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As we all know, the world is changing at a very fast rate, new innovations, ideas, and technologies are fast emerging in every aspect of our lives as a result of Globalization. I admit that globalization has brought some remarkable improvements in lives examples poverty alleviation, technology, education, foreign exchange and etc . as developing nations, but some way some how GLOBALIZATION has stabbed us in the back leaving a permanent scar. To start with Globalization ,has caused high unemployment rate in the locally since computer,science, and technology has taken up the jobs that local people could have done are now done by heavy duty machines ,leaving a large number of  unskilled labour  unemployed - to which there are no measures to educate and train these unskilled labour through workshops to upgrade their  knowledge & skills . Also, Globalization brings about environmental degradation, for example, the activities of Large mining Companies and small Scale mining destroys and pollute our farmlands, water bodies and atmosphere with their toxic chemicals.This exposes the locals to many dangers including disease outbreak, hunger, drought and economic hardship. After making life uncomfortable for these deprived people by their actions, these firms do not do their social responsibilities out of good will. In addition, Globalization has led to the spread of western cultures and influence at the expense of our traditional customs including the way we dress, speak to elderly and even the food we eat, all these affect management, causing misunderstanding .we loss our true identity and dignity as Africans and Our Cultural Heritage is being slaughtered in the name of globalization . In Conclusion, as we all tap the enormous benefit of globalization, we  Africans need to be vigilant and cautious the vernorm attached to it and work together as a team to eradicate the negative impacted caused by  GLOBALIZATION. Let us make the world a better place full of peace, love, Goodwill, and a sustainable development. 
By KIRPAL ABOAGYE-DONKOR - Student at School of Journalism of Accra, GHANA
Photo by africandynamo.com 
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Do you remember when you made yourself your toys ? I do ! But...do children today still continue to make themselves their toys, in the Western World ? Or, they just ask their parents to buy ? Would you like to learn how to make home made toys ?
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Local production permits the empowerment of women in Ghana thanks to the NGO Global Mamas who employee more than 300 women to make textile products, clothes, arts and crafts objects, natural skin products .. They achieve prosperity by creating and selling handmade products of the highest quality in the fair trade market. Thanks to that, mamas can have a good salary, empower themselves and their family. 
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Using local construction materials contributes to grow local business and retains traditional habits of local culture. It is cheaper for habitants and more faisable, and of course more ecological and sustainable !
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Do you remember when 30 years ago you had to bring back your empty bottle of milk to buy a new one ? Well, today in Ghana it is the same like in Europe 30 years ago. To buy beers we had to return the empty bottle to the shop ! We found that very interesting because it makes you think about recycling, about the life cycle of the glass of the bottle, you start to think "where is goes after we turn it back?" ; "how many glass can be saved and recycle by this system?" ; and then, the most important question: "what WE, in the Wester World, do with our empty bottles? where they go when we throw it in our mixed trash? and, how much we waste in throwing every day these bottles without reusing them?" 
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What about the protection of the environnement and of Nature ? In Ghana, in the Kakum National Park, bins are placed in paths allowing tourists to take out the garbage and stuff saving the forest from the pollution ! So, what about you?
Do you know plastics can last hundreds and hundreds years without decomposing and they extremely pollute oceans and seas ? Do you know plastics are eaten by fishes who will die because fragments go in their stomach ? Do you know fish you are eating could contain particle of plastics, and these plastics are detrimental for your health and your fertility ?
If you drop plastic in the ocean, where does it end up?
By 2050, the oceans could have more plastic than fish
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