leoandthecrew · 6 years
If you have Wattpad go and check out my book of Jercy One Shots "Somewhere Only We Know"
It would mean a lot to me to hear your opinions 😊
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leoandthecrew · 6 years
Take Me Baby, Don't Leave Me (Jason x Percy )
Jason slid his fingers inside of Percy's swimming trunks. He couldn't resist how hot the blond boy was. Percy's skin felt way too good against his to stop now.
"Jason", Percy said, his breath heavy.
"Don't worry", Jason said between kisses, "whatever is wrong, we'll fix it".
They were in the sport's center locker room. Whenever something was bothering Percy he came here to swim. Even if it was middle of December like right now, even if it was 10 PM like right now. Jason knew that.
He ran his fingers up Percy's back, along his neck and through his wet jet-black hair. Percy was hot. Also hard. Jason was hot and hard too. They both knew that.
Locker room was empty. Jason pressed Percy against one of the locker, pressing passionate kisses everywhere across his skin. Neck, lips, shoulders, he didn't pick.
He got lost somewhere in the lust, and honest to gods, he didn't want to be found.
Percy was skilled too. In a matter of seconds he had Jason stripped down to his briefs.
Jason decided Percy was hot wearing only his wet swimmimg trunks which left very little to imagination.
Also, he firmly believed Percy was even hotter without them. And he didn't really feel like using his imagination right now. He was too turned on for that.
So he slid Percy's trunks right off. Next second, his briefs were hitting the ground too.
Before he knew it he led Percy to the bench, laying him down.
"Take me, baby", Percy moaned.
"Don't speak", Jason responded, spreading other boy's legs.
He didn't even know where he ended and where Percy began anymore. When he came in it felt heavenly.
This little game lasted for a while. It switched scenes a few times. They went into the showers, came back to the bench, ended up on the cold floor. But the place didn't matter.
"We should do this more often", Percy said once they finished.
"Oh, we will", Jason smiled at him.
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leoandthecrew · 6 years
Not Perfect (Jason x Percy)
Before you read this one shot, I'd like to ask you to support my Jercy One Shot book on wattpad
“I’m on vacation, you take care of it", Percy said, throwing his legs on the table. Jason watched his roomate/best friend/crush as he casually put his arms on the back of his head and closed his eyes.
Percy seemed relaxed. It actually impressed Jason how that guy could look so careless at all times. It didn't matter what was happening.
Maybe that was one of things Jason loved him for, but if it was, he'd never admit it to himself, let alone to Percy.
He couldn't admit to Percy that he is in love with him, so telling him why was out of question.
"Our best friends", Jason tried to saound angry, "are coming into town". Jason eyed the black-haired boy. Percy was hot, Jason thought. He quickly removed that thought. Damn, he should be angry at this guy.
Love is a weird thing. To a gay demi-god it was even weirder. Jason's emotions were kind of complicated and all he really knew was that he wanted to strike Percy with lightning on a daily basis. Out of love, of course.
"Yeah, so", Percy shot him an innocent smile.
It would be so easy to hit him with a thunder, kill him, free himself of his misery, Jason thought.
Also, it would be easy to sit next to him, lean in and kiss him, confess love.
Neither of those scenarios would not play out tonight.
"So", Jason yelled, "we haven't seen them in so long, so, tonight has to be perfect".
"Why?", Percy's green eyes seemed to stare through Jason. It made him shiver with a mix of feelings, maybe anticipation, lust, fear, who knew.
"Because it has to be", Jason stated, "we'll have a nice dinner and catch up, and it will be perfect".
"Jason", Percy suddenly decided to stand up, "relax".
"Relax, how do I relax?", Jason started panicking, "they'll be here in few hours and we have dinner to cook, this place looks like mess, and you, you are not of any help".
Their apartmant did look like it was a warzone, atomic weapons testing field or something. Tables were full of magazines, batreries, papers, notebooks and plates. The floor was a colorful mosaic of socks and t-shirts.
"Jason", Percy placed his hands on Jason's shoulders. Jason tried not to look at his eyes, but Percy's greens had some weird gravity going on for them,designed for a sole purpose of driving Jason to madness. "Stop", Percy said firmly, "okay, just stop trying to make you and us seem perfect when we are not, if anybody knows that, our friends do".
Jason tried to say something, but Percy shushed him. "I am sure they would find it weirder if we seemed perfect", Percy was confident in his words, "so let's not pretend, we can order pizza, chat and be what we are".
"Not all of us can do that", Jason said hurtful. He tried to mutter those words under breath, but Percy had apparently heard him.
"Hey, if you are too socialy awkward to order a pizza, I'll do it", the black-hair boy joked.
His voice became serious: "Jason?". Percy's voice sounded new. Jason never heard this part of his voice, vulnerable.
"Yeah?", Jason swallowed, scared of what his friend might say next.
"You love me?", Percy's eyes met Jason's, but the black-haired boy seemed to stare off in the distance and not at his friend.
Every day since they have met, Jason imagined how it would feel to hit Percy with lighting (out of love, of course). But now, he felt as he was struck with lighting. No, fuck that, he felt as if he was in the eye of a freaking thunderstorm.
"Well, we are best friends...", Jason tried to hide a blush from his cheeks.
"Jason, you are in love with me", Percy cut him of. Jason learned one thing - it was possible for a room temperature to drop bellow zero with just few words.
Again, Jason tried to find the right words, he wanted to explain.
"Why do you think that?", he decided he could still hide the truth. 
"You know I can see the way you look at me?", Percy didn't look mad or irritated - he looked amused for some reason. "And you do realize you talk in your sleep?", Percy was smiling, "and, apparently, I am in a lot of your dreams".
Jason felt as red as Rudolph's nose. Then, he realized something.
"Our rooms are separate", he raised an eyebrow knowingly, "how do you know I talk in my sleep?".
It was Percy's turn to blush. "Okay, maybe sometimes I sneak into your room to watch you sleep".
"How often is sometimes?", Jason said. He was feeling thrilled. Percy liked him too. You don't sneak into another boy's room to watch him sleep for no reason.
"Okay, almost every night", Percy admited.
"So, you like me?", Jason asked hopeful. Hopeful Percy would say yes, hopuful he wouldn't wake up in the next few seconds, hopeful this was true.
Percy didn't answer. Instead, their lips crashed, the way a meteorite strikes a planet. Impactful, raw, powerful. It made Jason's entire body shake.
Percy smelled like blue, if that was possible.
"That answers your question", Percy asked when they parted. But they were too close, their faces still magnetically attracted towards each other. Percy barely managed to finish the sentence when Jason kissed him again, not being able to resist the pull.
Love took a lot of energy out of you, apparently, as Jason was heavilly breathing once they parted.
"You're not perfect", Percy said, "I'm even less so, but that doesn't mean we can't make some perfect moments".
"You sound so cheesy, you've been reading too many romance novels again?", Jason joked.
"Yeah, how did you know?", Percy grinned.
"Cause you sound like a low-budget version of anything ever written by John Green", Jason shrugged.
"I will kill you", Percy informed him.
"I will kiss you", Jason responded. Only one of them fulfilled their threat.
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leoandthecrew · 6 years
Sometimes I Need You (Percy x Jason)
"Jason?", Percy's voice sounded behind him, "what's wrong buddy?".
Jason was sitting by the camp half-blood's lake. Moon threw silver lights that reflected on the water.
"I'm good", Jason tried to sound casual. He failed. He wasn't feeling good. He was feeling like he was lost in some foreign town. All Jason wanted to do right now was wander into the woods and never talk to anyone again, he never asked for Gods and monsters and erased memories, but, hey, apparently that's what he was getting.
"You don't look fine", Percy stated, sitting down on the sand next to Jason. "You look like Britney Spears before her public meltdown".
"Wow", Jason managed a smile, "was that supposed to be a compliment?".
"No", Percy confessed, "it was supposed to cheer you up".
"I don't think that will be enough", Jason admitted.
"I can see that", Percy laughed. "But seriously, what's wrong?", Percy stared at Jason, anticipation in his green eyes.
So many things were wrong. First, Jason wished he could remember his life. He wished he knew himself at least if he couldn't be sure about anything else. He didn't want to be a son of Zeus - it was a lonely journey. He wanted to talk to somebody about it, but he wasn't sure if anyone would understand. Not even Piper and Leo. They knew who they were, they had siblings here. Jason was alone.
"I know it's strange", Percy spoke quietly, but he managed to snap Jason out of his thoughts, "being thrown into all of this head-first, but you'll have to deal with all of it sooner or later".
"Yeah", Jason sounded bitter, "like I always do, like we all do".
He might've not remembered his life, but Jason knew one thing - being demi-god sucked. Sure, he could fly and control lightning, but he paid the much higher price. He was sure of it. If nothing else, he always needed to be a hero, face his monsters, solve his problems and survive.
"I promise I'll try to listen", Percy spoke again, letting Jason's comment slide.
Maybe Percy will understand. After all, they were pretty much the same. Except that Percy never had his memories taken away. But Percy was a son of Poseidon. Which was a situation similar to Jason's. Powerful God, not many children - both Percy and Jason were on their own in this camp in some way.
Jason sighed. "I just...I feel lost", he finally spoke, "gods, I sound like a teenage girl from some movie that tries too hard to be relatable". Jason tried to laugh on his own joke, but the smile quickly faded away.
"You don't even know who you are for sure", Percy nodded, "it makes you feel out of place, I get it".
"Yeah", Jason looked at him. Percy's green eyes were filled with worry and his lips were twirled in a kind of pained smile. "And being alone in that cold cabin doesn't make things easier".
Percy didn't speak for a while, he looked as he was debating something inside of his head. "Well, we can fix that", he stated finally.
"Fix what?", Jason raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"We can have a sleepover", Percy said sounding excited. "Great", he aggressively looked up at the sky, "now I sound like a bad teen movie". Jason laughed for what seemed to be the first time in too long. "What I wanted to say", Percy recollected himself, "I can sleep with you tonight, I mean, I'm also alone in my cabin so it's gonna be nice to have some snoring company for a change".
"I don't snore", Jason said, throwing a handful of sand at Percy.
"We'll see", Percy rolled away from him. He stood up and cleaned himself from the sand. "So", Percy looked at him in expectation, "you're coming or not".
Percy extended his hand to help Jason up. "Sure", Jason said, grabbing his hand and jolting up.
Zeus cabin was a simple building. White marble walls made it look more like an ancient Greek shrine than a camp house. The air was cold, it made Jason shiver every time he walked in.
"Why is there only one bed?", Percy asked, throwing himself on Jason's bed.
"I guess Zeus ain't aiming for that 'best father' award", Jason said, sitting down next to Percy.
"You're sleeping on the floor", Percy stated, shifting in the bed so he's sat next to Jason.
"No way", Jason protested.
"Then we sleep together?", Percy raised his eyebrow, a mischievous smile crossing his lips.
"I guess", Jason nodded. He took a moment to question his life choices. There he was, not knowing who he is or where he belongs, getting ready to sleep with a boy he knew for two weeks or something.
"What's wrong?", Percy noticed Jason's distant stare. He was gently tracing circles against Jason's shoulder. Where they touched, Jason felt a surge of energy, powerful like a sea storm.
"Thanks", Jason turned to face Percy, smiling gently at the black-haired boy.
Jason was waiting for an answer but Percy didn't say anything. Instead, Jason felt Percy's lips against his. He didn't even notice he was kissing him back. There it was again, a storm raging somewhere inside of Jason's body, rushing through his bloodstream and electrifying air between them. It was soft yet powerful.
Did Jason want this? He knew nothing about himself. Is he gay? Only for a moment, their lips parted. They were pressed together again in a matter of seconds, but at that moment, Jason figured something out.
The past didn't matter. It wasn't important who he was before, it didn't matter if he liked kissing boys. What mattered is who he was now. The catch is, he didn't have his present-self all figured out, but he knew one thing for sure - Percy felt right.
Jason pulled away from Percy, taking a moment to study his eyes in the dark. Percy was hot, he decided.
"Sorry", Percy whispered.
"Don't", Jason held up Percy's head with his hand. He locked their lips again.
The kiss was too short for Jason's liking. Percy pushed him away. "So", the black-haired boy spoke. It was too dark to see, but Jason imagined both of them blushing.
"Yeah", Jason said dumbly.
"You feeling better?", Percy asked, placing his hand over Jason's.
"Yeah", Jason whispered, "turns out all I needed was you".
"You just figured that out?", Percy joked.
"Yes, actually", Jason laughed. He wrapped his hands around Percy pulling him into a hug.
"I need you too", Percy whispered against his chest.
"I'm right here", Jason said brushing his fingers against Percy's neck.
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