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Leras and Ati, Preservation and Ruin. (Reupload)
Closeups & more below the cut.
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modern au bridge four is a really shitty apartment that sadeas is the landlord of and he keeps raising rent while not sending maintenance fucking Ever and everyones apartment is falling apart and everyone is poor and depressed and sadeas Really Fucking Wants Kaladin Evicted but he keeps on staying. and dalinar and sadeas are rival landlords but dalinar follows the alethi codes of landlording that say dont make your tenants do something you wouldnt be willing to do and he ends up offering kaladin and his neighbors apartments at deeply discounted rates in his downtown 30 story apartment buildings so he steals all of sadeas's tenants and sadeas is so mad. and then in oathbringer you find out that dalinar did like illegal landlord bullshit mostly until like 6 years ago after he went to rehab and got his life together and became, like, catholic or something
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If the powers you would choose are a specialism within a certain set pick the set it would be within, for example if you wanted to be a coinshot pick the allomancy, if you’d want to be a windrunner pick surgebinding
I’ve not included any crossovers like twinsouls since that would cover too many options.
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there is always tomorrow
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Kaladin would love to be the guy on the weather channel that they make stand outside in the hurricanes and tornadoes and snowstorms and report on how nobody should be standing outside right now, look how fucking wild the weather is!
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One of the things I like about the Stormlight Archive is that at the start it looks like the cliched "the ancients had powerful lost technology", we see so often in fantasy.
And as the series goes on it becomes apparent that actually, no, this is the most technologically advanced civilization Roshar has ever seen by a wide margin. The ancients had bronze age tech and did their amazing things because of literal miracles from God
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Stormlight RPG - Shattered Plains by Anthony Avon
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Gossip ladies are a closeup in an rpg Kickstarter image depicting an Alethi party.
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Gossip ladies are a closeup in an rpg Kickstarter image depicting an Alethi party.
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Thinking about Chinese covers of the Cosmere books
Artist is Jian Guo
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save me shallan stormlightarchive
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i think hes still a virgin actually
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I replaced a "Way of Kings" cover with a wooden cover a while ago. It's based on the Chinese cover.
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something small for the evening. More good boys of Shinovar. Mostly just wish fulfillment and heavily biased predictions for SA5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Image description: rough coloured digital sketch of Kaladin lying in the grass blissfully snoozing. He wears no jacket and the sleeves of his shirt is rolled up to his elbow, because it is just sexy, what can I say. Otherwise he lies there veeeery relaxed. Mouth and expression slack with sleep and his head propped against a giant, white shaggy sheepdog, who looks like it is sleeping if its wagging tail wouldn't tell a different story. That dog seems pretty content with its current role as a pillow. There is another smaller dog sleeping next to Kal's long legs in the grass. A tiny butterfly flutters above the serene little scene.
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thinking two characters have had sex does not equal shipping at all… i dont have to like it i just know it happened
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