leftyfreeman98 · 17 hours
Compact Disc
Last Modified: 21/09/2023
Just a wireframe CD sculpture made up of many Transparent/tf02 shapes in orange as usual.
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leftyfreeman98 · 2 days
I Luv PSX❤️💛💙😍
Last Modified: 19/08/2022
This one's dedicated to my #1 all-time favorite retro console and also a go-to for emulation (I mean, isn't it already obvious at this point? My personality on the Web had been "developed" around the platform for so long now! :D).
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leftyfreeman98 · 2 days
Reminiscing About Demos Yet Again
Last Modified: 18/09/2024 [TODAY]
...Well, this time as Freeman. You see, even with the feelings of kinship, the nostalgia for late 90s/Y2K aesthetics in me still remains as strong as ever. :D
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leftyfreeman98 · 3 days
Synthwave on a Budget
Last Modified: 12/03/2024
A more "technical" one I did. It's using a technique I'd like to call "Feedback Multiplexing". Here's some tech notes below:
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Basically by setting the Feedback Scale to 32 and all RGB colors set to 16, you create a "freeze frame" of the previous "bar" of the video. On that bar, after placing shapes cleverly enough, like so...
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...you can put more shapes in the next bar, which makes it so there are seemingly more shapes than 4 (in that case it's 5 total), which is, quite frankly, very limited I admit. 🤓 This is how it looks like behind the scenes in the editor (the feedback here is crucial to the technique).
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There's one drawback to this though: the image is leaking at the bottom of the screen due to the feedback (only happens in fullscreen, though it's not visible in both preview windows). Here however, I took advantage of the aformentioned bug (or feature? :P).
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leftyfreeman98 · 4 days
Distant Light
Last Modified: 18/04/2023
This was probably the first one I made with the Particles type. Speaking of which (fun fact), this type of 'chase' was never used in any demo/example track of Music 2000 as far as I know. :P
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leftyfreeman98 · 5 days
Colorblend Filler
Last Modified: 15/09/2024 [TODAY]
Just a little colorful filler effect made out of boredom.
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leftyfreeman98 · 5 days
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bring back 1999 Playstation 1 demo disc aesthetics
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leftyfreeman98 · 6 days
🇵🇱The Polish Flag🇵🇱
Last Modified: 28/12/2022
The flag of the country where I come from! :D Anyway, this is made from a bunch of Small/low51 shapes to make it look sorta like waving window blinds.
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leftyfreeman98 · 7 days
V4L is the Cheese
Last Modified: 16/03/2024
Music 2000 x Half-Life
This quickie here goes out to @lavolat, one of my fav SFM poster artists. The visual also features G-Man as an icosahedron orbiting around her represented by the cheese. :P I decided to post it now, 'cause today it's her birthday! (Happy B-Day!) :D Anyway, loved V4L's SFM work and the Coffee Time QnA series since 2021 and still do. :D
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leftyfreeman98 · 8 days
Lefty Freeman in a Wired Box
Last Modified: 14/08/2022
Another wireframe visual of the handle that features a spinning background and the logo incased in a box.
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leftyfreeman98 · 8 days
Anyone else remember Second Reality by Future Crew?  From the days of 1993, when the Intel 486DX2 processor was the new hotness, RAM was expensive, and VGA was the king with 256 colours max onscreen at any one time?
I watched this so many times back then.  The fun thing of these demos were that all of the onscreen action had to be produced realtime, using stored bitmaps (rendered by home made pixel editors or raytracers), music sequencers, and vector graphics and other effects.   No movies and no prerecorded audio.  In that era of limited computing power, seeing what could be eked out of the hardware — often through tricks and hacks to bypass normal limitations — was a treat to behold. 
And still is, in many ways.  Second Reality still strikes me as a great tour de force of visuals, imagery, music, and story/flow.  And I find myself watching it yet again.  Good times.  :)
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leftyfreeman98 · 9 days
The Entrance of The G-Man
Last Modified: 21/08/2022
Music 2000 x Half-Life
A recreation of the G-Man's void featuring the star particles, the white light from the door and a silhouette of the ever elusive, enigmatic G'. TBH, it was difficult to make the particles as accurate as possible, but it was worth it. :P
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leftyfreeman98 · 9 days
Cool Boarders 2 (UEP Systems / Sony - PS1 - 1997)
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leftyfreeman98 · 10 days
Porsche Challenge - Menu
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leftyfreeman98 · 10 days
Old Ericorsio Colorcycle Logo
Last Modified: 13/09/2022
Same as before, but it's the oldschool Ericorsio logo from way back in 2011.
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leftyfreeman98 · 10 days
Lefty Freeman Colorcycle Logo
Last Modified: 07/10/2022
An earlier logo of the handle with colorcycling background that was previously used for the VidLii channel of the same username. It features the left hand and a capital Lambda rather than the lowercase one by making the letter V upside down. Also the logo is stylized like the old Ericorsio logo, which will be uploaded shortly after. :P
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leftyfreeman98 · 11 days
The Golden Chip
Last Modified: 21/08/2023
Just an experiment with the Negative chase (after changing the color to blue obv) to give the titular shape a bit more shine to it. I also gave the visual a more minimalist approach, 'cause I somehow got inspired by this cover art; Ridge Racer V Original Game Soundtrack
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