lettucedchu · 6 months
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Okay i’m waiting for the divorce lore to drop 🤨
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lettucedchu · 2 years
Final Thoughts on T&B2.2: ORIGA Edition
SPOILERS for T&B2.2!
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One thing I wanna point out, re: Origa, the relationship Yuri had with her the entire series was performative. It wasn’t real. She had already chosen Legend over Yuri when Legend was alive, and well, and she stayed by her man.
Yuri was desperate for someone he could love. It’s why he put up with her bad days, just so he could make it the good ones. Even the good ones weren’t real love. It was an old woman idolizing her dead, abusive husband all the while ignoring Yuri’s actual reality.
And it hurts to be gaslit like that. It hurt Yuri that she ignored his reality, dementia or no, but if he shut his mouth, performed the way she wanted him to, she rewarded him with motherly affection.
Their dynamic was toxic as fuck. He was in a codependent relationship with her, one that would never improve for two reasons:
Even while sane, Origa must’ve loathed and blamed Yuri. She was already far down the path of hating her own child.
There’s no cure for dementia. Dementia is the #7 disease-related cause of death and folks usually live 8-10 years after onset.
Yuri was never gonna be able to hold her accountable, or at least confront her, which woulda gone a long way to validating his own reality and bringing him to his authentic self. He instead glommed onto her as his only chance of redemption, love, and kindness. If he’d had friends, I doubt that would’ve happened. This is where Kotetsu’s influence came in.
I wonder if the hauntings Yuri created for himself were because his mother denied his reality, so he had a hard time trusting what was real, i.e., love, friendship, trust, forgiveness. Yuri built a world for himself where he was the executioner, was condemned by a dead man, and occasionally shown affection by an insane woman, and none of it was real. He was never gonna heal living with Origa. Which was why I was ok with her dying—it made sense with her dementia and his healing journey.
I wasn’t fine with the senseless violence. Nature taking Origa from Yuri is a progression that could lead to him letting go and realizing who he is, what he wants from others, and what his values really are. Murderers taking Origa away? Let’s fucking destroy any love and affection this poor guy gets and end him.
Hopefully there’re fix-it fics out there or will be there that gets this man the healing he deserves. I hope someday he can see, yeah, she did the best she could, she still sucked, and I still loved her. Because that’s how life is—complex, confusing, and worth living.
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lettucedchu · 2 years
Yuri's side profile appreciation post
I love his nose
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lettucedchu · 2 years
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Yuri Petrov sketches (Tiger & Bunny). Ballpoint pen. He might be my favorite.
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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Una de las chicas mas bonitas de South Park
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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Craig peruano 100% real no fake
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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Veo Creek en todas partes...
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lettucedchu · 6 years
DGM male characters irl
 Guys list [girls x]
Allen Walker
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Kanda Yuu
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Johnny Gill
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Howard Link
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Tyki Mikk
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Alma Karma
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Noise Marie
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Daisya Barry
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Marian Cross
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Froi Tiedoll
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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Solo esta un poco loquito, pero sigue siendo adorable :D
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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Pense en dos historias mientras hacia este dibujo... la primera: Craig siempre ha estado enamorado de la luna y "tontamente" piensa que si tomara forma humana lo haría taan feliz...lo cual pasa y se convierte en Tweek la segunda: por "x" causa mistica Tweek se sacrifica para encarnar en la luna (si, me base en avatar) y ahora Craig solo lo puede ver de lejos y en su forma luna.
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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Soooo… There is more under the cut! >__>
Seguir leyendo
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lettucedchu · 6 years
Geografía espacial
A Tweek le gustaban muchas cosas de Craig
Empezando por ese carácter tan centrado y estoico que Tweek envidiaba un poco al momento de caer en sus paranoias,  le gustaba también su seguridad en si mismo, su fuerza y su capacidad de liderazgo, eso era respecto al lado emocional, y en cuanto al físico...
La mayor parte de la gente -especialmente las chicas- pensarían que era sus increíbles ojos ámbar, su liso cabello negro o incluso su cuerpo alto y estilizado, pero para Tweek sus partes favoritas de Craig distaban mucho de las ya mencionadas, a Tweek le gustaban los hoyuelos que se formaban en las mejillas del azabache cada vez que sonreía -veces que solo ocurrían cuando estaban juntos, eso le hacia atesorarlas mas- también le gustaban el par de lunares que adornaban su cuello de forma singular, esos eran sus favoritos, le gustaban tanto que no desaprovechaba la oportunidad de besarlos cuando sus labios se encontraban en el cuello de Tucker
A Craig también le gustaban muchas cosas de Tweek
No solo era su despeinado cabello rubio, ojos azules con tintes amarillos o sus adorables tics nerviosos,  a Craig le fascinaban las pecas en el cuello y hombros del rubio,  le gustaba pasar su dedo entre ellas y trazar líneas imaginarias para que formaran constelaciones, durante la noche y entre la obscuridad, enfocaba su vista en esas marcas y le parecía ver una galaxia entera tatuada en su piel
y así cada vez que sus cuerpos se unían y sus pieles  se juntaban, un universo entero crecía entre ellos, cargado de constelaciones y lunares, explotando como el big bang y creando planetas enteras juntos, Craig era un aficionado del universo, y Tweek estaba convirtiéndose un uno también.
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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Las waifus de Phone Destroyer
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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Steampunk vampire Bebe, Jimmy, and Leslie outfit sketches
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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Con la ropa del novio *_*
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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Una selfie con el novio
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lettucedchu · 6 years
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I love them
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