"Whoever tries to help a butterfly come out of its cocoon, kills it. Whoever attempts to help a bud emerge from the seed, destroys it. Whoever tries to awaken consciousness in someone who is not ready, confuses him. There are certain things that cannot be helped, they must happen from the inside out."
- Anonymous
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Randolph Stone - Polarity Therapy.
Polarity Therapy is a four-part approach to balancing the Energetic patterns of the body. Based on principles developed by Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy combines bodywork, nutrition, stretching postures and attitudinal counseling to free Energy blockages and establish a Natural Energy flow for Self-Healing.
Stone formulated his therapy based on the underlying principle of wireless currents in, around and through the body. It is this subtle Energy flow that gives Life and through which the Soul functions. Quite simply, disease occurs when the flow is disrupted. Polarity Therapy, rather than treating disease, is focused on reestablishing the Natural Balance of this flow, which in turn allows Healing to take place.
Polarity Therapy practitioners concern themselves with the positive, negative and neuter states of the Energetic wiring, flowing vertically and horizontally, and spiraling from the top of the body downward and from the center outward. The center from which the Energy flows and to which it returns, is considered the Source of the Energy and this triune action is what is required to keep the flow in motion. According to Stone, this circuitry flows in all aspects of Life and is a basic principle in Nature. Everything has a middle with opposing ends, in constant communication and relationship. In this law of relationship, there is attraction (pleasure/sensory) and repulsion (pain/motor). Blockage is more likely to occur in the negative (outgoing) flow. It is when the outgoing force is unable to remove from the system “unassimilable physical, emotional or mental material” that disruption in the circuitry occurs and the system becomes dysfunctional.
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Life got way better when I stopped praying for financial abundance and instead started saying thankyou for things I already have that money cannot buy.
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Our awakening is up to us. It always has been. Now is the time for your physical self and higher dimensional self to become ONE.
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"The world will ask you who you are, and if you don't know, the world will tell you."- Carl Jung
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Toni Morrison, Tar Baby
Been thinking of this one.
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Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.
-Carl Jung
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Love - unconditional, free-flowing Love - is the whole point.
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substack 🌀find me on substack: making lists, writing confessions, meeting with the muses
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