lechasseurblanc · 10 years
Who do you ship Smoker with?
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I used to ship him exclusively with Hina because how could I not and with Law because the fanart is amazing, but I’ve realized that Smoker looks disturbingly good with Drake and with Corazón. 
I blame entirely the fanart. And the ones that drew it.
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
SmoCora whilst they train to become marines.
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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A lil’ doodle of acydjay's headcanons about Smoker and Drake back in Drake's marine days. Apologies for no context!
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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I was drawing on a paintchat with Acid and Pie and it soon turned into a SmoDrake party and it was fun
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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acydjay wanted some DrakeSmo raspberries and I made a comic instead, ha ha.^^;
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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fanart of acydjay's modern DrakeSmo AU ideas. <3 Aah, I wish I could draw them all out. I don't think Drake could get away with his canon hair. XD
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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Been cooking up a modern au with trecomics fufufu~
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
If you receive this it means you make someone happy! Go on anonymous and send this to ten followers who make you happy or some you feel need cheering up. If you get some back, even better! [
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Much thank!
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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。(*^▽^*)ゞ Do I even need to explain myself anymore? You people should know me by now.
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
have any ships with x drake you could doodle? or just drake in general? there's just so little of him in terms of fanart/fics, it's a shame.
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I usually don’t ship two solemn characters. BUT if these two even so much as “S’up” to each other in the comic, I’m GONNA BE ALL OVER THIS SHIP.
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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スモーカー | クリームパン
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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"Because I always know the exact same number of cigars I carry around. And now give. them. back." 
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— ;;♛ "You don’t have to deal with me at all, I’m just a random passer-by. And how could you possibly tell if any of your cigars were missing, anyway?” 
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
At the doctor's remark he huffed. Six years old? Hell, he wasn't sick. Going there was far from being on purpose, and he would rather that doctor was treating people that really needed medical attention instead of him. But that way he would still have Hina and Tashigi being beyond annoying until he got the check up. Definitely the doctor's attempt of lightening the mood had fallen flat, but on some level, despite his grumpiness, Smoker appreciated it.
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"Larsen Smoker, thirty-six years old."
It was weird, even for him, to say his surname. Everybody simply called him Smoker, Captain or Boss. Or White Hunter, if it was the press. The last twenty times he had gone to a hospital it had been to the emergency room, escorting the ambulances and taking statement of the people involved in the accident. All that of the medical check up was pretty new to him. Especially since the last check up he got was when he joined the police.
Don't Steal My Heart || Smoker + Law
The second the man stepped in and began to complain, Law knew he was facing a difficult patient. He’s seen his fair share of people reluctant to admit they were ill or not in shape. The white-haired man was no exception and the cigar hanging from his lips wasn’t a good sign either. This was going to be a long afternoon after all. He tapped his pen against the table calmly, giving the other a slight smile. The surgeon stifled a chuckle at the man’s stiff and obviously nervous demeanor. He knew the other wanted to get this through as quick as possible but what he had in mind for the man’s first check up was going to be longer than he expected. All he could do was try to make him a little less tense.
“You know, the last time I’ve had someone who was forced to come for a check-up, she was about six years old.”He teased, the smile widening into a smirk. He’d seen this man around before in the ER when he worked double shifts; if he wasn’t mistaken, he was someone with authority - working in a police force, perhaps? Either way, it wasn’t exactly a new face. 
By looking at the man, he could tell he was probably under a lot of stress, based on his white hair and the visible veins on his forehead. The cigars could only mean more damage to his health. However, jumping to conclusions wasn’t the best diagnosis - a blood test and a couple of other procedures could provide more conclusive answers.
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“Well, then. Let’s start with some basic information. Name and age?”
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
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lmao, Smoker always looks so awkward when I take photos. I love that though. <3
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lechasseurblanc · 10 years
 For Smoker going to the hospital without having been shoot was an unthinkable occurence. Unless he was badly injured he never visited it, and when he did it wasn't willingly. This time was no different.
It was all thanks to Tashigi's doing. As a loyal subordinate she did more than simply following his instructions, and she cared as well for his health. His teeth clenched at the thought. Smoker had been remembere way too many times in the past days of the fact he was getting old. He really didn't feel he was getting old, his stamina allowed him to endure whatever case his job threw at him, and also hours and hours of training in the gym, so he really didn't see which could be the problem. Maybe his hair? Hell. He had gone gray before turning twenty. Now his hair was all white, yes, but he wasn't even 36 yet. Needless to say all those constant reminders of him getting old pissed him off but Hina had also insisted, so in the end he had no other option but to visit the hospital to make them shut the fuck up.  He stormed in, grumbling a <<Good afternoon>> as all greeting to the doctor or doctorine -he didn't even look at the other to be honest- and he sat on the gourney.
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"I've been forced to come here for a check up." He thought it was ridiculous a man of his size said he had been forced but he wasn't lying. "So make it quick, I have lots of stuff to do." 
Don't Steal My Heart || Smoker + Law
Knock knock. 
"Doctor, you have a new patient."
Law looked up from his paperwork, raising a brow. He rarely received any walk-in patient, especially this close to his time to clock out. It was about time that he headed home and having worked 36 hours, the man was nothing but exhausted. It wouldn’t hurt to see one more patient, however. There wouldn’t be much of a difference. 
Trafalgar Law was an up and coming cardiovascular surgeon; his mentors deemed him one of the brightest and trainees looked up to him with admiration. He wasn’t one to accept the praise; he merely nodded whenever good words were thrown his way. He never really understood what the big fuss was about. Law was just doing his job - there was nothing special about it. Maybe if the rest would get off their asses to actually do something, they’d find the same results.
He set down his pen, taking a sip from his cup of tea. “Let him in.” He responded, running his fingers through his tousled hair. The nurse nodded, exiting the room quickly, leaving Law in solitude again. He drummed his fingers against the wooden surface as he waited, wondering what kind of person would come to seek his aid at such an hour.
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