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Hello Could you review my webtoon titled "The Heart of Touqar"? It's an Arabian Bedouin fantasy, and I would greatly appreciate it. #theheartoftouqar
Hi, it's my first time hearing about this webtoon! I'll start reading it and I'll review it when I'll be more ahead in the story : > thank you for the recommandation!
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An anime to celebrate women! o(*°▽°*)o
Suzume no tojimari (Adventure/Supernatural/Action) Movie - 2022
Makoto Shinkai
Rating: 10/10

To end 2022 on a high note, Makoto Shinkai gave us the best present he could with Suzume no tojimari. Remaining in the vein of Your Name, with a high-school heroine full of dreams, he nonetheless deviates sharply from it with a story set against a dramatic backdrop, surfing on a spring breeze wafting cherry blossom petals. For a timeless journey into the Japanese countryside to Tokyo alongside a daring young girl who's not afraid of a challenge, embark on the fascinating journey that is Suzume no tojimari.

Suzume's story begins when she goes to school as she does every morning. An ordinary schoolgirl, with the simple difference that her parents are no longer with her, she lives with her aunt and enjoys life to the fullest. But her quiet teenage life changes completely when she meets Souta, a charming young man. Surprised by the destination he asks her to take, the young girl lets her guts lead her and follows him. That's when everything changes.

Carried away to a world that coexists with the underground world, where the "worm" lives with the spirits who have left the earthly world, she realizes the fragility of a world whose security relies on people like Souta to close the "doors". Though overwhelmed by the heavy task she takes on in accompanying Souta, whose sad fate is caused by his thoughtless actions, Suzume retraces her past as she travels through Japan, meeting women with different destinies, all of whom will help her in one way or another in her quest.

A beautiful teen story, Suzume is first and foremost an excellent success for its well-crafted characters, full of depth and delicacy, and a plot that's neither too heavy-handed nor too naive. Quite the contrary, in fact! Makoto Shinkai has pulled off the incredible feat of creating an anime that retains its youthful freshness while delivering a healthy dose of emotion that will have you on the edge of your seat. From laughter to tears of sadness, Suzume and Souta's journey will take you from start to finish with a tragic yet hopeful ending.

The most important thing to remember about Suzume is the strength of the women and their fighting spirit. The female characters are undoubtedly in the limelight in this beautiful anime that honors femininity, or rather femininities in the plural. Because femininity isn't universal, it depends on each woman and her personal approach to life, whatever her age and this story tells it perfectly. These combative women who live their lives to the fullest without ever losing a crumb of their sensitivity are the ones who will guide Suzume as she learns about life. In the end, they are the true heroines of Suzume no tojimari.

#animes#manga#anime review#mangas#manga anime#anime#manga review#romance#action#adventures#supernatural#suzume not tojimari#makoto shinkai
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Bye Moonbin, you were a sunlight, your smile was a gift arohas treasured deeply. I will miss your beautiful laugh and your bright personality forever.
It's a shock to see the news about your passing. I hope you're in peace now 🧡🧡🧡.
#rip#astro#moonbin#passing#i loved him so much#i'm heartbroken#i'm shocked you suffered with a smile on everyday
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Beautiful art of trigun, an anime that had a deep impact on me when I watched it 🧐
Be Not Afraid.
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Thank you so much for your kind words...I cried when I read your answers (I'm the anon who asked about BL).....You're right, I always feel maybe there's something wrong with me....But now I feel happy when reading how you feel the same thing and there is someone like me....Hope you have a wonderful day.... 💐🌷
Don't worry, this maybe my first ask, but I always love to read your recs and reviews, whenever you can write them (don't worry)....
I'm glade it helped you 😊 have a nice day too, and feel free to ask any question! I'm happy to share with my readers about any and every things 🤗
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#shojo manga#animes#manga#anime review#mangas#manga anime#anime#manga review#i got polls#my polls#might turn this account in a poll account#polls
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Hi.....Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujo (especially het romance) decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...
What do you think happen to me? Sorry for this weird ask....
Love your blog....Thank you for sharing your anime/ manga recs and reviews......Thanks.....
Hey there 😊
That's an excellent question actually. To be honest with you, I went through the exact same process as you not long ago, and just like you I questioned how weird this process was... I loved shoujo and shonen, and when I discovered BL, I didn't find female/male love story interesting anymore. So I tried to understand why was that, if I was weird, if something was wrong with me and I started doubting myself. Exactly as you said, I only look for the development between a male MC and a male lead and I find female/male love stories tasteless, boring to say the least. What made me change from this to that so radically? Why on earth did something like that happened to me?
Sadly I don't have the answer to that, and I'm not sure there's an answer to that question, but I indentified things that might lead to some kind of understanding even though if it's not satisfying. First of all, BL is something that was totally new to me when I first discovered it. I guess the fact that you're discovering a new thing on earth that you were totally ignorant about makes you suddenly very interested in it. Secondly, BL have a side that female/male love stories don't have : the belonging to a minority that is suffering discrimination and struggles everyday to be accepted in a society that is still very toxic to them in most countries. It may sound unrelated, but I think it adds a lot of depths to the stories and a new vision to things you've never had before, which makes you think totally differently on stuff like sexuality, the acceptance of our society towards minorities and you also realise what kind of feelings you go through when you're in the place of a LGBTQ+ person through the characters and stories. In my opinion, this aspect of BL is also what makes it more interesting than female/make love stories. Thirdly and this is a very subjective opinion, but I really think BL are way more diverse in the subjects they deal about and more intense on the emotion delivery. I don't know if that's because of the writing or the art, but I feel like the artists and authors manage to give a broader choice of styles and stories than in shoujos for example, even though I perfectly aknowledge that there are overused clichés in BL too. Sometimes a well overused cliché is better than a bad original idea... But again, this is debatable and I think it's quite personal.
I don't know if my answer helped you, but I wanted to try making you feel less insecure about this with my own experience and thinking. There's nothing wrong with you, you're not weird either, you're just experiencing one of the greatest things human beings created ever : stories with a real diversity of characters and relationships you hardly find in "mainstream" stories, and that deal about unusual subjects without taboos. You're just a very open minded person who accepts to learn more about people different from you and struggles you don't experience yourself and I think that's wonderful. As for why an heterosexual woman (I'm talking about myself here, not generalising) finds romance between men more beautiful or/and appealing, I don't have the answer to that, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Be proud of yourself! You're fine! 😎😁❤️
PS : thank you for your support, it means a lot to me, and sorry for not updating very often... I promise I'll write a review by this week or next week!
#bl manga#BL#shonen ai#bl ships#bl series#bl shows#bl anime#bl addict#you're fine#there's nothing wrong with you#leave the people who call you weird in their ignorance#open minded#peace and love#romance
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#polls#animes#manga#anime review#mangas#manga anime#writing#idk tbh i'm just so lazy shame on meeee#but i love polls#might turn this account in a poll account
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Hey guys 😊
I opened a patreon to get access to special chapters of my writings, check it out!
Love you, and thank you for your support ! ❤️
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Me to every action manhwa i came across that involves students fighting :

#i ask myself the same question every time#also when do they have time to study 💀#i still love those manwahs tho
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Art by ilLumi999
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MAGI: THE LABYRINTH OF MAGIC (Shonen/Action/Fantastique/Aventure) 25 episodes - 2012
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Rating: 10/10

Looking for some nice shonen to watch, but you want to be surprised? You need something new under the sun to feed your anger for adventure and epic fights? Then Magi: the labyrinth of magic is your pick! From the start, you dive into a fantastic world full of magic in an anime that follows the classic of shonen at first to then make you step into complex questions you will find interesting to explore with the main character, Ali Baba.

Far from being an ordinary boy, Ali Baba is no less than the son of the king of the country he lives in. Even though he grew up in the countryside surrounding the capital, his father calls upon him when he reaches his teen years to come live in the castle and learn how to be the next king. Too young to oppose his father’s will and already invested by a responsibility he feels towards the country's citizens, he will follow his training without ever losing his rebellious side and his will to make things better for the people and not for the royals he is part of.

Through this lonely path he will take, Ali Baba will find himself fighting against his best friend, Cassian, who is manipulated by a dark Jinn to raise a revolution lead by the people to overthrow royalty. The young prince will be faced with his own ambivalence: being a royal and wanting to make the regime change to democracy in the most peaceful way isn’t an easy thing, even if done with good intentions! Hopefully, he is supported by Aladin, a Jinn who chose him as his king. With his help, he will travel the world to find answers to his questions, discover countries and their inhabitants… Through this journey, Ali Baba and his friends will grow up to understand the world and its complexity with all the suffering it brings.

Under the light tone of comedy you’ll find in any shonen, Magi: the labyrinth of magic gives a deep and well-built reflection on the link between a form of government and the people’s well-being. Never going for the easy simplification, it delivers original thinking over society matters with all their complexity. But it is never too dense or too complicated. The balance with a good narrative, epic fights, and a profound reflection on challenging matters, not only with the main characters but with three different points of view and stories, is well found, which makes this anime so good.

In addition to giving you an insight into the difficulty of solving societal matters, the beautiful magic world it will make you discover is worth the travel! Full of ocean blue water and other vibrant colours, imaginary monsters, and a broad diversity of populations of all kinds, the framework of this story are one of its strong points with his excellent characters, all with a fascinating backstory. A perfect way to disconnect after a long day at work, and feel the thrills of what shonen gives you with a strong hint of originality through the themes and characters it develops. A fantastic anime night is guaranteed!

"I've learned that from a war ignited by revenge, nothing can be born, but sorrow!" Aladin.
"I've been hurt countless times and shed a million tears. But even though the past was rough, I still smile every day" Morgiana.
#manga anime#animes#anime review#anime#manga review#mangas#manga#manga edit#shonen manga#shonen anime#magi: the labyrinth of magic#ali baba#aladin#morgiana#magi the labyrinth of magic#sinbad#magi labyrinth of magic#alibaba saluja#magi#reviews#hiroyuki yoshino#adventures#comedy#fights#fantastic#action
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#this is so true#i hate cold weather#it's snowing#i love winter and snow but why my room has to be so cold every morning#memes#meme
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Cute and captivating webtoon to warm you up in autumn evenings (^∀^●)ノシ
THAT AWKWARD MAGIC (Fantasy/Romance/School life) 2017 (ongoing) - 136 episodes
Rating: 10/10

We are all absolutely sure of certain things in this world that we would never think of questioning. The earth revolves around the sun, we're all going to die one day, witches don't exist... And if one day you discovered that these certainties were not so sure, what would you do? If one day you found yourself in front of a witch, what would your reaction be? Would you run away screaming? Or would you be so fascinated that you would be drawn to this creature like a magnet?

Evan will opt for the second option. When he discovers that Ansel has extraordinary powers, he gives in to curiosity rather than fear. And when all of this gets mixed up and he uses the situation to get out of a relationship that is becoming an obsession, Ansel finds himself unwillingly embroiled in a world he doesn't know very well: that of the popular, sociable, and charming high school boy. The exact opposite of him.

Behind his big round glasses and hair that deliberately hide the freckles that eat away his face, Ansel does everything he can to remain unnoticed. Because Ansel doesn't have any self-confidence. And what's more, he didn't know he was a witch either... Plunging into unbridled high school life, discovering new emotions he thought were forbidden to him, and learning to love himself as he is, and into a new and much scarier world - that of witches - Ansel is going to have a hard time keeping his feet on the ground and his head above water. Nothing is worse than an already complicated situation that becomes even more so when feelings get involved...

Between touches of humor and a mature and sensitive exploration of feelings, That Awkward Magic is as easy as it is transcendent. You will be ruthlessly tossed around at the pace of a fast-paced, thrilling plot, but also capable of pausing to lose yourself in a labyrinth of emotions that will grab you by the throat. Add to this an approach to sexuality that is as educational as it is straightforward, and you have a webtoon that can be read at any age and at any time! You'll be surprised how much you can learn with just a few chapters on topics you may never have explored before...

Let your curiosity get the better of you, and like Evan and Ansel, set out to discover the magic and witches of the twenty-first century for the duration of these one hundred and sixty-three breathtaking episodes. Get on the high-speed train of That awkward magic to enjoy a neat and very sensitive graphic style as well as quality writing, as emotional as well constructed! Something to liven up your autumn evenings by giving you a change of scenery and making you forget the dreariness...

"I fell for you faster than I fell on the elevator" Evan
#that awkward magic#webtoon#web comics#webcomic#somebuny#romance#fantasy#school life#comedy#bl comic#bl webtoon#bl webcomic#bl review#webtoon review#comic review
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Day 23 : Fly
Gray and Eugene came out of the clinic, a cat box in Eugene's hand. Gray bent down and looked through the wire mesh to make sure the little black cat was okay. It was huddled at the bottom of the cage, its orange eyes wide open. He meowed as Gary's head appeared in his field of vision.
"Well, we've got a cat on our hands now..." Eugene said a little disappointed.
"Eugene, it's not his fault he's a stray and he got hurt," Gray scolded him.
"Oh, I don't blame him at all! It's just that it's not going to be easy to take care of him alternately until he's completely healed. What a pity my aunt doesn't have more room in her clinic!" replied Eugene, who bit his tongue for forgetting that Gray didn't tolerate any deviation, even of language, towards animals.
Gray sat up. He, too, was very concerned about their protégé's situation.
"And on top of that, the smartass escaped to go crazy outside, and came back with his wound completely reopened..."
The two friends sighed together. Life was not easy for hypersensitive people like them! They started walking again when they came across Gerard coming back from his part-time job.
"Gerard! Are you going home?" Eugene asked when he saw him.
"Yep. I'm done for the day," he replied. "And you? What are you carrying around in that box?"
He leaned over to look in the box in question in turn.
"A stray cat that was injured and was taken to my aunt's house for treatment.
Gerard met the feline's gaze and he feinted as the green head obstructed his only source of light.
"And what are you going to do with him? He doesn't seem to be completely healed..." he inquired, straightening up.
"Eugene's aunt didn't have room to keep him in her clinic so we decided to take turns keeping him until he could return to his neighborhood," Gray replied.
Gerard seemed to think for a moment. The two boys looked at him in amazement. Then he finally made up his mind.
"Give him to me, I can keep him at home," said the tall, green-haired man. "You can't keep it too long because of your parents, can you? I won't mind, I can take care of him while he recovers.
Eugene and Gray exchanged a surprised look. They had not expected Gerard to show an interest in animals.
"Are you a cat person, Gerard?" Eugene asked, too curious to hold back his questions.
"I love cats, but they don't really like me in general," he confessed.
Eugene and Gray nodded together. It made sense. Gerard and the animals was a picture that seemed too unrealistic to be plausible. Eugene handed him the box with a smile.
"In that case, we'll leave it to your good care!"
Gray nodded. Gerard smiled and picked up the small grey crate in which the survivor lay. It feigned and meowed when it saw that it had changed owners.
"You see, he already doesn't like me," Gerard mourned.
The two friends laughed when they saw the big guy's discomfited expression. It was going to be good living together!
"Where are Ben and Alex?" Gray asked as they quietly walked back to their respective houses.
"Oh, they're busy with something very important apparently," Gerard replied disinterestedly. "At least that's what they told me when I left them at school."
"Oh yeah?" questioned Eugene who was suddenly curious.
"Yes, they were talking about something like flying football? Something that's played without feet, if I understood correctly," the singer tried to remember.
"Ah, they are experimenting with sports at the moment! I think Ben told me about it. I didn't understand it all but, well, I don't know if it's a great idea to test air sports... what if they get hurt?"
Gerard shrugged.
"We take them to the hospital, I suppose?
Eugene nodded thoughtfully. His friend was probably right. With that, their figures disappeared in the light of the setting sun that bathed the street, still full of cars despite the late hour. The day was coming to an end and the moon was going to chase the sun to reign over the silent world of the night where life was quietly fading away in anticipation of a new day that was sure to arrive with the return of the morning sun.
#weaktober#weak hero fanfic#weak hero webtoon#weak hero#gray yeon#eugene#gerard jin#fanfic writing#fanfics#fanfic#fanfiction
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Day 19 : Poverty
The tension was at its highest. Around the game board, the three teenagers watched each other in silence. All calculations were allowed, and the three friends were certainly not depriving themselves of this. Keeping the suspense going for a few more seconds, the one whose move was eagerly awaited finally announced his game.
-Timothy..." he said with a severe look.
The latter swallowed. He mentally prepared himself for the announcement Jake was about to make.
-Give me two hotels," Jake said with a toothy grin.
Timothy and Dean let out a groan of despair at their leader's announcement. Dried out to the bone, they didn't even have enough money to pay for the passage on one of their friend's grounds and now he was adding hotels! They were screwed!
-How the hell does he get so rich, it's impossible!" Dean whimpered, taking his head in his hands.
This painful experience reminded him why he never played any board game with his best friend.
Handing the two small brown houses to Jake, Timothy was also completely discouraged.
-Here are your hotels..." he said wearily as he took the wad of notes Jake handed him and put them in the bank.
The latter placed the two cottages on his most expensive properties: Paris and London. He sang as he handed the dice to Dean, who looked more like a corpse whose soul had slyly escaped than a growing teenager.
-Dean! It's your turn," his millionaire friend reminded him.
-What's the point of playing, you've already got three times as much money as the two of us put together..." he complained, totally inert.
-Hahahahaha experience poverty, you beggars!" laughed Jake, whose smile went from ear to ear.
Monopoly was working for him, there was no denying it. He'd always been good at board games, but this was close to genius. He had drained the bank's finances and its two hapless playing partners. His pecuniary domination was unprecedented.
Taking the dice from Jake's hand, Dean tossed them limply onto the board.
-3," he mumbled in disappointment.
He moved his black cat dot to the squares on the board, which had been damaged by years of play. Overused, most of the pieces were missing and had been replaced by random objects like the nutshell Timothy used. His black cat was a sad replacement for the Eiffel Tower which was sadly missing from the set of counters of which only the Manneken Pis and the Tower of Pisa remained, holdovers from a glorious past era.
Having finished counting the squares, he placed his black cat on his finishing square. Of course, it was the tax square.
-And come on 200 euros! That's for the kitty!
He threw his last remaining notes into the middle of the board to the laughter of Jake who was holding his ribs at his friend's misfortune.
-Next time I'll take the nutshell, maybe I'll have better luck than with my black cat! I'm sure he's the one who's jinxing me!
He handed the dice to Timothy who shook them with a serious look. Concentrating on his throw, he blew on the dice stuck in his hands arranged in a cone around them before throwing them on the board.
-5" he shouted.
He moved his nutshell forward, counting.
-Ready to end up poor as a rat?" taunted Jake as he saw the pawn approaching his hotels.
Anxious as he approached his wealthy playmate's square, Timothy's hand shook a little more with each pass. He gave up all hope of survival when he finally landed on the dark blue square with a brown house on it.
-Paris..." he sighed.
Dean put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. Crushed by the turn the game had taken, Timothy thought for a moment. Then, in a moment of feverish recklessness, he grabbed the wad of purple notes spread out in front of Jake, catching the latter, who was amid a fit of hilarity, completely off guard.
Leaping to his feet, the broke gambler ran to escape his debtor. Shouting insults of his own, Jake ran after him to get his change. Not wanting to miss a beat in the chase, Dean got up and followed them, leaving the messy tray behind.
Moral of the story: never play a board game with Jake!
#weaktober#weak hero#weak hero webtoon#weak hero icons#webtoon#webtoon comic#jake ji#dean kwon#fanfic writing#weak hero fanfic#fanfics#fanfiction#fanfic
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Day 18 : Silver
The sun was shining and the north wind had cleared the sky, which was a clear blue that would make one smile with bliss. Taking advantage of the good weather and the mildness of October, which had decided to break the temperature trends, the inhabitants of the city were crowding along the pavements.
Amid this beautiful crowd, whose general good mood he did not share, Rowan walked aimlessly. It was Saturday, and he was bored. He had spent the morning playing on his computer and his mother had forced him outside to get some fresh air. But once outside, he didn't know what else to do but wander between the streets that looked the same. To tell the truth, when he wasn't with Eugene and the others, he didn't have much to do with his free time.
Tired of this forced wandering, he kicked a pebble that was right under his shoe. But as if everything was working against him to make his day, the stone ricocheted and hit a passerby in the forehead. Stunned by the action, Rowan ran to the person to apologize when he recognized Eugene.
-Eugene?" he was even more stunned by the combination of circumstances that may not have been so unfortunate after all. It all depended on your point of view...
-Rowaaaan_COPY" whined his friend who was holding his forehead, looking bruised. "It hurts..."
-I'm so sorry! It was unintentional, oh my God!
He examined his friend's forehead, which was now adorned with a beautiful round glowing spot in its center. Apologizing again, he tried to soothe the pain by blowing on it but Eugene had to stop him as his efforts were useless.
-What are you doing in the corner?" he asked him after giving up trying to repay his friend for the unintentional and unfortunate damage he had caused him.
-I came to buy manga," Rowan replied, holding up a bag full of manga.
Rowan nodded as he looked at the volumes in the paper bag. They talked for a while before deciding to go shopping together to pass the time. It was then that they happened to pass by a clothing shop with a very strange front.
A big silver synthetic fur coat was in the middle of the main window. It shone with a thousand silver lights, like a fake moon that no one would have tried to make even slightly realistic. With a knowing glance, the two students entered the small shop.
After taking a copy of the coat, they took turns trying it on and assuming all the postures that made them look as mafioso or diva-like as possible.
-Hey Eugene, look! Who am I impersonating?" asked Rowan, a pair of sunglasses on his nose and a large chain around his neck, raising his chin as high as possible, taunting his audience with a disdainful pout.
-Mmmh... Colton?"
Rowan shook his head.
-In that case... Wolf?"
Again, the ginger hair guy shook his head, disappointed at his friend's poor performance.
-I don't know..." Eugene gave up.
-Phillip Kim," Rowan then smirked.
The two friends burst out laughing.
-He's the real deal! Eugene managed to articulate between shaking his head so hard that he laughed, causing his laughing partner to have another fit.
After spending twenty minutes under the reproachful gaze of the salesmen, the two friends decided to take something to buy and then leave without making any more fuss.
Wiping the tears from his eyes, Eugene picked up a jumper at random from one of the stalls. It was cream in colour and had black cats sitting in a repeated pattern all over it. Rowan chuckled as he saw the outfit his friend had decided to buy. Eugene shrugged. It didn't matter,, after all, they just needed an excuse to go out without looking like a bunch of ruffians without manners. And cats were his favourite animal, so it would do just fine!
They paid for their purchases, then headed outside in search of ice cream to recover from their emotions.
#weaktober#weak hero#weak hero webtoon#weak hero icons#weak hero fanfic#webtoon#gray yeon#eugene#fanfic writing#fanfics#fanfiction#fanfic
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