leilasucksatnames · 4 years
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
so Paradise California is gone
i haven’t seen any noise about this on tumblr yet, but a fire has completely wiped out a small town in california.
they’re calling it the camp fire. over 20,000 residents have been evacuated so far, the last area estimates i heard were over an hour ago at 18,000 acres and its still zero percent contained.
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this is the smoke from about 18 miles away from the fire three hours ago. if you know anyone near chico, paradise, oroville or durham california you might want to check they’re okay
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
Useful PMA/spiritual quotes
Hey! I want to throw in my two cents for the PMA movement, as it's done a lot of good for a lot of people and I want to help expand it. So here we go.
Don't take PMA as having to supress your emotions. Suppression is depression, so it's instead favorable to let yourself experience whatever hardships you are going through in the present moment. If you're angry, be angry. If you're sad, be sad--don't be an inner critic and say "no that's not a good thought I need to be positive" because by doing so you are going against yourself.
Here are some helpful quotes that have gotten me through the darkest of times:
"This too shall pass." Feeling is fleeting, it is easy to feel like you are trapped in a box when you're going through a rough patch, but change is a constant of our universe. You'll find that, by accepting the here and now that this uncomfortable feeling will make the brighter days blossom even more.
"Without the darkness of the night sky, we wouldn't be able to see the stars." Darkness is beautiful! Although it may seem dreary, truth betold the darkest aspects of our universe provide a contrast to make the brighter aspects shine. This is why you feel so satisfied after watching a movie through to it's happy ending--you had to endure the conflict of the film beforehand.
Finally, "resistance makes stronger". I've found that, although it's scary at first, I feel immensely satisfied after revisiting "discarded" experiences and ensuring I fully process the feelings behind these memories. We have a tendency as human beings to rid our minds of the experiences that have embarassed, scared or made us feel lost, but to push them to the back actually is much more trouble than it's worth. Know thyself--ensure that you can look at any aspect of yourself and accept that person 100%, because to love oneself is to love the universe.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post, wish you all the best going forward ❤
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
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“Quiet people piss me off.”
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
Weird request but
Anyone in the JSE fandom wanna be friends? I've felt unmotivated and depressed lately so I wanna surround myself with positive creative people. Felt like if there would be any community online to find such people it would be this one, so yeah :)
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
This is a guide to identify code words and symbols used by child predators online. Reblog to keep a minor safe! If you know any other predator code or symbols please let me know so I can add them to this list.
Term: MAP
MAP is an acronym for “Minor Attracted Person/People”. It’s the name of a pedophilic community who has risen on tumblr. It was created in order to assemble Pedophiles, Hebephiles and Ephebophiles. On top of it, the creation of the word is a strategy for them to avoid being identified as predators right away. The community was made to spread positivity about pedophiles and their attraction toward children. The community is very anti recovery.
Note: MAP can also stand for Multi Animator Project. Use context clues and make sure not to attack someone’s project by mistake.
Term: NOP
An acronym that stands for “Non Offending Pedophiles”. Also a community. Pretty much the same thing as the MAP community.
Term: Non Offending
A pedophile who doesn’t interact with children at all or try their best to avoid them. A non offending pedophile does not consume child pornography or medias meant to mimic child pornography ( example: Loli pornography, cartoon child porn, etc ).
A non offending pedophile also doesn’t spread positivity about pedophilia or promotes pedophilia.
NOTE: A lot of pedophiles call themselves Non Offending regardless of whether they offend or not in order to avoid backlash. They will twist words and try to redefine what “offending” means. Keep in mind that a non offending pedophile will do their best to AVOID all contact with children.
A pedophile who purposely interacts with children in ANY way is offending.
Term: CP
Short for Child Pornography.
Note: CP can also be short for Cheese Pizza. Make sure to use context clues before jumping to conclusions.
Term: Sim CP/Child Pornography
A term for simulated child pornography. Simulated child pornography is pornographic medias featuring no real children, but what looks like a child in order to simulate child pornography. It legally counts as child pornography as well. Even thought predators will insist that it isn’t as bad.
Term: AOA
Acronym for “Age Of Attraction”.
A term to define the age range that a pedophile is attracted to.
Term: Anti/No Contact
A term to describe a pedophile who doesn’t touch children in a sexual manner.
NOTE: No Contact is NOT a synonym of “Non Offending”. Some “no contact” pedophiles might still interact with children, promote pedophilia and watch child pornography.
Term: Pro Contact
A term to define pedophiles or supporters who advocate for sexual relationships between children and adults.
Term: Hebephile
People who are attracted to minors from 11 to 14 years old.
Term: Ephebophile
People who are attracted to minors from 15 to 19 years old.
Term: Virped / Virtuous Pedophile
Also a “non offending” community.
The “MAP” flag
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A flag coined by pedophiles on tumblr. They made it on pride month in hope that the LGBT+ community would accept and support them. It didn’t work we don’t want them anywhere near us. Still watch out for that flag in order to identify them.
The “Lesbian MAP” flag.
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A flag coined by a pedophile on tumblr who’s a lesbian. Very similar to the MAP flag.
Note: The Lesbian MAP flag highly resemble the Non Binary Lesbian flag. Make sure not to confuse the two because NB lesbians aren’t pedophiles or bad people! Here’s a picture of the Non Binary Lesbian flag:
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The Boy Lover Symbol
This symbol, a blue spiraling triangle framed by another triangle, is known as the BoyLover logo, used by adults who prefer young boys.
Note: The term “Boy Love” can also describe a type of media that features a relationship between two boys/men. Make sure to use context clues and not attack mlm/gay men medias on accident. However the symbol/picture is exclusively made for pedophiles.
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The Younger Boy Lover Symbol
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This symbol is for pedophiles who prefer much younger boys. Known as the LittleBoyLover logo, it is also a blue triangle spiral like the BoyLover logo, but it is drawn in a child-like scraw.
The Girl Lover Symbol
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The GirlLover logo is a heart inside a heart, indicated that the pedophile prefers young girls.
Note: The term “Girl Love” can also describe a type of media that features a relationship between two girls/women. Make sure to use context clues and not attack wlw/sapphic/lesbians medias on accident. However the symbol/picture is exclusively made for pedophiles.
The Child Lover Symbol
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Pedophiles who do not have a preference of gender use the ChildLover logo, which is a butterfly with four hearts for wings.
The Childlove Online Media Activist Logo
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Pedophile promotion symbol: This is the Childlove Online Media Activism logo, which pedophiles use as a symbol to promote their ‘cause’: that sexual relationships between adults and minors should be decriminalized.
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)
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The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
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Booette is bae ok
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
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Did I do it right
“if fear of failure is keeping you from drawing, deliberately draw the stupidest, shittiest ideas you can think of so you’ll get practice in without disappointing yourself” is like, unbelievably helpful advice.
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
Dear Undertale fandom
I haven't really been active in this fandom for a very long time, and I come back to see a bunch of posts harassing people for ships. Calling them pedophiles, spamming their accounts with hateful remarks, and let me just remind you all of something yeah?
It doesn't matter where your moral compass is--harassing and shaming others is and always will be a cruel act. If said shippers are as bad as you make them out to be, surely you should acknowledge that you yourself are being terrible right? Remind me again what this would even accomplish, if these people were the villains you made them out to be. Nothing. Literally, all it does it make everyone involved feel like a load of garbage.
I highly doubt Toby Fox, the creator of such an upbeat quirky game that literally emphasizes the pros of treating others with kindness would stand for this.
So please--be kind to one another.
That is all.
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
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The boys ft. their boys
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
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I was wearing this outfit today to a grocery store when I made a baby smile. I was wearing this outfit today when I threw my head back and laughed, when I sang in the car with my family, when I filled it with yummy food to keep it healthy.
I was wearing this outfit today to a grocery store when I overheard a woman telling her young daughter who was pointing and laughing that I would get what’s coming to me. I was wearing this outfit today when a woman told a man that it was the wrong kind of attention and that I was asking for someone to get me. I was wearing this outfit today when the same man stared at my body longingly and then agreed with the woman that I was asking for an attack.
I was not wearing this outfit when I was raped. I was wearing a size XXL hoodie and a pair of my mom’s sweatpants, much to the shock of the friend I told after, who asked what she’d been taught to ask: “What were you wearing?”. I feel so terrible for the little girl whose mother was teaching her at the grocery store that she deserved to be assaulted if she dressed comfortably for the weather, which was climbing above 80 degrees, or for an injury, which called for a brace and a boot that doesn’t allow room for long pants, or for her body, because it’s hers and she can put on it what she damn well pleases. I feel terrible for the man who will look me up and down as though I was a 5 for $20 steak deal he might purchase and will immediately after speak to a presumable stranger about the violent fate I deserved. I feel terrible for the woman with fabulous hair who feels she can express herself but refuses to let me do the same.
Summer is coming up. It’s hot outside. I have an injured ankle, and a tight boot and brace to wear on one leg. I will not dress uncomfortably to protect complete strangers who are so offended by an expanse of skin that they console themselves by predicting my next rape.
Stop perpetuating slut-shaming and thus perpetuating a culture of excused rape. Stop perpetuating slut-shaming and thus perpetuating a culture of insecurity, inherent shame, and body image distortion which can cause an innumerable amount of incredibly dark issues nearly impossible to overcome.
My body is mine, and I love it. It is the house I live in, with which I will someday create a family, with which I run and dance and hold the strong lungs I use to sing. I refuse to be ashamed of it for any reason, especially the reason being that this culture which glorifies sex and punishes those who have it, which encourages being sexy and then preaches that sexy girls ask for attack, has taught its people that my stomach is a sin.
Please think twice this summer before you choose to say anything at all to or about anyone who wears something they choose to wear. Please think twice before you say that a girl deserves to be raped for wearing shorts. Please try and catch yourself when you think things like that. Please be courteous and gentle and loving, and spend your effort tackling real problems. My stomach and legs are not a real problem.
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
Bubbline, and LGBT representation in media
As someone who hasn't watched Adventure Time, seeing the honest portrayal of a lesbian couple warms my heart, on a kids show at that. But I want to address a question rooted in negative opinions of said kiss, specifically a comment that read--"why do lgbt people need representation in media, aren't they just attention seeking?"
And to that, I can only express quite simply attention is not what people want out of it. Why would it be? That's absolutely absurd. It's being able to see yourself through the characters on screen, it's about moving past labeling gay pairings as fanfiction/fantasy and acknowledging them as reality, and that is not attention seeking in the slightest.
So to summarize, I wrote this simply to emphasize how natural it is for us to want to progress towards more lgbt representation. Art is about seeing yourself through the pages, the characters on screen, through video games and tv shows alike. So let's continue to move forward.
Much love <3
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
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In Which Machine!Connor awakens too late...and the results are deadly.
(WIP I never got around to coloring/linearting, but have Broken!Connor)
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
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“Violet being difficult…why am I not surprised?”
Edit: Forgot she has sleeves under her sleeves...whoops
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
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Chloe gave me some pretty big Monika vibes with her fourth wall breaking, directly talking to the player in the menu and whatnot, so I decided to draw this. Best girl.
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
Protecc the seal boys
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Ladies, Gents and Whatever You Call Yourself’s of the Tumbler, I’d like you to meet a seal.
Specifically, this one.
Look at it judgingly glaring your way across its shoulder. What the hell do you want?
I want more people to learn about a very endangered species of seal, which only live in a single lake-system and oddly enough, not many people know about. Where does this unknown, speckled beauty live in? Fucking Finland. Yes, in an in-land lake-system, in FINLAND. Yes. The Saimaa Ringed Seal lives in the lake-system of Saimaa and Saimaa only. They got stuck there after one of the ice-ages and have decided to stay. Well a seal can’t really migrate so hey.
But why, you ask, do I bring you this quite normal looking seal? Its endangered as hell. Like, No joke. Finnish Government has for YEARS been trying to protect them and for some reason nobody has thought of telling other people about this species. At all. Its like a weird finnish in-joke. Only finns know. Nobody is told about the seals. Why? Because fuck Finland.
Lets look at the facts: “The Saimaa ringed seal (Finnish: Saimaannorppa) is a subspecies of ringed seal (Pusa hispida). They are among the most endangered seals in the world, having a total population of only about 380 individuals.[2] The only existing population of these seals is found in Lake Saimaa, Finland (hence the name). The population is descended from ringed seals that were separated from the rest when the land rose after the last ice age. This seal, along with the Ladoga seal and the Baikal seal, is one of the few living freshwater seals.“ from Wikipedia What’s that? The most endangered seal species in the world? INTERESTING.
Just, look!
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How could you NOT want to protect this thing!?
All I want, is folks to share Finland’s own Big Slappy around, so more folks would know about them. No need to donate, no links to read more online. Seriously. I need more people to know about this hidden finnish gem of a seal, that’s all! I want more people to recognize Finland has this strange blubbery mammal living in one of its big lakes, hiding from the vast majority of the world! Share the slaps people, lets make this remarkably cute and wholesome creature a finnish icon, like it deserves to be!
One more endangered as fuck slappy for the road
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leilasucksatnames · 6 years
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Source of original image
These fucking idiots why do I love them so much
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