lazilycleverking · 6 years
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Super Mario RPG Artwork by Yoshiyaki
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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This is a quote from a personal story I written (Anime is 5cm per Second)
might add it here someday
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
Your heart is the size of a fist because you need it to fight.
Lora Mathis (via quotemadness)
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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A quote from Orhan Pamuk’s Snow
I own nothing but the edits
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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A quote from Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad: A Low Art
I own nothing but the edits
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
If a poem hasn’t ripped apart your soul; you haven’t experienced poetry.
Edgar Allan Poe (via quotemadness)
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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A quote from Lydia Minatoya’s The Strangeness of Beauty
I own nothing but the edits
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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A quoted from Carrie Ryan’s The Forest of Hands and Teeth
I own nothing but the edits
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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Not a wallpaper but a GIF with the quote from Orhan Pamuk’s Snow
I own nothing only the edit (which is basically adding the text on a gif)
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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A quote from Neil Gaiman’s Coraline
I know I should be using a scene from the movie or something but I feel more compelled to use this fanart from Kingdom Hearts
I own nothing but the slight edits (kudos to the artist)
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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A quote from Amy Tan’s Valley of Amazement
one of my more depressive quotes
I own nothing but the edits
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
Being the Black Sheep is not Bad
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Being different is not bad Although sometimes it can make you sad Because you are like being an outcast But, disregard it and leave it in the past
Believe in what you can do and trust in your abilities too Leave all the bullying behind Because you are one of a kind
Being the sheep, is like aiming an award It is not that bad but it is hard Therefore, accept the real you And continue to be true
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
Courageous Act
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I find the story really amazing Because of its great meaning Yet, it was horrifying Because the happenings were frightening 
It was about a young girl’s bravery To save herself and her family I admire Coraline for her courageous behavior Because she became her family’s savior
I was amazed on what she did Because she was just a kid Yet, she has shown real bravery Just to save her “real” family.
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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Some people say things They don’t literally mean They’re so confusing!
Some people also does things Which has different meanings That made them more confusing!
Understanding us, The humans, is really hard For we’re confusing
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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The story entitled “The Good Body” Was an eye-opening story For someone like me who eats with no limit And disregards the consequences of not being fit
Trying to be fit and in shape is hard to do and that’s a fact! Especially when there’s delicious food everywhere you’ll look at Thanks to this story because I am now trying my best In order to be fit and healthy in any possible and easy way, I guess? 
“Food is life” has been my motto in life Although I know it would soon bring me strife Because being this big is really not healthy That’s why, now, I’m starting to shape up my body 
“Health is wealth” and “No pain, no gain” is what I always remember So that I will be more determined to become better I will strive hard to become fit for myself and my family To make myself proud and my family happy!
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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A quote from Mark Haddon’s “The Curious Incident of the Dog in Night Time”
I own nothing but the edits
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lazilycleverking · 7 years
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“My Body will be mine When I’m Thin” an exceprt from the story The Good Body
Photos from “Kiss Him Not ME” (I have nothing against the anime I just thought it fits the quote) I own nothing but the edit
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