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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
blue skies never left the kindred pair, flaxen brows raise with amusement  sneaking up on her, “ you sound proud of it, “ she speculated , voice matching her expression – then the name caused a few bells to chime. “  I’ve heard of you. ” and whether or not that was a good thing, she left it open ended. There were benefits to knowing someone before their aliases were made known. It gave you the gift of insight.  a not so distant past that she’d like to add to her list of mistakes. as a former S.H.I.E.L.D agent , she had the privilege of information on others. or had ways of gaining information in a not so conventional way. her experience didn’t go empty handed. “ handling it is part of the job, taking out the bad guys, people who disrupt the peace.“ she put in, realizing that unless she told him, he wouldn’t have a clue of who she once worked for. the last bit was a lighthearted jab at peter.
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    was he proud of it?? maybe a little. before the guardians his life had been completely different -- he’d been different. “when you’re raised by a group of ravagers it kind of comes with the territory. i was raised to be a thief and that was about it.” brows raise in surprise at sharon’s words, a bit astounded by it. sure his name was pretty well known throughout the galaxy, but he knew it wasn’t on terra. not as much as the other heroes that tended to just stay here. “huh. alright, you’ve heard of me. should i be worried or not??” there was something about her, something that peter had yet to put a finger on. “right, yeah. i know how the whole job goes. taken down quite a few baddies in my time too. though i’m pretty good at disrupting the peace. i know this great place not too far that serves a mean coffee. interested??”
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
continued from here | @celestialbuglady
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   should have expected that one. he barely has any time to react or prepare before an armful of mantis is lunging at him. it’s only because of the spartoi dna that keeps quill from falling onto his ass as he slips his arms tightly around mantis. “expected that one,” he said with a small laugh. “flark, i missed ya’. wasn’t sure if we were ever going to see one another again. or any of the others. how are you holding up??”
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
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“i wouldn’t say that it has been smooth sailing,” donna commented back with a nod of her head before slipping the locket into her jean pocket. the amazon looked over at the male before biting her lip softly, “something strong. preferably whiskey neat.”
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   now wasn’t that relateable. coming back from the soul stone had thrown peter completely off, making him uncertain of everything. “yeah, i know how that one feels.” easy enough order. giving a nod, peter waved over the bartender and ordered the drink. once it was done, he pushed it over towards her. “i’m guessing you came back too.”
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
the curve of rosy flesh formed a smile, one that she unsuccessfully fought off.  ❝ and how many of those fights were you arrested for disruptive behavior ??   ❞ she quipped with inquisitive look and a playful note lacing her tone as she now turned her attention to him.  ❝ “sharon carter, and you are ?  ❞   this isn’t the first time she’s seen him around , not the first time she’s talked to him, but she knew she never formally introduced herself.
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    now came his own grin, a soft chuckle slipping out. “eh, i think i had two counts on my record. though to be fair my record was wiped clean so i’m innocent.” no use in hiding that one. peter wasn’t ashamed of his history or where he came from. “well, sharon carter, nice to finally get a name for you. i would be peter quill, or star-lord. i go by both.” really, it was finally nice to have a name to the face. “so, uh, might be best to get out of here before any more trouble comes along. even though i’m pretty sure you could handle it.”
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
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She sighed. “You make it sound so easy. I can’t even get up in the morning sometimes.”
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   “it’s not easy, i can assure you of that one. never gets any easier.” peter gave a small shrug. “been in these types of situations more than i care to admit. but at the end of the day you gotta keep going. you find just how strong you are. and i bet you’re pretty damn strong yourself. don’t get yourself down about that, yeah??”
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
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staring at the locket in her hands, it seemed familiar to the amazon but she couldn’t place where she knew it from; like something out of a dream. donna hadn’t realised that she had been starring at it for five minutes before she felt somebody nearby,  “it seems so familiar. like i have seen this before,” she murmured before shaking her head, “i need a drink.”
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   “sounds like you’re having a rough run with it all.” that much quill could understand. everything had changed so quickly once half the universe had been completely dusted. things felt off, weird. it was hard to explain. “name your poison and i’ll buy. you look like you could really use it.”
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
 ☏ ( from tony )
name: do not listen to his plans!!!!
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
 ☏ ( from sharon )
name: true bad ass
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
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“Everything’s just so different now. After Thanos…I don’t know how to adjust.”
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   ah, yes. quill knew full well how that felt. being trapped within the soul stone for three years had been hell, though it certainly hadn’t been the only time he’d been trapped somewhere with no way out. “yeah, yeah i know how that one feels. kinda sucks knowing you had another chance to take him out and failed majorly. you have to take it day by day, really. that’s what i’ve been doing.”
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
☏ nebula
name: please don’t murder me
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
☏ thor
name: not that attractive 
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
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“Okay fine, maybe I was crying.”
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    “okay, i might not be real good with the feelings thing but i think i can take a crack at this. wanna talk about it??”
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
continued from here | @lvrexx
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    “hey, hey i’m not faulting you for it. i mean it whenever i say that it was pretty bad ass.” the question is an easy one to respond to, though. “’course i would have. guys like that need to be taught a lesson in respect. you’d be surprised by how many bar fights i’ve gotten into just because some guy thinks he can take what he wants.”
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
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Working at a bar wasn’t her favorite job out of all the ones she had, but it was better than her family’s diner in Vermont. New York City was rebuilding and there wasn’t much work for a freelance journalist. It was her passion, but it didn’t exactly pay well. This sucked, but at least it paid. The blonde stood at the bar like any other night waiting for a customer. It was slow. She wiped down the counter, pausing when she felt a pair of eyes upon her. Karen sighed, “Were you planning on ordering something?” 
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    everything really was a bit... much since returning from the soul world. the memories were enough to cause anyone sleepless nights. pair that with all of the guilt he held onto, well -- it really wasn’t a winning combo there. drowning his sorrows seemed like the best answer for the night, what with another failed attempt at locating any of the other guardians. blinking, quill hadn’t realized he had been staring off into space until the voice pulled him from his thoughts. “wha -- shit, sorry. kinda spaced out there for a second. bit weird getting used to be being back here on terra. uh -- what kind of drink would you recommend??”
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lcgendaryoutlaw-archive · 6 years ago
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You can call the Guardians whatever you want to. But to the rest of the galaxy, all the people we've helped crawl out from under you and crap like you... the Guardians are the good guys. Not to brag, but we actually go out of our way to help people. We help people who can't help themselves.
okay so i tend to base peter more off of 616 than mcu, though i do keep the events of gotg 1 canon
peter was a pretty ordinary kid. he got bullied a lot and often ended up in fight because of it. he was a pretty big scrapper
ten years passed and one day peter was coming home, bruised up from a bully and went to get ready for dinner. and that was the day his entire life changed
two badoon aliens arrived, intent on killing peter because of his spartoi bloodline. his mother was killed during the attack, but peter managed to find a weird looking gun along with a shotgun and killed the aliens 
running outside to get help, it was this moment where peter was abducted by yondu and the ravagers 
peter was raised as a ravager, yondu a bit of a father figure to him despite some harshness. he became a great thief and a conman as he grew up, taken on the code name star-lord to honor his mother
the events of gotg 1 occurred and peter found himself in a team that quickly became his family
while he did find out who his father was, it was not ego. his father is j’son of spartax, emperor of the planet spartax which makes peter a prince
his father turned out to be horrible and doing things he shouldn’t so the guardians exposed j’son to spartax and he ran off, taking on the name of mister knife and trying to kill peter and his friends
after being dusted once thanos succeeded, quill is more than a little confused as to how he’s alive at the moment. he has all of his memories intact and knows that something else is there, but he has yet to figure it out ( eventually he’ll learn he has sound manipulation )
as quill is half human/half spartoi he has the physiology of an alien and longevity, though peter has no idea how long he’ll live as he’s only half spartoi
all peter cares about right now is finding gamora and the rest of the guardians. nothing else matters to him
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