shines through a hole in the clouds when Jake slips the ring on her finger; a sunbeam highlighting the 3 of them as they embrace.
“I knew he’d make an appearance,” Bradley whispers thickly, yet there’s a smile in his voice.
Your heart pinches in your chest when you lower your phone and see the tears steadily flowing from his eyes.
“You knew and didn’t tell me?!” Reese laughs as she pulls you in for a hug.
“Not only did she know, she came with me to approve the ring I chose,” Jake smiles, hugging you next, “thanks again, Shae,” he whispers, giving you a squeeze before he releases you.
“‘Of course,” you murmur.
“God, you’re good,” Reese shakes her head, “I had no idea. We even talked about it last weekend!”
“I’m glad,” you reply, “I would’ve felt terrible if you would’ve suspected anything.”
“I didn’t until he had me put the blindfold on in the truck. I figured he was either going to propose,” she pauses to look for Drew, making sure he can’t hear, “or things were about to get kinky. Though Jake’s usually the one getting blindfolded…”
“Jesus Reese,” Bradley cringes, making you laugh while color rises to Jake’s cheeks.
“Alright alright,” Jake shakes his head, blushing furiously as he grabs her hand before turning to find Drew, “that’s enough outta you.”
“Might be fun,” you whisper to Bradley as you follow them to the vehicles before you chicken out.
“What’s that?” Bradley asks.
“Using a blindfold,” you reply, looking down when you start to second guess it, “maybe? We don’t have to either, I just thought it might be fun. If you’d want to…too.”
He stops walking and raises your chin to look at him.
Your breath catches at the heat in his eyes.
“Oh, I want to.”
A/N: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek! Jake and Reese are engaged 🥹 Shae’s getting bolder too. 😏 Let me know what you think! Also…who’s going to be the one getting blindfolded?
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
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lexixstewart · 1 month
well well well…..only took forever!😩 was kind of painful tho….
haven’t been on here forever but reading this was great to come back to!
I Love You Two
Part 5
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley Bradshaw x Female Reader x Jake Seresin
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Summary: The guilt and worry eats you alive as the boys are deployed. Jake admits something you hadn’t expected when he returns.
Warnings: Adults (18+) only! MDNI! A little smut, acceptable (is that a thing?) cheating, m/m kissing and touching.
The tears begin to stream from your eyes when Jake’s breathing evens out behind you.
Tonight was a mistake. Instead of curbing your appetite for Bradley, it’s made you that much hungrier. Worst yet, your feelings for Jake somehow deepened for him allowing this indulgence.
It takes hours for your racing mind to fall asleep and you don’t stir until Jake is gently shaking you awake.
“Morning,” he murmurs as you open your tear-swollen eyes, “were you crying, sweetheart?”
The concern on his face breaks your heart.
“Yeah,” you croak as a fresh round of tears prickle at your tired eyes, “I-I’m gonna miss you.”
It’s not a lie; you are going to miss him.
“I’m gonna miss you too,” he kisses your forehead, “but it shouldn’t be more than a week and a half, two tops.”
You nod.
“We were told we won’t have access to our phones but I’ll get ahold of you as soon as I’m back, okay?” He continues when you nod again, “I love you, Liv.”
Your heart skips a beat just as your stomach sinks.
“I love you too,” you force yourself to smile as you reply softly. It turns genuine at his own grin.
It’s true, you do love him.
But you love Bradley too.
“See you soon,” he presses a chaste kiss to your lips before heading to the door.
The sob that’s been choking you escapes when you hear his truck turn over in the driveway.
There’s a ‘miss you already’ text from Jake but nothing from Bradley when you wake up a few hours later. Your head pounds from the interrupted sleep and dehydration as you text back but it comes back as undelivered. Already unreachable.
The following days pass in a haze. Not only are you sick with guilt, you’re worried. Uncle Ice can’t offer you much when you visit at lunch, just keeps telling you there isn’t any news yet. You pick up shifts at the Hard Deck to keep your mind off things but it doesn’t help either. You can’t eat, you can’t sleep, you can’t do anything besides think about what’s going to happen when they return.
Twelve endless days later, you get a text from Ice after you get home. He hadn’t been in his office at lunch and you’d been wondering if his absence was related to the mission.
Uncle 🧊: Just got word, they’re all back on the carrier.
Relief washes over you.
Liv: Thanks for the update. Everyone okay?
Uncle 🧊: Yeah. Rooster and Mav both had to eject. They’re bruised and beaten up but in one piece.
Your stomach rolls at the news. But Ice wouldn’t lie to you; if he says they’re okay, they’re okay.
Liv: Thank God.
Uncle 🧊: Agreed. Don’t make plans Friday night.
You smile; that’s his way of telling you when they’ll be back.
Liv: I won’t. Thanks for the update. Love you.
Uncle 🧊: Love you too, kiddo. Get some sleep tonight, you need it.
Liv: Is that your way of telling me I look like shit?
Uncle 🧊: No comment.
Liv: 🖕
You can’t help but laugh.
But you don’t sleep again that night, instead tossing and turning before coming to the conclusion that you need to end things with Jake and distance yourself from Bradley.
Friday afternoon rolls around and you get a text from Jake as expected, but your stomach drops at what it reads.
Jake: Should be stateside around 5. Can I come over? We need to talk.
Liv: Sure. I’ll be home.
Jake: K, see you then.
Liv: Okay.
He doesn’t respond.
He knows. Bradley must’ve let it slip that you said you loved him.
You manage to hold off the tears until you get in your car and cry the entire way home.
There’s a knock at the door a little after 6, and your broken heart still flutters.
Jake looks like he hasn’t slept in days, yet he still manages to look good.
“Hey,” you murmur, letting him in.
“Hey,” he pauses as he passes by you like he’s about to kiss you, but he thinks better of it. A fresh round of tears spring to your eyes.
He sighs as he sits on the couch across from you, rubbing his hands over his face.
“What’s-“ you start.
“I cheated on you,” he interrupts, his voice thick as tears fill his eyes.
His words twist the knife already lodged in your heart.
“What?” You whisper, unable to hold back the tears any longer.
“It-I-fuck,” he stutters uncharacteristically, running his hand through his hair. “I-“
“Liv!” Bradley pounds on the door, startling you both, “don’t listen to him! It’s my fault!”
You look to Jake in confusion as you rise but he just hangs his head.
“What’s going on?” You ask as you open the door, gasping when you see Bradley. His face is intact, but there’s a gash on his neck and deep purple bruising from his harness is visible where his collar is pulled down from the weight of his sunglasses. “Oh God, Roo.”
He gently halts your hand before you can touch him, grimacing as if the action pains him. “I’m fine, Liv, thanks to Jake. What did he tell you?”
Jake interrupts again, “I told her the truth; that I cheated on her.”
“He didn’t,” Bradley shakes his head, “it was me.”
“Yes, it-“
“Stop,” you cut them both off. “Start from the beginning. I don’t care who, I just want to know what happened. Tell me the truth.”
2 days prior.
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, this is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seat belts, return the tray tables to their locked and upright positions, and prepare for landing,” Jake’s smiling voice comes through the comm.
His mom’s laughter, his dad playing the piano, your little gasps before he made you cum…those were the sweetest sounds Bradley’s ever heard, but Jake’s voice is right up there now too; he just saved his life. “Hey, Hangman, you look good.”
“I am good, Rooster. I'm very good. I'll see you back on deck,” Jake flashes them a grin before flying off.
The rough landing back on the carrier takes his breath away; already banged up from ejecting. But he’s alive.
There’s something deeper than gratitude in the look that passes between the two of them as Jake shakes his hand once he’s out of the jet.
The next few hours are a whirlwind of cognitive tests, x-rays, written and verbal reports, and a not-very-pleasant verbal lashing from Cyclone.
Bradley’s physically and mentally exhausted as he walks back to the bunks, wanting nothing more than to flop into bed and pine for you until he falls asleep. But the cheers that greet him as he walks into his and Bob’s room are deafening.
He smiles through the pain of the harsh back slaps, trying not to cringe too much when he gets squeezed on the shoulder in congratulations.
“Just a little,” Bradley warns as he’s handed a solo cup of smuggled booze. “I’m on pain meds.”
Phoenix rolls her eyes but doesn’t give him more than 2 fingers' worth of the smuggled booze.
“To Hangman,” Bradley swallows the lump that formed in his throat as he meets those green eyes across the small room. For everything; for healing your heart when he broke it, for bringing the joy back into your life, for kicking his ass into gear when he wasn’t pulling his weight in the squad, for allowing him to be a part of your life after he fucked it up, “for saving my life.”
Jake gives him a small smile in return, nodding once before they all take a swig.
The hours pass in a alcohol induced blur and suddenly, Jake and Bradley are the only 2 awake.
“Damnit Nat,” Bradley sighs dramatically, as he sways, spotting Natasha on his bed. “Floor it is, I guess.”
“You can’t sleep on the floor after today,” Jake yawns before he scoffs, as if the thought offends him, “you won’t be able to walk tomorrow. C’mon, you can sleep in Javy’s bed.”
“Where’s he gonna sleep?” Bradley asks, brow furrowed, almost falling when he follows where Jake’s pointing to Javy’s sleeping form on the floor. “Oh.”
“Let’s go,” Jake guides Bradley over the rest of the slumbering bodies to walk 2 doors down.
“I really thought I was a goner,” Bradley says softly, leaning back against the bunk when they make it there. “It was sort of peaceful,” he swallows thickly, “I was gonna get to see my mom and dad again. But then I thought of Liv-not like that…I mean like, how sad she would be if she lost her best friend and then…you were there.”
Jake gives him another small smile, uncharacteristically quiet.
Bradley laughs as he pushes off the frame of the bed. “You were there,” he cups Jake’s face in both hands, “You saved me, Jake.”
It’s meant to be a quick, ‘thanks for saving my life,’ peck between friends. Nothing more.
Jake tenses at the touch of Bradley’s lips.
“Shit, I’m so-“ Bradley starts as he pulls away but before he can, Jake’s fisting his shirt to tug him back.
They both groan as their mouths meet again in a rough, demanding kiss. Months of unresolved sexual tension are released between their tangling tongues and nipping teeth as Bradley backs Jake up against the wall.
“Fuck,” Jake pulls off Bradley's lips with a groan as his hand slides up his thigh before palming his hard cock roughly. His head falls back against the wall with a thud as Bradley’s mustache runs over his neck.
“God Jake,” Bradley breathes into his ear, “I want you so bad. Seeing you and Liv…”
It’s like they were doused with a bucket of cold water, both freezing at the sound of your name.
The horror is evident on Jake’s face as Bradley pulls back slowly, “Jake, wait-“
“I’m gonna be sick,” Jake pushes past him to the bathroom, making Bradley cringe at the sound of him emptying his stomach.
“You okay?” Bradley’s vision darkens as he bumps his bruised shoulder against the door frame of the bathroom.
“Fine,” Jake lies, voice thick, “too much to drink. Just-just go to sleep, Bradshaw.”
Bradley stumbles to the bottom bunk with every intention to talk about it in the morning.
But Jake’s gone when he gets up and avoids him entirely until they touch dry land.
“Hangm-Jake!” Bradley calls as Jake heads to the parking lot, “Let me talk to Liv, it was my fault. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“We both know that’s a lie,” Jake replies, looking at the ground, “I gotta tell her the truth.”
“The truth is, we were drunk and I kissed you,” Bradley replies lowly, not to be overheard. “Please, just let me talk-“
“Bradshaw!” Cyclone yells from his office as he flips through the stack in his hands, “I don’t have your mission report here. I need that before you go.”
“Just wait for me,” Bradley pleads, unzipping his duffel to look for the report he knows he handed in.
“Lt. Bradshaw!”
“Fuck,” Bradley mutters as he looks up to Jake getting in his truck. “Coming, sir!”
You’re almost….relieved at the truth.
“It was my fault,” Bradley says with a sigh as he sits on the other end of the couch from Jake, “I-we were both drinking and it was just meant to be… like a peck on the lips as a thank you and-“
“And I turned it into more,” Jake finishes his sentence. “Stop lying for me, Bradley. I appreciate it, but stop. Please.”
Your mind is racing as you look between them.
Jake turned it into something more? Is he…
“Jake, do you-I mean, are you…into men?” You ask gently.
“I…” he swallows, still refusing to look at either of you, “I think I might be? But I’m also into women, obviously. Like, I’ve been attracted to guys before but never acted on it. Never felt the need to…act on it. Until now.”
Bradley looks just as distraught as Jake sounds.
Jake takes a deep breath and his shoulders shake as he exhales, finally looking up at you. “I fucked up, Liv, and I’m so sorry. You don’t have to forgive me, God knows I don’t deserve it. But I want you to know, I meant it when I said I love you.”
Tears again fill your eyes as you nod.
“But I can’t lie and say I don’t have feelings for Bradley too,” he stands. His voice cracks as he looks at him, and so does another piece of your heart, “I tried to ignore it for so long, but it all came rushing to the surface when we kissed. It’s not Bradley’s fault either. It was innocent and I turned it into more.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Bradley shakes his head as he stands with a wince, “innocent or not, drunk or sober, or that I have feelings for you too. I shouldn’t have kissed you in the first place.”
“You both have feelings for each other?” You ask as you rise too, continuing when they both nod, “And you both have feelings for me still?”
“I’ve never stopped,” Bradley replies hoarsely, “I’ve never stopped loving you.”
Jake nods. “My feelings for you haven’t changed, Liv. I love you so much.”
“Okay,” you whisper, heart about to beat right out of your chest, “then show me. Together.”
A/N: sorry for the delay! I get horribly unmotivated on the weekends and just have been feeling blah lately. What did you think? Anyone see that coming?
Special thanks to @blindedbythelightt for the help with this one!
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
Please let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my taglist…and if I forgot to add you-it wasn’t intentional, just remind me and I’ll get you added.
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lexixstewart · 2 months
of course🥰 i got your back girl!
When I go to the Natasha trace tag, I'm going to get very annoyed when I see your story there that's got nothing to do with her. It doesn't belong there. It's also rude to those writers/creators who are actually posting a Phoenix fic. Same goes for Bob and Javy and everyone else. Tag your stuff appropriately and maybe you will have better luck with interactions.
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lexixstewart · 2 months
good lord! i got on here after not being on for a few days and this is what i see?? how rude nonny. piss off🙄 touch some fucking grass bro.
you don’t deserve this mckenzie! i’m so sorry😭
When I go to the Natasha trace tag, I'm going to get very annoyed when I see your story there that's got nothing to do with her. It doesn't belong there. It's also rude to those writers/creators who are actually posting a Phoenix fic. Same goes for Bob and Javy and everyone else. Tag your stuff appropriately and maybe you will have better luck with interactions.
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lexixstewart · 2 months
i swear he will be the death of me if hollywood keeps letting him be a true country boy 😮‍💨
Wait a minute I love that Bradley loves the baseball hat more 🤤
I need to know what everyone’s favorite look for each other is. (Hopefully this makes sense)
Liv: loves Bradley in those slutty tight jeans and a Hawaiian shirt, Jake when he brings them both home and he wears button downs and Wranglers with the cowboy boots and hat 🤤
Jake: loves Liv in nothing but his cowboy hat 😏, also loves Bradley in nothing but his cowboy hat (kidding but not kidding). Bradley in his flightsuit and aviators.
Bradley: loves when Liv is one of his or Jake’s tee shirts, especially when he’s not sure if she’s wearing anything under it. Jake would be that backwards hat and a white tee and jeans that hug his butt just right.
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lexixstewart · 2 months
and the manners??? are you kidding me?🥵 “yes ma’am” “no ma’am” HOT HOT HOT
Wait a minute I love that Bradley loves the baseball hat more 🤤
I need to know what everyone’s favorite look for each other is. (Hopefully this makes sense)
Liv: loves Bradley in those slutty tight jeans and a Hawaiian shirt, Jake when he brings them both home and he wears button downs and Wranglers with the cowboy boots and hat 🤤
Jake: loves Liv in nothing but his cowboy hat 😏, also loves Bradley in nothing but his cowboy hat (kidding but not kidding). Bradley in his flightsuit and aviators.
Bradley: loves when Liv is one of his or Jake’s tee shirts, especially when he’s not sure if she’s wearing anything under it. Jake would be that backwards hat and a white tee and jeans that hug his butt just right.
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