hadley lucifera holmes
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— human 24 artist ( struggling )
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leeveit · 5 years ago
“i suddenly do not recall,” georgia hummed covering her eyes with the back of her hand, dramatically. 
“sure you didn’t, keep tellin’ yourself that.” 
“what do you mean she can’t see him? what happens when he tries to talk to her and she doesn’t answer? people know he died and the he was suddenly back on the radio. someone’s bound to tell em, lee. and it should really be you.”
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“some memory ya got there, huh?” lee huffed. she loved georgia and normally, she knew she needed callin’ out on certain stuff. but she was not in the mood when it came to her brother.
“i mean she can’t see him, george, i dunno what you want me to say.” she shrugged in exasperation. “he’s explained it away so far. i’m just gonna keep lettin’ him assume she’s bein’ her normal bitchy self.”
she put down her brush and turned back, frustrated. “i told you i’m not tellin’ him and then we agreed we didn’t have to talk about it anymore, remember?”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
she worries ‘bout him. bez bites the inside of his cheek and sucks on it a little, like he’s afraid of sayin’ what first comes to mind. my boyfriend’s a vampire; ain’t gotta worry ‘bout me. he glances to the window and thinks for a bit, like maybe that’ll help. like maybe, even after months, there’s somethin’ he hasn’t thought to say that’ll change how his sis feels about the guy he loves. loves. now that’s a scary thought.
“ haw haw, ”  he says instead, forcin’ a sad type of smile. “ worry ? ‘bout me ?  gotta worry more ‘bout what atrocious cereals mama bear’s been storin’ downstairs. ”  the curly-haired boy pulls a face. “ bran flakes ?  what happened to the cinnacrunch ? ”  bez clucks his tongue. thinkin’ ‘bout cereal almost masks the dread coilin’ up his throat.
“ do i ? ”  he’s already scootin’ forward, a softer smile takin’ hold. lord, if this subject shift ain’t savin’ his sorry ass. “ like y’even gotta ask, lee-lee. let’s see. ”
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lee hates that she can’t tell bez everything. hates that they can’t be on the same page about this. the most important person in her life is dead and doesn’t know it, datin’ a monster and not worried at all. at least... at least as a ghost, none of that stuff can hurt him anymore.
“i’ve been eatin’ nothin’ but eggo waffles and peanut butter for a couple weeks,” lee admitted, shakin’ her head. she wished bez’s positive outlook would rub off on her. no such luck yet.
she rolls her eyes and leans over to her nightstand, pullin’ her sketchbook outta the top drawer. she flips to her most recent page and hands it over. it’s just pencil, nothin’ special, but it’s one of her favorite pieces she’s done in a while. main street outside the diner. she just sat by and let everybody wander through their day. “whaddaya think?”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
Okay maybe mama did raise a fool
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leeveit · 5 years ago
she was never sure exactly how she did it, how she could just switch it off like that — but years of training to do such a thing might be the culprit. the never ending fake smiles and courteous hand shakes from her father, she was built to be a machine. and so, she was. 
no response, just a kind smile and a gentle hand clasping her friend’s. “ now that’s the kind of thing i like to hear. do you even have to ask ? “
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“at this point, no. but i felt like it was the right thing to do,” lee said with a grin. she tugged on her jacket, shrugged off their last conversation, and started off towards the diner. “let’s go!”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
lee was not pleased by the shadow some fool was castin’ over her sketchbook. she’d been starin’ up at her new chaperone for a couple minutes now, glarin’ in the hopes they get the point and move on along. no such luck.
“i’m sorry, but could you stand over there, please and thank you? you’re blockin’ my light.”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
maya let herself relish in the last of her sad moment, a tradition she had started ages ago. decide when it’s going to end, and it ends. so she took a last breath, closed her eyes, and held it for a second. a quick release and a smile on her lips. it’s all good again. 
“ i’ll be fine, promise. and same thing to you lee, i’m not just hangin’ around for bez anymore. i’m here for you, too. “
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lee liked how maya could turn her feelin’s off and on like that. sad to smilin’ in just a second. she wished she had that kinda control over herself. might make her life a little easier.
“thanks, maya. i know y’are,” she said. and she really believed it too. “now... i’m in the mood for a milkshake. how ‘bout you?”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
y’know, in an ideal world, maybe lee ‘n xan would get along. but from the moment lee caught him sneakin’ in through bez’s window, well… that deal was sealed. ‘n bez can’t do a thing about it now, except hope one day lee’ll see how different his boyfriend is from her idea of supernaturals.
“ yeah, yeah, i know –– ”  he should really just leave it. but bez has never been one to mince his words.
“ i just kinda wish you’d give him a shot, lee-lee. i mean… ” bez shrugs. looks at the bedspread and pulls a tiny string he’s got pinched between forefinger and thumb. “ he ain’t goin’ anywhere. ”  bez bites his lip. feels compelled to qualify that, to avoid jinxin’ it.
“ not for a while, i… hope. ”
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she would never understand how bez could even stomach to be in the same room as one of ‘em. it tore her up every day to live in this house with bitchy jean but she didn’t have a choice. and she didn’t wanna give up her only home to some evil half-woman. but datin’ one of those monsters... kissin’ em? she couldn’t understand it.
lee pursed her lips, not likin’ the sound of that. “well... we’ll see, huh?” she replied noncommittally. “y’know i worry ‘bout you, bub.”
and she couldn’t help thinkin’ of her daddy. what would he think of his son gettin’ it on with one of them things that killed him? killed them both. but she couldn’t explain any of it without givin’ the whole story away.
she shrugged it off as best she could, changed the subject. “wanna see what i drew today?”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
“oh yeah, that’s it, you’re just about the ugliest damn thing i have ever seen,” she drawled, her eyes rolling nearly out of her head from the sarcasm.  
“fine, but all that doesn’t change the fact that you’re comin’ to dinner. i’m not playin’ this game again. i let you get away with it last time. ‘sides, bez is still… here?” she lowered her voice. “speakin’ of which, how’ve you been explainin’ that one?”
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“georgia! i’m hurt. didn’t your mama ever tell ya, if you don’t have somethin’ nice to say, don’t say anythin’ at all?” she just wanted to sit here and paint all day. and sit up with bez all night. if he was comin’ tonight... usually he spent most of his day with that boyfriend, then did his show, then came home. but sometimes she wasn’t sure if he’d show.
“i didn’t get away with anythin’.” she avoided georgia’s eyes. she didn’t wanna talk about it. for what felt like the thousandth time. she shrugged, turned back to her painting. “she can’t see him. i dunno why.”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
task 1 — questionnaire
FULL NAME: hadley lucifera holmes
PRONUNCIATION: HAD-lee loo-SIH-fur-ah 
MEANING: heather field; feminized form of Lucifer
REASONING: mom and dad had a weird thing about undermining Christianity with a Satanic middle name… and Hadley they just liked.
NICKNAME(S): lee (lee-lee if you’re bez)
BIRTH DATE: december 7th, 1958
AGE: 24
ZODIAC: sagittarius
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
BIRTH PLACE: letum falls, ok
HOMETOWN: letum falls, ok
SOCIAL CLASS: solidly middle class
SPECIES: human
FATHER: sheriff walker holmes (patrick dempsey)
MOTHER: jezebel holmes nee flynn (carla gugino)
SIBLING(S): bez holmes
BIRTH ORDER: lee, bez
PET(S): none
OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: stepmom, dixie jean holmes (christina applegate)
PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: she went on 1 (one) date in high school but it was too awkward and she left halfway through because she couldn’t stand it
ARRESTS?: two, both in high school. one for public intoxication/underage drinking and one for shoplifting.
PRISON TIME?: none at all.
SOURCE OF INCOME: her artwork
CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THEREOF)?: she loves it so much, but she wishes any buyer would appreciate it like she does
MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: her daddy’s watch box. she snagged it from his room as soon as she realized her stepmama was gonna stay in her and bez’s life.
TALENTS: painting/drawing, guitar, 
DRIVE?: yup. bit of a speed-demon though.
JUMP-STAR A CAR?: no, sir.
CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: of course she can.
RIDE A BICYCLE?: yes indeed.
SWIM?: well, she won’t sink. 
PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: she used to play guitar and she still picks it up every once in a while.
PLAY CHESS?: who the hell knows how to play chess?
BRAID HAIR?: an expert.
TIE A TIE?: she tied all bez’s ties for years.
PICK A LOCK?: unfortunately not.
FACE CLAIM: kelli berglund
EYE COLOR: deep brown
HAIR COLOR: chestnut
HAIR TYPE/STYLE: straight and silky
GLASSES/CONTACTS?: perfect vision, thank you very much.
HEIGHT: 5’2”
WEIGHT: 102 lbs
BUILD: already slim, but usually slightly underfed ‘cause she can’t cook
PEIRCINGS: two in each ear. a stud in the left nostril.
MARKS/SCARS: scarred knees from playing outside all the time as a kid, but no major injuries.
NOTABLE FEATURES: resting bitchface. strong jaw, just like dad. fierce gaze makes her rather unapproachable.
USUAL EXPRESSION: see “resting bitchface”.
ALLERGIES: seasonal.
DIETARY RESTRICTIONS: she hates breakfast meats.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral.
ELEMENT: earth.
MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: sadgirl, undiagnosed. lots of pent up anger and resentment towards her stepmom and supernatural creatures in general.
DRUG USE: occasionally marijuana.
ALCOHOL USE: below average. rarely goes out with friends with an excuse to drink and never drinks alone.
PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: not at all. she takes her anger out in her art.
HOBBIES: painting/drawing/sketching, listening to the 50s music her dad loved
NERVOUS TICKS / HABITS: tapping her fingers, avoiding eye contact
FEARS: losing any more loved ones. supernatural creatures, especially werecreatures.
POSITIVE TRAITS:  independent, realistic, loyal, decisive, earnest
NEGATIVE TRAITS: underthinker, stubborn, prejudiced, judgmental
CURSING?: tries not to actually say any bad words, but in her head she swears like a sailor
ACTIVITY: painting
ANIMAL: rabbits
BEVERAGE: coca cola
BOOK: she hasn’t read since she was reading bez bedtime stories.
COLOR: changes weekly.
FOOD: old fashioned glazed donuts
FLOWER: sunflowers
GEM: peridot
HOLIDAY: bez’s birthday.
QUOTE/SAYING: “painting is self-discovery” - jackson pollock
SCENERY: the local playground. Simpler times.
GENERAL SCENT: paint, roses, her dad’s old cologne
PERSONAL SCENT: also paint
SPORT: softball
WEATHER: cool but sunny
GREATEST DREAM: going to her own exhibition at a museum
GREATEST FEAR: losing bez for good.
MOST AT EASE WHEN: fooling around with her brother
LEAST AT EASE WHEN: she finally realizes she was wrong about something
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: scholarship to arts school at 14
BIGGEST REGRET: not getting emancipated after her dad died.
MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: the one terrible date she ever went on in high school.
BIGGEST SECRET: that bez is dead…. oops!
TOP PRIORITIES: bez. dean. georgia. art.
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leeveit · 5 years ago
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leeveit · 5 years ago
bez knows that look. knows it real well. he just chooses to pretend he doesn’t see it, ‘cause he’s got a feelin’ if he chips away at that paint ?   there’s no tellin’ what kind of lecture’s on the other side. so he just props his chin on his knees and smiles up at his sis, real sweet. 
“ oh, you ‘n i both know he does. ”  cue a brow waggle. bez’s tongue pokes out, just barely, between his teeth.
but that cheeky lil expression can’t last, not with lee still lookin’ at him like that. bez bites the inside of his cheek for a sec ‘n tugs.
“ that what’s so off ‘bout you lately ?  xan ? ”  s’no mystery lee ain’t his biggest fan, but he’s never been the source of so many long faces before.
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he’s all smiley and sweet and the same old bez she’s always known and she can’t stay mad at him—especially when she got so close to losin’ him for good. her family. 
but then he made a gross joke and she wrinkled her nose in disgust. “gross, bez, stoppit,” she insisted, leaning and shuddering the thought away. she did not want to think about her little brother in bed. especially with xander.
“what? no. nuthin’s off with me.” she shook her head, subconsciously avoiding his gaze. “i mean, y’know how i feel about him. but you’re happy, so...”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
maya wished she could laugh about it, she usually would, but even a month later the tragedy of the fair still hung with her. after all, her parents are still staying in a bed and breakfast, funded by maya’s paycheck along with their’s from the market.
“ i just — i wish we could have a day where everyone forgot what happened. like we didn’t lose half the town. “
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lee knew she wasn’t the only one dealin’ with the aftermath of the carnival. but she was so wrapped up in her own shit lately that it was hard to keep on top of how her friends were doin’. she tried for a smile, a soft one, but her face didn’t quite reach it. she wasn’t very good at that in-between kinda emotion.
“i know. me too, sometimes. but we just gotta keep keepin’ on, i guess. i’m here if you need me.”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
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“here y’go!” julia set down the bag of six glazed donuts she’d grabbed for lee.  it was just after her interview with dean, and she was definitely feeling a mix of emotions–too much to process, especially when she knew lee and dean had some sort of history.  so, she’d rely on lee to take her mind off it with art. “your coffee’s still hot–I almost burned my nail polish off, I’m pretty sure.  we can talk for a bit, unless you wanna get straight to the dart throwin, balloon poppin’, paint explodin’ mess.  are you sure this is a good space for it?”  she tilted her head curiously at her friend.
lee peeked into the bag and almost moaned with delight. “oh, these are my favorite,” she said with a growin’ smile. julia knew exactly what she liked. if only everyone would bring her breakfast and help her with her projects. 
“you’re a saint, jules,” she said, takin’ a big bite of donut. “perfect spot.” light was good, and she’d brought a nice big tarp. she shrugged and patted the seat next to her. “well, i can’t paint ‘n eat at the same time. how are ya?”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 𝓅𝒶𝓈𝓈𝑒𝒹: 𝒿𝓊𝓁𝒾𝒶
julia: it's completely fine, lee. really.
julia: at first i jumped at the chance to investigate
julia: thought it might take my mind off my brush with dea|[crossed out]
julia: it's hard because I want answers, but not everyone wants 'em.
lee: i wanna figure all this out
lee: i'm just havin a hard time after bez
lee: and if it's not too much to ask... maybe you could avoid talkin to him too? i haven't told him yet
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leeveit · 5 years ago
“ aw, well, i mean –– y’know. ”  bez brushes crazy curls back from his forehead –– it makes ‘em stick up more, like they’re risin’ in rebuttal. he’s kinda busted. what would he do if someone actually tried t’assassinate him in the night ?
prob’ly kill ‘em with kindness. offer ‘em the cig he’s usually got tucked behind one ear. bez tips his head back, all furrowed brow ‘n pursed lips. really mulls it over. he doesn’t think ‘fore he speaks. just lets the words fly.
“ my guy bites, ”  he settles for, lips formin’ the fondest of grins. “ think maybe i’ll be alright. ”
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she gave him a look, the kind that said i’m right and you know it. he didn’t know they were really just... statin’ a fact. how could he? but it made her think, what if somebody else told him? he’d hate her for keepin’ it from him. but she couldn’t live without him. that week she didn’t have him around almost killed her too.
dean could say for sure. he was the one who made her change and eat and remember she was still alive.
she scoffed. she wasn’t exactly a fan of xander. “so long as he doesn’t bite you.”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
bez scoots closer when lee moves. he can actually feel the sheets against his feet, and thank the fuckin’ higher powers. maybe his and quin’s theory’s wrong. maybe they’re not magnetic or radioactive or… changed. maybe those doors are just… freak doors. maybe they’re alright.
“ okay, so. get this. ”  bez shifts around a bit, crosses his legs so he can face lee ‘n really paint the picture. “ i’m playin’ some solid ac/dc, right ? ”  he spreads his hands and hums; he can still feel the beat in his bones. “ ‘n as i’m doin’ the fadeout, i get a ring. so i pick it up, ‘n this voice goes, real low… ”  he tries to start a few times ‘n fails, ‘cause he can’t stop beaming like a buffoon.
“ yer a dead man, holmes. ”   he’s smilin’ so hard his cheeks hurt. jesus. a death threat. heck, he’s practically the next limbaugh.  “ can y’believe that ?  someone out there, like. wants to kill me. ”  
“ yer a dead man, holmes ! ”  he practically sing-songs, before floppin’ down to lie propped on his elbow. “ a dead man. ”  bez thinks for a sec. pokes lee’s foot with his own stripey sock. 
“ y’think they’d actually try it ? ”  he’s still grinnin’ like a chessy cat.
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ac/dc. fadeout. call. lee’s heart sinks, wondering if someone else might ruin this for her. she needs him. her frown intensifies and she crosses her arms, leaning back. “that’s not funny, bub,” she isn’t sure what else to say.
it’s not funny. why’s he so happy about this? he feels sorta famous now? “don’t say that-” she tries to shake off the intensity of it. he wouldn’t understand.
she takes a deep breath and thinks about it like she would have before. and yeah... it is a little funny. “if they do try it, what’re you gonna do about it? lanky bean pole like you.”
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leeveit · 5 years ago
𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 𝓅𝒶𝓈𝓈𝑒𝒹: 𝒿𝓊𝓁𝒾𝒶
lee: sorry i missed ya the other day... i just don't really feel like talkin' bout the whole thing
lee: the fair and everythin' i mean
lee: i heard you were askin' folks bout it
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