Concerning my hiatus
Hey everyone, mod here. My humblest apologies for disappearing, I've had a lot going on the past year or so. Thanks to everyone who’s stuck around and followed during that time, and for continuing to submit confessions. I'll hopefully be able to begin posting your confessions again very soon. Once more, thank you so much for your patience!
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I’ve known you for about a year. And boy, what a crazy year it’s been. We’ve spoken a lot over this year, and at first, we were good friends. Our Muses were the perfect enemies- mine wanted to kill Link, yours wanted to protect him. It made for great conflict, and they had some pretty good fights. During this time, you and I got to know each other. I thought I knew you pretty well. I thought of you as my friend.
I stood up for you when you told me someone had wronged you, even if I didn’t know all the details. I comforted you, even when I thought you were in the wrong. 
I saw you do things I wish I wasn’t a part of.
Talking with you was like walking on eggshells. If I said something wrong, you would respond with ‘Sorry I’m such a terrible person.’ You’re not a terrible person. But you do terrible things. Your actions and who you are are two different things. And I now realize that your actions are destructive, toxic, and manipulative.
I unfollowed you for my own mental health. That is why I did it. I didn’t tell you why I unfollowed. I checked back on your blog a few times, to see if you were okay. I’ve seen you react horribly to things like this, and that’s one of the reasons it took me so long to unfollow. But you didn’t make any ooc posts about how your friends had abandoned you, nor did you mention my name. I thought you were going to take the high road, and leave it alone.
But after I unfollowed you, I started to lose followers. Not just one or two, but ten. I’ve been losing RP partners over this. People have been unfollowing me, dropping threads, and won’t reply to my messages. And they’re all people who follow and talk to you. I remember how when we were friends, you would sometimes tell me to unfollow or stop roleplaying with people you didn’t like. So this situation didn’t feel like a coincidence. It felt like an attack. It felt like abuse.
I was eventually able to ask if you were really the one who was responsible for this. And do you know what I found out? You were. I wasn’t surprised, but the conversation left me shaking and in tears.
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After this, I told you I needed to go offline and cool down. I was shaking and crying, and I needed to think. You then texted my phone number, called my cell phone, and called me by my real name. I never gave you permission to do any of that. I only give my real name to people I trust. And when I didn’t answer you, you decided to call my phone five times, and text me twice, which is a complete invasion of my privacy. You were harassing me, yet claimed that I was the stalker.
Listen to me: I don’t care about the number of followers I have. It’s just a number. But you were spreading lies about me, and claiming you were the victim.
Do you know what’s this has done to me mentally? Every time I want to ask someone for a roleplay- which was already hard enough for me to do- I start to wonder if you follow them. I wonder if you see me roleplaying with them, if you’ll message them and tell them lies about me. I’m afraid of you telling all my new rp partners to stop roleplaying with me because I’m a stalker. Asking people for a thread was hard enough, but now you’ve made me terrified to approach anyone.
Our characters are in the same fandom. Our characters are from the same game. We are going to follow similar people, and we are going to roleplay with the same partners. But now, I have to live with the fear that you are going to slander me behind my back, tell my roleplay partners that I’m a horrible person for unfollowing and stalking you, and drive me out of the fandom.
I suppose I can almost understand why you did what you did. Almost. You didn’t know why I unfollowed. So now, since you were gracious enough to tell people I was stalking you, I might as well tell you why I unfollowed in the first place. And before you say I’m spreading lies, let me assure you, everything I’m about to say is true.
You privately admitted to sending anonymous hate.
Someone once used an IP tracker to figure out that you were the one who sent hate. When confronted about it, you told everyone that someone hacked your blog and was sending Anons using your IP address. Which is really idiotic if you think about it. If someone hacked you and was trying to send rude messages to ruin your reputation, why would they send messages on Anon?
You track who unfollows you, and hunt down and harass people who unfollow.
I’m not the only person you’ve told people to stop roleplaying with. You’ve told me and a few of your other friends to stop roleplaying with people you don’t like.
You called out and slandered a blog when they wouldn’t follow you. You don’t have to force people to follow you. So when they mentioned that they didn’t follow you because they felt you were too selective, you made two giant posts about how they were slandering you and how they had a thick skull. And yet they were the one harassing you.
The first time you told me to stop roleplaying with someone, it was because their Muse punched yours. That was it. The action was completely in-character. Yet you told me to stop roleplaying with them. You also called them a godmodder, when all they did was punch your Muse.
When one of my friends was moving to a new town to start college and said they were too busy to critique one of your pictures, you threatened to kill yourself until THEY apologized.
You welcome critiques that praise how amazing you are, and block people who actually offer criticism. And I’m not talking about hate- I’m talking about real criticism. You’ve actually posted about it before. You said that any complaints about how you roleplay will result in automatic ban. Here’s proof: 
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You drop role-plays if the Mun doesn’t reply fast enough. At least three of our role-plays have been dropped because I wasn’t quick enough, and I had other threads that I wanted to reply to.
When another blog told you to stop harassing them about replying, because you told them they weren’t replying fast enough, you told me to stop roleplaying with them.
You and a friend of mine got in an argument. You didn’t realize they were my friend. You sent me a message that called them disgusting. I think of that message every time I see someone praising how kind you are. People think you would never say anything bad about others. But apparently, a criticism about the way you treat your followers is enough for you to call my friend disgusting.
You once tagged someone in a post that said ‘Goodbye. I love you.’ You also tagged it as ‘tw: suicide’. This was after they said they were busy, and didn’t have time to talk. I’m sorry, but that’s emotional manipulation. People don’t have to speak to you 24 hours a day. You don’t have to twist things around and make them feel guilty for not having the time to speak with you.
You reposted art you commissioned, removed the artists signature, and didn’t give credit. You didn’t think the artist would care. And when they made a public post about it, (Which they had to, since you blocked them,) you told everyone what they were doing was horrible.
When one of my friends unfollowed you because they didn’t feel safe, you asked them to apologize for unfollowing.
When I needed to calm down from talking to you, did you leave me alone and give me my space? No, of course not. You messaged me on Skype, on tumblr, you even called and texted my phone. That is an invasion of my privacy and harassment, and I still can’t believe you did that.
Every time I randomly promo’d someone, you messaged me and asked me to promo you as well. That’s why I don’t do random promos anymore. Those were meant to be something fun, something to surprise people with. And then I felt guilty for not giving you a promo as well.
You never spoke to me unless you wanted something. Whether it was praise for your writing, a promo, or you wanted me to harass someone who wasn’t speaking to you, you only ever used me for your own personal gain.
You once messaged me and said you were feeling sad. When I tried to cheer you up, you sent me a message that said ‘You have so many followers. Could you promo me? It would make me feel a lot better…’ It made me feel like you only wanted to use me to gain followers.
When someone unfollowed you and blocked you on Skype, you gave out their Skype and sent other people to harass them.
You threatened to kill yourself when I didn’t want to be your messenger and harass someone.
I took screenshots of some of the messages you sent me. And I realized something strange. You had copied and pasted the same message, and sent it twice. It made me wonder how many people received the same message. It made me wonder if you were really hurting yourself, or if you just wanted to manipulate my feelings and use me for your own personal gain.
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You are toxic. You are abusive. You are emotionally manipulative. You are a bully. And you don’t care.
Whenever I see one of those posts that say ‘draconicxsovereign is such a kind, sweet person! I know they would never do anything wrong!’ I cringe. These people don’t know the real you. I see myself in them- They are the person I was a year ago, when I thought you were a kind, loving person. The only solace I have is knowing that someday, these people might realize what kind of person you are. I only hope they don’t wait as long as I did to cut you out of my life.
If you see this post, you will say I’m spreading lies, when I’m only speaking the truth. You will try and pretend to be the victim, just like you always do. Only this time, I realize that you’re no victim. You are the abuser.
I don’t care if you send people after me, like you do to everyone who tries to cut you out of their life. The decision to stop speaking with you was for my own sanity. I only hope that someday, the people you send will realize what kind of person you are.
The stories I listed here aren’t even some of the worst things you’ve done. I wasn’t your closest friend, even though I did see some of the horrible things you did to people. I can only imagine what your closest friends have seen you do. I can only imagine what you’ve done to them.
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I love the LoZ franchise but jeez, the fandom is toxic. There always seems to be some drama or another creating turmoil between the fans, and a lot of the people are elitists who are inconsiderate of others and just speak really rudely to other fans in general. Why can't we all just leave each other alone and have a good time?!
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I will forever stand firmly in my opinion that Sheik is male. Yes, he is Zelda, but as Sheik, he's a guy. I don't think Zelda crossdressed- I think she used magic to turn herself into a boy or something.
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Excuse me, but for future confessions, if someone sends in ship hate, please do not tag it with the ship. I saw the GhiraLink tag had updated today and I was happy before seeing that the first thing was ship hate. Seeing something like that posted in a tag for one of my ships and even worse, one of my otps, it kind of hurts.
I apologize for upsetting you. It was inconsiderate of me to do that. I'll be sure to not do it again in the future. Again, I'm really sorry!
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I think that Link got with Malon at the end of OoT and Zelda got with an unknown royal, however, Link and Zelda often met up and made love since they would have preferred to marry each other, they just knew they couldn't have.
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SS Zelda is an obnoxious brat and a terrible rendition of the character, no matter what her legions of sheeple fans say in her defense.
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I hate GhiraLink more than any other ship, regardless of fandom. I hate it more than I can even describe. And worse, I feel like I'm one of only a couple people in the Ghirahim fandom that feels this way.
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"Ghiralink has a more interesting dynamic, but Skyward Sword!Zelink is f***ing precious."
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