learning-owl · 10 months
With my new job starting up soon, it means that I’ll be able to restart my italki language lessons after the new year 🥹
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learning-owl · 10 months
I got the job!! My interview went great and I start next month! I’m so happy!!!
Hahaha I put on my job application I was learning Chinese and now I have an interview so guess who is stress studying interview questions in Chinese. The job isn’t even related to Chinese but it is at a college and the chances of me having to use it are much higher than my current job so watch me magically forget everything I’ve ever learned.
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learning-owl · 11 months
Chinese Verbs Cheat sheet: C's
My quick guide to some common C- verbs in Chinese!
Call - 打电话 - dǎdiànhuà Calculate - 计算 -jìsuàn Carry - 携带 - xiédài Change - 改变 - gǎibiàn Chat - 聊天 - liáotiān Check - 检查 - jiǎnchá Choose - 选择 - xuǎnzé Clean - 清洁 - qīngjié Climb - 爬 - pá Close - 关闭 - guānbì Collect - 收集 - shōují Come - 来 - lái Complete - 完成 - wánchéng Cook - 烹饪 - pēngrèn *this is quite formal, so usually this would be used: 做饭 - zuò fàn - cook food Count - 数数 - shùshù Compare - 比较 - bǐjiào Cry - 哭 - kū Cut - 切 - qiē
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learning-owl · 11 months
Haha I can feel my heartbeat in my eyeballs I’m so nervous for this interview
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learning-owl · 11 months
菜市场 - Farmer's Market
单词:(HSK4 / HSK5)
菜市场,菜市場 / cài shì chǎng / market, farmer's market
经验,經驗 / jīng yàn / experience, knowledge (noun)
沃尔玛,沃爾瑪 / wò ěr mǎ / Walmart
货比三家,貨比三家 / huò bǐ sān jiā / to shop around (idiom)
黄瓜,黃瓜 / huáng guā / cucumber
根 / gēn / measure word for long & slender things
荔枝 / lì zhī / lychee
斤 / jīn / Jin, unit of measurement (1.1 lbs, .5kg)
试吃 / shì chī / to sample, to taste
甜蜜 / tián mì / sweet (metaphorical)
难为情 / nán wéi qíng / embarrassed
认真,認真 / rèn zhēn / earnest, serious; to take seriously
挑选,挑選 / tiāo xuǎn / to pick & choose; to select, to choose
属于 / shǔ yú / to belong to, to pertain to
重视 / zhòng shì / to attach importance to
保暖 / bǎo nuǎn / to keep warm
摸 / mō / to touch
直接 / zhí jiē / direct, straight; directly
葡萄 / pú tao / grape(s)
Some examples of 根 as a 量词 measure word:
一根黄瓜 a cucumber
一根头发 a strand of hair
一根香蕉 a banana
一根羽毛 a feather
我家门口有个是菜市场。这里的东西真全,什么都有。Near our home there's a farmer's market. The stuff here is very complete, it has everything!
我妈每天都会来这里逛一逛,所以她在买菜方面有很多自己的经验。My mom goes to shop a little here everyday, so in the aspect of buying food she has a lot of of her own experience.
黄瓜怎么卖?一块八。How much is the cucumber selling for? 1.80 kuai
不能一进来就买吧!You can't just buy it as soon as you arrive!
就是货比三家,是吧?(You have to) just shop around, right?
对,要比一比嘛。你看那门口就卖一块八,你这儿卖一块五了。Right, you have to compare a little. You see there at the entrance they were selling for 1.80 kuai, and here they're selling for 1.50 kuai.
荔枝多少钱一斤啊?How much money is the lychee per jin?
不随便试吃。Don't just sample whatever you want.
你会觉得有点难为情。You'll feel a little embarrassed/ashamed.
认真挑选。Choose carefully/seriously.
你拿那么小的干什么呀?这么小的怎么吃啊?What are you doing taking such small ones? How are we supposed to eat such small ones?
我挑一个上面要有那个小点的那种的。I pick ones / the type that have that little dot on the top.
这就属于比较好的那种,是吗?These are the type (lit: belong to the type) that are pretty good, right?
你给我挑一个你认为最甜的南瓜?Will you pick a pumpkin that you think is the sweetest for me?
中国人很重视保暖。Chinese people attach a lot of importance to keeping warm (in the winter).
他直接那么给你他不怕脏。多脏她手摸那个钱,又摸了那个肉。He just directly gave it to you like that, he's not afraid of dirt. So dirty, he just touched that money and touched that meat.
我可以摸摸它吗?Can I pet it? (e.g. animal)
他既尝了几个水果店的葡萄,又尝了几个草莓,这家店的老板看起来不太开心。He just tasted a few fruit stand's grapes, and also tried a few strawberries, this stand's boss doesn't look too happy.
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learning-owl · 11 months
市场菜 Farmer's Market Foods
So the farmer's market levels are SO MUCH so I thought I would do a separate list of just the foods!
荔枝 / lì zhī / lychee
西红柿,西紅柿 / xī hóng shì / tomato
番茄 / fān qié / tomato
番茄酱,番茄醬 / fān qié jiàng / ketchup*
西红柿炒鸡蛋 / xī hóng shì chǎo jī dàn / tomato & scrabbled eggs
黄瓜, 黃瓜 / huáng guā / cucumber
南瓜 / nán guā / pumpkin
西瓜 / xī guā / watermelon
地瓜 / dì guā / yam, sweet potato
苦瓜 / kǔ guā / bitter melon
冬瓜 / dōng guā / winter melon
葡萄 / pú tao / grape
草莓 / cǎo méi / strawberry
排骨 / pái gǔ / ribs, cutlet (e.g. 猪排骨 pork ribs)
骨头汤 / gǔ tou tāng / bone soup
蘑菇 / mó gu / mushroom
木耳 / mù ěr / fungus
香菇 / xiāng gū / shiitake mushroom (fragrant)
金针菇 / jīn zhēng gū / enoki mushroom (golden needle)
剁 / duò / to chop or mince
炖 / dùn / to stew
傻瓜 / shǎ guā / silly melon, silly goose, idiot
*NOTE: Ketchup can only use 番茄!However 番茄/西红柿 are interchangeable for tomatoes in general
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learning-owl · 11 months
Hahaha I put on my job application I was learning Chinese and now I have an interview so guess who is stress studying interview questions in Chinese. The job isn’t even related to Chinese but it is at a college and the chances of me having to use it are much higher than my current job so watch me magically forget everything I’ve ever learned.
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learning-owl · 11 months
chinese is such a beautiful language for insults……just saw someone tweet i’ll cross the ocean to shove an umbrella up your ass and open it (我会过海洋来把伞推到你屁股上然后打开它) what a sublime viewing experience
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learning-owl · 11 months
In an effort to keep myself accountable in some way, here are some basic grammar notes that I’ve gone over lately. Please pretend the handwriting is readable thank u
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learning-owl · 11 months
One of the professors at my local college left recently and let students go through his personal library since he didn’t want to bring his books with him. I was lucky to grab up some of these bad boys to add to the TBR. Most of them are just the English translations. I didn’t get there quite fast enough to get some that had the original side by side with the translations. (Not that I could do much with them at my current level lol) Still, I’m pumped about some of these and cannot wait to dive into them.
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learning-owl · 11 months
Figuring out how to study languages when you don’t know how to study in general? Whack.
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