#;SmoLaw Threads
chillin-at-partys-bar · 8 months
Do you tell your friends / family that you write?
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
Do you plot a ship or see where it goes?
What’s something you find weird on here?
Questions for Mun
Do you tell your friends / family that you write?
I do! Actually, everyone who knows me knows I've made it my personality haha. Right now I'm writing sketch comedy for my city's sketch group, I have had a few of my sketches performed and will have two in our next show! A lot of my friends write too, we have a variety of genres from creative nonfiction to comedy to high fantasy. Not necessarily all of them RP but most of us have RP'd at some point!
My dream is to have a novel or two out, or more, so I tend to tell people to keep myself from backing out!
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
I think Jessie is the main example of this one. I used to be scared of her when I watched Pokémon. And then I became a young woman in society and was like "Ah, I get her now." Haha. I love her and she is an angry woman in her twenties and I get it. Also I've met her VA (Rachel Lillis) and she was very sweet!
Also, Benn Beckman? Like I appreciated any RHP but of course I was most enamored with Shanks. But with some of the RPs I've been in lately it's made more sense to pick him up and now I'm a stan.
Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
I really don't want to call out the specific fandom, but I will in DMs if someone wants more tea. But there is a fandom for a muse that I still have that was just so polluted with bullying in like, constant call-outs, really, really forgetting people were the ones behind keyboards, and it was just mean. It really did a number on my own mental health with some of the things I experienced when I was in it. I've looked in on the fringe lately but seeing how some people still act I'm just... yikes. I've had a lot of fun in the OP rp world so I'm fine sticking here.
Do you plot a ship or see where it goes?
I find RPs to just be slow. Which is fine, I'm a slow rper too, and everyone is busy. So I love when someone will just talk about muse relationships with me. Then if when we're chatting we decide a ship is where we want to go I love plotting that out so we can just write the good stuff. Sometimes the good stuff is the slow-burn, but that anticipation is what keeps me really motivated for writing.
So if anyone wants like, SmoLaw, SmoAce, MiShanks, or really anything just lemme know because then we can like... chat it out and write the fun stuff. Fun stuff doesn't corellate with smut either, it could be writing the fall, writing some angst, fluff, comfort, without having to spend time wasted on threads that aren't going anywhere. We're all busy, who has time for that? (Unless that's your vibe then you, you have time for that and take all of the time you want.)
What’s something you find weird on here?
Hmmm. Not much. I've been here for almost ten years at this point so there's not much I find odd. I used to rp on forums and stuff, and it was fun when everything was part of one connected world. But I know why that isn't the case here though I'd love for more threads/worlds/verses to be connected. Having characters gossip about other characters is just fun.
Though calling characters 'muses' is always a little odd to me but I've sort of gotten the hang of it. It sounds way more poetic than 'this is my garbage character that I sometimes mostly torture because destroying grown men is my passion.'
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