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#☽ → I May Have “Anxiety” but I’m Still a “Queen” ( OOC. )#i'm space ace#jay is a mix of cake ace and dragon ace
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Kay considered what he was saying, his lips pressed into a thin line as he continued peeling. No, he honestly hated the sound of either. Something growing and dropping off him as another full…person? Sounded really fucked up. Still, he supposed Alexander had a point, at least you didn’t have to have anything to do with it after that point? Maybe?
A smirk tugged slightly at the corner of his mouth. “I dunno, I guess so…” It’s not like he’d know about either anyway, it was a very uninformed opinion on his part. He finished peeling and washed the potatoes again and cleaned up the area he’d been using.
“Never met a zombie before?” he teased, but he didn’t mean it, he hadn’t either. “Sure, how much do you want?” Was it funny that blood and living dead skeeved him out far less than the previous topic? He grabbed a knife and set it down next to the cutting board with the potatoes before moving to get a glass. The shifter liked to keep busy and Alexander seemed to know how to keep him moving.
I don’t know either, Alexander shrugs. It’s not like I have a basis for comparison. But it’s quite the thought. Isn’t it wonderful, the diversity in this world? Apparently, new vampires are made by the transmission of a virus that is present only in our saliva and, get this, must be sent right into the bloodstream. The second part is more for Kay’s benefit. Alexander can’t have him worrying about accidentally turning into a vampire after a particularly intense make out session.
Anywhere else, he continues, and it can’t survive. According to Victor, anyway. But he’s everyone’s doctor, so I suppose he knows what he’s talking about. There’s some more complexity to all that, but Alexander doesn’t remember. He concerns himself with bodies purely on business and pleasure standpoints. How’s that for reproduction?
His legs swing back and forth, heels occasionally hitting the cabinets behind them. That’s enough. He smiles, nodding his thanks when Kay hands him the glass. Perhaps it’s not sustainable for zombies to exist. He sets the glass to the side after a sip and hops back off the counter, chopping the potatoes that Kay had left for him in quick, practiced movements. Frankly, I don’t think an outbreak could gain traction. They’d be massacred before they had a chance.
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The slaughter occurred only short distance away from the cemetery, and the ongoing violence had sent the ghouls into a frenzy. After the violence ended they’d calmed considerably, too stupid to really hold their attention on anything for long, and once Cyrus ensured that they were wandering about aimlessly and harmlessly among the gravestones he slipped out of the cemetery and made his way to the scene of the murders. He got there as soon as this lady--whoever she is--arrived.
Not sure, he admits, pulling his mask away from his nose to sniff the air, revealing the upper lids of his third and fourth eye and the jagged edges of the corners of his mouth. Smells like were. But I’ve smelled other things that smell like were. He pulls the mask back over his face. Is that what you think? Could’ve been a manticore. Look, they’re chewed up in some places. Or maybe it’s a ghoul who doesn’t understand how things work around here.
( 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐬 )
❛❛ they didn’t slaughter themselves. ❜❜ sorine cringed as she crept closer to the 𝙲𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴, her nose wrinkled, lips pressed into a thin line. the hunter was no 𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁 to sights like these, but this - this caravan, with their bodies torn to shreds, half consumed, left to 𝚁𝙾𝚃 - it was disgusting. the stench of decay bore 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚅𝚈 on her senses, stopping her in her tracks, forcing her to turn her back on the scene && impatiently wait for the air to return to her lungs. words formed slowly, almost cautiously, as she spared a glance in the other's direction, eyes too busy to settle on one point for long, ❛❛ - - - so what do you think? werewolf attack? ❜❜
#cyrus tbt#stiLL haven't officially added him and i'll do it when i move blogs but i had to reply tot his#*this#monstrosiities
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Wes Bentley in Gone
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Grey eyes shifted to the side to watch the smaller blonde with thinned lips. “You’re about to receive my touch if you aren’t careful, my dear.” Gemina said with a quick snatch to his cane, gripping it tightly in her fist before shoving it back towards him with a bitter smile. He’d touched on the one frustration that she couldn’t seem to get over; her inability to make up for her failures.
You’ll do yourself the favor of not doing that, I hope. He can’t be held responsible for how he’ll react to it. He yanks the cane back, but the shove makes him stumble back, though he quickly regains his balance after that. His face softens. Darling, I’m playing. No rush. As far as we know, we have eternity. A smile, another gentle nudge.Though I’ll have some complaints if we’re still not liberated by the end of the millennium. Year 3000-- the reign of the vampire. His eyes widen in a theatric gasp, as if a lightbulb went off over his head. Now that would be an excellent film! Oh, I should make my directorial debut with something like that. The foreshadowing! The drama!
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Cass was unfazed by Alexander calling him “young man” even though they looked to be the same age. He was more concerned by the fact that Alexander noticed his high adrenaline levels (though surely the “I could hear your heart pounding” statement was an exaggeration, but still!). Actually, maybe Cass was just all too thrilled that Alexander Reed was noticing him at all. He couldn’t keep the smile off his face even as he fiddled with the insider fabric of his pocket.
“Alright– Alexander. People call me Cass. Sorry I’m so fidgety– I just– woah.” Professionalism? Out the window, and it wasn’t even Cristina’s fault. That would be a lie at this point. “I can– I can show it to you now! It’s right in… One sec…” He unshouldered his backpack and began scavenging for his lyric notebook inside it. His guitar case was perched against the wall behind him, and his violin case rested by his feet. He had some music sheets figured out, too, but that would come after the lyrics. “There is it! I had an idea for three stages of the movie because I only got an overview and they said they’d email me more relevant script details over the weekend. But I have this song for the exposition, this one for the crisis, and this one for the end–” He pointed to the titles in question, guiding Alexander through the mess that was his handwriting. Damn; he shoudl have made it more presentable.
Alexander steps around to stand by Casper’s side, peeking politely over his shoulder as he flips through the notebook. He glimpses some interesting lines here and there, but he won’t ask about them, and pretends he didn’t see anything. He straightens when Casper finds the page he was looking for. Wonderful. He smiles his thanks when Casper hands him the notebook, but waits to read it.
Oh, this is so exciting, isn’t it? I love the lead-up to the production of a new film! Tucking the notebook into the crook of his bent elbow, he starts reading the pages, but squints a few seconds into it. Excuse me--does that say “afraid��� or “askew”? Oh--what key signature is this in? I think it’d be lovely in A minor.
#voxvulgi#i had to do some googling but literally just like spout whatever i don't know anything about music theory#👑 → Alexander; IC
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He nodded a bit, accepting the apology without further comment. He’d overstepped bounds first, it was really how own fault if he got hurt.
“Sure,” he smiled a bit and stepped a bit closer to him, not close enough to touch or anything, but back into a more socially acceptable distance for chatting. He also put his hands in his pockets both as a reminder to keep his hands to himself and hopefully so he wouldn’t squick Alexander out.
“Yeah, I’d come visit you,” he smiled a bit more.
Good! Wonderful, in fact, I do like company! He’s still shaking, but in front of their eyes his hands stop trembling through the sheer force of his will. Self control--it may not seem so, but Alexander is all about self control. The openness of every movement is calculated, though he has more quivering in him yet. Maybe later. Maybe he’ll have forgotten about it by then, whenever “later” is. I’m sure you’ve been in a hospital. Don’t you find they’re lonely places? Oh, dear, if you do come see me I’ll have to give you a pass. My manager is quite adamant about not letting me get into trouble when I’m supposed to be resting. Bless her soul, Cristina is certainly protective, but sometimes Alexander thinks she takes it too far.
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@legendsuntcld liked this
“Hey.” Willow’s good at opening – but not openers. Which means, of course, she’s good at being the one to approach a stranger and start speaking – but not the best at knowing where or how to, uh, start. “Or, uh! Hello. Hiya. What’s the– d’you know what’s the most, like, good to say? I don’t. But hi! Are you, uh… okay?” Not that she could really help if he weren’t. “You don’t look – I mean, well – uh – just – yeah, that. Are you okay?”
Oh hey! Rumor accompanies the greeting with a little wave, then jazz hands. Hello, hello, hi! You’re doing great, babe! Great good thing to say! Two thumbs up! That was an excellent good thing to say. I’m doing fine!! Not great, but fine!!! Tryin’ to decide if I like the purple-blue or the pink-blue more! As she speaks, her hair shifts into the examples--at “purple-blue,” it takes on a deep eggplant purple at the tips, blending into an indigo and then into a dark, rich blue at the roots. At “pink-blue,” her roots turn a pretty pastel pink that blends into a sky-blue at the tips. Whaddaya think? Unconcerned about the transformation--after all, she can tell when she’s talking to a person.
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Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena
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“…Huh…” was all he managed for a few moments, his brows furrowing as he turned his gaze to his current task of peeling potatoes while he listened to Alexander chatter, considering his questions.
“Sounds gross,” he snorted with a laugh. “Like, childbirth seems pretty gross but just…plopping out another…thing seems worse somehow.”
“Don’t they like…eat corpses…?” Was he remembering that right? “Isn’t that what makes it a ghoul? I feel like they’re lumped with vampires and zombies a lot but maybe that’s why? The blood thing and the…flesh eating thing but I don’t think they’re the same as either.”
I can confirm childbirth was horrid. The words are accompanied by a knowing smile as he pushes the sides of the rack into the pan and washes his hands. I can’t imagine that budding is painful, though. A little uncomfortable, I’m sure, especially as it gets bigger and sort of-- he pushes himself onto one foot, tipping his body to an almost precarious point before catching his balance again--topples you over, but then that’s over! You can move on.
He drops the rag he’s using to dry his hands, turns the oven, and then hoists himself to sit on the counter with a little hop, twisting around to face Kay and letting his legs dangle to wait for the oven to preheat.
I believe it’s corpses, yes. Though I didn’t ask about that. I suppose zombies are different because they eat living flesh, but we won’t know until there is an apocalypse, hm? I think I’ll stick to blood-- do you mind pouring me a glass? Oh, and if you’re done with the potatoes I can chop them.
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trusting in pain and solitude
for the screenshots:
Wait a Second, Let Me Write It Down by Jennifer Saunders // Antigonick (Sophokles) by Anne Carson
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Send a symbol below and I’ll describe or draw what my Muse wears in specific scenarios!
♔ - pajamas / bedtime outfit ♕ - beach / swimsuit ♖ - spring outfit ♗ - summer outfit ♘- fall outfit ♟- winter outfit ♙ - date night ♚ - casual / everyday ♛ - formal outfit ♜ - gym / exercise / training outfit ♝- crisis / war / battle armor ☠ - Everyday Going-To-School uniform ☮ - Work Uniform ☯ - Outfit They Wore When They Were 8 ♠ - Clothes they wear when they just don’t care Ω - Going-To-A-Party Outfit ♤ - Look-At-Me-I’m-Hella-Attractive Outfit ♣ - Lingerie / Underwear / Smallclothes ♧ - An outfit they wear related to one of their hobbies ♥ - A “traditional” outfit based on their heritage (i.e. kimono, sari, other folk costumes) ♡ - Superhero / Super Villain costume ♦ - Magical Girl / Magical Knight costume ♢ - FINAL BOSS Armor ♞ - you specify another situation!
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A happy little smile touched his lips and he turned to follow Alexander into the kitchen, going to the drawer that he had indicated, then the one next to it to pull out the peeler. He was pretty close, at least he didn’t have to go hunting for it.
He pulled out a few potatoes to start rinsing them off as Alexander asked him about ghouls. “Uh…I’ve never met one before, so no thoughts…Other than I thought they were zombies-so wait, they’re not? How are they made then?”
Apparently they sort of spawn when they get too big. Like plants! When they bud off the parent . . . I mean, that’s what he said. But I can’t picture that. They’d have to be gooey, I think, for another ghoul to just . . . he cups his shoulder and makes the gesture of something growing out of it. But he was solid-- you know, maybe he wasn’t a ghoul at all. Never mind. I wonder how ghouls are classified. Any thoughts on that? What makes a ghoul?
A beat, as he pulls the marinated pork rack out of the fridge. Can you imagine? He continues as he sets it in a glass pan. Getting so big that another version of you just pops right off?
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The shifter released him without a fuss, tucking his thumbs in his pockets. “I’ll believe that when I see it, he’s only got eyes for you,” he chuckled softly, glancing over at Napoleon as well before turning his attention back to Alexander.
“Sounds delicious.” The both of them could put away quite a bit of food. “Just tell me what you want me to do.” Kay didn’t have a chefy bone in his body, but took orders just fine.
Wonderful. This time he takes the initiative to kiss Kay’s cheek before padding around him to the kitchen. You could start by peeling the potatoes! I think i tossed the peeler into-- he points to a drawer across the kitchen-- that drawer. Honestly, it’s a wonder the cutlery even has its own designated drawer. The fact that Alexander even has an idea of where he put the potato peeler is nothing short of a miracle. Rinse them before and after, please. Oh, and-- what are your thoughts on ghouls? I met one the other day. Oddly articulate. And far too many arms for his tastes. I thought they’d be . . . I don’t know, zombie-like.
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they’re right and they should say it
#jay is satisfying all my vampire himbo dreams#alexander is feral vampire himbo#☽ → I May Have “Anxiety” but I’m Still a “Queen” ( OOC. )
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His brows lifted as if surprised. “Well, that’s high praise. I guess I’m a keeper, huh?” he joked, turning his head to press his lips gently to Alexander’s temple. He was pretty pleased with himself for making him laugh. Kay was a little insecure. Not specifically in response to Alexander, or anything he’d done, just sometimes he required a little patience and reassurance himself.
You are, Alexander confirms, finally stepping out of Kay’s arms and sweeping his hair over his shoulder. Any day now he’ll come screaming at you for attention. Just wait for it. Over Kay’s shoulder, Alexander watched Napoleon stalk off. Clearly he wasn’t impressed by that prediction. Now then! Dinner. I was thinking a pork rack . . . ? Roast potatoes . . . what do you think?
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