lesmolghost · 10 hours
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"Look at You"
Last Holiday (2006)
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lesmolghost · 3 months
Victoria Housekeeping co.'s special service
Zenless Zone Zero - Lycaon x Wise
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A/N: This time I can only thank an anonymous supporter for trusting my skills, ehe ~ I'm not playing ZZZ and I didn't look too much into it, but I think I managed to do a good job.
Also, thanks @/wertzunge for beta reading this one for me!
Summary: Instead of doing her chores, Belle decides to hire Victoria Housekeeping's services to do it for her... and to do something else to her brother
Word count: 1020 words
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“Coming…” Wise mumbled, heading towards the door after hearing someone knock thrice on the other side. Having to stop in the middle of his chores wasn’t exactly appreciated, but the possibility of a new customer waiting outside gave him just enough motivation to do so.
“Hello,” the proxy said, trying to sound as friendly as possible, “are you looking f- w-woah…” Wise stopped mid sentence at the sight of a tall, ominous and… fluffy figure. “Ahm, c-can I help you?”
“Victoria Housekeeping, at your service,” Lycaon announced, bowing slightly as his tail swished behind his back. “A full service was requested by master Belle. Is this the correct address?”
Wise nodded, still a bit stunned. His sister left not long ago - just after getting a hearing from him from not cleaning up her bedroom - and he was already accepting the fact that it would be on him to tidy up the place… Wise never expected Belle to actually hire someone to do the job. “V-Victoria? Wait, you guys actually do housekeeping services?”
"Our services are varied. We take every job that our staff see fit to fulfill.” Lycaon explained, a gentle yet firm voice tone as his cold gaze laid upon Wise. “I take you’re master Belle’s brother, master Wise. May I come in?”
Right. “Y-yes, that’s me. Please, come in,” Wise nearly stuttered, quickly stepping aside to allow the Thiren to enter his place. The proxy felt a weird sense of shame when Lycaon seemed to inspect the place so thoroughly, almost as if it was some sort of crime scene. “Ahm, sorry for the mess. I was about to clean it up and-”
“No need to apologize, master,” Lycaon interrupted, the sound of his metallic legs echoing as he turned around to face Wise. “That’s what I’m here for. Master Belle requested a full housekeeping and ‘care’ service.”
“I see,” Wise sighed. “Let me show you around, then.”
“As you wish, master,” Lycaon responded promptly, following Wise with absolute elegance in each and every action. A true gentleman, if you asked Wise.
In their short walk around, Wise decided that his bedroom would be a good place to start. It was where he was the most comfortable and familiar with and, if Belle indeed hired a ‘full housekeeping service’, then cleaning his room should also be part of the pack, right?
“This is far better from what I’ve expected, master,” Lycaon praised the proxy as he slid his fingers over one of the shelves, trying to check if there were any particles of dust laying around. “I believe this is not the main part of the problem, is it?”
“No, it isn’t,” Wise chuckled, sitting on the edge of his bed, “I- well, I thought it would be the easiest to start from, so I decided to show you this room first,” he explained, quickly using the excuse he just came up with.
“Then,” Lycaon turned to Wise, his tall figure towering over him as he stood inches away from Wise’s seat, “do you mind if I start with the second part of the service, master?” Lycaon suggested, holding his hand behind his back.
“What do you mean?”
“Master Belle requested a full housekeeping and care service,” Lycaon explained politely, “with your permission, I’ll do the cleaning once I’m done “taking care of you”, as she described in her request.”
Wise had a puzzled look on his face. What kind of thing did Belle hire? Taking care of him? “A-ahm, sure? What did she ask you t- WAH!!”
“Excuse me, master,” Lycaon muttered gently in a paradoxical contrast with his actions. With great, yet careful, force, the Thiren pushed the proxy back into the mattress. In a swift of Lycaon’s tail, Wise was straddled by cold, metallic legs that firmly pinned his body.
And, before he could figure what was going out, one of Lycaon’s hands closed around both his wrists, keeping them above his head. “As per request by master Belle, I need to inform you that this is for ‘scolding her and being so picky about her bedroom’, master,” Lycaon nodded, following the protocol like a true professional while… merciless tickling Wise’s body.
Big, yet nimble hands scratched and tickled up and down Wise’s side, pinching the spots between each of his ribs and prodding at the middle of his armpits. A mix of embarrassment and confusion struck Wise, but there was no room inside his brain to process all that when all he could think of was how much it tickled. “L-LYCAHAHAON!! AHaHAHAh, wahAHAHait a sehEHEhecon!”
“I apologize, master,” Lycaon muttered, his free hand torturing Wise’s exposed and vulnerable armpit with a ticklish onslaught, “I’m here under master Belle’s orders and her only. I’m afraid I can not follow your requests,” he explained, his hand quickly shooting down and tickling Wise’s waist like it has never been tickled before.
“P-plehehease!! AhAHAhah, i-it’s baAHAhad, LycaHAHAHON!!” Wise could feel the heat spreading over his cheeks as he laughed, all happening so fast and so suddenly that he could barely hold back his reactions. Why did they even have services like this?!
Still, Lycaon was merciless - an unstoppable, unyielding and ticklish force. It tickled so bad and he was still using just one hand!
Wise stared at the ceiling with a blank expression, his eyes gazing at the nothing while the sound of vacuum cleaner echoed from the other room. Even after receiving Lycaon’s 5-star-rated aftercare, he still felt like his body was drained of any energy. His stomach and cheeks still sore from laughing and, if he closed his eyes, he could still feel that lingering sensation of Lycaon’s fingers tickling him.
“I’m almost done with master Belle’s room, master,” Lycaon announced, turning off the tool before starting a different task - probably folding her bed sheets or something else. “Would you like something to drink once I’m done, master?”
“N-no need,” Wise sighed, the sound of his own laughter still ringing inside his head. Belle, that brat… Still, he shouldn’t give a negative review to Lycaon, right? It wasn’t like he did a bad job anyway…
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lesmolghost · 6 months
Yes, yes i am.
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lesmolghost · 6 months
Id like to think we were decent people on google plus. At least, more decent than tumblr was.
I know people on tumblr usually have tumblr as their first introduction to social media but mine was Google+ so what kind of degenerate does that make me? 😭
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lesmolghost · 10 months
this has aged like fine wine
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Hahahaha so a little while ago some excited soul accidentally sent in an ask that I assumed was meant for Cross!Sans. I decided to have a little fun responding to it ;) And that fun turned into like two days of drawing I have no self control I hope this was an okay thing for me to do? Cross (from @underversesans) belongs to @jakei95. HE IS SUCH A FUN CHARACTER TO DRAW OH MY GOSH YOUR CHARACTER’S DESIGN IS AMAZING! Seriously guys if you don’t know who this Sans is or what his story is about be sure to check their tumblr out and have a look at the comic. The art is fantastic, the animation is FANTASTIC, it’s just epic. Can’t wait to see how the story unfolds ^3^
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lesmolghost · 10 months
this has aged like fine wine
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Hahahaha so a little while ago some excited soul accidentally sent in an ask that I assumed was meant for Cross!Sans. I decided to have a little fun responding to it ;) And that fun turned into like two days of drawing I have no self control I hope this was an okay thing for me to do? Cross (from @underversesans) belongs to @jakei95. HE IS SUCH A FUN CHARACTER TO DRAW OH MY GOSH YOUR CHARACTER’S DESIGN IS AMAZING! Seriously guys if you don’t know who this Sans is or what his story is about be sure to check their tumblr out and have a look at the comic. The art is fantastic, the animation is FANTASTIC, it’s just epic. Can’t wait to see how the story unfolds ^3^
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lesmolghost · 2 years
what do you call it when you want to take a vacation but permanently but dont want it to be permanent but youre also tired and want to sleep but theres so many things to do but you cant be bothered so you just do nothing and hope for a permanent rest but dont want to rest permanently am i going crazy please send help
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lesmolghost · 3 years
Someone translated the 336 leak on TikTok and here are my insights
1. Aoyama fell in love with the class and wanted to become a hero because of his friends
2. Aoyama was forced to be one and there was some kind of threat or blackmail
3. It’s all an act (which is unlikely because he was bawling his eyes with tears saying he’s the traitor)
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lesmolghost · 3 years
This aged well
Aoyama is the spy, not the traitor.
Aoyama is the counter-traitor and he suspects of Uraraka.
spoilers for those who dont read the manga
He works for Yueei, and he has been asked by the principal, or the teachers, to discover who the traitor is.
Right after Kamino, the students are put into dormitories. The principal tells us that it’s a way to protect them, but also a way to keep an eye on them
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And in ch 167  Aoyama is out of Deku’s window. Observing him. And if we believe what he tells us in ch 168 his being there makes no sense. Its not like deku is using his quirk in bed at 1 am. Aoyama is not observing his quirk.
What if he does this to all of his classmates? What if he is making sure that Deku is not the traitor? What if he goes around the dormitory, collecting facts about the students, observing, because he was asked to do this?
What if he left the cheese because he needed to find some excuse since Deku had heard him?
What does this sad face mean? that he hasnt told us everything. 
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He is observant. He is the first to call out Uraraka on her crush on Deku. And until that moment she had been pretty chill around Deku. She starts blushing and stammering only after he tells her. And its impressive that he has noticed this, if we consider that him and Uraraka are by no means close friends. It would have made much more sense if Asui or Iida had noticed it. But they didn’t, and when the girls ask her if she likes someone, they still don’t know who it is between Iida and Deku.
But he knows. And some people are quicker to notice these things than others, but what we still get from it is that aoyama is quite observant.
Deku is the resident nerd. He has spent his whole life filling notebooks with facts about heroes. And yet he doesn’t pay that much attention to his classmates quirks, with the exception of the few times we see him collecting facts, like after his exam with Katsuki.
He simply doesn’t know that much about peoples quirks, in fact during the attack at USJ Asui and Mineta have to tell him how their quirks work, and Tokoyami does the same during the sports festival. He is too busy trying to figure out how to control one for all to study his classmates quirks.
But Aoyama notices. He has been observing his classmates and noticed that something is off with Deku’s quirk.
Finally, the line he has written in the stone
Il faut se mefier de l’eau qui dort
you must mistrusts still waters
Who is the sweet, innocent, friendly person that we must mistrust? Him? The most colourful, flamboyant person in the school? How could someone so easy to suspect actually be the traitor when its obvious that the traitor must be someone we all trust?
He knows that Uraraka likes Deku, and he knows that she is not doing anything about it? Why?
He is telling us to mistrust her, or at least someone who looks innocent. He is not joking or writing things at random.
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lesmolghost · 3 years
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lesmolghost · 3 years
My mom sent this to me and i’m howling
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lesmolghost · 3 years
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lesmolghost · 3 years
Tumblr never fixed the original post I made of this so here’s a re-upload 
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lesmolghost · 3 years
This video comes around every year and It kills me every time.
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lesmolghost · 3 years
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lesmolghost · 4 years
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lesmolghost · 4 years
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