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Working on this beauty some more tonight. Really happy with the direction its going in.
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Details of the Dragon sketches I put up yesterday. 
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YAY! More Dragon sketches. Added some color to these. Love how they turned out. I've made some more decisions about the dragons but I will you guys find out about that when (if) this story ever becomes a reality, time willing.
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Sketch for "The Elden", Pretty sure the design is going to change but this sketch was nice and I wanted to share.
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Detail shots of the Trono sketches as promise. Color to come.
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Thats more what im talkin about. More Trono sketches. Getting closer to being fairly finalized (I think). Detail shots and colored versions to come.
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Fun with character design. Pretty shitty at this sort of stuff at the moment but I'm learning. Hope to work a lot more, no where near final.
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Reallyyy rough sketch for the face and face plating of the Trono. Listening to my sculpture teacher rant about life and be philosophical for an hour before we actually work is a great opportunity to doodle a bit.
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So in English class we are writing descriptive essays. I decided I would take advantage of this assignment and write an excerpt from my story. Not going to give you any context in an attempt to avoid spoilers but here you go.
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Basically design for the Dragons. Name may still change but I’m not sure. Have some ideas. As of now I have about 5 face armor variants in the works.
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