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february monthly calendar comment what you think! #bujomonthly #leuchtturm1917 #studyblr #supertips #papermatepens #minimalist #amethyst #bujo #bulletjournal #studygram #simple #planwithme #planner @leuchtturm1917 @paper_mate @crayola https://www.instagram.com/p/BtbpYvMA0vJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=254e5fxr9zz1
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february cover page comment what you think! i’m trying a lot of new things this month. i’m not a very artsy person, but these crystals are so easy and pretty. i’m also trying this overview layout. #bujomonthly #leuchtturm1917 #studyblr #supertips #papermatepens #minimalist #amethyst #bujo #bulletjournal #studygram #simple #planwithme #planner @leuchtturm1917 @paper_mate @crayola https://www.instagram.com/p/BtY3QE1AGlI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10134g9jfu829
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How to Handle Having TOO MUCH To Do
So let’s say you’re in the same boat I am (this is a running theme, have you noticed?) and you’ve just got, like, SO MUCH STUFF that HAS to get done YESTERDAY or you will DIE (or fail/get fired/mope). Everything needs to be done yesterday, you’re sick, and for whatever reason you are focusing on the least important stuff first. What to do!
Take a deep breath, because this is a boot camp in prioritization.
Make a 3 by 4 grid. Make it pretty big. The line above your top row goes like this: Due YESTERDAY - due TOMORROW - due LATER. Along the side, write: Takes 5 min - Takes 30 min - Takes hours - Takes DAYS.
Divide ALL your tasks into one of these squares, based on how much work you still have to do. A thank you note for a present you received two weeks ago? That takes 5 minutes and was due YESTERDAY. Put it in that square. A five page paper that’s due tomorrow? That takes an hour/hours, place it appropriately. Tomorrow’s speech you just need to rehearse? Half an hour, due TOMORROW. Do the same for ALL of your tasks
Your priority goes like this:
5 minutes due YESTERDAY
5 minutes due TOMORROW
Half-hour due YESTERDAY
Half-hour due TOMORROW
Hours due TOMORROW
5 minutes due LATER
Half-hour due LATER
Hours due LATER
At this point you just go down the list in each section. If something feels especially urgent, for whatever reason - a certain professor is hounding you, you’re especially worried about that speech, whatever - you can bump that up to the top of the entire list. However, going through the list like this is what I find most efficient.
Some people do like to save the 5 minute tasks for kind of a break between longer-running tasks. If that’s what you want to try, go for it! You’re the one studying here.
So that’s how to prioritize. Now, how to actually do shit? That’s where the 20/10 method comes in. It’s simple: do stuff like a stuff-doing FIEND for 20 minutes, then take a ten minute break and do whatever you want. Repeat ad infinitum. It’s how I’ve gotten through my to do list, concussed and everything.
You’ve got this. Get a drink and start - we can do our stuff together!
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2.1.19 // studygram: alimastudies
new years resolution: actually post on tumblr sometimes
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student bullet journal spreads...
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student bujo spreads inspiration from @focusign @bulletby_r @its.me.andiee @_caitlins_corner_ @katytastic @amandarachlee @letterwithlaurenliz #leuchtturm1917 #studyblr #studygram #bujoinspo #bujo #student #studentbujo #studentbujospread #planner #planwithme #lettering #handlettering #calligraphy #supertips @leuchtturm1917 @crayola @bulletjournal https://www.instagram.com/p/BsUCkbHAFLD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=119lidjci1591
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my ideal morning routine
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I have always struggled to get out of bed in the mornings. Like always. I’ve tried the alarm clock across the room. Didn’t work. I’ve tried setting multiple alarms on my phone. No dice. My typical morning routine looks like this:
5:45 – first alarm goes off
5:50 – alarm number two
5:55 – final alarm gets snoozed
6:30 – dad screams at me to get my lazy butt out of bed; I scramble out of bed and rush to get out the house.
6:45 – leave my house
7:00 – arrive at school
Now, this is not what I want to happen as 2019 begins. Junior year has been kicking my ass and I will not stand for it anymore. I have been browsing YouTube watching every inspirational morning routine I could find to concoct the ideal morning routine for 2019. Here it is:
Wake up – 5:30 – This is definitely the hardest part of my morning, but I recently downloaded Alarmy which is freaking wonderful. Alarmy lets you wake up by actually waking up your brain with individual activities that range in difficulty. I like to set my alarm at 5:30 with the shake mission, and I set another alarm for 5:45 that’s math problems, so I actually have to think. Now, I am much more likely to get out of bed because my brain can’t really fall back to sleep.
That bed ain’t gonna make itself – If I don’t make my bed, I will go back to sleep. I just will, so I have to make my bed. It also just makes a clear distinction between sleep time and wake time for me. I now know, it’s time to start my day.
Stretch ya body! – 5:45 – I usually do a quick reach to the sky. Ok, now attempt to touch your toes. Ok, now reach for the sky again. And to the toes. Now, quick downward dog. Right leg up. And down. Left leg up. And down. Now touch your toes for real. Woo-hoo! Stretched and ready to kill the day!
Hydrate or die-drate – 5:55 – I like to start my day by drinking 1-2 cups of water to get my digestive track flowing. (I honestly don’t know if that’s how that works, but I heard it somewhere and I’m going to believe it)
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – 6:00 – It doesn’t need to be big. But it’s scientific fact that eating breakfast boosts your health. I like a simple fried egg with honey-wheat toast and coffee, and if we have any some fruit. It takes me like 10 minutes to make and like 10 to eat.
Brush ya teeth + wash ya face – 6:30 – I always have and always will brush my teeth after breakfast because what kind of monster brushes they’re teeth just to dirty their mouth up again. I will never understand that. After I brush my teeth, I wash my face really quick with water and a washcloth. Then, I moisturize my face and put on some chapstick. Because hydration, girl. I don’t wear makeup to school because a) I don’t like the people at my school enough to care about my appearance, and b) I do not have the energy for makeup in the morning. I just don’t.
Get dressed, pack lunch, and grab water bottle – 6:40 – all of this takes me about 5 minutes because I have a school uniform and I like to pack my lunch the night before, so I’m not super stressed and rushing in the morning. And girl, if you don’t bring a reusable water bottle to school, what are you doing??? Keep it on your desk in class and stay hydrated! Seriously!
Leave my house – 6:50 – It takes me 15 minutes to get to school with traffic, and school starts at 7:30, so I usually have about half an hour to hang out with friends and/or study/get ready for the day.
 So yeah, that’s my ideal morning. I start school next Tuesday, and I’ll let y’all know how my morning routine goes.
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definitely gonna use these (and give credit, of course). they’re adoarble!!!
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Credit me if you use them > credits to: noorastudy I made some infographic stationery!! If you want something personalized write me asap!! or if you have some requests (icons, banners, logos…). Soon I’ll make full personalized banners and icons about different subjects, follow me If you want to see more!
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2019 bullet journal set up! more to come...
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2019 bujo spreads inspired by @amandarachlee @letterwithlaurenliz @katytastic @the.petite.planner @its.me.andiee @bulletby_r @erinsmithart @focusign #bulletjournal #studygram #studyblr #study #student #planner #bujo #bujoinspo #setup #organization #lettering #calligraphy #supertips #crayola #leuchtturm1917 @leuchtturm1917 @crayola @bulletjournal https://www.instagram.com/p/BsRu662gmXI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i70ut5ryzpu0
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i need this!
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hey guys! new studyblr (kind of haha) in the works here! any tips on being a new tumblr???
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