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leedosbunnyboy · 6 months ago
Seoho; Are You Coming To The Tree?
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Genre: angst, hunger games au
Pairing: lee seoho x male!reader
Warning(s): sexual humor
Summary: you both knew the risks. to attempt to avoid the hunger games, to go against the capitol, it was crazy, but it was worth a shot.
It was never supposed to be like this.
It must have been some cruel joke. From fighting to your life in the impoverished hell that was your district, to being chosen to fight for your life in the capitol for the 11th annual Hunger Games. You weren’t going to win. You were going to die, you knew it. That was… until he showed.
Your boyfriend, somehow broke into the cellar you were locked in after being picked in the reaping.
“Get out of here Lee Seoho!” You hissed as the other male simply flashed you a toothy smile. “Couldn’t stay away, beautiful.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss you through the bars. “Did you really just come for a kiss?” You questioned. “Oh, trust me sweetheart. I’m aiming for a lot more than a kiss, but let’s get you out of here first.” Seoho smirked as your face flushed red. He reached into his bad and pulled out a makeshift lock pick and worked his magic until the door swung open with a creaky squeal.
You immediately rushed into Seoho’s arms and buried your face into his chest. He cradled your head and pressed kisses to your temple as you cried into his shirt. “Shh shh… it’s okay. I’ve got you. Hyung’s got you.” He whispered into your hair as he rocked you side to side. You looked up at him and he used his thumbs to wipe the tears out of your eyes before leaning in and capturing your lips in his.
Seoho was the one to break the kiss as he heard a peacekeeper patrolling just outside the cellar. “As much as I’d love to keep kissing my boy, I think we should get out of here before we’re found out.” You nod in agreement and take Seoho’s hand as he begins to lead you out of that god forsaken prison.
“Hop up there.” He instructs as you’ve approached a tunnel hidden above a fireplace. You nod and clumsily hop into the tunnel and aid Seoho once it’s his turn to enter.
“Just crawl until you see light okay?” He instructs as he covers up the tunnel behind himself. You follow his directions in the seemingly never ending rabbit hole, until your eyes are assaulted by the bright rays of the sun. “I think I see the end!” You exclaim. “Good keeping going forward, baby.” Seoho instructs.
Once you reach the surface, you dust yourself off and take in the trees around you. As soon as Seoho makes his way out of the tunnel, you tackle him into a hug. You both giggle as you litter kisses across each other’s faces while rolling in the grass. As Seoho finds himself hovering over you, he realizes just how precious you are to him and just how close he was to losing you. “You really had me scared back there.” He confesses. “I had myself scared.” You weakly laugh. “I was gonna die there, you know? I had no chance of winning.” Seoho simply leaned in and kissed you. “Shh, you’re not going anywhere.” He smiled down at you and stood up. “Let’s go. They’ll realize you’re gone sooner or later.” You nod and take his outstretched hand as you stand. “Where to?” You question as you walk through the thicket. “Our place. We’re gonna pack whatever we can carry and get out of here.” He explains. Watching around every corner to make sure he’s not being followed. “Do we have to leave? I’m sure if we lay low long enough we’ll be fine. We could stay in the pantry or Ms. Tammy’s tavern!” You offered. “Baby, we’re rebels now. The capitol will not let us live.” “But-“ “M/n!” You jumped as Seoho raised his voice. He immediately recognized his mistake and swooped in to embrace you. “I’m sorry baby. I didn’t mean to yell at you. It’s just… we can’t stay here. We’ll die.” His voice quivers as he says this. “I know… I know…” You bury your face in his chest, “I know…” Seoho held you closer. “We leave at sundown, okay?” You nod. “Let’s go then.”
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leedosbunnyboy · 7 months ago
ONEUS x Male Reader
most to least likely:
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Leedo is not a fan. He’ll let you do it if you truly insist, but he doesn’t enjoy it. He finds it uncomfortable and not pleasurable. It would take so much convincing to even get him to agree to let you do it the first, and almost impossible for any time after. He finds rimming to be a loss of his pride, even if he’s the bottom in your relationship.
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Xion will let you do it if you want to, but he has to be in the right mood as he doesn’t get much pleasure from it. He finds it rather ticklish, but seeing you enjoying yourself is more than enough for him.
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Keonhee likes it. It wouldn’t be his first choice, he’d rather get head or simply fuck, but he enjoys it when it happens. Whether he’s the top or the bottom, he has no qualms about bending over and showing off his tight, pink hole for you.
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You don’t even need to ask him twice. As soon as you say you want to rim him, his pants are off and his ass is spread. He LOVES feeling you tongue prod against his rim. Depending on how much of a dom he is, he’ll often reach back and force your head deeper into his ass. And yes, he does love riding your face.
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Let’s act shocked that he’s the most down to have a tongue in his ass. Hwanwoong loves anything to do with his hole. Whether you want to breed him until sunrise or eat him out all night, he doesn’t care. He loves riding your face. If you want to eat his ass, he’ll drop whatever he doing to ditch his pants and spread his ass for you. He loves if you’re rough with him, folding him in ways only his flexibility will allow just to devour his tight rim.
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leedosbunnyboy · 2 years ago
Kyojuro Rengoku; The Flame Burning in My Soul
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Genre: Angst
Pairing: Kyojuro Rengoku x Male Reader | (side) Tengen Uzui x Male Reader
Warning(s): Very Narrative Driven, Very Long(?), Slight Manga Spoilers, Mourning, Death
Summary: Living without the love of your life can do a number on you, especially when you’re living everyday wondering if you even want to go on.
Part I
He’s gone…
It feels like it was only yesterday that he was holding you and promising to marry you…
He’s gone…
He said the mission was going to be easy…
He’s gone…
He was supposed to come back safely…
He’s gone…
He’s just playing a prank!
He’s gone…
He sent that crow with a phony letter to scare us!
He’s gone…
Mr. Uzui must be in on it as well!
He’s gone…
They’re such pranksters!
He’s gone…
He’ll be back soon…
He’s gone…
I can’t wait until-
It can’t be real…
it just can’t be…
You tried to convince yourself it wasn’t real. That it was all some sick game Kyojuro thought would be funny. That was until you saw his crow flying to the estate while you were outside cleaning with Senjuro, followed by a young boy with a scar…
“Are you Senjuro? And Sir Rengoku’s lover?” The boy asked before politely bowing.
“I take it you know about Mr. Rengoku? I’m so sorry. Before he died, he asked for some messages to be delivered to you, your father, and his lover. I’ve come to pass them on.” He stated.
“From my brother? Thank you, but i’m already well aware of what happened to him.” Senjuro solemnly stated. You moved closer to him to rub his shoulder. “What’s wrong?! Your face! It looks as pale as a ghost!”
“Knock it off!” All three of you were surprised by the sudden outburst. “Whatever message he left means nothing anyway! Why would he become a swordsman when he had no talent to being with! It’s no wonder he died! He’s worthless.” You gripped on the broom tighter, your eyes beginning to swell with tears at Shinjuro’s words. “He was a fool of a son from the start! A person’s potential is determined the day they’re born. Only a mere handful have any talent… the rest are just dregs of society. You’re either born a genius or someday killed by one!” Shinjuro stopped to take a drink. “It’s clear which one Kyojuro was. He had no future to begin with. No surprise he got killed.” Senjuro cuddled closer into your side.
“You shut your mouth!” You screamed, surprising all three boys. “Kyojuro had a bright future ahead of him! He was to come back and marry me! We were to be wed and start a life together! All my life, I dreamed of spending my last days with him, so don’t you dare stand here and soil his name by calling him worthless because he meant everything to me!” You fought back tears as Senjuro leaned closer to comfort you. “Just because you’re a sad old man who gave up on his own life doesn’t give you the right to speak badly about an other’s!”
“Give me a break! The funeral is over! It’s high time you both move on with your damn lives!” You held the youngest Rengoku behind you as he cried into your kimono.
“Just a moment!” The boy with a checkered haori moved to stand in front of you and Senjuro. “Don’t you think you’re being a bit too harsh? Please show some respect for your son!” He yelled.
“And just who the hell are you? Answer me! Or get off of my property!” Shinjuro yelled.
“I’m with… the demon slayer corps!” He announced. Something he did somehow caused Shinjuro to drop his jar of saké.
The next few moments were a blur to you. One second, he was yelling at the young slayer boy about sun breathing, the next he had him pinned to the ground, and then you were holding Senjuro after his father had hit him.
“Don’t you dare lay a hand on him you monster!” You rushed to put some distance between Senjuro and the altercation in front of you. “Why are you acting so hostile like this in the first place? Insulting your own child who lost his life… in front of his fiancé no less! And striking your son; what’s the matter with you?!”
“Are you alright?” You examined Senjuro’s face. He nodded, but still held the injury. “I’ll get you some ointment after he calms down, okay?” Senjuro nodded and you held him close to him, before turning back to see the boy lunging at Shinjuro.
“Young slayer, be careful!” You yelled. “He’s a former hashira!” Senjuro shouted as the boy was punched in the face by Shinjuro. “Please father! Have mercy!” You stepped away from Senjuro to rush towards the boy.
Your eyes widened as you saw the boy knock out a former hashira… with a head butt? You put your shock aside and caught both of them.
“Senjuro, please take this boy inside. I’ll deal with your father.” The young boy eagerly came to assist you as you painstakingly took the older man inside.
Now you three found yourself in the main living area of the house as you applied some ointment to Senjuro’s injury and examined the other slayer boy’s injuries.
“I feel like I’ve made a grave mistake.” The boy said with a bowed head after you applied a simple healing balm to his forehead. You left to your room soon after, but you kept your door open to keep an ear out for Senjuro.
“Please sir, have some tea.”
“Thank you very much. I hope you can forgive me… for head butting your father and all. He’s okay right?” The boy asked.
“Oh yeah, he’ll be fine. (M/n)’s an amazing doctor, so it’s not like he’d be down for too long. And besides, he’s back to getting saké already.” Senjuro explained.
“What a relief.” The slayer huffed.
“You have my thanks.” Senjuro said, seemingly to the other boy’s surprise. “For standing up to him. I was too scared to. Even when he badmouthed my brother like that. I’m sure (M/n) is grateful too.” You watched through the back door as Shinjuro wobbled off to purchase more saké. “Tell me. What were my brothers last moments like.” You suddenly remembered why that boy was here in the first place. As that all too familiar pain began to emerge in your chest, you shut the door. You didn’t need anymore grief. Your heart has had enough as it is.
A knock to your door awoke you from the nap you hadn’t even noticed you took. “Come in.” You groggily called and watched as Senjuro slowly walked in. “Our visitor has left.” He said. You nodded before Senjuro ran over and collapsed in your arms. You raked your fingers through his hair as he loudly sobbed into your shoulder. “It’ll be alright. We’ll get through this.” You cupped his face and looked into his teary eyes. “For Kyojuro, okay?” You held out your pinky to him. He nodded before interlocking your fingers.
“It was difficult getting him to accept Kyojuro’s sword guard. He swore he couldn’t accept it.” Senjuro lightly chuckled recounting his encounter with the young slayer boy you now knew as Tanjiro. “He said that you should’ve kept it.” He smiled. “I couldn’t keep that thing even if I wanted to. I’d get too sad.” You said, running your fingers through Senjuro’s hair.
“‘Don’t let me limit your heart’,” Senjuro said out of the blue. “‘Please allow someone else to give you the love i wish i could’ve, because you deserve the world and more. I hope you find a man who will treat you like the prince you are in my place.’” “What are you on about?” You turned to face him. “Those were Kyojuro’s last words to you. Tanjiro said he had the most to say about you. Apparently he wouldn’t shut up about how excited he was to marry his boyfriend when he returned from his mission.” You felt Senjuro’s tears falling in your lap before you even noticed the ones dripping down your cheeks.
You two cried a lot that night…
And the next…
And while you could’ve sworn you were hearing things, you knew Shinjuro was crying too.
“You shouldn’t push yourself ya know? That’s not very flashy of you.” The sound hashira called to you as you continued to train.
You had chosen to become Tengen Uzui’s tsugoku as a means of defending yourself after Kyojuro’s death. It would be hard for anyone to train like this, but now imagine you’ve gone your whole life without as much as touching a sword, to now pushing yourself to train every day with one until your heart felt like it was on the brink of giving out.
“If you expect me to be ready for battle within the current century, you’ll let me continue.” You said, not even sparing a glance towards the older man behind you.
He scoffed before walking towards you and gripping your sword. “That’s enough (M/n).” He sternly instructed. “We’ll pick this up tomorrow.”
You let go off your sword and stormed off, leaving the taller to slowly trail behind as he fiddled with your blade.
“You can be quite the brat ya know?” He commented as you made your way back towards the Rengoku residence.
“And you can be quite the headache.” You pulled off your geta and made your way towards the kitchen, not before greeting Senjuro with a hug and kiss to his forehead. Afterwards, starting on dinner for you all, as well as your unwanted flashy guest.
“I don’t know why you insist on staying here. You have a home with three wives to return to.” You snidely commented as you poured stew into Senjuro’s plate.
“Well, my home doesn’t have my cute tsugoku at it now does it?” Tengen smirked at your irritated expression.
You inhaled deeply before launching his plate at him; however, he caught it rather easily and began to dig in as if nothing happened. Curse him for being a skilled hashira. “And besides, you know they’re not there.”
You took your place next to Senjuro and angrily began to eat. Stuffing your face full of stew and barely even giving yourself time to chew.
“Thank you for the meal (M/n)!” Senjuro hugged you before running off to his room, realizing the tense atmosphere he found himself in the middle of.
“If you want a real answer, I worried about you (M/n).” Tengen stated as he placed his bowl down. “You never wanted to even touch a sword, but now you push yourself to train with one every day. It’s not healthy.”
“Who cares how I was in the past. So what if I want to wield a sword now? You should only concern yourself with training me.” You glared at him.
“You won’t defeat the demon that killed Kyojuro.” He deadpanned. “You’re far too weak… and if you plan on pushing yourself like this, you’ll be dead before you even have the chance to try.”
You tighten your hands into fists and inhaled deeply, attempting to keep yourself from crying.
Tengen shifted to be seated beside you and laid your head on his shoulder. “It’s okay to cry ya know? Just let it all out.” You sobbed into his shoulder as he rubbed your back.
“Once we get back from this mission… please listen to me. I promise I’ll help you get stronger, without you pushing your body so hard.” You nodded against his body and he smiled gently down at you. He cupped your face so that know you were facing his.
“Go get some rest.” He pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Meet me at the Butterfly Estate tomorrow morning. I’ll be there to find a girl to help on this mission.” You nodded. He smiled and placed a kiss to your forehead before standing up. “See you later (M/n).”
“You’re an idiot you know that?” You cried as you held the only hand Tengen had left.
While you expected to engage in battle during this mission to gather information on the sound hashira’s wives, you never expected to encounter an upper moon, much less two of them. Now you sat in the aftermath of the battle: bloodied and bruised; but your injuries were nothing compared to Tengen’s. His forearm had been cut off and he was poisoned. He didn’t have much time left.
“Hey calm down.” He cupped your face gently. “Nice to see that pretty face of yours wasn’t damaged.”
“Shut up! Focus on yourself!” You yelled at him as you struggled to apply pressure to his severed arm.
“Appreciate the effort sweetheart, but it’s not this injury that’s gonna kill me.” You realized that the poison was still ravaging his body.
“Shit! I forgot my medicines back home. If only I would’ve brought them none of this would’ve-!” A small tap to your shoulder averted your attention from the sound hashira to the young kamado girl that now sat beside you.
She gently pressed her hand against Uzui before… SETTING HIM ON FIRE?! You and all of Tengen’s wives screamed in horror as you watched the older man being engulfed in pink flames. Makio, Hinatsuru, and Suma bickered amongst themselves as they yelled at Nezuko, but you focused on how Tengen’s once purple skin now began to clear.
You sat amazed as you watched Uzui heal from what was once a deadly venom.
Tengen slowly turned to you and smiled. “I guess I’m so flashy, even death can’t beat me.”
You wept as you tackled the larger man into your embrace, the others watching with endearment as the sound hashira held you. “Don’t scare me like that you asshole.” Uzui simply laughed as he wiped your tears.
“What do ya say we get out of here?” He announced to his wives as they, alongside you, helped him get up and walk away.
You very carefully worked on reapplying the sound hashira’s bandages as he carefully held you in his lap.
“You’re really cute when you’re all focused like that.” Tengen commented once you finished wrapping him up.
“Shut up.” You walked away from him as you worked on reorganizing your ointments and medicines. Uzui chuckled to himself as he lovingly watched you work.
“Hey (M/n)?” Tengen called out which caused you to turn to face him. “Yes?” He beckoned you to come closer to him, and you obliged. Adjusting yourself to sit in his lap. “Why don’t you come and live here with us?” He offered. “What do you mean?” You looked up at him, confused as to what his true intentions were. “Will you allow me to court you and become my husband? I could use another man around the house to balance things out ya know?” He smiled gently at you.
You slowly moved off him as you attempted to put some space between you. “Is something wrong?” Tengen shot you a concerned look, looking shocked when you rejected his attempt to hold your hand. “I-I’m not- I can’t… I still…” Tengen grasped your hand. “It’s alright (M/n). I understand.” He rubbed your knuckles lovingly. “I’m sorry-“ “Don’t be.” He cut you off. “You have no reason to explain yourself.” He knew your heart still belonged to Kyojuro and he respected that. You two sat in a comfortable silence as you slowly allowed yourself to return to sit in Tengen’s lap.
“My heart still isn’t ready to move on, but I promise you, the day it is, it’ll be yours.” You looked up at him. “And I’ll be more than happy to accept it.” He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a sweet kiss to your knuckles.
It all moved entirely too fast.
One day you were enjoying a day out on the town with Uzui and his wives, and now you watched as the demon who killed Kyojuro faded into dust.
“We did (M/n).” Tanjiro wept as he attempted to apply pressure to the wound in your stomach. “You did it.”
You smiled and coughed up blood. “You’re not injured are you?” You looked up at the scarred boy.
“No sir.” He wiped some tears from his face. “I’m glad.” You breathed deeply before realizing one of your lungs must’ve been punctured as you struggled with something as simple as that.
“You should be worried about yourself. You’re in two pieces.” Tomioka quietly stated as his sat down beside you.
“I’ll be alright.” You felt your eyelids slowly become heavier and heavier with each blink of your eyes. “Stop with this nonsense Mr. (M/n)! You’re going to die soon! Please speak with some urgency!” Tanjiro cried out. You simply chuckled and reached up to cup his face. “Why should I be sad? The killer of my lover has been killed by my efforts and now I’m presented with the opportunity to see Kyojuro again. I have no reason to be upset. In fact… I’m rather relieved. So please, don’t mourn me. Who knows how many lives I have helped to save by ridding the world of that demon. I will go on with no regrets in this world.” You explained, watching as both men before you accepted your death.
“Tanjiro, please tell Senjuro I’m sorry to give him another loss, but please assure him I will be watching over him. Me and Kyojuro both will be excited to see the great man he becomes.” Your breaths started to become much shallower. “And for Mr. Uzui, please tell him I apologize I couldn’t give him my heart, but that I will cherish all the love he still gave me in spite of my inability to do so.” Tanjiro became more panicked as he realized your heart beat was slowing down. “Please, save your breath-“ Tomioka covered his mouth, allowing you to continue. “And for you both, go out there and save the world. I’ll be cheering you on.” You shut your eyes. “Set your heart ablaze.”
And just like that, you were gone…
You awoke in a grassy field. The sun was bright and wind was warm, feeing almost as if it was pressing kissed against your skin every time it passed by. The tall reeds swayed in the blowing wind and brushed against your legs, slightly tickling you. Everything was perfect.
“I’m proud of you!” A familiar voice boomed through the air.
You slowly turned around as you laid your eyes on the man you have longed to see ever since that faithful night…
“It’s me (M/n).” He smiled to you and opened his arms.
Your eyes rang and your breath hitched. It couldn’t be…?
Your shock was short-lived as you rushed towards him, immediately landing in his arms and tackling him to the soft grass. His body was as warm as you remembered. His arms immediately resting at your waist, just like he used to. His scent was as vibrant as you recalled.
It was him.
He was here.
With you.
“Where are we?” You looked around you. While it was peaceful, it was not where you recalled ever visiting.
“We’re in heaven love.” Kyojuro stated as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“Ah, I guess I died during that battle against Akaza.” The former flame hashira nodded as he held you close to him.
“No matter how you got here, you did amazing!” He smiled brightly at you, causing your heart to skip a beat. “And now we’ll never be separated again!”
You smiled back at him.
Sure, nothing has gone how you would prefer it to, but life has a way of subverting expectations, yet somehow managing to give you everything you wanted.
Note(s): I wasn’t planning on making a part 2 to the original fic, but I had a sudden urge to write a bittersweet ending and immediately got to writing. I apologize if it’s too choppy, but I didn’t want it to be crazy long and a lot of what I originally planned was really just filler lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night!
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leedosbunnyboy · 2 years ago
Kyojuro Rengoku; The Fire Kindling in My Heart
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Genre: Fluff, Implied Smut
Pairing: Kyojuro Rengoku x Male Reader
Warning(s): Very narrative-driven, Slight feminization (Reader is referred to as a wife), Kyojuro and Reader bathe together, Implied bath s3x
Summary: Living with the love of your life can do a number on you, especially when you live every day wondering if he’ll even come back alive
Part II
Ten years…
Ten years since you’ve first started living with the flame hashira’s family.
Kyojuro Rengoku, the flame hashira, was your best friend since you were kids. So whenever your parents were killed by a demon, it was only natural he’d invite you to live with his family.
You were eternally grateful for his kindness and did everything anything necessary to attempt to repay his kindness; however, Kyojuro never once asked anything of you, simply saying you being alive and within his presence was more than enough. Even now, Kyojuro was twenty and you were nineteen, he was still as caring as ever. Always bringing you gifts from his many missions.
You knew you liked the slayer. Hell, you’ve known since you were twelve. That was when Kyojuro held you as you cried on the second anniversary of your parents’ death. You wailed, you screamed, you looked a mess, all covered in snot and struggling to breathe, but Kyojuro never once judged you. He simply continued to hold you and you let you cry into his shoulder, whispering sweet words into your ear when you calmed enough to no longer be shaking. That’s when you knew, your heart belonged to him.
You weren’t any good with swords, hence why you never chose to pursue the path of a demon slayer. Kyojuro tried his best to teach you, but you simply couldn’t figure it out. Instead, you decided to learn medicine. If you couldn’t help Kyojuro on the battlefield, you could at least help him in the aftermath. While Kyojuro spent his days training to pass Final Selection, you would learn how to blend herbs and roots from the kind old doctor up the mountain. Returning home at night to prepare dinner for Kyojuro and his younger brother, Senjuro, as well as to clean out any scrapes the older might have received during his training. You would run a bath for the swordsman and massage his tense shoulders until he began to doze off. Afterwards, you would tuck in Senjuro for the night, making sure to read him his favorite stories. The younger always asking if he could grow up to be as brave as the heroes in his stories, and you always reassuring him that he would be even braver. You would then head to Kyojuro’s room and fall asleep in the slayer’s arms.
A warm feeling would arise in your chest every night. You loved this routine.
When Kyojuro was promoted to a hashira, you couldn’t really bring yourself to be happy. First off, his missions almost always had him away from home, so now that he was an even higher rank, you knew there was almost no way he’d be home for a while. And second of all, he’s almost died multiple times, and now that he was a hashira, you knew you would have to get used to it. Every time you had to wipe his blood off his skin, every time you had to stitch a gaping cut, it pained you. You constantly worried for him, and now to know the man you cared for so deeply could die any day now, did nothing to ease your constant fear. But he assured you, “I’m very strong (M/n)! It is my duty to protect the weak. Of what use would my years of training be if i never used it to protect the weak?” God, he reminded you so much of his mother.
By some miracle, Kyojuro had some time off. A week off specifically. A week of not having to worry about if he’d be killed on the battlefield, a week of not having to hold your breath each time a crow came to your residence out of fear of hearing of his death, just a week of relaxing with Kyojuro by your side.
However, fate had other ideas.
In the middle of his break, he was called via crow to report to his master’s residence. Lord Ubayashiki if you recall correctly. You’ve never met the man but you’ve heard great things.
“Must you really go? I’m sure you can simply tell him all he needs to know in a letter.” You now stood at the entrance to the Rengoku estate. Barely catching up to the flame hashira on his way out:
“I wish it was that easy (M/n), but if the master requires my presence it must be important.” He held your hands, his fingers brushing over your knuckles in an attempt to calm your growing worry. “Hey, I fortunately still have 3 more days of my break, remember? When I return, I promise I won’t leave your side until my rest is over.” He flashed you that god-forsaken smile of his. The smile that calmed you down and had your heart beating faster than the speed of a shinobi.
“When you return, please hold me?” You looked up at the man, silently swearing him to hold up his end of the promise with just your eyes.
“I swear on my honor, (M/n).” And with that, he was on his way.
You watched until you could no longer see his bright hair over the tree line, before returning back to sit at the engawa, distracting yourself by counting the stars.
“You really love my brother, don’t you?” Asked a small voice.
“Is it really that obvious?” You chuckled, brushing a loose strand of hair out of your face.
“Of course it is. Your face lights up every time you’re with him.” Senjuro comments as he moves to sit next to you.
“Then why doesn’t he say anything?” You asked, tears beginning to well in your eyes. “I doubt he’ll ever feel the same. He needs a strong hashira woman to marry, not a lowly pharmacist like me who can’t even wield a sword properly.” You wiped some stray tears away with the sleeve of your kimono. It was blue and had coi fish and lily pads as the design. Kyojuro bought it for you. He said you’d look pretty in it.
“You shouldn’t be so harsh on yourself (M/n),” Senjuro rested his hand on your shoulder, “I know my brother cares deeply for you. Why else would he invite you to live with us?”
“Because your brother is an honorable man who pities the weak. It was for no other reason than helping a pitiful boy who couldn’t even help his parents.” You clenched your hands into a fist as to not cry.
“Don’t say such things about yourself.” Senjuro shifted to rub your back. For such a young boy, Senjuro was very was mature for his age. I guess having to raise yourself due to having a drunkard as a father does that to a kid. “You know, Kyojuro told me he joined the slayers corp because of you.”
You turned towards the younger boy, surprise etched into every corner of your face.
“When he saw you that night ten years ago. Alone, all at the hands of a demon, he promised to not allow that to happen to anyone again. He said he made two promises that night; to kill all demons and to never let you be alone again.” Senjuro recounted, his smile brightening upon feeling your back relax.
“He truly cares for you (M/n). When he returns, please consider telling him about your feelings. I promise he won’t hate you, no- he can’t ever hate you.” Senjuro smiled at you.
“I will.” You wipe the remainder of the tears off your face. “Now, let’s get you back to bed, yeah?”
Kyojuro returned by sunrise. Ubayashiki simply wanted to inform him of his next mission after his break.
He slowly crept into his home, peeping into his father’s room to see him sound asleep. Most likely due to alcohol rather than exhaustion, but at least he isn’t yelling at Senjuro, or god forbid, (M/n).
He then made his way to his room, but not before peeking into Senjuro’s room. His heart swelled at the sight of you resting with Senjuro in your hold, his head resting in the crook of your neck. A half-read story in your hands.
“Poor things. You both must’ve been very tired.” Kyojuro whispered as he moved to wrap you both in a blanket. You reached out a hand to grip his. “Oh, it’s you.” You stated, half-asleep. “I’m sorry (M/n). I didn’t mean to wake you.” He softly smiled. “No, it’s fine. I was about to awake anyways. Let me just lay Senjuro down and I’ll make us some breakfast alright?” You shifted to rest the younger Rengoku on his futon before tucking him in with a blanket. “Sounds good to me.” The flame hashira smiled as you dragged him out of his room and into the kitchen.
“Are you in the mood for anything specific?” You asked as you wrapped an apron around your waist. “Some miso soup would be amazing!” He stated. “With sweet potatoes i assume?” You smiled back to him. “You know me so well.” The flame hashira chuckled heartily. “Well of course I would know what my best friend likes.” Not to mention how i’m crazy in love with you you thought.
Just before you could finish the meal, a very annoyed and very hungover Shinjuro came barging into the kitchen. His eyes glanced over to Kyojuro before a look of disgust overtook his face.
“Sir Shinjuro. Would you like some miso soup as well?” You offered. Mostly to break the uncomfortable silence which had overtaken the area.
“Sure, sure, whatever.” Kyojuro’s father had never particularly hated you, in fact, the flame hashira might even go as far as to say his father liked you. Well, he’s never shown it, but he’s also never yelled at you, and according to Kyojuro those are the same things.
You smiled towards the retired hashira before preparing three bowls of soup, as well as an extra for when Senjuro decided to wake up. Normally Shinjuro would have him up at this hour but you decided to let him sleep in just a bit longer. You brought over the bowls and set them in front of the two men before taking your seat beside Kyojuro, apron still wrapped around your waist.
“Is it good?” You asked Kyojuro. “Of course it is! Everything you make is delicious (M/n)!” The flame hashira would say before wolfing down the entire bowl. “Tasty!” You chuckled at his antics. “Shall i get you some more?” He nodded and you arose to pour him some more.
“He has two arms and two legs (M/n). I’m pretty sure he can pour his own soup.” Shinjuro would remark as you stood. “It’s completely fine. I have no issue with it.” You stated once you returned with Kyojuro’s bowl. “He is a hashira. It won’t kill him to get up every once in a while. He doesn’t need you to be waiting on him hand and foot-“ “That’s enough father.” Kyojuro interrupted. “I would never ask something of (M/n) if it were to hinder him. Now please let us eat in peace.” Shinjuro tsked before continuing to eat. “Say, Kyojuro. Why don’t you get that wife of yours to go wake up Senjuro. He has to start training soon.” A blush found its way to both your and Kyojuro’s faces at the comment. “I-I’ll go get Senjuro.” You quickly stood and scurried to the younger’s room. “I can run you a bath if you’d like Kyojuro?” You offered before you fully exited the kitchen. “That would be lovely (M/n), *cough* thank you.” He stated, face still red and clearly flustered.
“Thank you (M/n). This is wonderful.” Kyojuro said as he sunk into the warm water. “It’s no problem at all Kyojuro.” You smiled at him and began to work on massaging his tense muscles.
“About what my father said, I apologize if it made you uncomfortable.” The flame hashira said as he relaxed into your touch. “It’s completely fine.” You contemplated on whether or not to say what was on your mind. “I actually kind of liked it.” You whispered, but Kyojuro heard you.
“Oh?” He leaned his head back to make eye contact with you. “Would you enjoy being my wife? Would you like to wait here for me on my missions and then when I’d return, I’d hold you and whisper sweet things into your ear?” Kyojuro teased. His smiled widened as he saw your ears begin to turn red. “Well, I already kind of do that.” You said, attempting to distract yourself by working on kneading the older’s tense muscles.
“(M/n)…” Kyojuro called. “Hmm?” You cautiously looked up at him. “Could you please join me?” You swear you could feel your face turn darker than a beet, but you complied nonetheless.
Now you found your back resting against the chest of the flame hashira as he worked on cleaning your hair.
“How long have you wanted to be my wife?” Kyojuro teased. “Since we were kids. I’ve always admired you Kyojuro. Your resolve, your determination, your kindness, your pure heart, all of it made me fall deeper and deeper in love with you.” You finally admitted what you’d been holding with you for the past seven years. “What if I told you I felt the same?” Kyojuro asked. His hand falling from your hair to hold your hands. “Are you sure it’s not just because we’re both naked and pressed against each other?” You joked. “Well not that I don’t enjoy this, but it’s not at all the reason.” He pulled you closer to him. “All I do is for you. Joining the demon slayer corp, training hard to become a hashira, waking up in the morning, it’s all for you (M/n). While I’m away on missions, all I do is long to come home and see your beautiful smile while you’re reading to Senjuro. To hold you while you work on whatever new interest captures your attention. To taste your amazing cooking. To simply be around you is my will to live. You’re my everything (M/n).”
“But I am a man. You deserve a strong woman to carry your bloodline. Hell, I can’t even wield a sword correctly, how do you expect me to be good enough-“ Kyojuro’s lips met with yours. “Please stop speaking such nonsense. I don’t need a bloodline, I only need you (M/n).” A comfortable silence overtook the bathroom as he simply held you. Relishing in the presence of each other.
“I’ll tell you what (M/n). After this mission is over, I will marry you. How does that sound?” Your heart was beating uncontrollably. “Hello?” Kyojuro giggled as he caught sight of your flustered expression. “Don’t laugh at me! The man I’ve been in love with just expressed his feelings towards me and asked me to marry him in the same hour.” You slapped his chest as he continued to laugh. “Well, do you accept?” He looked into your eyes. “Of course!” Kyojuro smiled and captured your lips again. “Good, now let me show you just how much I love you.”
You two became one beneath that water. Much to the dismay of Shinjuro’s ears.
As quickly as he returned, he had to leave yet again. Now you stood again at the gate of the estate. Kyojuro’s hands in yours as you begged for him not leave.
“I must go love. This mission is important.” Kyojuro chuckled as you continued to cling to him.
“Come back safely. You owe me a wedding!” You whined.
Kyojuro nodded and brought your lips to his. Holding you tightly and he hoped you would feel all his love.
“Promise you’ll return to me.” You held out your pinky to him.
He intertwined your fingers and kissed your knuckle. “Promise.”
“Say… what kind of mission are you even going on?”
“Something to do with a train. I’m sure it won’t be hard. I’ll be back quickly!”
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leedosbunnyboy · 2 years ago
the sunwoo request!
Tysm for requesting and I hope you enjoy it! And ty for helping me through the process by giving me suggestions <3
Sunwoo; Boy, Pop My Cherry Like A Bubble
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Genre: Smut, Friends to Lovers, College AU
Pairing: Bestfriend!Sub!Top!Sunwoo x Dom!Bottom!M!Reader
Requested: By @sanieful <3
Warning(s): Cursing, reader is really popular with guys, The Boyz thirsting over reader, both Sunwoo and reader are virgins, loss of virginity, mutual masturbation, 69ing, cum eating, overstimulation, anal, protected sex
Summary: After hearing his friends constantly thirsting over you and seeing who could sleep with you first, his best friend since you two were in diapers, Sunwoo decides to beat them to it.
(Inspired by a song I’ve been writing.)
“Oh come on guys, you can’t be serious! We can’t be talking about the same (M/n).” Sunwoo exclaimed as he heard the nonsense coming out of his friends’ mouths.
“Sunwoo, we are talking abt (M/n) (L/n). Your best friend and the baddie with a phattie.” Eric said.
“Sometimes the things you say concern me.” Sunwoo rolled his eyes and shoved another fry into his mouth.
“Oh come on Sunwoo, look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn’t smash (M/n).” Hyunjae, captain of the basketball team, said.
“Shit, I’d hit.” Juyeon nonchalantly said.
“Aren’t you his roommate? (M/n) must be bringing a new guy over every night. You’ve probably heard everything.” Eric questioned Juyeon.
“Shut up! (M/n) isn’t that type of guy.” Sunwoo defended his best friend.
“Sunwoo, that boy is the most breedable person I’ve ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on, and oh my god his lips, shit, what I’d give to get head from him.” Hyunjae basically drooled.
“You guys are disgusting, and no, I haven’t thought about smashing my best friend. Since we were in diapers mind you.” Sunwoo had just about had enough, just then, he saw his other friend, Sangyeon, coming straight towards them.
“What are you guys doing to poor Sunwoo? He looks so flustered.” He smirked as he sat down next to the former.
“Hyung, would you fuck (M/n)?” Sunwoo asked.
“As in (M/n) (L/n)?” Sangyeon raised an eyebrow at the younger male.
Sunwoo nodded and awaited the older’s answer.
“Hell yeah!” He exclaimed. Receiving high fives from Juyeon and Hyunjae.
“Oh my god.” Sunwoo rolled his eyes and sunk into his chair.
“Sunwoo, ask any guy on campus and they would all give you the same answer.” Sangyeon explained.
“We have movie night tomorrow. What if I bend him over our kitchen counter and breed him until his legs give out on him?” Juyeon illustrated.
“Can you stop talking about fucking my best friend?!” Sunwoo lashed out.
“Not our fault he’s literally the finest motherfucker on campus.” Sangyeon said and stole a fry from Eric.
“Who’s the finest motherfucker on campus?” The man of the hour spoke behind Sunwoo.
“Oh, hi (M/n)!” Juyeon waved at his roommate.
“Hi hyung! Are you still up for movie night tomorrow?” (M/n) asked.
“You know it.” Juyeon said and sent a wink towards the younger.
“Anyways, me and (M/n) will be making our leave.” Sunwoo said and grabbed his best friend’s hand.
“Bye (M/n)!” All of Sunwoo’s friends called as they left.
“I didn’t know your friends liked me so much.” (M/n) smiled towards Sunwoo.
“If only you knew.” He gritted his teeth.
“Let’s go to my dorm and watch a few movies?” The red haired boy asked.
As they walked towards Sunwoo’s dorm, a multitude of wolf whistles and cat calls was sent towards (M/n)’s ways, causing the red head to wrap his arm around his best friend’s waist.
“How are so comfortable with everyone basically drooling over you?” Sunwoo asked.
“What do you mean?” (M/n) countered as he opened Sunwoo’s door.
“Did you not see every guy hiding their boner when you walked by? Everyone was cat calling you.” The taller explained.
“Oh yeah, I thought it was weird, but I thought they were looking at someone else. I’m not really the most popular guy on campus. I literally only talk to you and Juyeon.” (M/n) explained as he took off his cream turtle neck sweater, revealing the baby blue crop top he wore underneath it. Sunwoo couldn’t help but stare. Maybe his friends were onto something.
“Dude, you’re like a sex icon on campus. Every guy wants you and every girl wants to be you. Everyone talks about how much game you must have.” Sunwoo says.
(M/n) burst out laughing as he held his ribs, causing his crop top rise up. His perfectly slim waist being on full display, Sunwoo couldn’t help but imagine his hands around it as he pounded into the younger.
“What do you mean ‘my game?’ I’m literally a virgin Sunnie.” The shorter revealed as he calmed himself.
“What-?!” Sunwoo’s eyes almost popped out of his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Cause there’s nothing to tell? I would tell you if I was seeing someone Sunwoo.” (M/n) said as he laid on the older’s bed. “What about you Sunwoo?”
“I mean, I’m a virgin too.” Sunwoo easily revealed.
“I guess I should’ve been more specific, but thanks for sharing with the class.” (M/n) giggled. “I meant, do you think about me the same way every other guy does?” He asked, his eyes staring daggers into Sunwoo.
“Uhm, well- oh look! They have Turning Red on Disney+.” Sunwoo grabbed the remote and began scrolling on the TV.
Suddenly (M/n) stood up and pushed Sunwoo down to the bed, his hands and hips pinned down by his best friend. Sunwoo gulped as he look up and saw the lustful look in the other boy’s eyes, his pants feeling inexplicably tighter.
“You know I don’t like repeating myself Sunnie.” (M/n) sternly said, yet he delicately moved a strand of hair out of the older’s face. “Do you want to fuck me Sunwoo?” He cocked an eyebrow.
Sunwoo’s cock twitched under his friend’s hips and he took a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. “Uhm, (M/n), you’ve been my friend for a really long time, and I’ve always been honest with you-!” One of (M/n)‘s traveled down to palm Sunwoo’s boner through his pants. “So I guess I need to be honest and say, I’ve liked you as more than my best friend for a while now.” Sunwoo confessed. His gaze dropped to his friend’s thighs. Oh how smooth they looked, how squeezable they appeared, how soft they felt squeezing his waist.
(M/n)‘s lips soon met Sunwoo as their tongues danced to their own rhythm.
Sunwoo’s hands were now free to grope the other boy’s body as much he desired. Grabbing and squeezing each piece of delicate skin. He wanted to mark it so bad.
“Sit up for me Sunnie.” (M/n) seductively whispered into the red head’s ear, leaving a small peck to the shell of his ear as he moved back. Sunwoo quickly obliged and was rewarded with the sight of his best friend stripping off everything until he was completely bare before him. “Quick staring.” The younger quietly chuckled and moved till he was sitting directly in front of the taller. “Why don’t we get you out of these?” He said and gestured to Sunwoo’s clothes. First his shirt was tossed across the room, followed by his pants, until at last…
“Are you sure you want this Sunwoo?” (M/n)’s eyes cautiously looked up towards him with the most adorable glint sparkling in them.
Instead of responding, Sunwoo’s hands quickly moved to tossing his boxers across the room. His dick standing out proud and already leaking pre cum.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were so hard Sunnie? I would’ve stopped my little interrogation earlier.” (M/n) chuckled as he wrapped his hand around the other, before slowly stroking him. And while Sunwoo’s eyes began to cloud with pleasure, he still managed to reach out and return the favor.
Soon, their hands found a steady rhythm and they moaned as they felt their pleasure leak into each other’s grasp. “Such a good boy Sunwoo.” (M/n) quietly complimented, his breath fanning against Sunwoo’s neck caused the taller to let out a dramatic moan.
The older covered his mouth in embarrassment and he swore he could feel his cheeks getting redder by the second. “Don’t hide it. I love how you sound.” (M/n) said and moved Sunwoo’s hand, before clashing their lips in a heated kiss. Not a word was spoken between them. The only sounds consisting of sloppy kisses and the wetness of their leaking cock.
“Let’s try another position.” (M/n) suggested before repositioning himself to where his cock was in front of Sunwoo’s face and his own face was directly in front of Sunwoo’s dick. Sunwoo was puzzled at first before he saw (M/n)’s mouth engulf his cock. He soon copied him, and while they were both inexperienced, they learned what felt good and what didn’t as they went along, finally landing the perfect rhythm as they continued to suck each other off. “(M/n), I’m close!” Sunwoo moaned as he forcefully shoved himself down the other’s throat, before spewing his seed. (M/n), not knowing what else to do, swallowed in a panic.
“What the hell Sunwoo?! Let me prepare a bit before you face fuck me like that, and ugh! Get a better diet, that shit’s gross.” Sunwoo couldn’t even bother to react to his friend’s rant, still trying to come down from cloud nine.
“Oh so you wanna ignore me now?!” (M/n) whined before his eyes landed upon a condom on Sunwoo’s nightstand. “For a virgin you’re well prepared.” He commented. “Mm sorry what?” Sunwoo replied in a haze, his mind still too occupied with the fact he just got his first, and technically also how he gave, his first blow and hand job. (M/n) didn’t even bother and just went ahead with his plan. He made his way to Sunwoo before straddling the other and pushing him down. He then began to stroke Sunwoo’s shaft until it regained its prior hardness, much to the discomfort of the taller. “H-hey, (M/n) that hurts!” He complained, but his words fell upon deaf ears. Once Sunwoo’s dick was at a suitable hardness, (M/n) slid the condom onto him. Sunwoo squirmed and whimpered at the overstimulation he was enduring, but once (M/n) sunk himself onto his dick, that pain turned into pleasure.
“Fuck!” (M/n) moaned once he completely bottomed out. “Let’s see what makes you tick Kim Sunwoo.” The younger spoke as he began to bounce up and down on the older’s dick.
Sunwoo squirmed and moaned as he felt like his dick would fall off from all the overstimulation he was experiencing. The younger squeezed and tightened his walls around the red head’s shaft to maximize the pleasure they were both feeling. “You know for a virgin, you sure know how to make a guy feel good.” Sunwoo complimented as he felt his second orgasm being ripped out of him. “I’ve seen my fair share of videos Sunwoo. I’m a virgin not a virgin.” (M/n) mentioned. “Well, was…” He added as he looked down at the mess that had become of Sunwoo.
Eyes hazed, lips swollen and wet, nipples perked up to attention, chest heaving, and the sweetest moans coming out of his mouth. God, (M/n) just loved it.
“I-I’m close (M/n)!” Sunwoo moaned and felt his cock begin to twitch in anticipation for his second orgasm. “Me too! Just a little bit more!” The younger groaned as he continued to roll his hips on the older’s dick.
Soon, Sunwoo could handle no more and felt himself spill into his condom for the first time that night. (M/n) stilled his movements to spill his seed onto his friend’s chest. They collapsed upon each other, chests rising and falling as they tried to catch their breaths. “That, was amazing, Sunnie!” (M/n) cheered and pulled himself off the older boy. Sunwoo looked down and saw his condom absolutely soiled and beginning to leak some cum from the base. “You must’ve really enjoyed it hmm?” (M/n) quizzed and helped the exhausted Sunwoo remove his condom, before tying it and tossing it in the trash.
The two boys then cuddled on the couch, not a word exchanged between them on what their relationship was now. Definitely more than friends, but whether they were lovers or not was to be discussed, but right now, they would just enjoy each other’s embrace and warmth as they were lulled of to sleep. Sunwoo’s only departing thought being “Man…
Juyeon hyung is gonna be so jealous.”
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leedosbunnyboy · 2 years ago
Sangyeon; Daddy’s Bad Boy
*Sneak Peak* | Full Post
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Sangyeon x M!Reader
Requested: no
Warning(s): Age gap (Sangyeon is 36 and reader is 22), Reader is in college, ROUGH INTENSE sex… like hole splitting sex, a bit of gaslighting, spanking, degradation, spitting, fingering, rimming, nipple play, motorboating, unprotected sex (suit up boys), anal sex, creampie, overstimulation, multiple rounds
Summary: Your sugar daddy Sangyeon saw your report card, and let’s just say he wasn’t impressed.
You tried your best to quietly open the front door to your’s and Sangyeon’s home. You knew he was home based on the fact that his car was parked out front, so you tried your best to open the door as quietly as possible.
You turned the doorknob and cringed at the piercing sound that was created in spite of your attempt to be sneaky.
“(M/n), honey, are you home?” Your boyfriend’s voice boomed from the house. You could tell he was currently in his office by the way his words echoed through the staircase.
“Yes hyung!” You called back. “Are you in your office?”
“Yes sweetheart. Come here, i want to see your report card.” Sangyeon voice resonated through the halls and beckoned you towards him. Damn you really should’ve just went to the park with Changmin.
You took your sweet time getting up the stairs. Not because you were trying to hide your grades from Sangyeon, well… maybe that was part of the reason. But because every step you took up the stairs felt heavier than the last, and once you reached the top you swore you couldn’t even move as your legs felt like they were made of lead.
“Baby, why are you just standing there?” Sangyeon smiled through the gap in the door of his office and signaled you in with his hand.
You gulped and shuffled yourself over to him, dragging your legs like they were nothing more than sacks of potatoes. Once you were in front of him he immediately reached out to bring you into his lap, but you moved back a bit.
“What’s wrong babe? Did something happen?” Sangyeon asked in confusion. You simply handed him your report card and looked towards your feet, of course not before sneaking a double take at how his work khakis hugged his thighs and how his bulge looked so defined. God, you just wanted to-
“What the hell is this (M/n)?” Sangyeon sternly asked. You flinched at the tone of his voice and struggled to make eye contact with you.
“Look at me when im fucking talking to you, bitch.” Your eyes widened as he gripped your chin and forced you to face him. “I bring you into my house. I pay for your college. I give you my money. And you repay me by bringing this home?” Sangyeon yelled. “I haven’t had much time because of work, but I-I promise I did my best, hyung!” You pleaded. “A 68 as your highest grade is your best (M/n)? Fucking pathetic!” He spat on your face as he released you from his grip.
Sangyeon spun around in his chair and reached for his phone and dialed a few numbers. “Don’t leave.” He said and shot you a glare. You knew you should be terrified, but god did he look hot when he was mad.
“Yes, Minji. Cancel all my plans for tonight. Something came up that I have to deal with at home. Thank you. Bye.” Sangyeon promptly hung up and turned his attention back to you. “Come here bitch.” He beckoned and bent you over his lap. “You know bad boys get punishments (M/n), and you’ve been a real bad boy.” He taunted as his hands palmed your ass. The other hand snuck towards your front and brought your pants and underwear to your knees. “W-what are you gonna do?” You quivered under his touch and moaned as the first spank landed on your bare ass. “Showing you what happens to bad boys.” Sangyeon coldly stated as he then landed another strike upon your bottom.
Hit after hit you moaned and yelped as the older continued to discipline you as he wished. “Start counting, slut.” Sangyeon instructed as he massaged your now red ass. “One.” *slap* “Two.” *slap* “T-three…” And so continued this cycle until you eventually reached 24, which is when Sangyeon quit his rampage on your poor cheeks. You struggled to steady your breathing and felt a few tears begin to slip out your eyes.
“Tsk, since you wanna keep acting like a baby… why don’t you come and suck daddy’s tits?”
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
Winwin; The Emperor's Favorite
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Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Emperor!Winwin x Male Favorite!M!Reader
Requested: no
Warning(s): cursing, making out, slight nipple play, implied smut
Summary: Amid the stress of managing the kingdom and being bombarded by his family to raise an heir, Winwin finds comfort in you, his favorite servant.
“Emperor Sicheng, you’ve been doing such a wonderful job leading the kingdom and your people, even at such a young age!” Sicheng’s royal advisor complimented, but he knew better than to just take it at face value.
“What is the real reason you present myself to me?” He immediately called out.
“Umm, well, your highness, your mother has sent in yet another letter inquiring when you will find a wife and give her a grandchild and heir.” His advisor announced.
“Send in (M/n), please.” Sicheng sighed, rubbing his temples out of frustration.
“Would you like me to send a letter in reply?” His advisor asked.
“I don’t care, just hurry and send (M/n).” Sicheng waved off his concerns.
“He’s currently cleaning the royal dining room, your highness.” The advisor informed him.
“Get someone else to do it, now hurry and send him in. My patience is running thin.” Sicheng told him, his hand tightly gripping his throne.
“V-very well your highness.” And hurriedly the advisor left to fetch the servant boy.
“Hmm, I think this area could use a few more scrubs.” You enthusiastically said and began to make sure the dining room was as clean as it could be possibly be. Only the cleanest for his royal highness.
“(M/n), your presence is requested by his royal highness in his throne room.” The man you knew as the emperor’s advisor said to you.
“I still have a bit more to clean. Do you think he could wait a little bit?” You asked him.
“I’m afraid he’s asked for you, effective immediately.” He informed you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll have someone take your place and inform the head mistress where you’ll be for the day.” He offered.
“Thank you.” You stood up, dusted off your clothes, bowed to the man, and made your way to his highness’s throne room.
“Hello, your highness, you asked for me?” You said as you popped your head through the door.
“How many times do I have to tell you that you don’t have to call me that, sweetheart?” He said and beckoned you forward with his hands.
You made your way to him and awkwardly stood in front of him.
“Come here.” He said and pulled you into his lap by your waist.
Quite opposite to your shy demeanor earlier, you immediately snuggled up to him and placed your head in the crook of his neck.
“Ah, so now he wants to stop being shy?” He chuckled, placing a small peck to your temple.
You let out a small whine and snuggled further into his embrace. Placing a small kiss to his Adam’s apple once you were settled.
“Why did you call me in today?” You asked, slightly playing with his hands.
“My mother’s back on my ass again about getting a wife and birthing an heir.” He grumbled.
“Sicheng-ge, why don’t you just tell her you don’t like women?” You innocently asked.
Sicheng let out a small laugh. God, you were so precious.
“It’s not that easy my love. While yes, I’m the emperor, as long as my mother is alive, she holds authority over me. She decides what plans I can approve, which people get put into power, and which people become servants.” He said, his grip slightly tightened.
“Trust me, love. I wish I could get you out of those pitiful servant’s quarters and bring you with me, but my mother is insufferable.” Sicheng sighed.
“I don’t mind. Even little moments like this make me the happiest boy in the kingdom.” You said, sending a wide smile to him.
Sicheng returned your smile and connected his lips to yours. You situated yourself in his lap to straddle him and deepened the kiss. Sicheng’s hands found their way under your shirt to your waist and kneaded your delicate skin. He lightly nipped your bottom lip and slid his tongue into your mouth. His hands traveled up to your sensitive buds and lightly pinched and flicked them. God, he was so addicted to your taste.
Once you two broke apart, a string of saliva connected your lips. Both of you let out exasperated breaths as you reflected over what you had just done. You had just kissed, no, devoured the face of the most powerful man in China.
“I-I’m sorry.” You apologized.
“For what love?” He worriedly asked, lovingly kneading your thighs.
“You’re the emperor of China, and I’m just a servant.” You said, looking down at his hands.
“So what? No one needs to be concerned about what we do inside here, this is our little hideaway. Don’t ever feel like you’re anything less than the best thing to ever happen to me, okay?” He said. You just simply hummed, but didn’t meet his eyes.
“I asked you a question, (M/n).” Sicheng sternly said and lifted your chin to make you look at him.
“Yes sir.” You said and nodded your head.
“Good boy.” He said and pecked your lips.
You placed your head on his shoulder and snuggled your face into his neck.
“Love.” He called.
“Yes Sicheng-ge?” You smiles into his neck at the nickname.
“My mother thinks this kingdom needs a wife, but maybe what it needs… is a husband for the emperor.” He shyly stated.
“Are you asking me to marry you Sicheng?” You asked.
“Only if you want to. There’s no reason to feel pre-!” He exclaimed as you cut him off with a kiss.
“I would be honored to marry you Sicheng-ge.” You happily exclaimed and yet again kissed him.
“Maybe now my mother will get off my ass.” He chuckled.
“Speaking of asses.” Sicheng said as his hands snaked down to squeeze your ass cheeks.
“How about I show you what the emperor’s bed is like?” He seductively whispered into your ear, biting your earlobe afterwards.
“I would like that, Husband.” Sicheng smirked and carried you to his room.
(A/n): First fic on my new iphone 😋 and I’m so sorry for the delay cuz literally a week after I fixed my phone (the charger was the problem) I dropped it and broke it beyond repair 💀 Anyways, I will now ACTUALLY start posting, and happy Pride <3
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
leedosbunnyboy’s Masterlist
lee seoho ; are you coming to the tree?
fluff - 🍡
angst - 🍫
crack - 🥧
smut - 🍦
suggestive - 🧁
reaction - 🍭
imagine - 🍬
series - 🎂
headcanon - 🍪
Stray Kids:
Lee Know
Thirst | 🍦
Happily Ever After | 🍡
Nobody Knows | 🍫
Double Trouble (Ft.Mingi) | 🍦
Prompt 44&48 | 🍦
When? | 🍫🍦
Double Trouble (Ft. Seonghwa) | 🍦
Reaction to Their Cute Innocent Boyfriend Debuting with a Dark Concept | 🍭
MTL: Rimming | 🧁🍪
Are You Coming to the Tree? | 🍫
My Giant Fuck Toy | 🍦
I'm Your Boy? | 🍫
Realism | 🍦
The Emperor’s Favorite | 🍡🧁
Lunch Break | 🍦
Breaking in the Church Boy | 🍦🥧
The Boyz:
My Hot Babysitter | 🍦
Until the World Collapses Around Us | 🎂
Boy Pop My Cherry Like A Bubble | 🍦
Boss's Orders | 🍦
Reader’s Choice:
Just Two Boys in Love | 🍬🧁
My Hero Academia:
Shoto Todoroki
Prompt 33&55 | 🍦
Prompt 12 | 🍦
Prompt 35 (Ft. Sugawara) | 🍦🍫
Prompt 35 (Ft. Oikawa) | 🍦🍫
Seven Deadly Sins:
Comfort | 🍡
Demon Slayer:
Kyojuro Rengoku
The Fire Kindling in my Heart | 🍡🧁
The Flame Burning in my Soul | 🍫
Dean Winchester
Prompt 16, 44&48 | 🍦
(All future works will be added...)
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
Just Two Boys In Love
~An imagine by leedosbunnyboy
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Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Any male idol you want x M!Reader
Warning(s): underage smoking (DO NOT DO THIS, THIS IS FICTION!), cussing, making out, mentions of pregnancy, and dirty talk
Just imagine...
Running down the moonlit streets hand in hand with the love of your life. Both of you resting against an alleyway dumpster as you struggle to catch your breath.
"You're a bad influence, hyung!" You whined in between exasperated pants.
"Oh come on (M/n), live a little!" He responded. Flashing you his million dollar smile while he waited for you to catch your breath.
"We could've been dancing at prom right now, but no! Mr. Horny-Pants over here wanted to cope a feel in the janitors closet." You complained. Currently replaying the look of disbelief and disgust on your English teacher's face after she saw both of you devouring each other's faces.
"Hey! Ms. Park did not have to go snooping around. 'The seniors should be dancing, not making out with the juniors'." He says in a mocking high pitched tone.
"Yah! Don't be so disrespectful, hyung!" You said and smacked the other boy on the head.
He pouted up at you before sitting down on the floor like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.
"'Don't be so disrespectful-' 'We could've been dancing-' 'Mr. Horny-Pants'." Your boyfriend muttered to himself as he pulled out a cigarette and his lighter.
He fumbled to light it, but took a big puff once he finally did. After he took a couple huffs, he held it up for you to take.
"Hey, don't you know those things will fuck your body up?" You warned, but still took and huffed up the noxious fumes. You never really liked the bitter taste, which is why you preferred your cotton candy vape, but the tang at the back of your throat still got the job done to satisfy you.
You sat down next to him and leaned your head on his shoulder. A comfortable silence fell over the both of you. The only noises were the both of you passing the cigarette and the miscellaneous chirping of insects.
"Hyung?" You finally asked. Breaking the delicate serenity you were both sharing.
"Yes love?" He responded. Opting to extinguish the cigarette on the ground once he heard the tone of your voice.
"What are we gonna do? Ms. Park is definitely gonna tell the school, and then they'll tell my parents, and then I'll get taken out, and then I'll never see you again, and then-!" He cut you off with a chaste kiss to your lips. The bitterness of nicotine lingered in the kiss, but the taste of his cherry chapstick managed to cancel it out.
"Look. No matter what happens, I'll always love you." He said, wiping away the tears that began to pool in your eyes.
"But they'll never let us see each other." You solemnly said.
"Then let's run away." He boldly stated.
"You're literally crazy, hyung." You chuckled. Not really taking what he said seriously.
"I'm serious. I have enough saved up. We could run far away, find a small little house, and start a new life." He took your hands in his. "Maybe we could start a family." He said while lovingly stroking your belly.
"You say it like it's so easy." You counter. "And besides, we're boys. You couldn't get me pregnant no matter how hard you tried."
"Is that a challenge?" He quickly interjected.
"Are you willing to prove me wrong?" You challenged. Teasingly rubbing your lover's thigh.
"Don't test me (M/n)." He said, but was still returning the loving rubs to your thighs.
"Put a baby in me, sunbae." You whispered into his ear. Your breath tickling his ear. The hair on his nape standing up, as well as something else.
"Hey! We found them!" You both heard the familiar sound of Ms. Park yelling and realized you two had been tracked down.
"Let's go." You said and immediately ran, dragging your boyfriend by the hand.
"MOTHERFUCKING COCK BLOCKER!" He yelled back before running away with you.
Sure, tonight wasn't the best night, but you might consider it one of your favorite moments with the love of your life.
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
Juyeon; Until The World Collapses Around Us
Table of Contents | Chapter 2
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(Warnings: cursing, apocalyptic themes, mentions of blood and death, Juyeon's younger brother is called Kihyun in this, and this chapter follows Juyeon.)
The dark haired man awoke from his slumber to what he thought was just another day. Little did he know today was anything but normal.
He did his regular routine. Get up, brush his teeth, take a shower, do his hair, and then get ready for his day.
As he was trying to find his shower playlist he completely disregarded the emergency warning he received. Opting to just play "Montero" and cleanse himself in the shower.
As Juyeon happily sang along to the lyrics, he remained completely oblivious to the many incoming calls he was receiving. One from his mother, another from his father, yet another one from his younger brother, and so many more, but it's not they were answered, completely drowned out by Juyeon's loud music.
By the time he finished and finally checked his phone, he saw over 120 missed calls from his family all in the past 15 minutes. Confusion and concern both overtook his brain and he went through multiple possibles as to why his family would be so desperate to contact him, especially after what happened between them.
"Is today something important? Did I forget someone's birthday?!" Juyeon struggled to find a conclusion and simply decided to just call his mother back...
Only to be met with a voicemail.
"Oh come on! Dont tell me she's still mad." Juyeon huffed and tried again. Only to be met with the same result.
"Maybe dad will pick up." He reasoned and called his father. Only to yet again be greeted by voicemail.
"The fuck?! I swear if Kihyun doesn't pick up. I'm gonna be late to work." He whined and tried to call his brother. Only to find himself met with another voicemail.
"What do they want anyways?!" Juyeon yelled out to no one in particular, and went through the voicemails his family left in his inbox.
He scrolled for a bit before finding the first one and clicked on it to listen.
"Juyeon, please pick up! I don't know what's going on, but there's these things. I don't what they are or what they want but it's definitely not good!" Juyeon's mother desperately pleaded throughout the call.
"The fuck?" Juyeon stared at his phone for a sec before playing the second one from his father.
"Juyeon, son, I dont know if you're experiencing the same thing, but these monsters are everywhere! They're killing people off the street! Oh God! They got Ms. Park!" Juyeon's ears perked up the mention of the name.
Ms. Park was the kind lady who was their neighbor for all of Juyeon's life. She was so sweet and would always give him and his brother candy. She would also praise Juyeon's looks and would always talk about how he would be such a "lady's man." Even after Juyeon moved out, she would still call him on occasion and ask if he had a girlfriend yet. "Geuss they never told her." He would think whenever she did bring up the topic. But what was his dad talking about?! Monsters? And they got Ms. Park? What in the world does that mean?!
"Hyung please, I know you're probably still mad. But just listen, stay safe and we all love you. Oh God! They got inside-!" His brother's cryptic words cut off before Juyeon could take any of them in.
"Juyeon sweetie. I'm so sorry for what happened. Just know, I love you with all my heart!" His mother's words were cut off by the sound of her terrified screams followed by the sound of crunching.
"Son, I'm sorry for what we did. I love you son." His dad said before assumably meeting the same fate as his mother and son.
"What the hell are they talking about?! It isn't even April, why are they playing like this?!" Juyeon struggled to get his own words out as he felt tears forming in his eyes at his family's words.
He immeadiatly went to the nearest news articles and discovered exactly what he was dreading most.
Juyeon scrolled through the website and found plenty of photos and videos of these creatures killing and brutalizing people and he realized that his family must've met the same fate.
Juyeon's vision grew blurry as tears flooded his eyes and he collapsed to the ground.
He didn't get much time to grieve as his window was broken by a strange red tentacle.
Juyeon backed up in fear as a head full of eyes peered in through the now broken window. Slowly craning its neck as if it was searching got something. It kept a calm and steady composure, until its many eyes landed upon Juyeon's cowering figure.
It immediately charged in and made a mad dash towards the fearful man. Juyeon scooted away just in time for it to slam its head straight into the dry wall, momentarily stunning it as it struggled to remove its head from the wall.
Juyeon took advantage of its current vulnerability and as soon as it dislodged its head, he struck it with the toilet tank lid. The creature let out a horrific squeal as the lid cracked over its skull. It was bleeding heavily, but was definitely not dead, if anything, it was just angrier.
It charged towards Juyeon with newfound rage, but it was still groggy from the previous head trauma, so its movements were slower than usual. Using this to his advantage, Juyeon played a deadly game of Matador and led the terrifying beast straight into his shower's glass door. Its head smashed through the door and then again into the wall. Fortunately, a particularly large fragment of glass fell perfectly to decapitate the monster. Juyeon thought it was quite ridiculous really, that the glass would fall at just the right angle and force and land perfectly on the thing's neck, but it's not like he's gonna complain about being saved.
Taking a minute to just lie on the floor and breathe, Juyeon mindlessly scrolled through his Instagram. Looking to see if his friends were alive only to see them getting brutalized on their stories or posts. He scrolled through his DMs to see if anyone was active, unfortunately, none of them had been active since 8:45 which is when he assumed this had all started.
He was about to lose hope before his eyes landed upon a small green dot beside a profile pic of a panda. As if his fingers had a mind of their own, they immeadiatly tapped upon the profile.
"(M/n) (L/n)
Just trying to live life tbh."
(M/n) (L/n)? As in the (M/n) (L/n) from elementary school? Juyeon is suprised he even managed to remember the name.
Juyeon's fingers landed upon the most recent post.
It was incredibly simple, but precise. Just white words against a black background. "Is anyone alive out there?" It read.
Juyeon quickly liked the post and decided to leave a comment, but was interrupted by the all-too familiar screech of those creatures outside his window.
He had to get out of here...
And fast...
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
Jaehyun; Breaking in the Church Boy
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Jaehyun x M!Reader
Requested: Voted by my followers!
Warning(s): mentions of homophobia, internalized homophobia, religious themes (specifically Christain), virgin reader, Jaehyun is a player, corruption kink, smut, nipple play, handjob, blowjob, penetrative sex (all reader receiving), protected sex (suit up boys), multiple orgasms, written very unserious so there are a lot of jokes
Summary: After years of being sheltered by your religious parents, you couldn't handle it anymore and went to your best friend for advice.
"And God said, 'Let there be light'!" The pastor said, yet again reciting the story of the bible for what felt like the millionth time.
As much as you wanted to pay attention, hell, you loved the bible, but you just couldn't focus no matter how hard you tried.
'Why?' Because yet again, you were plagued by a feeling of heat in your stomach and your manhood hardening within the suffocating confines of your pants.
You felt so needy, but you had absolutely no idea why.
"(M/n)!" Your pastor said, completely distracting you from your dirty thoughts.
"Yes father?" You replied, adjusting your sitting position as to not expose your harder (as you called it).
"Would you like to lead today's prayer, (M/n)?" He asked. It's almost as if he read your mind as was asking you to repent.
"Umm... well, I would like to thank God for blessing us with life today. And um... I thank him for my parents." You clumsily stated.
"Thank you (M/n). You're always such a good child of God." Your pastor complemented.
You shyly thanked him and rushed to leave for your car. Your manhood uncomfortably rubbing against your thigh with each step.
"Why won't it just go away?!" You internally screamed as you jogged through the parking lot.
Once inside your car, you took a breather. Resting your head against the steering wheel, you thought through your options.
"Should I just cut it off?" You thought.
Ridiculous I know. But you had to think through each and every option. As you were thinking, it suddenly hit you.
"Jaehyun! He knows a lot about this stuff. He can probably help." You concluded and began towards the mentioned male's home.
Your friend Jaehyun was... quite the character to put it kindly. Always throwing crazy parties, drinking and smoking, sleeping with anyone he could get in his bed. And while he respected your morals, that didn't stop him from trying to get you to party with him every chance he got. You always kindly denied, but a part of you always wanted to go to one of his parties.
You arrived at Jaehyun's house. His lawn full of trash and discarded clothing. You cautiously walked towards his front door, careful to not step on any beer bottles. Your nose twinged at the bitter smell of the foul liquid invaded your nose. "I'll help him clean afterwards." You said, believing that this should only take a few minutes at most.
"Jae!" You said as you knocked.
You heard groaning and shuffling behind the door before a very groggy and clearly hungover Jaehyun opened the door, nothing but a loose blanket covering his naked body.
"Oh, hey (M/n)." He tiredly said.
"Jae, I wanted to talk to you about some- and there's a naked guy on your couch." You said and covered your eyes as a stranger emerged from the covers on Jaehyun's couch.
"Oh, God damn Xiaojun hurry up and get out." Jaehyun said. "Sorry for saying that." He added once he realized he used "God" in vain.
You just rolled your eyes and waited for the guy you now knew as Xiaojun to get dressed.
"You were amazing last night." He said to Jaehyun on his way out.
"You too." He smirked and led the man out.
They exchanged their farewells and Jae invited you inside.
"What do you need dude? Do you finally wanna try weed?!" He exclaimed.
"No Jae, it's something else." You said and shly looked towards the floor, Jaehyun's clothes scattered about it.
"Well, ask away. You know I'm always here for you." He said, placing a hand to your thigh and rubbing it reassuringly.
You blushed hard and shifted so as to not fully expose your harder.
"Um... do you ever have weird feelings in your stomach, that then affect your body?" You asked.
"Oh yeah totally. Like whenever I eat Taco Bell I always-"
"Not like that Jae!" You cut him off before he could get anymore descriptive.
"What do you mean then dude? I have no idea what you're talking about, so imma need to see what you're talking about or else I can't help." He calmly explained.
"This is so embarrassing." You sighed.
"Dude, I'm literally naked wearing nothing but a Monsters Inc. blanket and Spongebob socks; I don't think it can get anymore embarrassing." He joked.
"True." You said.
"Well show me." Jaehyun said.
You reached for his hand and placed it on your harder. A shallow breath leaving your lips at the newfound pressure.
"Oh, dude if you wanted to fuck you should've just said so." Jaehyu smirked.
"What?! No, I'm not gay! I just want to know how to get rid of it." You quickly explained.
"Dude have you tried, you know?" He said, making a weird movement with his hand.
"What?" You said in confusion.
"You know, jacking off?" He reiterated.
"What's that?" You said, completely stumped as to what that phrase could possibly mean.
"God, you really are a church boy. It's when you grab your dick and move your hand up and down. That helps get rid of boners." He said.
"They're called boners? I always called them harders." You innocently said.
Jaehyun burst out laughing, his hand that was on your boner moved with him, causing a wave of pleasure to crash over your whole body. A lewd moan left your mouth as he did that.
"(M/n), dude, are you okay?" He asked, mistaking your moan for a sound of pain.
"Can you do that again?" You asked, small tears already welling up in your innocent eyes.
"What? Do you mean this?" He asked and again palmed your manhood.
"Yes please, Jae. Please keep touching me." You needily pleaded.
"Well since you asked so politely. I guess I could help you." He smirked.
He stood up and led you to his room. Your hands were intertwined with his and your heart swelled with love. Jaehyun pushed you onto his bed and towered over you as he kissed you. One of his hands went down to lower your pants and slowly stroke your dick. You liked this... wait... you couldn't like this.
You quickly broke the kiss with Jae as soon as you realized what you were doing. Sinning by being with a man.
"What's wrong (M/n)?" He asked, worry written on his face.
"I can't do this." You sadly said.
"Do what?" Jaehyun asked, opting to sit next to you.
"This! It's wrong. We're both boys we can't be doing this. Oh no, if my parents find out they'll-"
Jaehyun cut you off with a deep kiss, his hand on the back of your head pushed you deeper into him.
"(M/n), you know I respect your beliefs, but sometimes I wish you would just forget about God for a moment and let loose. You're letting this book control your life, so just listen to me; do what makes you happy, not your God." He sternly said.
You looked at him, thinking on what he said, before you went in for another kiss.
"Attaboy." He said in between kisses. One of his hands returning to pleasure your manhood.
You felt so dirty, so sinful, so disrespectful, and so nasty... but you loved it.
Jaehyun's hand made you feel like you were on cloud nine. He knew exactly what pace was perfect, what places to touch, and when to apply slight pressure; he was an expert.
"You're leaking so much." Jaehyun laughed. He brought his pointer finger up to your slit and smeared your liquids down your whole shaft.
"This should make things easier." He said as he kissed along your neck and collarbone.
You let out small whimpers at the pleasure overload you were experiencing. Nothing you've done in your entire life made you feel as good as Jaehyun has in these past few minutes. His touches, kisses, and words all culminated in an experience that you knew you would never forget.
Jaehyun's fingers expertly began to unbutton your dress shirt and played with your erect nipples. Slowly, his lips found their way to one of your excited buds. He bit, licked, and sucked on your supple flesh to maximize your pleasure.
"Jae- I feel funny! I feel like I'm about to pee!" You exclaimed and squirmed under his touch.
He abruptly stopped his movements and pulled himself off you. The feeling of needing to pee faded as soon as he stopped.
"Why did you stop? Why did it go away?" You asked, your expression one of a kid who was just denied a sweet at a shop.
"You were about to cum, but I still wanted to have fun with you." He stated, littering small pecks and nips all down your chest and torso before arriving at your neglected, angry red tip.
"Look at you. You're so hard and leaking so much." He cooed, opting to leave kitten licks on your tip. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get to release as much as you want." He reassured.
Jaehyun wrapped his lips around your head and swirled his tongue around it, lapping up your liquids.
You bit down on your bottom lip to restrain your moans that threatened to escape due to the newfound pleasure. His mouth was warm and wet; it felt twice as good as his hand.
"You don't have to keep quiet (M/n). Let hear how good you feel." He said and resumed giving you head, this time sliding all the way down to your base.
You let out moan after moan as Jaehyun worked his magic. He even used his hands to play and fondle your balls.
"Jae, I'm about to pee!" You exclaimed, but Jaehyun showed no signs of stopping.
Once you could no longer restrain yourself, you felt yourself spill down Jaehyun's throat but... he swallowed it.
"JAE, WHY WOULD SWALLOW MY PISS?!" You yelled out in concern.
"It wasn't piss (M/n). It was cum. Although you probably you know it as sperm." Jaehyun said and scooped some excess cum off his face with his finger.
"Look." He said and held up the white liquid for you to see. "Guys release it when we get sexually excited, and damn did you release a lot. But I geuss it makes sense since it's your first ever nut." He explained and licked up your leftover cum.
"You taste sweeter than it usually does. Do you eat a lot of pineapple (M/n)?" He asked.
"I mean yeah... you know that's my favorite fruit." You answered.
"You right." He laughed and stood up.
"Where are you going?" You asked.
"To clean up? Why?" He responded.
"I just thought that there would be more." You shyly said.
"Damn, what happened to the innocent church boy (M/n)?" Jaehyun asked with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
"You happened Jae!" You retaliated.
"Well, I mean... there is something we could do." He offered.
"What is it?" You asked.
"Do you know how babies are made (M/n)?" Jaehyun asked.
"Yeah. A man sticks his penis inside a woman's vagina and boom! Baby!" You childishly explained.
"You're missing a few key components but you got the right idea champ!" Jaehyun said while shuffling through his drawers.
"Why do you ask though." You asked, curious as to what he had in mind.
"I wanna make babies with you." He said.
"WHAT?! Jae, we're both guys and I don't have a vagina and we're not married and-!" You were cut off by Jaehyun's lips against yours.
"You talk a lot, you know that?" He calmly stated. "You overthink things too. Think about the key concept (M/n). Dick + Hole = What I wanna do to you." Jaehyun said, using his hands as extra reinforcement of his statement.
You let out a small "oh" and realized what he was asking of you.
"Only if you're okay with it, of course." He said and sat beside you on his bed.
"I wanna do it." You said.
Jaehyun softly smiled and led you in a kiss as he removed the remainder of yours and his clothes.
He softly pushed you back and spread your legs.
"We have to prep you first. Now, it will feel really uncomfortable and may hurt at first, so just tell me when to slow down or stop, okay?" He explained.
You nodded in acknowledgment and tried to relax yourself.
He squeezed some clear liquid out of a bottle and coated his fingers with it. He slowly pushed one of his slicked fingers into your hole and you hissed out in discomfort.
"Just relax (M/n). This is your first time so you're really tight." He said.
"It feels really wierd Jae." You complained.
"I know, just breathe for me, okay babe?" He soothed.
You breathed in and out and made sure your muscles weren't tense. As you did, Jaehyun's finger slid inside you.
"There we go." Jaehyun said and slowly moved his digit in and out of you. "Good boy." He complimented as he added another finger.
He pumped his fingers in and out of your heat continuously. He would occasionally stop to add more lube or to keep your legs open since you kept trying to close them out of instict.
"I think you're ready now." Jaehyun said and immediately removed his fingers from inside you. Opting to don a condom and lubing up both his dick and your hole.
"Are you sure you're okay with this (M/n)?" He yet again asked.
"Jeong Yoonoh, you just stuck your fingers in my ass. Do you really expect me to just pack up and just leave after that?" You sassed.
"Quit the attitude or I won't let you cum." He threatened.
You scoffed and Jaehyun led you in another kiss as he slowly pushed into you.
"Damn, you really are a virgin." Jaehyun whinced at how tight your walls were. "Shut up." You groaned. "Do you want time to adjust?" He added once he saw a look of discomfort on your face.
"Yes please." You whined and struggled to adjust to his large size.
Jaehyun rubbed circles into your palm while he waited for you to give him the green light.
"Go slowly, please." You said and he immediately acted on it. Starting at a slow and leisurely pace.
Moans were ripped out of your throat at the pleasure you were receiving from this brand new experience. You felt like you were on the highway to heaven.
"Can I speed up babe?" Jaehyun asked. Beads of sweat were already present on his forehead and his head was thrown back in pleasure.
"Yes, God, please speed up Jae!" You managed to spit out, mind clouded by pure bliss.
Jaehyun interlocked your fingers before furiously thrusting inside you. His movements hit you like a punch, but you loved every minute of it.
Looking up at the man in front of you for what felt like the first time in forever, you admired everything about him. From his handsome face, to his chiseled body, down to his heavy balls and dick which was currently pleasuring you like it was its only job.
"Jae, I'm gonna cum!" You moaned out. The unfamiliar knot in your naval beginning to come undone.
"Shit, me too. Cum babe!" He exclaimed, his thrusts began to get erratic as he tried to chase his climax.
Jaehyun captured your lips and jacked you off as you spilled all over his hands and yourself for the second time that night. He came soon after, filling up his condom.
You both took your time to just recollect yourselves after reaching your highs.
"So that's what the 'All Mighty Sex God" Jaehyun is capable of?" You said in between your wild breaths.
"I hope you'll keep wanting my services?" Jaehyun joked and shot you his award winning smile.
"Anytime." You smiled back at him and interlocked your fingers again.
Jaehyun pulled out and tossed his condom before leaving to fetch a damp towel to clean you up.
"Do you feel alright?" He asked as he spooned you in his bed.
"Better than ever." You smiled up at him and snuggled closer into him. A small yawn escaped your mouth as your eyes fluttered with drowsiness.
"Get some rest (M/n). We'll talk more in the morning." He reassured and kissed your forehead.
Losing your virginity to your guy best friend was not what you had in mind when coming to Jaehyun for advice, but damn are you happy with the results.
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
Leedo; I'm Your Boy?
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Genre: Angst
Pairing: Leedo x M!Reader
Requested: no
Warning(s): homophobia, break ups, drinking, drunk reader makes unwanted advances on Leedo, reader has a problem with drinking, reader is toxic asf when he's drunk, gaslighting, not a sweet ending
Summary: Leedo was so excited to finally meet your family for New Year's, but who knew he'd start the new year with heartbreak?
Song to play: I'm Your Girl? - Khan
"There he goes again." Leedo rolls his eyes at the sight of you downing your 5th cup of Hennessy. Or was it whiskey? He didn't even care at this point, he just wanted to leave so he could be with you... the real you.
The (M/n) who would wake him up with forehead kisses. The (M/n) who would visit him during filming and cheer from the sidelines. The (M/n) who would praise him while he worked out. The (M/n) who didn't care what people thought about him and was proud of who he was.
Yet here you were, putting on a fake facade in front of your family as you introduced Leedo as "just a friend." Your hand that always found comfort in his hand, swatted away any advances Leedo made to interlock your hands, almost as if you were disgusted.
Leedo understood why you did what you did, but that didn't mean it hurt any less. The way you avoided his eyes so that you could focus on impressing your aunts and uncles. The way you scooted away from him on the couch because you were scared of being called "homo" by your cousins.
Leedo finally had enough, he stood up and lifted you off your seat and removed the cup from your hand. He stated that you had enough to drink and thanked your family for having him over as he drove you both to your hotel room.
"Hyungie~! Why are we leaving so early~?" You slurred your words as you whined to your agitated boyfriend.
"Because you're wasted (M/n)." He replied. "You promised me you would go easy. You know I don't like it when you're drunk."
"Oh come on~, lighten up babe. I only had like 2 cups." You said, leaning your head against the window.
"More like two bottles." He said under his breath.
"I'm... not even drunk." You yawned, before promptly passing out.
As much as Leedo wanted to upset with you, which he definitely was, he couldn't stop but admire how the lights highlighted your features. When he stopped at a red light, he covered you with his jacket when he saw you shivering.
Once you arrived at the hotel, he picked you up and carried you bridal style. He walked you to your room, and never bothered to look at the people staring at him. Whether it be in disgust to a man with an other man, or pity for seeing that he was dealing with a drunkard, Leedo just wanted to get to bed and sleep off his stress.
Leedo placed you on the bed and tucked you in, before promptly beginning to undress so he could dress into his night clothes.
"Well hey there sexy." You flirted, your voice sounding more sober than it was before. You stood up and walked over to the topless Leedo.
"Go to sleep (M/n)." He sighed, brushing off your hands when they would touch his muscles.
"Am I not allowed to appreciate the hard work my boyfriend puts into his body?" You said and began to litter kisses to his neck and chest.
"Huh? That's weird considering you were treating me like a stranger just an hour ago." He said and backed away, but you were persistent with your actions.
"Oh come on babe, you know how my family is." You said and began to slowly grind yourself on Leedo's thigh.
"(M/n), stop, you're drunk." He said, much more stern than you've ever heard him yet you swore you could've heard a small crack in his voice, and gently pushed you back to the bed.
As your head hit the soft mattress and you looked up at the man leaning over you, it seemed like you sobered up instantly. The sight of Leedo, the love of your life, holding back tears as he tried to keep you from making mistakes while you were drunk.
"I don't think I can do this anymore (M/n)." He said as he silently began to sob, his voice getting caught in his throat.
You silently wiggled out of his grasp and repositioned yourself so that you were cradling his head as he cried into your shoulder.
"You promised me that you would stop drinking. You were doing so good, but as soon as you're back with your family, it's like you became a whole different person. The (M/n) I know doesn't care what people think of him, the (M/n) I know promised me to stop drinking, the (M/n) I know loves me, but that is not the (M/n) I saw today. The man I saw today was a drunkard who shoved his boyfriend to sidelines due to being scared of what his family thought of him." Leedo sobbed into your shoulder. His tears seeped into your shirt and began to wet your skin.
You were at a loss for words. As much as you hated what you were hearing, you couldn't deny that it was completely true. After all the times Leedo took care of you when you were too drunk to do it yourself, you realized it was time to give it up. Yet, you gave it all up to keep up a fake reputation with your family. You chose people who would disown you if they knew the real you, over the man who loved you for you. Through all your flaws and imperfections, he saw the most beautiful person in the world.
"I'm sorry. I promise I'll stop, for real this time, and we don't ever have to see my family again." You sobbed.
"I'm sorry (M/n), but I cant do this anymore. I love you so much, but I can't keep standing by and watch you ruin yourself over and over." Leedo said and stood up. He pulled a shirt over his head and began to pack his bags.
"Where are you going?" You asked, terror filled your eyes as you already knew what was happening.
"Goodbye (M/n)." He said and made his way to the door.
You ran up and wrapped your arms around his waist, firmly planting your feet into the ground.
"Please don't go. Leedo please, I promise I'll stop. I'm so sorry for everything. I know I was such an awful boyfriend, but please don't go!" You cried. Leedo could feel your tears as he dropped onto his shirt. He wanted to turn around and take you back. Sleep and pretend like nothing happened and everything would go back to normal in the morning, but he had to stay strong.
"Please let go (M/n)." He calmly stated.
"Please don't go." You sobbed and nuzzled your head into his back.
Leedo dropped his bags and turned around, lightly removing your arms from his body.
He cupped your face and placed a kiss to your lips. He could taste the alcohol in your mouth, but he wanted to treasure his last moments with you, the love of his life. Despite all the times you've kissed, this one felt different. You could feel the sorrow on Leedo's tongue, and he could feel the regret on yours.
"I love you, but this is the end for us." He said, and walked out.
He shut the door, and that's when the fireworks began to go off. People cheered throughout the streets and celebrated with loud music.
You looked at the digital clock resting on the nightstand.
"12:00 am | 2022"
"Happy New Year's!"
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
Wonho; Boss's Orders
Kinktober Masterlist | 10/15/2021
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Ceo!Wonho x Secretary!M!Reader
Requested: no
Kinks: Chest Fucking, Nipple Play, Office Sex, Face Sitting, Rimming
Warning(s): Mentions of breeding and penetrative sex but neither is done, Nipple Play, Chest Fucking, Semi-Public Sex, Rimming
Summary: It was always so tempting for Wonho to just fuck you over his desk, but one day, he just couldn't help himself
"You have a meeting at 2, a zoom call at 5, some higher-ups coming in at 6:30, and then another board meeting at 8." Wonho's advisor told him, or atleast, that's what he assumed she said. (It's not like he was paying much attention).
Wonho recently became the CEO of his father's company after his retirement and you could say he hasn't adjusted the best. There's so much for him to do in such a small time frame, when he'd rather just be at the gym.
There was one perk tho, his cute secretary named (M/n). With his fluffy (h/c) hair, charming smile, alluring eyes, and his round, perky ass... Wonho bet he was tight as hell, but he never had any time to do anything besides flirt and fluster the other man due to his packed schedule.
"Yeah, just give my schedule to (M/n) and send him in here." Wonho ordered as he took a long swig from his coffee, even though it was cold from sitting through his advisor's rambling.
Soon after, (M/n) walked in. Smiling at Wonho as he held a clipboard in one hand and a coffee in other.
"I got you another coffee since I know you're always complaining about Sooyoung's rambling." He placed the coffee on Wonho's desk.
"Thank you sweetheart, you know me so well." Wonho said and drank from his new, warm coffee.
A blush creeped up (M/n)'s face as he hid it behind the clipboard he was holding.
"Ahem, anyways. It says here that you have a meeting I'm 30 minutes, Sir." (M/n) said.
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me sir. You're making me feel old." Wonho pouted.
"Well hyung, it seems that we have to get going before they get upset." (M/n) said and picked up Wonho's briefcase for him.
"Thank you darling." The older said and walked out of his office, his secretary following close behind him.
"And that is why I think this would be the best strategy for marketing." Said one of the employees as he finished his presentation.
"What do you think Sir?" He asked.
Wonho was startled awake by the mention of his name.
"Um yeah, that's a great idea." Wonho said, still half-asleep and groggy.
"The CEO has had a long day, so I think it's best that we wrap this meeting up early. What do you guys think?" (M/n) asked through a strained smile, trying his best to cover up for Wonho.
"That sounds like a great idea. I skipped breakfast this morning so an early lunch sounds like a great idea." Agreed one of the employees, the others nodding their head in agreement.
"Thank you so much for your ideas and for hosting this meeting." Bowed (M/n), who quickly began to drag Wonho back to his office.
"You fell asleep during the meeting?!" You scolded as soon as you closed the door to Wonho's office.
"It was really boring and I had no idea what they were talking about." Wonho whined.
"Hyung, I get that, but you're the CEO now. I know it's gonna be a lot to get used to, but you're gonna have to start taking this seriously or else the company, your dad, and you are gonna start getting a bad reputation." He explained to the other who was simply staring into his eyes.
"Are even listening to me?!" (M/n) asked.
"Honestly... no." Wonho said with a sheepish smile.
The younger simply huffed in defeat and face planted into the couch in front of Wonho's desk.
"You're too much sometimes." (M/n) chuckled.
But all Wonho was focused on was how his ass was out in the air. He just wanted to pounce and fuck him straight into that couch until his cum was leaking onto his floor more than anything.
Without a word, he snuck over and began to straddle (M/n)'s legs and placed his hands on his lower back.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"You're stressed, let me give you a massage." Wonho said and slowly began to knead into the younger's back.
(M/n) slowly began to relax under the older's touch. He knew he was stressed, and this was the best he's felt in a while.
He would let out small breathy moans each time Wonho hit a particularly tense spot and would squirm around when Wonho let his touches linger.
"If you wanted to fuck you could've just asked." (M/n) said out of nowhere.
"What?!" Wonho said, completely caught off guard by his statement.
"You really don't think I can see you staring at my ass 24/7? Besides, your boner is poking me right now. You aren't as slick as you think you are." (M/n) said and slightly backed up into Wonho's erection. The friction causing him to let out a small moan.
"Then can we just skip the foreplay?" Wonho said and fell back on the couch as (M/n) pounced on him.
"I thought you'd never ask." He said and attached his lips to Wonho's, grinding his hips the whole time.
"Let's get you out of that suit. I bet it's really annoying." (M/n) smirked and began to strip Wonho of his clothing.
He ran his hands up and down the older's body before finally resting on his chest. Wonho chuckled as he saw that the younger was basically drooling over him.
"No need to be shy (M/n). Do what you want." Wonho said and leaned back on the couch. Leaving himself fully exposed for the other to do as he pleased.
(M/n) immeadiatly leaned down and began to suckle on the other's left nipple, his right hand working on the right. Wonho leaned his head back in pleasure as a groan left his mouth.
The younger then began trailing his tongue over Wonho's body and would occasionally stop and suck on a particular area that elicited a reaction from the older.
"Damn, you've got quite the mouth on you." Wonho shakily said as whimpered when (M/n) began sucking on an especially sensitive area.
"It's my hidden talent." He smirked and continued to devour the body of the man under him.
"Take off your pants." Instructed Wonho, to which his secretary immeadiatly followed and discarded the scratchy khakis across the room.
Wonho then repositioned himself to the center of the couch and hoisted (M/n) onto his face so that he was directly facing his hole.
"Damn, who knew big, buff CEO Wonho was into face sitting." (M/n) chuckled in amusement before squirming as Wonho began to lick his hole.
His thighs began to slowly squeeze Wonho's head, but a slap to his ass made him spread then again.
"I-I'm sorry." (M/n) squeaked as pleasure began to take over his body.
Without a word, Wonho went back to rimming him, occasionally leaning up to take one of the younger's balls into his mouth.
"Shit, hyung, it feels so good." (M/n) said through gritted teeth as he bit down on his tie to muffle his moans. I mean, they were still in an office building, where anyone could walk in and see just what the CEO was up to. It was so dirty, but that just turned (M/n) on even more.
(M/n), in a desperate attempt to receive some friction to his aching dick, began to slowly stroke himself. A drop of his pre-cum dropped onto Wonho's forehead which alerted him to what (M/n) wanted.
Again, Wonho hoisted (M/n) to another position, except this time, the younger was straddling his torso and his dick stood tall and proud as it continues to spill pre-cum onto Wonho's chest.
"Why'd you stop hyung?!" (M/n) whined.
"I wanted to try something with you." Wonho said as he wrapped his hand around the other's cock. (M/n) thrusted into his hand and felt himself begin to reach his high.
"Don't think it's just a handjob." Wonho smirked and let go of the other's cock, robbing him of his climax.
"Hyung~!" He whined and pouted.
"You're really needy huh?" Wonho said and shifted around to a more comfortable position.
Wonho then grabbed the others hips and began to move him so that his cock would slide between his pecs.
"Fuck~!" (M/n) breathed out continued to fuck into the other's chest.
"You like that?" Wonho said as he stroked his neglected erection.
The other violently nodded he continued to chase his orgasm.
Wonho just took in the view in front of him. His crush naked, wrecked, and pleasuring himself with his body, god, he wanted to cum right then and there.
"H-hyung, 'Mgonna cum!" (M/n) exclaimed as he felt himself ready to spill.
"Me too, fuck-!" Wonho groaned as he came all over himself, some even managing to hit (M/n) on the back.
Speaking of (M/n), he stilled his movements and came all over Wonho's face and chest. Wonho licked some of what landed near his mouth and savoured the taste.
"You taste good, baby." He smirked and watched a blush overtook the younger's features.
"Don't say that stuff when your face is covered in my cum." He said and moved to cuddle the other, never caring is he was also laying in cum.
Wonho wrapped his arms around (M/n)'s waist and felt himself begin to drift off to sleep.
"We can deal with the mess later, just rest." Wonho said when he felt the other's muscles begin to tense.
"What if someone walks in?" (M/n) asked.
"Then they can see who fucked out you are." Wonho joked, only to receive a slap to the shoulder from the very displeased man.
"You're not funny." (M/n) said with a yawn.
"But I am sleepy." Wonho said and brought (M/n) closer to his chest, the other finally relaxing and laying his head onto his chest and letting himself be lulled to sleep by the older's heartbeat.
(I know I left y'all hanging so suddenly for 2 months and I'm so sorry for that 😭. School was being a bitch, but now I'm on break so I plan to finish all Kinktober entries and to continue the Juyeon story. Again, I'm so sorry for that, and I hope you all have a merry Christmas.)
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
Juyeon; Until The World Collapses Around Us
Table Of Contents | Chapter 1
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(Warning(s): Mentions of death, Mentions of gore, Mentions of alcohol, Apocalyptic themes and creatures, and vulgar language)
It all happened so fast...
One second, you were with your family. Happily celebrating your 21st birthday. All gathered around the table as you blew out your candles, ate a piece of cake, and washed it down with your first taste of vodka.
The next second, your family's insides were decorating the walls as some unholy creature feasted on whatever it could get its hands (if you could even call them that, they were more like tentacles) on. Eight eyes adorned its face and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth chewed on the meat of its prey.
You didn't know what to do. You simply hid under the table and hoped this was all just a bad dream.
Just as you were about to pinch yourself, a spray of blood splashed on your face. You could feel it, you could smell it, hell... you could taste it.
You weren't sleeping and you weren't drunk, you were witnessing a creature straight out of a horror movie massacre your family right before your eyes.
A took a sharp inhale of air, which alerted the monster to your presence. It crawled towards you, each step sounding wet as it walked through the blood of your family.
You knew you had to act fast, unless you wanted to end up as another one of this thing's victims.
You kicked a chair into its face a made a dash for the kitchen. You frantically searched the cabinets for something to defend yourself with as the creature regained its balance and chased after you.
Once you armed yourself with a knife, you turned around and stabbed it in the eye. It let out an ungodly screech, but you didn't let it phase you. You again stabbed it, but this time in the throat.
As it bled out, it let out gragled cries, before falling to the ground, dead.
You dropped this knife and fell to the ground, finally looking around at the carnage around you.
Sobs were ripped out of your throat once you realized that, no, this wasn't a nightmare. This was reality.
Just then, your phone buzzed in your pocket. An emergency broadcast flashed on screen, which said the following:
You went onto google, and indeed, everything was about how "we were in the apocalyptic" or how "this was the end of the world." On youtube, everyone was posting about these things, however, most cut-off once they were spotted. You assumed they met the same fate as your family.
"So I'm not the only one dealing with this." You thought. Which was only reinforced when you heard the screams of your neighbors, as you assumed they were all getting attacked the creatures.
You felt so hopeless, because if you stayed, another one of those things was bound to find you, but if you left, you'd be attacked before you could even leave your street. Either way, you were a dead man.
But even though you knew how dangerous it would be to go outside, you had to find a safer place than here. Besides, who would want to stay in the same place as their dead family?
You hurriedly ran to room and began to pack all your necessities into a travel bag, along with making sure to pack one of your dad's hunting knives.
Before you left, you took out your phone and made a simple post to your social media, simply asking if there was anyone else alive.
You tied your shoes and took a deep breath.
"I geuss it's now or never." You sighed and exited your home, never noticing the small buzz your phone gave.
"User l33.jvyeon liked your post"
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
Juyeon; Until The World Collapses Around Us
Table Of Contents | Teaser
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You looked up at the fairy lights decorating the ceiling of the abandoned building you and Juyeon found shelter in.
Sure, it wasn't the most glamorous wedding, but what else can you ask for when the world is literally burning and falling apart just outside?
Juyeon sent a smile your way as he cleaned the rings he found at the mall you two last stayed at. Even with his messy hair and specs of dried blood on his face, he still looked as handsome as ever.
"Babe! You're supposed to walk down the aisle." Juyeon whined. He took your hand in his and dragged you to the other side of the room.
He then rushed back to the "alter", which was really just an old book shelf with some dusty children's books resting on them, waiting for you to make your way towards him.
You slowly walked up to the alter, imagining that it was your dad leading you up the aisle. You wonder if your parents would be proud of you, or if they would still be disappointed that you were a boy getting married to another man.
"Here comes the bri- groom. All dressed... like a broom?" Juyeon hesitantly sang. His last sentence elicited a chuckled from your lips.
"You're a dork you know that?" You told him.
"And you're getting married to him. So you're a dork by association." Juyeon stated almost matter-of-factly.
He took a hold your hand and slipped a ring on your finger. You doing the same to him.
"Do you, (M/n), take Juyeon to be your happily wedded husband?" He asked. His eyes sparkping with each word.
"I do." You said.
"Do you, Juyeon, take (M/n) to be your happily wedded husband?" You asked, intertwining your fingers your fingers with his.
"I do." He said, and scooped you up in his arms. Inching his face ever closer.
"May I now kiss the groom?" He asked.
"You may." You replied, before your lips met his.
"I promise you, that I'll love you forever." Juyeon said, punctuating the sentence with a kiss to your ring finger.
"Until the world collapses around us?" You asked, slightly wrapping your pinky finger around his.
"Until the world collapses around us."
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
Juyeon; Until The World Collapses Around Us
Table Of Contents
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Genre: Apocalypse AU
Pairing: Lee Juyeon x M!Reader
Warning(s): Angst, small amounts of fluff, sexual themes and language, smut, vulgar language, coming of age, first times (relationships, kisses, and sex), strangers to lovers, deep conversations, mentions of gore, injuries, and death, supernatural creatures and themes, sexual questioning and awakenings, and Juyeon is 23 and reader is 21.
Summary: As the world completely falls apart and you seem to be the only one alive to witness it, you find comfort in the arms of a stranger.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years ago
Seonghwa & Mingi; Double Trouble
Kinktober Masterlist | 10/11/2021
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Dom!Top!Seonghwa x Sub!Top!Mingi x Dom!Bottom!M!Reader
Requested: no
Kinks: Double Penetration, Slut Shaming, Praise Kink, Belly Bulge
Warning(s): Penetrative Sex, Degradation, Slight Dumbification, Implied Round 2
Summary: One of your boyfriends decided he was tired of having to wait for you to have your turn with him.
"Shit, Mingi, you're so fucking good. Keep going baby." You moaned out as Mingi thrusted into you. His whimpers only edging you closer to your climax.
Off the side, your other boyfriend, Seonghwa, was lazily stroking his cock. Watching in agitation as you deliberately made sure to extend your time with Mingi as much as possible to spite him. Both of you being doms within the relationship only naturally meant that problems of dominance would come up frequently in the bedroom.
"Hurry up! I've been waiting long enough. You've had your fun!" Seonghwa yelled. His tip red and swollen from how much he had been stroking it while waiting.
"But Mingi hasn't cum yet, nor have I. Wait your fucking turn." You spat.
"Oh, Mingi. You're so big! Are you my good, big boy?" You cooed to your older boyfriend. Seonghwa sat in disbelief at how your demeanor completely changed when it came to your other lover.
"Yes, I'm a good boy. Your good boy." Mingi gasped.
You chuckled as you began to leave hickeys all around his neck and chest. Making sure they're as noticeable as you want.
Seonghwa, who had already grown tired of your bratty attitude and had begun to crave your hole, decided he was tried of waiting for either of you to cum.
Shuffling and the opening of a wrapper could be heard behind you, but you ignored it as Mingi hit your prostate dead on. A high-pitched moan left your lips which Mingi immediately swallowed up in a kiss.
The familiar snap of a bottle opening could've been heard if you paid attention, but it flew past you as you felt yourself close to cumming.
"Mingi, lay down on the bed. Don't pull out." Seonghwa instructed to the tallest male who quickly did so. As demanding as you are, Mingi knows not to think twice about what Seonghwa says.
"Don't boss him around." You replied.
"But how would I get a good angle of your hole?" Seonghwa said and traced his finger over your already stuffed hole. Watching as it took in Mingi's cock, puckering with each thrust.
Seonghwa rolled a condom on his cock, before lubing it up.
"Seonghwa, you better not be doing what I think you're about to do." You said. Looking over you shoulder as he lined himself up to your entrance.
"Come on (M/n), I just know you've thought about getting stuffed by both Mingi and I, haven't you?" Seonghwa whispered against your ear as he slowly pushed his tip inside you.
"F-fuck!" You hissed. As much as you didn't want to give Seonghwa the satisfaction he wanted, you couldn't deny that he was right.
"Just go slowly Hwa." You gritted your teeth awaiting the pain of the stretch.
Seonghwa slowly thrust into your hole, making sure to not overwhelm you. Mingi let out small moans as the stimulation of your hole and Seonghwa brushing up against him aroused him even more.
"Shit, s-so full." You moaned out once he was fully sheathed inside you.
"Now Mingi, make sure to go slowly. We don't wanna overwhelm him." Seonghwa instructed to which Mingi nodded and began to follow the older's pace.
Both of them kept a steady rhythm of thrusting in when one went out, and once they found your prostate, that led to a barrage of thrusts penetrating you with the goal of hitting that sweet bundle of nerves inside you.
Even through his loud moans, Mingi could still feel the bulge in your belly on his stomach. Each thrust rubbing against his belly button.
"Hyung, feel it." Mingi says and moves Seonghwa's hand to your belly bulge. Rubbing the bulge as if it were a baby bump.
Seonghwa smirked, he loved how deep he was inside you. He took pride in how he was able to hit every angle with in you and how he was the one to give you all this pleasure, with Mingi too of course.
"I'm gonna cum!" Mingi moaned as he felt himself reach his climax.
"Shit, me too!" Seonghwa growled and gripped your hips to pull out.
"No! Want cum!" You sputtered out nonsense.
"Look Mingi. He's so fucked out he can't even form a coherent sentence. Geuss it just took our dicks to get rid of that bratty attitude." Seonghwa said as he continued to chase his high.
With a few more thrusts, Mingi and Seonghwa came inside of their condoms. Although both of them continued to thrust inside you to come down from their highs.
You came loud and hard and spewed all over Mingi's chest. Some even managing to laid on his chin.
Seonghwa kissed Mingi and made sure they both tasted your cum.
"Still sweet as ever." Seonghwa chuckled and pulled out of you.
"No! Want Hwa's cock." You whined.
"Such as fucking slut, but I geuss I can't deny that request." He whispered into you ear and entered you once again.
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