lexirexie · 12 days
Restaurants Safe Foods Masterpost
Food from my master post, this is just so you don’t have to scroll through the whole thing if you didn’t want to on my masterpost
Burger King
Chuck E Cheese
Cracker Barrel
Dairy Queen/Orange Julius
Dunkin Donuts
Fire House Subs
Five Guys
Golden Coral
Hard Rock
In and Out Burger
Jasons Deli
Krispy Kreme
Little Caesers
Logans Road House
Long Horn Steak House
McAlisters Deli
Movie Theaters
Olive Garden
Outback Steak House
Panda Express
Panera Bread Co.
Papa Johns
Papa Murphys
Pizza Hut
PF Changs
Red Robins (yuUUMMM)
Ruby Tuesday
Steak and Shake
Taco Bell
Texas Road House
Tim Hortons
Waffle House
White Castle
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lexirexie · 17 days
my dad basically called me fat at lunch today and i just ran out. ive been slowly relapsing the last couple weeks. looks like its coming back full blown.
its like thry've forgottom i have an ed just because ive been recovering for a month. well, ill fucking remind them.
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lexirexie · 20 days
Daily Thinspo
every calorie counts
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lexirexie · 24 days
the fucked up thing in all of this is, i want people to worry about me and be shocked when they see me. i want them to think „omg she lost so much weight“. idk why 🤷🏻‍♀️ i just want people to treat me like i’m gonna break in half just by breathing in my direction.
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lexirexie · 1 month
I know this sounds insane, but I hate when other people say they’re not hungry. Stop it! That's my thing!
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lexirexie · 2 months
does anyone else get hungriest like straight af tree r they eat?? my stomach feels empty and it growls a lot even tho i just ate a decent meal (chicken breast and 2 cups of veg)
why is it like thisssss
also im back on my -1kg weekly grind lessgooo 💪🏻
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lexirexie · 2 months
for how much everyone goes on about rice cakes and they're like known in ED's, you think they'd be like 5-10 cals each but they're like 30?? i know that isn't much either but its a lot more than i thought considering the hype
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lexirexie · 2 months
guys im up by a lot on the scale after my holiday and birthday parties. from 64.1 to 65.6 (idk how reliable my scales are sometimes they give different numbers buy 65.6 was the most consistent one) and its freaked me out. if im consistent on my recovery plans i should be 64.8 by next week. this feels so slow!!
edit: according to losertown, everythings fine, my projected goal date is still similar, mid-late november, but either way by the next time my boyfriend's family sees me i'll have lost at least another 10kg.
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lexirexie · 2 months
gonna weigh myself and start over tomorrow, my boyfriends finally gone back home (3hrs from me) and all of my birthday festivities are over.
i estimate it'll say 64.8-65.5kg, for context before i went on holiday i was 64kg. hopefully theres not too much damage control to do.
to be honest, ive actually been recovering and healing my relationship with food and its felt genuinely rewarding this time around. im sticking to a sustainable defecit and walking a few miles a day so i know im still losing, but im not in such a rush. ill be my ugw by november anyway which honestly isnt far.
im keeping tumblr because its a safe space and i still like the thin/mealsp0.
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lexirexie · 2 months
The "Three-Bite" Rule
Consists in allowing yourself 3 bites of any indulgent food:
The first one is to taste the food.
The second one is for savoring it.
By the third one you can already tell how it tastes so you can stop eating it.
I read about this trick in Twitter, where a girl post a thread about her almond mom and her habits to stay skinny.
It really helped me with binging, with this I can allow myself some of my cravings. Hope it works for you 💞
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lexirexie · 2 months
i'm not sure what i weigh right now, i'm terrified to weigh myself after drinking and binge eating for over a week on holiday. part of me wants to do it now, to start asap, but if im being smart, i know i have a birthday party on saturday and my boyfriend goes home on monday. i should start then, because after monday nothing can sabotage me.
i've calculated, to lose a kg a week i need to net 320 cals daily. so that will be tge plan.
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lexirexie · 2 months
right, im back.
the situation is:
i went to tenerife for my 18th birthday, we stayed at an all inclusive hotel. as if being practically naked around strangers and my family almost all the time wasn't uncomfortable enough, i was with my parents and my boyfriend, all 3 of which not only eat a lot but always encourage me to. so, i basically binged all week. every day, i had 3 meals, desserts, hot chocolates, things from the vending machine, ice creams around the pool, and since i turned 18 of course a lot of alchohol.
my mum told me while she was (very) drunk that as long as i dont let my ed make them feel uncomfortable i can relapse and be a rexie all i want when i get home. to me, that meant she can see how fat i still am and understands why i hate what i look like and want to ⭐️ve.
Well, I'm home now.
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lexirexie · 2 months
lately I’ve been binging my fucking crazy because like you ever have those thoughts where your like “it’s okay I love my body it’s okay to eat!!” Then once you finish that last bite ur like fuck why did I eat that this is why ur so big
just me?
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lexirexie · 2 months
literally WHY does everyone think that every “hangout” has to involve eating???
hello i’m trying to ⭐️rve? go AWAYYYYY.
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lexirexie · 2 months
I've been at an all inclusive hotel in tenerife for the last few days since its my birthday tomorrow. breakfast and dinner buffet style. alchohol. ice cream. no fasting. no calorie information. no meal skipping. no ingredient lists. my boyfriend and parens have been happy with me eating more. much more. it feels like im binging sometimes.
I'm in hell.
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lexirexie · 2 months
“if you ⭐️ve yourself you’ll lose your boobs!”
well, yeah, let’s fucking hope so
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lexirexie · 2 months
Calories don't disappear when you don't count them.
I make sure to log even if I overate.
Then I adjust the amount of calories and exercise for the next days.
Own your mistakes and make up for it.
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